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Eickhoff, H.
Tokyo Univ., Tanashi (Japan). Inst. for Nuclear Study1983
Tokyo Univ., Tanashi (Japan). Inst. for Nuclear Study1983
[en] For TARN (Test Accumulation Ring for Numatron), two different pick-up monitors for a stochastic cooling system are considered: a helix type and a ferrite type. For the helix type probe, the calculation of the coupling impedance, which is defined by the ratio of the voltage that is induced in the probe and the beam current, has already been performed. The coupling impedance of a ferrite type probe may be derived in the similar way, however, the formulas are more complicated. The particle beam which is surrounded by a ferrite core produces a magnetic flux in this core. The time variation of this flux induces a voltage in the pick-up coil. In the paper, the derivation of the equations for the electric field for a small ferrite (metal wall matching), a magnetic field and the pick-up voltage, beam current and the coupling impedance, field matching at the ferrite core and discussion on the matching condition are described. The results of the calculation are shown in several figures. The conclusion of these calculation is as follows: in order to achieve a high coupling impedance by the use of a ferrite pick-up probe, the ferrite core should be as close to the beam as possible; it is desirable to choose a material with a smooth decrease of μ versus frequency. Under these conditions, an improved coupling impedance as compared to that of the helix monitor is achievable. (Wakatsuki, Y.)
Primary Subject
Feb 1983; 23 p
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Blaser, E.; Eickhoff, H.; Tretschoks, W.
Bochumer Eisenhuette Heintzmann und Co. (Germany, F.R.); Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen (Germany, F.R.)1978
Bochumer Eisenhuette Heintzmann und Co. (Germany, F.R.); Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen (Germany, F.R.)1978
[en] The personnel lock for a plant with increased security requirements, e.g. a nuclear power plant, has got two lock gates. Only persons whose right to enter has been established by the control equipment will be admitted to the lock chamber. For this purpose an identification recess is built in front of the first access to the lock chamber, where size, weight and the contours of the persons wanting to enter are roughly measured and compared with a code card carried along. The weight is established by a balance forming part of the base of the recess. By means of contact surfaces in the region of knees, upper thigh, chest and shoulder an upright position of the person is guaranteed. Scanning of the physical dimensions is performed with laser, infrared and light barriers. (DG)
Die Personenschleuse zu einer Anlage mit verschaerften Sicherheitsbestimmungen, z.B. einem KKW, besitzt zwei Schleusentueren. In die Schleusenkammer gelangen nur Personen, deren Berechtigung von einem Kontrollgeraet festgestellt ist. Hierzu ist dem einen Zugang der Schleusenkammer eine Identifizierungsnische vorgelagert, in der Groesse, Gewicht und die Konturen der Personen grob gemessen und mit Werten einer mitgefuehrten Codekarte verglichen werden. Das Gewicht wird ueber eine Waage festgestellt, die einen Teil der Standflaeche der Nische bildet. Mittels Kontaktflaechen im Knie-, Oberschenkel-, Brust- und Schulterbereich wird eine aufrechte Haltung der Person gewaehrleistet. Die Abtastung der Koerpermasse erfolgt mit Laser-, Infrarot- oder Lichtschranken. (DG)Original Title
Verfahren zur Kontrolle der zu Anlagen mit verschaerften Sicherheitsbestimmungen zugangsberechtigten Personen und Personenschleuse fuer solche Anlagen
Primary Subject
27 Apr 1978; 17 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2647061/A/
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[en] At the heavy-ion accelerator complex f GSI an intensity-upgrade program is under way with the goal to fill the synchrotron SIS up to the space charge limit for all ions up to uranium. This project will increase the beam intensity especially for heavy ions by two orders of magnitude compared to the present situation. This upgrade program includes various steps: ion source development, combined electron cooling and multiturn-injection at the synchrotron SIS and the replacement of the UNILAC prestripper structures by RFQs and IH-structures. (author)
Primary Subject
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); 960 p; Nov 1998; p. 226-228; APAC98: 1. Asian particle accelerator conference; Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); 23-27 Mar 1998; Available from KEK(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization). Also available from the internet at URL
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[en] The ion beam therapy facility HICAT presently under construction at the Heidelberg University Clinic will be the first clinical irradiation facility for heavy ions in Europe. Its capacity should enable the treatment of 1000 patients per year. The use of different ion species ranging from protons to oxygen under identical conditions should clarify the question of which particle species is best suited in terms of indication. A synchrotron will accelerate the particles to energies corresponding to water-equivalent ranges from 2 cm to 30 cm. An intensity-controlled raster scanning technique will be used to optimize the use of the favorable depth dose distribution of ions. The planned heavy-ion gantry will be the first world-wide. The facility should be complete in 2006. (orig.)
Die zur Zeit im Aufbau befindliche Ionentherapieanlage HICAT an der Universitaetsklinik Heidelberg wird die erste klinische Bestrahlungsanlage fuer Schwerionen in Europa sein. Ihre Kapazitaet soll die Behandlung von 1000 Patienten pro Jahr ermoeglichen. Der Einsatz verschiedener Ionensorten von Protonen bis Sauerstoff unter identischen Bedingungen soll die Frage nach der am besten geeigneten Teilchensorte in Abhaengigkeit von der Indikation klaeren. Ein Synchrotron beschleunigt die Teilchen auf Energien, die wasseraequivalenten Reichweiten von 2 cm bis 30 cm entsprechen. Um die guenstige Tiefendosisverteilung von Ionen bestmoeglich zu nutzen, wird das intensitaetsgesteuerte Rasterscanverfahren eingesetzt. Ein weltweites Novum ist die geplante Schwerionengantry. Die Anlage soll 2006 fertiggestellt sein. (orig.)Original Title
Die Konzeption der Heidelberger Ionentherapieanlage HICAT
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Journal Article
Zeitschrift fuer Medizinische Physik; ISSN 0939-3889; ; v. 14(1); p. 17-24
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Varentsov, D.; Spiller, P.; Eickhoff, H.; Hoffmann, D.H.H., E-mail: d.varentsov@gsi.de2002
[en] A specific computer code has been developed to investigate ion optical properties of a new generation of pulsed strip-line high current magnets. The code is based on a modern 'Differential Algebra' computational technique and it is able to calculate transfer matrices of pulsed strip-line magnets up to arbitrary order. The realistic three-dimensional distribution of the magnetic field in pulsed lenses as well as all the fringing field effects are taken into account in the simulations. We have demonstrated, that for precise description of such magnets one cannot use the existing ion optical codes where ideal multipole field distributions and fringing fields, typical for conventional iron-dominated magnets are assumed. The transfer matrix elements of pulsed strip-line lenses differ significantly from those of conventional magnets, especially in higher orders
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Secondary Subject
S0168900201021337; Copyright (c) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 485(3); p. 238-243
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No abstract available
Original Title
Suche nach niederenergetischen Resonanzen im 16O - 16O System
Primary Subject
Meeting of the Sektion A 'Kernphysik' of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V., Fachausschuss Kern- und Hochenergiephysik in cooperation with the Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging and the Schweizerische Physikalische Gesellschaft; Konstanz, Germany, F.R; 21 - 25 Mar 1977; AED-CONF--77-066-245; Short communication only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft; (no. 6); p. 999
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[en] The Experimental Storage Ring ESR, presently under construction at GSI-Darmstadt, will be used for atomic and nuclear physics experiments with cooled beams of heavy ions. Interaction between beam particles and internal target atoms or free electrons, e.g., in the electron cooler beam, will be studied. Numerous atomic or nuclear processes cause moderate jumps of the charge-to-mass ratio of projectile recoils. This paper discusses the selective extraction of these special recoils out of the storage ring, where detection or additional analysis of kinematic parameters may be carried out. On the other hand, especially for heavy ion storage rings, the described method seems to be a valuable alternative to conventional resonant beam extraction techniques
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Tazzari, S; 1545 p; ISBN 9971-50-642-4; ; 1988; p. 1093; World Scientific Pub. Co; Teaneck, NJ (USA); 1. European particle accelerator conference (EPAC-1); Rome (Italy); 7-11 Jun 1988; CONF-880695--; World Scientific Pub. Co., 687 Hartwell Street, Teaneck, NJ 07666 (USA)
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Eickhoff, H.; Blasche, K.; Blell, U.; Franzke, B.; Pinkow, J.
Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference: Volume 11993
Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference: Volume 11993
[en] Both the open-quotes Heavy-Ion Synchrotronclose quotes (SIS) and the open-quotes Experimental Storage Ringclose quotes (ESR) are designed for beam accumulation and beam extraction. The concepts are different in each machine according to the specific beam-properties and requirements. In this article a summary of the technical realization of the injection and extraction systems and the operation results are given
Primary Subject
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York, NY (United States); American Physical Society, Washington, DC (United States); 814 p; 1993; p. 357-359; PAC '93: international particle accelerator conference; Washington, DC (United States); 17-20 May 1993; Available from IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4150
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[en] This paper reports on the design of the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) which is under construction at GSI, has to fulfill the following requirements: injection of the beam from the heavy ion synchrotron SIS with a maximal emittance of 20 πmm mrad; injection of secondary beams from the Fragment Separator with a maximal momentum spread of ±0.35% and a transverse beam emittance of 20πmm mrad; and fast extraction of the beam back to SIS. The main component for these injection-/extraction procedures is the fast kicker magnet, which will be used both for injection and extraction and which also allows injection while a cooled stacked beam is circulating in the ring (accumulation). The most crucial operating mode with respect to the design of the kicker is the injection of the beam from the fragment separator
Primary Subject
Tazzari, S; 1545 p; ISBN 9971-50-642-4; ; 1988; p. 1059; World Scientific Pub. Co; Teaneck, NJ (USA); 1. European particle accelerator conference (EPAC-1); Rome (Italy); 7-11 Jun 1988; CONF-880695--; World Scientific Pub. Co., 687 Hartwell Street, Teaneck, NJ 07666 (USA)
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Steck, M.; Beckert, K.; Eickhoff, H.; Franzke, B.; Nolden, F.; Spaedtke, P.
Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference: Volume 31993
Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference: Volume 31993
[en] Electron cooling of heavy ions has been studied at the storage ring ESR over the whole range of ions up to bare uranium. Systematic measurements of the ion beam temperature evidence a dependence on the particle number which proves an equilibrum between cooling and heating by intrabeam scattering. Measurements of the longitudinal intrabeam scattering rate and of the longitudinal cooling force provide information about the longitudinal cooling times. Small deviations of the longitudinal cooling time from the theoretically predicted A/Z2 - dependence are found
Primary Subject
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York, NY (United States); American Physical Society, Washington, DC (United States); 970 p; 1993; p. 1738-1740; PAC '93: international particle accelerator conference; Washington, DC (United States); 17-20 May 1993; Available from IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4150
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