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Dmitriev, S.M.; Khrobostov, A.E.; Borodin, S.S.; Sorokin, V.D.; Doronkov, D.V.
Scientific-technical conference Thermal physics of new generation reactors (Thermal physics - 2016). Book of abstracts2016
Scientific-technical conference Thermal physics of new generation reactors (Thermal physics - 2016). Book of abstracts2016
No abstract available
Original Title
Issledovaniya protsessov peremeshivaniya potoka teplonositelya v aktivnoj zone reaktora PWR s teplovydelyayushchimi sborkami TVS-Kvadrat
Primary Subject
Trufanov, A.A.; Sorokin, A.P. (eds.); Predpriyatie Goskorporatsii Rosatom AO Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii - Fiziko-Ehnergeticheskij Inst. imeni A.I. Lejpunskogo, Obninsk (Russian Federation); 202 p; ISBN 978-5-906512-82-6; ; 2016; p. 116-118; Thermal physics 2016: Thermal physics of new generation reactors; Teplofizika reaktorov novogo pokoleniya (Teplofizika-2016); Obninsk (Russian Federation); 12-14 Oct 2016; 5 refs., 1 fig.
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Dmitriev, S.M.; Borodin, S.S.; Dobrov, A.A.; Doronkov, D.V.; Polozkova, E.N.; Pronin, A.N.; Sorokin, V.D.; Khrobostov, A.E.
Scientific-technical conference Thermal physics of new generation reactors (Thermal physics-2015). Book of abstracts2015
Scientific-technical conference Thermal physics of new generation reactors (Thermal physics-2015). Book of abstracts2015
No abstract available
Original Title
Ehksperimental'nye issledovaniya lokal'noj gidrodinamiki teplonositelya v smeshannoj aktivnoj zone reaktora VVEhR
Primary Subject
Trufanov, A.A.; Sorokin, A.P. (eds.); Predpriyatie Goskorporatsii Rosatom AO Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii - Fiziko-Ehnergeticheskij Inst. imeni A.I. Lejpunskogo, Obninsk (Russian Federation); 274 p; ISBN 978-5-906512-70-3; ; 2015; p. 64-65; Thermal physics of new generation reactors (Thermal physics-2015); Teplofizika reaktorov novogo pokoleniya (Teplofizika-2015); Obninsk (Russian Federation); 6-9 Oct 2015
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Borodin, S.S.; Doronkov, D.V.; L'vov, A.V.; Solntsev, D.N.; Sorokin, V.D.; Khrobostov, A.E.
NPP safety and personnel training. XII International conference. Abstracts2011
NPP safety and personnel training. XII International conference. Abstracts2011
No abstract available
Original Title
Osobennosti lokal'noj gidrodinamiki i massoobmena potoka teplonositelya v TVS reaktora KLT-40S
Primary Subject
Ministerstvo Obrazovaniya i Nauki Rossijskoj Federatsii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Federal'noe Gosudarstvennoe Byudzhetnoe Obrazovatel'noe Uchrezhdenie Vysshego Professional'nogo Obrazovaniya Natsional'nyj Issledovatel'skij Yadernyj Univ. MIFI, Moscow (Russian Federation); Obninskij Inst. Atomnoj Ehnergetiki, Obninsk (Russian Federation); 130 p; 2011; p. 37-38; NPP safety and personnel training. XII International conference; Bezopasnost' AEhS i podgotovka kadrov. XII Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya; Obninsk (Russian Federation); 4-7 Oct 2011; 1 fig.
