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[en] It is used the differential Dirac-Kahler's formalism for transposing supersymmetric models for the lattice. Such a formalism has shown itself extremely useful for these purposes because there exists a complete mathematical duality in its versions in the continuum and in the lattice. This work treats specifically the Yang-Mills, model with extended supersymmetry N = 2 in the adjoint representation; the procedure which is adopted here consists in to rewrite the essential of the model in question in the new language, first in the continuum, getting it adequate for the lattice, because it is from the property of the supercharges Q2 = H that the lattice supersymmetric Hamiltonian will be obtained. By the way, it was constructed a lattice gauge theory within the formalism of Dirac-Kahler, it is almost a natural consequence of the adopted definitions for the lattice gauge transformations of the fields in the adjoint representation and of the two types of covariant derivatives which are necessary in the lattice. In order to carry out some calculations, it was put emphasis on the matrix representation of the Dirac-Kahler's formalism, it was also extended to a lattice. (author)
Usa-se o formalismo diferencial de Dirac-Kahler para transpor modelos supersimetricos para a rede. Tal formalismo tem-se mostrado de extrema utilidade para tais propositos, devido a existencia de um complexo paralelismo matematico nas suas versoes no continuo e na rede. Este trabalho cuida especificamente do modelo de Yang-Mills com supersimetria extendida N = 2 na representacao adjunta; o procedimento adotado e o de reescrever o essensial do modelo em questao na nova linguagem, primeiramente no continuo, adequando-o para a rede, posi e a partir da propriedade das supercargas Q2 = H que sera obtida a hamiltoniana supersimetrica na rede. De passagem, foi construida uma teoria de Gauge na rede dentro do formalismo de Dirac-Kahler, consequencia quase natural das definicoes adotadas para as transformacoes de Gauge na rede dos campos na representacao adjunta e dos dois tipos de derivadas covariantes necessarias na rede. Para efeito de calculo, enfase foi dada na representacao matricial do formalismo de Dirac-Kahler, estendendo-a tambem para a rede. (autor)Original Title
Formalismo de Dirac - Kaehler e o modelo de Yang-Mills com Supersimetria N=2 na rede
Primary Subject
1985; 281 p; Tese (Ph.D.).
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[en] A qualitative study of the cosmological model of Omnes is presented, as well as some numerical results. Studies are made in a chronological or historical way involving several subjects like matter and anti-matter emulsions, density of galactic clusters, the annihilation problem, quasars, etc. One solution for the matter diffusion equation is presented
Original Title
Alguns aspectos da cosmologia relativistica simetrica
Primary Subject
1977; 92 p; Tese (M.Sc.).
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[en] The collisional-radiative (CR) model code for neutral helium (T. Fujimoto, JQSRT 21, 1979) has been improved. The spin-orbit interaction gives rise to mixing of the wavefunctions of the singlet and triplet states. The degree of the mixing depends on the magnetic field strength, and at the field strength of the level-anticrossings complete mixing, or complete breakdown of the L-S coupling scheme, occurs. This effect is taken into account. The spontaneous transition probabilities and the excitation and ionization cross sections by electron impacts have been updated. Measurements of the electron temperature Te and density ne which make use of intensity ratios among three emission lines, λ 728.1 nm (21P-31S), λ 667.8 nm (21P-31D) and λ 706.5 nm (23P-33S), have been attempted for the plasma boundary region in the Large Helical Device. These parameters are obtained in a wide range of the averaged electron density n-bare measured with the interferometer and it is found that Te and ne have a negative- and positive-dependences on n-bare, respectively. We have also measured the intensity of other emission lines, λ 501.6 nm (21S-31P), λ 388.9 nm (23S-33P) and λ 587.6 nm (23P-33D), and have compared them with the results of our code. The agreement is satisfactory, confirming the reliability of our present model code
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
S0022407302000602; Copyright (c) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer; ISSN 0022-4073; ; CODEN JQSRAE; v. 76(3-4); p. 331-344
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Aldrovandi, R.; Goto, M.
Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Sao Paulo (Brazil)1977
Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Sao Paulo (Brazil)1977
[en] A statistical analysis is made of the randon geometry of an early symmetric matter-antimatter universe model. Such a model is shown to determine the total number of the largest agglomerations in the universe, as well as of some special configurations. Constraints on the time development of the protoagglomerations are also obtained
Primary Subject
May 1977; 22 p
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[en] Many functions and features of phased array UT technology must be useful for NDE in the industrial field. Some phased array UT systems have been developed for the inspection of nuclear pressure vessel and turbine components. However, phased array UT is still a special NDE technique and it has not been used widely in the past. The reasons of that are system size, cost, operator performance, equipment design and others. TOSHIBA has newly developed PC controlled portable phased array system to solve those problems. The portable phased array UT system is very compact and light but it is able to drive up to 32-channel linear array probe, to display real-time linear/sector B-scan, to display accumulated B-scan with an encoder and to display profile overlaid B-scan. The first applications were turbine component inspections for precise flaw investigation and flaw image data recording
Primary Subject
Iida, Kunihiro (ed.) (Shibaura Inst. of Technology, Tokyo (Japan)); Light, G.M. (ed.) (Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, TX (United States)); Whittle, M.J. (ed.) (John Whittle and Associates, Cheshire (United Kingdom)); 503 p; ISBN 0-87170-548-6; ; 1995; p. 209-215; ASM International; Materials Park, OH (United States); 13. international conference on nondestructive evaluation in the nuclear and pressure vessel industries; Kyoto (Japan); 22-25 May 1995; ASM International, Materials Park, OH 44073-0002 (United States)
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[en] Seedlings of controls and of M2 generation originating from the irradiation treatment of seeds of four rice varieties with thermal neutrons, 60Co gamme-ray, ethylene-imine (EI), were inoculated with some isolates of Xanthomonas oryzae. The variability of the disease reaction in the populations arising from irradiation and chemical treatment increased both resistance and susceptibility compared with the control average, irrespective of chlorophyll mutations in M2. The increased variability was assumed to be due to polygenic mutations giving both germ types more resistance and more susceptibility to bacterial leaf blight. The value of the induced polygenic mutations in resistance breeding for bacterial leaf blight is briefly discussed. (author)
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Secondary Subject
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA), Stockholm; Proceedings series; p. 171-185; ISBN 92-0-010277-8; ; 1977; p. 171-185; IAEA; Vienna; Symposium on the use of induced mutations for improving disease resistance in crop plants; Vienna, Austria; 31 Jan - 4 Feb 1977; IAEA-SM--214/45
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Morita, S.; Goto, M.; Takeiri, Y.
National Inst. for Fusion Science, Toki, Gifu (Japan)2002
National Inst. for Fusion Science, Toki, Gifu (Japan)2002
[en] Ion heating experiments have been carried out in LHD using ECH (82.5, 84.0, 168 GHz, ≤1 MW), ICRF (38.5 MHz, ≤2.7 MW) and NBI (H deg beam: 160 keV, ≤8 MW). The central ion temperature has been obtained from Doppler broadening of TiXXI (2.61A) and ArXVII (3.95A) x-ray lines measured with a newly installed crystal spectrometer. In ECH discharges on-axis heating was recently done with the appearance of high Te(0) of 6-10 keV and high ion temperature of 2.2 keV was observed at ne=0.6x1013 cm-3. A clear increment of Ti was also observed with enhancement of the electron-ion energy flow when the ECH pulse was added to the NBI discharge. These results demonstrate the feasibility toward ECH ignition. The clear Ti increment was also observed in ICRF discharges at low density ranges of 0.4-0.6x1013 cm-3 with appearance of a new operational range of Ti(0)=2.8 keV > Te(0)=1.9 keV. In the low power ICRF heating (1 MW), the fraction of bulk ion heating is estimated to be 60% to the total ICRF input power, which means Pi > Pe. Higher Ti(0) up to 3.5 keV was obtained for a combined heating of NBI (< 4 MW) and ICRF (1 MW) at density ranges of 0.5-1.5x1013 cm-3. The highest Ti(0) of 5 keV was recorded in Ne NBI discharges at ne < 1x1013 cm-3 with the achievement of Ti(0) > Te(0), whereas the Ti(0) remained at relatively low values of 2 keV in H2 or He NBI discharges. The main reasons for the high Ti achievement in the Ne discharge are; 1) 30% increment of deposition power, 2) increase in Pi/ni (11 times, Pi/ni >> Pe/ne, Pi < Pe) and 3) increase in τei (3 times). The obtained Ti(0) data can be plotted by a smooth function of Pi/ni. (author)
Primary Subject
Oct 2002; 7 p; IAEA-CN--94/EX/P2-18; 14 refs., 5 figs.
