Demoor-Goldschmidt, Charlotte
Universite Paris-Saclay, Ecole Doctorale de Sante Publique no. 570, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale U1018 Inserm equipe 3 - epidemiologie des radiations, epidemiologie clinique des cancers et survie - Gustave Roussy, 114, rue edouard-Vaillant, 94805 Villejuif Cedex (France)2019
Universite Paris-Saclay, Ecole Doctorale de Sante Publique no. 570, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale U1018 Inserm equipe 3 - epidemiologie des radiations, epidemiologie clinique des cancers et survie - Gustave Roussy, 114, rue edouard-Vaillant, 94805 Villejuif Cedex (France)2019
[en] Background: Today, the five-year survival rate of children with cancer in France is over 80%, which corresponds to more than 50,000 adults cured of pediatric cancer, but the prevalence of long-term complications exceeds 60% after a 30-year follow-up. In this thesis, we focused on two distinct health problems: one serious and fatal, which is the risk of secondary breast cancer - the other morbid, affecting quality of life and multifactorial, which is the risk of a small height in adulthood. Methods: The approach was different, essentially descriptive with field analysis, followed by intervention with the implementation of a national screening program in a targeted population for secondary breast cancer - and analytical with the development of a risk prediction model for small height risk in adulthood. The population studied was mainly that of the French FCCSS cohort, which are adults cured of childhood solid cancer and treated before 2000, with which some centres have joined for the breast cancer part. Results: Few women cured of childhood cancer and whose treatment included radiotherapy were screened (21.2% and 15.4% with radiological examinations). A significant proportion of infiltrating carcinomas were aggressive with 29% of triple negative tumors. On an intervention level, the DeNaCaPST program began 18 months ago and faced the problem of follow-up and transition of these survivors. Concerning the risk of small adult size, we were able to specify that low doses of radiotherapy received by the pituitary gland were a significant risk factor that this risk increased with the dose, that a large field on the spine was also an important parameter. Being small and being young at diagnostic of childhood cancer were two additional risk factors. In addition, we discovered the impact of two chemotherapy molecules from the alkylating agents family: busulfan and lomustine. Conclusion: Secondary breast cancers are reminiscent of those occurring in women with a BRCA constitutional mutation (age of onset, cumulative incidence at 50 years, aggressiveness of cancers, bilaterality rate), which justified the development of a national program, inspired by that for women at high risk due to a genetic mutation so that 'equal risk, equal screening'. The necessary care network is gradually being set up, requiring several amendments to the program. Regarding the risk of small height in adulthood, further studies are needed to confirm our findings. (author)
De nos jours, la survie a 5 ans des enfants atteints d'un cancer depasse les 80% en France, ce qui correspond a plus de 50 000 adultes gueris d'un cancer pediatrique, mais la prevalence des complications a long terme depasse 60% apres un suivi de 30 ans. Dans cette these, nous nous sommes interesses a deux probleme de sante distincts: l'un grave et mortel, qui est le risque de cancer secondaire du sein - l'autre, morbide, alterant la qualite de vie et multifactoriel, qui est le risque d'une petite taille a l'age adulte. Methodes: L'approche fut differente, essentiellement descriptive avec une analyse de terrain, puis interventionnelle avec la mise en place d'un programme national de depistage dans une population ciblee pour le cancer du sein secondaire - et analytique avec elaboration d'un modele de prediction du risque pour le risque d'une petite taille a l'age adulte. La population etudiee fut en majeure partie celle de la cohorte francaise FCCSS, qui sont des adultes gueris d'un cancer pediatrique solide et traites avant 2000, a laquelle se sont associes quelques centres pour la partie sur le cancer du sein. Resultats: Peu de femmes gueries d'un cancer dans l'enfance et dont le traitement comportait entre autres de la radiotherapie beneficiaient d'un depistage (21,2% et 15,4% avec des examens radiologiques). Une proportion importante de carcinomes infiltrants etaient agressifs avec 29% de tumeurs triple negatives. Sur un plan interventionnel, le programme DeNaCaPST a debute il y a 18 mois et a ete confronte au probleme du suivi, et de la transition de ces adultes gueris. Concernant le risque de petite taille adulte, nous avons pu preciser que de faibles doses de radiotherapie recues par l'hypophyse etaient un facteur de risque significatif, que ce risque augmentait avec la dose, qu'un grand champ sur la colonne etait egalement un parametre important. Etre petit et etre jeune au diagnostic du cancer pediatrique etaient deux facteurs de risque supplementaires. Par ailleurs, nous avons decouvert l'impact de deux molecules de chimiotherapie de la famille des alkylants: le busulfan et la lomustine. Conclusion: Les cancers du sein secondaires rappellent ceux survenant chez les femmes ayant une mutation constitutionnelle BRCA (age de survenue, incidence cumulee a 50 ans, agressivite des cancers, taux de bilateralite), ce qui a justifie l'elaboration d'un programme national, inspire de celui pour les femmes a haut risque du fait d'une mutation genetique pour que 'a risque egal, un depistage egal'. Le reseau de prise en charge necessaire se met progressivement en place, necessitant plusieurs amendements au programme. Concernant le risque de petite taille a l'age adulte, d'autres etudes sont necessaires pour confirmer nos decouvertes. (auteur)Original Title
Effets iatrogenes a long terme de la radiotherapie dans l'enfance: prediction de risque et depistage
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Secondary Subject
6 Dec 2019; 170 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; These de doctorat de l'Universite Paris-Saclay, Specialite: sante publique epidemiologie
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[en] Male breast cancer (MBC) is uncommon, accounting for less than 1% of all breast cancers. Secondary breast cancers among childhood cancer survivors have been well described in the literature, but less is known about MBC.