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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[en] Authors present the results of researches of interassembly interaction of coolant flow in VVER-1000 core of NPP «Temelin». Study of coolant flow process in fuel element bundle FA has been carried out on an aerodynamic experimental rig
Представлены результаты исследований межкассетного взаимодействия теплоносителя в активной зоне реактора ВВЭР-1000 АЭС «Temelin». Изучение процессов течения теплоносителя в твэльном пучке тепловыделяющей сборки альтернативной конструкции (ТВСА) проводилось на аэродинамическом экспериментальном стендеOriginal Title
Ehksperimental'nye issledovaniya gidrodinamicheskikh kharakteristik potoka teplonositelya v smeshannoj aktivnoj zone reaktora VVEhR-1000 AEhS «Temelin»
Primary Subject
5 refs., 8 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Yadernaya Ehnergetika; ISSN 0204-3327; ; (no.3); p. 106-114
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[en] Results of experimental investigations of the local hydrodynamic and mass-exchange characteristics of a coolant flowing through the cells in the characteristic zones of a fuel assembly of a KLT- 40S reactor plant downstream of a plate-type spacer grid by the method of diffusion of a gas tracer in the coolant flow with measurement of its velocity by a five-channel pneumometric probe are presented. An analysis of the concentration distribution of the tracer in the coolant flow downstream of a plate-type spacer grid in the fuel assembly of the KLT-40S reactor plant and its velocity field made it possible to obtain a detailed pattern of this flow and to determine its main mechanisms and features. Results of measurement of the hydraulic-resistance coefficient of a plate-type spacer grid depending on the Reynolds number are presented. On the basis of the experimental data obtained recommendations for improvement of the method of calculating the flow rate of a coolant in the cells of the fissile core of a KLT-40S reactor were developed. The results of investigations of the local hydrodynamic and mass-exchange characteristics of the coolant flow in the fuel assembly of the KLT-40S reactor plant were accepted for estimating the thermal and technical reliability of the fissile cores of KLT-40S reactors and were included in the database for verification of computational hydrodynamics programs (CFD codes).(authors)
Original Title
Raschetno-ehksperimental'nye issledovaniya techeniya potoka teplonositelya v kassetnoj aktivnoj zone reaktora KLT- 40S
Primary Subject
9 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Inzhenerno-Fizicheskij Zhurnal; ISSN 0021-0285; ; v. 90(4); p. 988-996
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Dmitriev, S.M.; Varentsov, A.V.; Doronkov, D.V.; Legchanov, M.A.; Polozkova, E.N.; Solntsev, D.N.; Sorokin, V.D.; Khrobostov, A.E.
Scientific-technical conference Thermal physics of new generation reactors (Thermal physics-2015). Book of abstracts2015
Scientific-technical conference Thermal physics of new generation reactors (Thermal physics-2015). Book of abstracts2015
No abstract available
Original Title
Raschetno-ehksperimental'nye issledovaniya techeniya potoka teplonositelya v kassetnoj aktivnoj zone reaktora pervogo plavuchego ehnergobloka
Primary Subject
Trufanov, A.A.; Sorokin, A.P. (eds.); Predpriyatie Goskorporatsii Rosatom AO Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii - Fiziko-Ehnergeticheskij Inst. imeni A.I. Lejpunskogo, Obninsk (Russian Federation); 274 p; ISBN 978-5-906512-70-3; ; 2015; p. 62-63; Thermal physics of new generation reactors (Thermal physics-2015); Teplofizika reaktorov novogo pokoleniya (Teplofizika-2015); Obninsk (Russian Federation); 6-9 Oct 2015
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Snegireva, A.S.; Khrobostov, A.E.; Dobrov, A.A.; Doronkov, D.V.; Doronkova, D.S.; Pronin, A.N.; Ryazanov, A.V.; Demkina, T.D., E-mail:
Scientific and technical conference on thermal physics of new generation reactors (Thermal physics - 2022). Book of abstracts2022
Scientific and technical conference on thermal physics of new generation reactors (Thermal physics - 2022). Book of abstracts2022
No abstract available
Original Title
Ehksperimental'noe modelirovanie techeniya potoka teplonositelya za smesitel'nymi reshetkami TVS-KVADRAT
Primary Subject
Sorokin, A.P. (ed.); Predpriyatie Goskorporatsii «Rosatom» AO «Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii – Fiziko-Ehnergeticheskij Inst. imeni A.I. Lejpunskogo», Obninsk (Russian Federation); 168 p; ISBN 978-5-907108-39-4; ; 2022; p. 92; Thermal physics - 2022: Scientific and technical conference on thermal physics of new generation reactors; Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya «Teplofizika reaktorov novogo pokoleniya» («Teplofizika – 2022»); Obninsk (Russian Federation); 14-16 Sep 2022
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Borodina, V.E.; Dmitriev, S.M.; Dobrov, A.A.; Doronkov, D.V.; Polozkova, E.N.; Pronin, A.N.; Khrobostov, A.E.
Transactions of the 9-th International scientific and technical conference Safety assurance of NPP with WWER. Scientific and technical electronic edition2015
Transactions of the 9-th International scientific and technical conference Safety assurance of NPP with WWER. Scientific and technical electronic edition2015
[en] On the first stage researches of local hydrodynamic characteristics of coolant flow have been conducted into a bunch of fuel rods of model. These researches consisted in measurement of velocity vector module, total pressure and static pressure. Measurement have been carried out by means of fivechannel pneumatic probe. Velocity vector was measured in characteristics zones both of FA and of interassembly gap of a core WWER-1000. On the second stage researches of mass-transfer of coolant have been carried out using the admixture diffusion method (the tracer-gas method). The tracer have been injected in characteristic cells of experimental model and than redistribution of tracer in cross-section and lengthwise of model have been monitored. The obtained experimental information has been generalized, and a data bank for verifying CDF codes and computer programs for cell-wise calculations for reactor cores with FA has been established. Investigations results are used to specify local hydrodynamics and mass transfer characteristics of coolant flow when assessing heat engineering reliability of WWER reactor core
На первом этапе проводились исследования локальных гидродинамических характеристик потока теплоносителя внутри трубного пучка модели, заключавшиеся в измерении модуля вектора скорости, полного и статического давлений. Измерения проводились пятиканальным пневмометрическим зондом. Вектор скорости измерялся в характерных зонах как ТВСА, так и межкассетного зазора активной зоны реактора ВВЭР-1000. На втором этапе проводились исследования массообмена теплоносителя с использованием метода диффузии трассера. Трассер подавался в характерные ячейки экспериментальной модели, и далее отслеживалось перераспределение трассера в поперечном сечении модели и по ее длине. Полученные сведения позволили выявить особенности межкассетного взаимодействия теплоносителя в активной зоне реактора ВВЭР-1000. Результаты могут быть использованы в качестве базы экспериментальных данных для верификации CFD-кодов и программ детального поячеечного расчета активных зон реакторов ВВЭР с целью уменьшения консерватизма при обосновании надежности установок данного типаOriginal Title
Issledovaniya mezhkassetnogo vzaimodejstviya teplonositelya mezhdu sosednimi TVSA aktivnoj zony reaktora VVEhR-1000 AEhS “Temelin”
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)); Gosudarstvennaya Korporatsiya po Atomnoj Ehnergii Rosatom, Moscow (Russian Federation); AO Atomehnergomash, Moscow (Russian Federation); AO Kontsern Rosehnergoatom, Moscow (Russian Federation); AO Atomehnergoproekt, Moscow (Russian Federation); AO ATOMPROEKT, Sankt-Peterburg (Russian Federation); AO TVEhL, Moscow (Russian Federation); NITs Kurchatovskij Inst., Moscow (Russian Federation); AO OKB GIDROPRESS, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); vp; ISBN 978-5-94883-138-1; ; 2015; vp; 9. International scientific and technical conference on safety assurance of NPP with WWER; 9-ya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya Obespechenie bezopasnosti AEhS s VVEhR; Podol'sk (Russian Federation); 19-22 May 2015; 6 refs., 16 figs.
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Dmitirev, S.M.; Doronkov, D.V.; Pronin, A.N.; Solntsev, D.N.; Sorokin, V.D.; Khrobostov, A.E., E-mail: dmitriev@nntu.nnov.ru2014
[en] The results of experimental investigations of local hydrodynamics and inter-cell mass transfer of coolant flow in specific zones of fuel assembly of KLT-40C reactor facility behind a plate spacer grid have been presented in the paper
В работе представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований локальной гидродинамики и межъячеечного массообмена потока теплоносителя в характерных зонах тепловыделяющей сборки реакторной установки КЛТ-40С за пластинчатой дистанционирующей решеткойOriginal Title
Raschetno-ehksperimental'nye issledovaniya gidrodinamiki i massoobmena teplonositelya za distantsioniruyushchej reshetkoj teplovydelyayushchej sborki reaktora plavuchego ehnergobloka
Primary Subject
8 refs., 8 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Yadernaya Ehnergetika; ISSN 0204-3327; ; (no.4); p. 60-70
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Dmitriev, S.M.; Dobrov, A.A.; Doronkov, D.V.; Doronkova, D.S.; Pronin, A.N.; Ryazanov, A.V.; Solntsev, D.N., E-mail:
Scientific and technical conference on thermal physics of new generation reactors (Thermal physics - 2022). Book of abstracts2022
Scientific and technical conference on thermal physics of new generation reactors (Thermal physics - 2022). Book of abstracts2022
No abstract available
Original Title
Ehksperimental'nye issledovaniya gidrodinamiki teplonositelya v toplivnykh kassetakh atomnykh stantsij maloj moshchnosti i perspektivnykh plavuchikh ehnergoblokov
Primary Subject
Sorokin, A.P. (ed.); Predpriyatie Goskorporatsii «Rosatom» AO «Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii – Fiziko-Ehnergeticheskij Inst. imeni A.I. Lejpunskogo», Obninsk (Russian Federation); 168 p; ISBN 978-5-907108-39-4; ; 2022; p. 79-80; Thermal physics - 2022: Scientific and technical conference on thermal physics of new generation reactors; Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya «Teplofizika reaktorov novogo pokoleniya» («Teplofizika – 2022»); Obninsk (Russian Federation); 14-16 Sep 2022
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