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Fukaya, Y.; Goto, M., E-mail: fukaya.yuji@jaea.go.jp2017
[en] Highlights: • We discussed uranium resources with an energy security perspective. • We concluded seawater uranium is preferable for sustainability and energy security. • We evaluated electricity generation cost of seawater uranium fueled HTGR. • We concluded electricity generation with seawater uranium is reasonable. - Abstract: Sustainable and safe energy supply with High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) fueled by uranium from seawater have been investigated and discussed. From the view point of safety feature of self-regulation with thermal reactor of HTGR, the uranium resources should be inexhaustible. The seawater uranium is expected to be alternative resources to conventional resources because it exists so much in seawater as a solute. It is said that 4.5 billion tons of uranium is dissolved in the seawater, which corresponds to a consumption of approximately 72 thousand years. Moreover, a thousand times of the amount of 4.5 trillion tU of uranium, which corresponds to the consumption of 72 million years, also is included in the rock on the surface of the sea floor, and that is also recoverable as seawater uranium because uranium in seawater is in an equilibrium state with that. In other words, the uranium from seawater is almost inexhaustible natural resource. However, the recovery cost with current technology is still expensive compared with that of conventional uranium. Then, we assessed the effect of increase in uranium purchase cost on the entire electricity generation cost. In this study, the economy of electricity generation of cost of a commercial HTGR was evaluated with conventional uranium and seawater uranium. Compared with ordinary LWR using conventional uranium, HTGR can generate electricity cheaply because of small volume of simple direct gas turbine system compared with water and steam systems of LWR, rationalization by modularizing, and high thermal efficiency, even if fueled by seawater uranium. It is concluded that the HTGR fueled by seawater uranium with the current technology enables the energy sustainability for approximately 72 million years with superior inherent safety features and lower cost of 6.07 cents/kWh (7.28 yen/kWh) than the 7.34 cents/kWh (8.80 yen/kWh) cost of LWR using conventional uranium.
Primary Subject
S0306-4549(16)30812-X; Available from; Copyright (c) 2016 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Conventional inner eddy current test cannot obtain sufficient evaluation for low finned ferritic stainless steel tube inspection. The authors tried various methods and developed special partial saturation eddy current method. This paper summarizes typical experimental results of fundamental studies and trials, and introduces developed ECT data acquisition and evaluation system. Moisture Separator Heater (MSH) used in ABWR (Advanced Boiling Water Reactor) plant is a new type heat exchanger to increase plant thermal efficiency. There are four single tubesheet heaters in a MSH vessel. Each heater has hundreds of low finned tubes made of ferritic stainless steel. In nuclear power plants, non-magnetic materials (austenitic stainless steel, titanium, aluminum brass, etc.,) are mainly used as heat exchanger tubes such as the tubes of feedwater heater, condenser, evaporator and so on. Conventional ECT (Eddy Current Test) method are easily applied for the inspection of these heat exchanger tubes. In recent years, the authors started using ferritic stainless steel tube for new heat exchangers such as MSH because of its superior heat transfer efficiency. However, high permeability of ferritic stainless steel prevents the inspection of these tubes using conventional ECT method. To inspect MSH tubes periodically is important to confirm and maintain reliability of MSH. They tried applying various inspection methods and have developed special ECT method for low finned ferritic stainless steel tubes
Primary Subject
Anon; 521 p; ISBN 0-87170-506-0; ; 1994; p. 271-277; ASM International; Materials Park, OH (United States); 12. international conference on non-destructive evaluation in the nuclear and pressure vessel industries; Philadelphia, PA (United States); 10-13 Oct 1993; ASM International, Materials Park, OH 44073-0002 (United States)
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[en] Relative ESR strength of rib, backbone and opercular bone from irradiated culture rainbow trout was direct proportional to dose between 0.56kGy and 5.7kGy. Relative ESR strength of rib was higher than that of backbone. Although only 5mg of otolith was obtained from one rainbow trout, bone density of otolith is so high that relative ESR strength of otolith showed about 20-fold higher value than that of rib. In GCMS-SIM analysis of RGB, radiolytic compounds of lipid of fish meat, the amount of both DCB and TCB formed, estimated from ion concentrations of m/z98, were direct proportional to dose between 1.1kGy and 11.1kGy. Neither DCB nor TCB was detected in unirradiated sample. The ratio of amount of DCB formed to amount of TCB formed was nearly 4.4, which is the ratio of palmitic acid content to stearic acid content in rainbow trout, denoted in Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan; Lipid composition of Foods. Finally, we propose to use detection of radiolytic compound, RCB, and measurement of ESR of high-density bone together for reliable identification of irradiated fish
Primary Subject
ARN: JP2003001240; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Shokuhin Shosha; ISSN 0387-1975; ; v. 37; p. 17-23
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