Safarov, M.M.; Nematov, A.; Davlatov, R. Dzh.; Mirzomamadov, A.G., E-mail:, E-mail:
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2016
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2016
[en] The objective of this work is to study the patterns of influence of presence of polymer macromolecules (polystyrene) on behavior of thermal conductivity and the surface tension coefficient of liquid polymer solutions at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. To measure thermal conductivity of polymer solutions the method of regular thermal conditions has been used. The capillary method have been used to measure the surface tension coefficient. The total relative error in measuring thermal conductivity and surface tension coefficient with a confidence probability of 0.95 are respectively 4.2% and 0.01%. To generalize and process experimental data, i.e. the relationship between the coefficients of thermal conductivity and surface tension empirical equations have been obtained. (author)
Original Title
Vzaimosvyaz' mezhdu teploprovodnost'yu i koeffitsiyentom poverkhnostnogo natyazheniya rastvorov polimerov
Primary Subject
Available from
Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsionalnogo Universiteta; ISSN 1993-6923; ; v. 1-3(200); p. 73-77
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Safarov, M.M.; Khakimov, D.Sh.; Nematov, A.; Davlatov, R.; Gulomov, M.M., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2017
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2017
[en] The article studies the relationship between surface tension coefficient and density of benzene and diisopropyl ether solutions. The results of an experimental determination of density and surface tension coefficient of solutions of benzene and diisopropyl ether system at mass concentration range from 0 to 100% solvents, at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. (author)
Original Title
Vzaimosvyaz' mezhdu koeffitsiyentom poverkhnostnogo natyazheniya i plotnost'yu rastvorov sistemy benzol i diizopropiloviy efir
Primary Subject
Available from
Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsionalnogo Universiteta; ISSN 1993-6923; ; v. 1-3; p. 118-123
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Nematov, A.; Ismonov, F.D.; Khakimov, D. Sh.; Madzhidov, K.; Davlatov, R. Dzh.; Radzhabov, A.R., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2018
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2018
[en] The paper presents the results of an experimental study of dynamic viscosity and thermodynamic properties of solutions of benzene and polystyrene grade 2,3 system at temperature of 293 K and P = 0.101 MPa. The experimental setup for measuring the dynamic viscosity of liquids and solutions mainly consists of a U-shaped capillary viscometer, a T L-1150 thermostat, and a contact resistance thermometer. The viscometer is installed vertically in the liquid thermostat so that the level of the thermo stating liquid is several centimeters above all the expansions. At the temperature of experiment, the device is kept for at least 15 minutes, after which the liquid is sucked in (with a pear) with the tube 3 closed above the M 1 mark approximately to the middle of the uppermost expansion and the valve connected to the tube 2 is closed. Further, if the viscosity of the liquid is less than 500-1000, open the lid on tube 2 and then release the clamp on tube 3. For more viscous liquids, first open tube 3, then tube 2. Next, measure the time for lowering the liquid level in tube 2 from mark M 1 to mark M 2. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that by the time the liquid level approaches the M 1 mark, a 'hanging level' is formed in the expansion E, and there would be no air bubbles in the capillary. The thermostat was also equipped with a quartz float for measuring the density of solutions. The liquid or solution was poured into a test tube, which is located vertically and inside which a quartz float was inserted. The total relative error in measuring the dynamic viscosity and the refractive index of light at a confidence level of α = 0.95 is 2.6% and 0.01%. On the basis of experimental data and the law of thermodynamic similarity, empirical equations are obtained that interconnect the refractive index of light, dynamic viscosity, density, and surface tension of the samples under study. (author)
Original Title
Vzaimosvyaz' mezhdu dinamicheskoy i termodinamicheskoy kharakteristikami rastvorov sitemy benzola i polimera pri atmosfernom davlenii t=293 K
Primary Subject
Available from
Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsionalnogo Universiteta; ISSN 1993-6923; ; v. 1; p. 131-137
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue