Dege, K.; Mironov, V.I.; Skitin, V.V.; Shcheulin, A.S.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Dept. of New Acceleration Methods1983
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Dept. of New Acceleration Methods1983
[en] The cooling system of the collective heavy ion accelerator KUTI-20 adgezator is described. The system has two closed water and oil loops. The transformer oil, cooling the magnetic system coils, at the same time fulfils the role of the insulation between windings. The use in the oil loop head and evacuating pumps permits to carry out cooling of the vacuum chamber with pressure to its walls smaller than 0.1 atm. The planned heat removal 200 kW as the result of cooling system configuration optimization is obtained. It is shown that the use of vortex generators and of separation discs in heat exchangers increases heat removal to 25%
Original Title
Sistema okhlazhdeniya adgezatora KUTI-20
Primary Subject
1983; 10 p; 6 refs.; 10 figs.; 2 tabs.
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Oertner, Kh.; Khaller, R.; Beme, Kh.; Dege, K.; Lebl, Kh.; Kurts, V.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR)1984
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR)1984
[en] Adgezator of heavy ion collective accelerator is described. It includes a body with channels of liqiuid coolant supply and offtake. Pulse coils are located in the body. Insulation composed of shaped disks forming alternating channels in gaps between adjoining turn rows is located between the turns of the coil. The coil provides the increase of acceleration cycles 50-100 times as compared to exsisting ones and so the elevated intensity of accelerated heavy ion beams
Original Title
Adgezator kollektivnogo uskoritelya tyazhelykh ionov
Primary Subject
15 Jun 1984; 2 p; SU PATENT DOCUMENT 828945/A/
Record Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Dege, K.; Geler, V.; Mironov, V.I.; Shvetsov, V.S.; Shcheulin, A.S.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Dept. of New Acceleration Methods1984
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Dept. of New Acceleration Methods1984
[en] Calculations and model test results of heat transfer intensification by cooling the walls of KUTI-20 heavy ion collective accelerator adhesator are presented. Maximum temperature, distributions of profile of temperature and velocity in radial slots dependent on cooling medium, slot width, mass flow and radial distribution of heating are determined with semiempirical formulae and numerical simulations. It has been obtained that the efficiency of cooling could be sufficiently increased using water as a coolant, diminishing radial slot by 2-3 mm and boundary layer control in the maximum temperature area with total mass coefficient Vsub(j)/V=0.04-0.2. Investigatins allow one to conclude as to the optimum efficiency of vacuum chamber cooling upto f=20 Hz repetition frequency (heat supply Q=100 kW)
Original Title
Raschet i ehksperimental'nye issledovaniya intensifikatsii okhlazhdeniya vakuumnoj kamery adgezatora KUTI-20
Primary Subject
1984; 8 p; 8 refs.; 8 figs.; 1 tab.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue