[en] This article describes the options available for the implementation of discrimination-free cost allocation for the transport of energy in a liberalised Swiss electricity market. The advantages and disadvantages of two models - the distance-dependent 'path' model and the connection-point model - are discussed. Experience already gained in Germany, England, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Austria is discussed. The structure of the Swiss electricity grid with its seven tiers is looked at. The methods of splitting the transport costs between producers and consumers and also between the various layers of the grid are examined and functions for the matching of load and production are discussed
Original Title
Ein schwieriges Unterfangen. Die Oeffnung des Strommarktes bringt neue Herausforderungen fuer Elektrizitaetsunternehmen und Kunden
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Graber, W. K.; Tinguely, M.
Paul Scherrer Inst., CH-5232 Villigen PSI (Switzerland)2002
Paul Scherrer Inst., CH-5232 Villigen PSI (Switzerland)2002
[en] An emergency decision support system for accidental releases of radioactivity into the atmosphere providing regional wind field information is presented. This system is based on intensive meteorological field campaigns each lasting 3-4 months in the regions around the Swiss nuclear power plants. The wind data from temporary and permanent stations are analysed to evaluate the typical wind field patterns occurring in these regions. A cluster analysis for these data-sets lead to 12 different wind field classes with a high separation quality. In the present report, it is demonstrated that an on-line acquisition of meteorological data from existing permanent stations is enough to diagnose the recent wind field class in a region with a radius of 25 km around the nuclear power station of Goesgen with a probability of 95% to hit the correct class. Furthermore, a method is presented to use a high resolution weather prediction model to forecast the future wind field classes. An average probability of 76% to hit the correct class for a forecast time of 24 hours is evaluated. Finally, a method for parameterization of turbulence providing input for dispersion models from standard meteorological online data is presented. (author)
Original Title
Projekt 'WINDBANK mittleres Aaretal' - Analyse, Diagnose und Prognose der Windverhaeltnisse um das Kernkraftwerk Goesgen
Primary Subject
Jul 2002; 68 p; ISSN 1019-0643; ; 12 figs., 14 refs.
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Meier, H.P.; Graber, W.
Man-Machine communication in nuclear power plants and other complex technical systems1985
Man-Machine communication in nuclear power plants and other complex technical systems1985
[en] Selection criteria and procedures for pilots are described. The organisation of normal operation and emergency situations is outlined. Training and manuals are discussed
Original Title
Rekrutierung, Ausbildung und Entscheidungshilfen fuer das Betriebspersonal
Primary Subject
Schweizerische Vereinigung fuer Atomenergie, Bern; 319 p; 1985; p. R17-1-R17-9; SVA; Bern (Switzerland); Man-Machine communication in nuclear power plants and other complex technical systems; Brugg-Windisch (Switzerland); 11-13 Nov 1985
Record Type
Literature Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Meier, R.; Bacher, R.; Bodmer, F.; Dettli, R.; Ott, W.; Fillipini, M.; Graber, W.; Iten, R.; Renggli, M.; Romerio, F.; Sommer, H.
Programmleitung Energiewirtschaftliche Grundlagen, Berne (Switzerland). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland)2001
Programmleitung Energiewirtschaftliche Grundlagen, Berne (Switzerland). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland)2001
[en] These proceedings of the conference organised by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) that took place on the 22nd of November 2001 present nine papers on various topics involved in the liberalisation of the Swiss electricity market. The topics covered include the labelling of electricity to indicate its source, whereby the problems to be overcome in connection with the import of electrical power are examined, and the results of a focus-group survey on the labelling of electricity that covers the requirements of consumers. Further, a paper on the fundamentals for the definition of charges for the use of the electricity grid for the transport of energy by third parties as well as two papers on the benchmarking of Swiss electricity grids are presented. Two further papers discuss the billing of costs between grids operating at different voltage levels and the regulation of prices in the distribution grids at the start of liberalisation. The conditions for hydropower in a liberalised Swiss electricity market and the importance of water taxation and its possible differentiation by location are discussed in two further papers
Original Title
Oeffnung des Strommarktes - Beitraege der energiewirtschaftlichen Forschung / Ouverture du marche de l'electricite - Apports de la recherche sur l'economie energetique
Primary Subject
2001; 115 p; Opening up electricity markets: contributions of research in the energy economics area; Oeffnung des Strommarktes - Beitraege der energiewirtschaftlichen Forschung / Ouverture du marche de l'electricite - Apports de la recherche sur l'economie energetique; Berne (Switzerland); 22 Nov 2001
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue