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Clark, D.S.; Fisch, N.J.
Princeton Plasma Physics Lab., NJ (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Science (United States)2001
Princeton Plasma Physics Lab., NJ (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Science (United States)2001
[en] Backward Raman amplification and compression at high power might occur if a long pumping laser pulse is passed through a plasma to interact resonantly with a counter-propagating short seed pulse [V.M. Malkin, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 4448-4451]. One critical issue, however, is that the pump may be unacceptably depleted due to spontaneous Raman backscatter from intrinsic fluctuations in the amplifying plasma medium prior to its useful interaction with the seed. Premature backscatter may be avoided, however, by employing a gaseous medium with pump intensities too low to ionize the medium, and using the intense seed to produce the plasma by rapid photoionization as it is being amplified [V.M. Malkin, et al., Phys. Plasmas (2001)]. In addition to allowing that only rather low power pumps be used, photoionization introduces a damping of the short pulse which must be overcome by the Raman growth rate for net amplification to occur. The parameter space of gas densities, laser wavelengths, and laser intensities is surveyed to identify favorable regimes for this effect. Output laser intensities of 10(superscript ''17'') W/cm(superscript ''2'') for 0.5 mm radiation are found to be feasible for such a scheme using a pump of 10(superscript ''13'') W/cm(superscript ''2'') and an initial seed of 5 x 10(superscript ''14'') W/cm(superscript ''2'') over an amplification length of 5.6 cm in hydrogen gas
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4 Oct 2001; 30 p; AC02-76CH03073; Also available from OSTI as DE00788448; PURL:
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[en] Recent relatively deep uranium-exploration drilling in the Nose Rock area, San Juan Basin, McKinley County, New Mexico, has resulted in the discovery of previously unrecognized uranium ore rolls in gray, unoxidized Westwater Canyon Sandstone of the Morrison Formation. Both the Nose Rock ores and the primary Ambrosia Lake uranium ores were emplaced during the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous erosional interval under the same geologic conditions by the same geochemical-cell process. The red, altered interior ground resulting from the geochemical-cell process has been re-reduced by the subsequent entry of reductants into the formation. The original roll form of the Ambrosia Lake orebodies has been obscured and modified by redistribution related to the present-day active redox interface interweaving with the Ambrosia Lake ores
Primary Subject
New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources conference; Albuquerque, NM, USA; 13 - 16 May 1979; CONF-7905120--
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Journal Article
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Memoir - New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources; (no.38); p. 195-201
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Town, R.J.; Clark, D.S.; Kemp, A.J.; Lasinski, B.F.; Tabak, M.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2008
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2008
[en] We are applying our recently developed, LDRD-funded computational simulation tool to optimize and develop applications of Fast Ignition (FI) for stockpile stewardship. This report summarizes the work performed during a one-year exploratory research LDRD to develop FI point designs for the National Ignition Facility (NIF). These results were sufficiently encouraging to propose successfully a strategic initiative LDRD to design and perform the definitive FI experiment on the NIF. Ignition experiments on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) will begin in 2010 using the central hot spot (CHS) approach, which relies on the simultaneous compression and ignition of a spherical fuel capsule. Unlike this approach, the fast ignition (FI) method separates fuel compression from the ignition phase. In the compression phase, a laser such as NIF is used to implode a shell either directly, or by x rays generated from the hohlraum wall, to form a compact dense (∼300 g/cm3) fuel mass with an areal density of ∼3.0 g/cm2. To ignite such a fuel assembly requires depositing ∼20kJ into a ∼35 (micro)m spot delivered in a short time compared to the fuel disassembly time (∼20ps). This energy is delivered during the ignition phase by relativistic electrons generated by the interaction of an ultra-short high-intensity laser. The main advantages of FI over the CHS approach are higher gain, a lower ignition threshold, and a relaxation of the stringent symmetry requirements required by the CHS approach. There is worldwide interest in FI and its associated science. Major experimental facilities are being constructed which will enable 'proof of principle' tests of FI in integrated subignition experiments, most notably the OMEGA-EP facility at the University of Rochester's Laboratory of Laser Energetics and the FIREX facility at Osaka University in Japan. Also, scientists in the European Union have recently proposed the construction of a new FI facility, called HiPER, designed to demonstrate FI. Our design work has focused on the NIF, which is the only facility capable of forming a full-scale hydro assembly, and could be adapted for full-scale FI by the conversion of additional beams to short-pulse operation.
Primary Subject
11 Feb 2008; 7 p; W-7405-ENG-48; Available from; PURL:; PDF-FILE: 7; SIZE: 0.3 MBYTES;doi 10.2172/1019070
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Clark, D.S.; Haan, S.W.; Hammel, B.A.; Salmonson, J.D.; Callahan, D.A.; Town, R.J.
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2009
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2009
[en] This paper describes current efforts to develop a plastic ablator capsule design for the first ignition attempt on the National Ignition Facility. The trade-offs in capsule scale and laser energy that must be made to achieve ignition probabilities comparable to those with other candidate ablators, beryllium and high-density carbon, are emphasized. Large numbers of 1-D simulations, meant to assess the statistical behavior of the target design, as well as 2-D simulations to assess the target's susceptibility to Rayleigh-Taylor growth are discussed.
Primary Subject
6 Oct 2009; 6 p; IFSA 2009: 6. international conference on inertial fusion sciences and applications; San Francisco, CA (United States); 6-11 Sep 2009; W-7405-ENG-48; Available from; PURL:; PDF-FILE: 6; SIZE: 1 MBYTES
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Ho, D.D.; Salmonson, J.D.; Clark, D.S.; Lindl, J.D.; Haan, S.W.; Amendt, P.; Wu, K.J.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2011
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2011
[en] For high repetition-rate fusion power plant applications, capsules with aerogel-supported liquid DT fuel can have much reduced fill time compared to β-layering a solid DT fuel layer. The melting point of liquid DT can be lowered once liquid DT is embedded in an aerogel matrix, and the DT vapor density is consequently closer to the desired density for optimal capsule design requirement. We present design for NIF-scale aerogel-filled capsules based on 1-D and 2-D simulations. An optimal configuration is obtained when the outer radius is increased until the clean fuel fraction is within 65-75% at peak velocity. A scan (in ablator and fuel thickness parameter space) is used to optimize the capsule configurations. The optimized aerogel-filled capsule has good low-mode robustness and acceptable high-mode mix.
Primary Subject
25 Oct 2011; 6 p; IFSA 2011: 7. International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications; Bordeaux (France); 12-16 Sep 2011; W-7405-ENG-48; Available from; PURL:; PDF-FILE: 6; SIZE: 6 MBYTES
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[en] Recently, attention has focused on the effects of spherical convergence on the nonlinear phase of Rayleigh-Taylor growth. In particular, for instability growth on spherically converging interfaces, modifications to the predictions of the Layzer model for the secular growth of a single, nonlinear mode have been reported. On the other hand, applications of interest involve surface perturbations which include the superposition of many unstable modes growing simultaneously. Such weakly nonlinear, multimode growth has previously been studied in the context of the well-known Haan model. Here, we combine the most recent results for enhanced nonlinear single mode growth on spherical interfaces with the Haan model formulation for multimode growth. Remarkably, the multimode results are found not to be substantially modified by including the effects of convergence. This is due to the particular form chosen by Haan in constructing his multimode model. Indeed, in the limit of large mode numbers, explicitly including convergence for the nonlinear regime leads only to logarithmic corrections to Haan's original result
Primary Subject
Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (IFSA 2005); Biarritz (France); 4-9 Sep 2005; Available from doi:; 12 refs.
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Shay, H.D.; Clark, D.S.; Amendt, P.A.; Tabak, M.; Key, M.H.; Marinak, M.M.; Patel, M.V.
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2009
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2009
[en] An alternative to inertial fusion with central ignition is 'fast ignition', in which one laser compresses the DT fuel adiabatically and a second laser with a short, very intense pulse heats the compressed core with super-thermal electrons. One approach to fast ignition entails the introduction of the second laser beam via a hollow cone that pierces the side of the capsule. Critical considerations for the design of the cone in such an experiment include: (1) perturbation of the implosion by the cone; (2) minimization of the column density of material between the critical density surface for the ignitor beam and the converged high density region; (3) positioning, alignment, and shape of the cone to minimize deleterious hydrodynamic effects; and (4) effect of radiation gradients around the cone on the symmetry of the implosion. This study entails the 2D and 3D simulations of a fast-ignitor experiment having a cryogenic deuterium-tritium capsule imploded within a high-Z hohlraum heated by about 650 kJ of 3ω laser beams on the NIF.
Primary Subject
22 Sep 2009; 6 p; IFSA 2009: 6. international conference on inertial fusion sciences and applications; San Francisco, CA (United States); 6-11 Sep 2009; W-7405-ENG-48; Available from; PURL:; PDF-FILE: 6; SIZE: 4 MBYTES
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[en] Various gain models have shown the potentially great advantages of fast ignition (FI) inertial confinement fusion (ICF) over its conventional hot spot ignition counterpart (e.g. Atzeni S. 1999 Phys. Plasmas 6 3316; Tabak M. et al 2006 Fusion Sci. Technol. 49 254). These gain models, however, all assume nearly uniform density fuel assemblies. In contrast, conventional ICF implosions yield hollowed fuel assemblies with a high-density shell of fuel surrounding a low-density, high-pressure hot spot. Hence, to realize fully the advantages of FI, an alternative implosion design must be found which yields nearly isochoric fuel assemblies without substantial hot spots. Here, it is shown that a self-similar spherical implosion of the type originally studied by Guderley (1942 Luftfahrtforschung 19 302) may be employed to yield precisely such quasi-isochoric imploded states. The difficulty remains, however, of accessing these self-similarly imploding configurations from initial conditions representing an actual ICF target, namely a uniform, solid-density shell at rest. Furthermore, these specialized implosions must be realized for practicable drive parameters and at the scales and energies of interest in ICF. A direct-drive implosion scheme is presented which meets all of these requirements and reaches a nearly isochoric assembled density of 300 g cm-3 and areal density of 2.4 g cm-2 using 485 kJ of laser energy
Primary Subject
S0029-5515(07)48111-X; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Jones, O.S.; Callahan, D.A.; Cerjan, C.J.; Clark, D.S.; Edwards, M.J.; Glenzer, S.H.; Marinak, M.M.; Meezan, N.B.; Milovich, J.L.; Olson, R.E.; Patel, M.V.; Robey, H.F.; Sepke, S.M.; Spears, B.K.; Springer, P.T.; Weber, S.V.; Wilson, D.C.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2011
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2011
[en] A detailed simulation-based model of the June 2011 National Ignition Campaign (NIC) cryogenic DT experiments is presented. The model is based on integrated hohlraum-capsule simulations that utilize the best available models for the hohlraum wall, ablator, and DT equations of state and opacities. The calculated radiation drive was adjusted by changing the input laser power to match the experimentally measured shock speeds, shock merger times, peak implosion velocity, and bangtime. The crossbeam energy transfer model was tuned to match the measured time-dependent symmetry. Mid-mode mix was included by directly modeling the ablator and ice surface perturbations up to mode 60. Simulated experimental values were extracted from the simulation and compared against the experiment. The model adjustments brought much of the simulated data into closer agreement with the experiment, with the notable exception of the measured yields, which were 15-45% of the calculated yields.
Primary Subject
31 Oct 2011; 6 p; IFSA 2011: 7. International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications; Bordeaux (France); 12-16 Sep 2011; W-7405-ENG-48; Available from; PURL:; PDF-FILE: 6; SIZE: 1 MBYTES
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Clark, D.S.; Weber, C.R.; Kritcher, A.L.; Milovich, J.L.; Patel, P.K.; Haan, S.W.; Hammel, B.A.; Koning, J.M.; Marinak, M.M.; Patel, M.V.; Schroeder, C.R.; Sepke, S.M.; Edwards, M.J., E-mail: clark90@llnl.gov2019
[en] Steady progress is being made in inertial confinement fusion experiments at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Nonetheless, substantial further progress is still needed to reach the ultimate goal of fusion ignition. Closing the remaining gap will require either improving the quality of current implosions, increasing the implosion scale (and correspondingly the energy delivered by NIF), or some combination of the two. But how much of an improvement in implosion quality or energy scale is required to reach ignition? To reliably answer this question, an accurate understanding of current and past experiments is first required. Previous modeling efforts of NIF implosions have shown the need to resolve a wide range of scales (from microns to millimeters) as well as a faithful representation of the genuinely three-dimensional (3D) character of the stagnation process. Modeling NIF implosions is further complicated by the many perturbation sources that have been found to influence integrated implosion performance: flux asymmetries from the surrounding hohlraum, engineering features such as support tents and fill tubes, surface defects and contaminants, and more recently the radiation shadow cast by the fill tube on the capsule. A model including all of these effects, and with adequate resolution, challenges current computing capabilities but has recently become feasible on the largest computers. This paper reviews the status of these multi-effect, 3D simulations of NIF implosions, their comparison to experimental data, and preliminary results on scaling these simulations to the threshold of ignition on NIF. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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