Primary Subject
S0360301618335132; Available from; Copyright (c) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics; ISSN 0360-3016; ; CODEN IOBPD3; v. 102(3); p. 578-583
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[en] Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common sarcoma in paediatric patients. A perianal site is unusual and is associated with a low cure rate. The few cases of reported perianal RMS have been associated with sequelae. Here, we report the case of a 29-month-old male child who received sequential treatment by surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy inspired by Papillon’s irradiation of adult anal/low-rectum cancers (including external beam radiotherapy in the gynecological exam position followed by brachytherapy) and who remains in complete remission 49 months post treatment with no sphincter or other anorectal disorders
Primary Subject
Available from; Available from; PMCID: PMC4422314; PMID: 25927819; PUBLISHER-ID: 413; OAI:; Copyright (c) Demoor-Goldschmidt et al.; licensee BioMed Central. 2015; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
Radiation Oncology (Online); ISSN 1748-717X; ; v. 10; vp
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Thierry-Chef, Isabelle; Sarukhan, Adelaida; Ortiz, Rodney; Timmermann, Beate; Journy, Neige; Dumas, Agnes; Jackson, Angela; Mcnally, Richard; Bernier, Marie-Odile; Rage, Estelle; Dabin, Jeremie; De Saint-Hubert, Marijke; Brualla, Lorenzo; Baumer, Christian; Haghdoost, Siamak; Haustermans, Karin; De Wit, Inge; Isebaert, Sofie; Lassen, Yasmin; Tram Henriksen, Louise; Hoyer, Morten; Toussaint, Laura; Boissonnat, Guillaume; Thariat, Juliette; Demoor-Goldschmidt, Charlotte; Vidaud, Camille; Haddy, Nadia; Bolle, Stephanie; Fresneau, Brice; Belhout, Amel; Dreger, Stephane; Zeeb, Hajo; Grazia Andreassi, Maria; Picano, Eugenio; Jahnen, Andreas; Ronckers, Cecile; Maduro, John; Kjaerheim, Kristina; Dohlen, Gaute; Olerud, Hilde M.; Salini Thevathas, Utheya; Schneider, Uwe; Walsh, Linda; Chumak, Vadim; Steinmeier, Theresa; Wette, Martina
10th Euratom Conference on Radioactive Waste Management FISA 2022. Book of Abstracts2022
10th Euratom Conference on Radioactive Waste Management FISA 2022. Book of Abstracts2022
[en] The use of ionising radiation (IR) for medical diagnosis and treatment procedures has had a major impact on the survival of paediatric patients. Although the benefits of these techniques largely outweigh the risks, the evidence to date suggests that children are more sensitive than adults to the carcinogenic effects of IR. Therefore, there is a need to better understand the long-term health effects of such exposures in order to optimise treatment in these young patients and reduce the risk of late toxicities. HARMONIC aims to improve our understanding of the health effects of exposure to medical IR in children, specifically cancer patients treated with modern radiotherapy techniques, and cardiac patients treated with cardiac fluoroscopy procedures (CFP). HARMONIC also develops dosimetric data collection software tools to allow dose reconstruction in both CFP and radiotherapy. The project builds on a multi-disciplinary collaboration to investigate long-term outcomes (endocrine dysfunction, cardiovascular and neurovascular damage, quality of life (QoL) and social impacts, and secondary cancers) of paediatric cancer patients after the application of modern radiotherapy modalities. Instruments for harmonised demographic, clinical and dosimetric data collection were defined serving as a pilot phase for a future pan-European registry. The cardiac component of HARMONIC builds a pooled cohort of approximately 100,000 patients who underwent CFP in 7 countries, while aged under 22 years. The cohort, based on data collection from hospital records and/or insurance claims data, will be followed-up using national registries and insurance records to determine vital status and cancer incidence. Where available, information on organ transplantation (a major risk factor for cancer development in this patient group) and/or other conditions predisposing to cancer will be obtained from national or local registries and health insurance data. The relationship between estimated radiation dose and cancer risk will be investigated using regression modelling. With its prospective design and the creation of a biobank for the collection of biological samples, HARMONIC also aims at providing a mechanistic understanding of radiation-induced adverse health effects and identify potential biomarkers indicative of vascular adverse effects and secondary cancer. These biomarkers could ultimately contribute to early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of adverse effects. (authors)
Primary Subject
CEA - The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (France); European Commission, Bruxelles (Belgium); 172 p; ISBN 978-92-76-48941-2; ; 2022; p. 109-111; FISA 2022: 10. Euratom Conference on Radioactive Waste Management; Lyon (France); 30 May - 3 Jun 2022; Country of input: France; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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