Duplat, F.
CEA/Grenoble, Dept. de Thermohydraulique et de Physique (DTP), 38 (France); Institut National Polytechnique, 38 - Grenoble (France)1998
CEA/Grenoble, Dept. de Thermohydraulique et de Physique (DTP), 38 (France); Institut National Polytechnique, 38 - Grenoble (France)1998
[en] In the frame of nuclear safety studies about corium and water interactions, we address spreading and cooling stage of corium fragments in a liquid pool. Considering the complexity of encountered flow regimes and mechanical and thermal interactions coupling, modelling validation is based on a thermal-hydraulic computer code (MC3D). A bibliographical study shows that classical modelling of three phase flow is based on constitutive laws already established in the case of two phase flow. The present study states a complete analysis of BILLEAU experiments and defines a characterisation method for a sphere cloud. Some complementary QUEOS experiments are also described. Mechanical interaction terms such as added mass, lift and turbulent dispersion have been presented in the frame of a three phase flow and their influence has been tested in numerical simulations of BILLEAU tests. The effect of film vapour overheat, as well as particle diameter evolution have been studied. Moreover a radiative heat transfer modelling developed in Karlsruhe research centre (FZK) has been analysed and completed. Numerical simulations achieved for this study show that mechanical and thermal behaviour of the system are actually coupled. Taking into account lift and turbulent dispersion terms as well as heat transfer modifications all wed better results. This study also presents some considerations about flow regimes identification as a preliminary for studies about numerical diffusion that was already estimated in the present state of the computer code MC3D. (author)
Original Title
Refroidissement et dispersion du corium lors de sa chute dans l'eau pendant un accident severe de reacteur nucleaire a eau pressurisee: description des interactions mecaniques et thermiques en ecoulement triphasique lors de la dispersion de spheres solides froides ou chaudes dans un bain liquide
Primary Subject
26 Oct 1998; 255 p; 36 refs.; These energetique physique
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Duplat, F.; Berthoud, G.; Hamon, M.
Proceedings of the international topical meeting on advanced reactors safety: Volume 11997
Proceedings of the international topical meeting on advanced reactors safety: Volume 11997
[en] The BILLEAU experimental program studies two dimensional flow of solid spheres in a plant test section. New tests with cold ZrO2 and glass spheres and hot ZrO2 spheres heated up to 2200 K are presented as well as calculations of two cold tests and one hot test with the MC3D multidimensional multiphase thermal-hydraulic premixing code for Fuel Coolant Interaction (FCI) studies. 4 refs., 13 figs., 3 tabs
Primary Subject
Anon; 640 p; 1997; p. 529-537; American Nuclear Society, Inc; La Grange Park, IL (United States); ARS '97: American Nuclear Society (ANS) international meeting on advanced reactors safety; Orlando, FL (United States); 1-5 Jun 1997; American Nuclear Society, Inc., 555 N. Kensington Ave., La Grange Park, IL 60526 (United States)
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Berthoud, G.; Brayer, C.; Crecy, F. de; Duplat, F.; Valette, M.
The European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR). Proceedings1997
The European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR). Proceedings1997
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Bauer, K.G. (ed.); Kerntechnische Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn (Germany); Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire (SFEN), 75 - Paris (France); 226 p; ISBN 3-926956-33-X; ; 1997; p. 219-222; Inforum Verl; Bonn (Germany); 2. international conference on the European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR); Cologne (Germany); 19-21 Oct 1997
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Berthoud, G.; Crecy, F. de; Duplat, F.; Meignen, R.; Valette, M.
Proceedings of the OECD/CSNI specialists meeting on fuel-coolant interactions1998
Proceedings of the OECD/CSNI specialists meeting on fuel-coolant interactions1998
[en] This paper presents the << Triphasic>> application of the multiphasic 3D computer code MC3D. This application is devoted to the premixing phase of a Fuel Coolant Interaction (FCI) when large amounts of molten corium flow into water and interact with it. A description of the new features of the model is given (a more complete description of the full model is given in annex). Calculations of Billeau experiments (cold or hot spheres dropped into water) and of a FARO test (<< true>> corium dropped into 5 MPa saturated water) are presented. (author)
Primary Subject
Akiyama, Mamoru; Yamano, Norihiro; Sugimoto, Jun (eds.); Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo (Japan); 836 p; Jan 1998; p. 769-784; OECD/CSNI specialists meeting on fuel-coolant interactions; Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); 19-21 May 1997
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Chaumont, B.; Pailhories, P.; Goetter, J.J.; Duplat, F.; Barbaud, J.; Guieu, S.; Azarian, G.
Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire, 75 - Paris (France)2004
Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire, 75 - Paris (France)2004
[en] This article presents the different programs led in laboratories concerning the mitigation of the hydrogen risk in nuclear power plants. 3 aspects are considered: the generation of hydrogen during a reactor major accident, the distribution of this gas inside the reactor containment building and the different combustion modes of hydrogen. Studies show that it is difficult to prevent at any time and place the formation of a combustible mixture despite the presence of hydrogen recombiners. Studies have led to the setting of criteria concerning flame acceleration and detonation-explosion transitions, it has been shown that a mixture whose expansion parameter stays below a limit value can not lead to a flame acceleration over 400 m/s. (A.C.)
Original Title
Fonction confinement en situation accidentelle: apports de la R et D dans la prise en compte et la maitrise du risque hydrogene
Primary Subject
2004; 11 p; Conference on new technologies, new skills for operating nuclear power plants; Conference nouvelle technologies, nouvelles competences au service des centrales nucleaires en exploitation; Paris (France); 9-10 Mar 2004
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[en] Large companies like EDF or Framatome-ANP have to face a big turnover of staff because a lot of employees are expected to retire by 2015. They have drawn special training policies in order to avoid the loss of practical knowledge particularly in the field of maintenance. Technological progress, bringing more flexibility and reactivity to the power demand, are constant challenges for nuclear industry. In this series of short articles major improvements are reviewed. A new cladding material: the M5 alloy (zirconium + niobium + oxygen) can undergo up to 78 GWj/tU burnup and presents high resistance to corrosion, low generation of hydrogen, good behaviour in power ramps and in accidental situations. Progress in instrumentation and the broad use of digit technology have also led to improvements in reactor monitoring systems. Studies concerning the hydrogen risks back the decision to implement in each reactor unit a hydrogen catalytic re-combiner whose role will be to reduce the concentration of gaseous hydrogen through the production of water. (A.C.)
Original Title
Nouvelles technologies, nouvelles competences au service des centrales nucleaires en exploitation
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Journal Article
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