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Heinrich, J.
Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Koeln (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Werkstoff-Forschung; Technische Univ. Berlin (Germany, F.R.). Fachbereich Werkstoffwissenschaften1979
Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Koeln (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Werkstoff-Forschung; Technische Univ. Berlin (Germany, F.R.). Fachbereich Werkstoffwissenschaften1979
[en] The microstructure of reaction sintered silicon nitride (RBSN) was changed in a wide range of varying green density, grain size of the silicon starting powder, nitriding conditions, and by introducing artificial pores. The influence of single microstructural parameters on mechanical properties like room temperature strength, creep behaviour, and resistance to thermal shock has been investigated. The essential factors influencing these properties were found to be total porosity, pore size distribution, and the fractions of α- and β-Si3N4. In view of high temperature engineering applications of RBSN possibilities to optimize the material's properties by controlled processing are discussed. (orig.)
Das Gefuege von reaktionsgesintertem Siliciumnitrid (RBSN) wurde durch Variation der Gruendichte, der Korngroesse des Siliciumpulvers, der Nitridierbedingungen und durch die Erzeugung kuenstlicher Poren in weiten Bereichen geaendert. Der Einfluss einzelnen Gefuegeparameter auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften, wie die Raumtemperaturfestigkeit, das Kriechverhalten und das Thermoschockverhalten, wurde untersucht. Als die wesentlichen, diese Eigenschaften beeinflussenden Faktoren erwiesen sich die Gesamtporositaet, die Porengroessenverteilung und die Anteile der beiden Si3N4-Modifikationen α und β. Im Hinblick auf die Anwendung von RBSN als Hochtemperatur-Konstruktionswerkstoff werden Moeglichkeiten zur Optimierung der Werkstoffeigenschaften durch geeignete Variation der Herstellungsbedingungen diskutiert. (orig.)Original Title
Der Einfluss von Herstellungsbedingungen auf das Gefuege und die mechanischen Eigenschaften von reaktionsgesintertem Siliciumnitrid
Primary Subject
Sep 1979; 102 p; Diss. (D.Eng.).
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[en] The primary objective of this textbook is to introduce the finite element method in a clear, concise manner using ismple examples. the author's intent is to provide a book free of jargon and free of abstract theoretical conepts. The approahc is to teach the method through simple one-dimensional problems which can be solved manually. The procedures are then generalized to two and three dimensions
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Secondary Subject
1992; 240 p; Hemisphere; Moonpark, CA (United States); ISBN 1-56032-104-0; ; From review in Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 45, No. 8 (Aug 1992).
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[en] Environmental medicine examines the effects of pollutants on humans. It employs different scientific tools for this purpose: Toxicology, epidemiology and statistics. (orig./DG)
Die Umweltmedizin untersucht die Auswirkungen von Schadstoffen auf den Menschen. Dazu bedient sie sich verschiedener wissenschaftlicher Werkzeuge: Der Toxikologie, der Epidemiologie und der Statistik. (orig./DG)Original Title
Wie krank macht die Umwelt?. Epidemiologie und Schadstoffrisiken
Primary Subject
Gesellschaft fuer Strahlen- und Umweltforschung mbH Muenchen, Neuherberg (Germany); Mensch und Umwelt (Neuherberg); v. 8/1993; 75 p; Mar 1993; p. 33-42; ISSN 0175-4521; ; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
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Salahi, E; Moztarzadeh, F.; Margoosian, V.; Heinrich, J. G.
Materials and Energy Research Center, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Materials and Energy Research Center, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Iranian University of Science and Technology, Department of Metallurgy and Material Engineering, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Technical University Clausthal, Clausthal (Germany)2003
Materials and Energy Research Center, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Materials and Energy Research Center, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Iranian University of Science and Technology, Department of Metallurgy and Material Engineering, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Technical University Clausthal, Clausthal (Germany)2003
[en] AlN samples have been produced by reaction bonding process using AlN and aluminum powders as starting materials. Different aluminum nitride and aluminum powders ratios were mixed in ethanol media, dried, isostatically and nitrided in (N2)atmosphere. Results showed that conversion of to AlN depends strongly on the amount of aluminum starting powder and decreased with increasing after a maximum at 25 Al wt %. Changing the particle size and morphology of the aluminum starting powder leads to change in the conversion ratio and microstructure of RBAN ceramics. Typical scanning electron micrographs of RBAN sample indicating primary and secondary aluminum nitride morphology and pore structure. The oxidation behavior of RABN samples showed the weight gain depends on the average particle size, morphology and amount of Al in starting mixture and pore structure. Samples have been manufactured with equi-axed morphology of Al starting powder have thermal conductivity higher than the samples have been manufactured with flake-like morphology. These differences were directly related to the different microstructure of RBAN samples
Primary Subject
Available from Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
Record Type
Journal Article
International Journal of Engineering Science (Tehran); ISSN 1681-066X; ; v. 14(2); p. 1-19
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] By means of a N2-laser pumped dye-laser (Psub(L) approx. 20 kW, Δνsub(L) < 10 GHz) different two-photon resonant four-wave coupling processes in Ba vapour (nsub(Ba) approx. 1016 cm-3) using the Ba states 6s8s1S0 and 7s5d1D2 were investigated. Coherent line radiation with conversion rates up to 10-3 was generated within the range of lambda = 190-200 nm by sum-frequency mixing νsub(UV) = 2ν1 + ν22 of 3 laser photons and within the range of lambda = 250-380 nm by coupling νsub(UV) = 2ν1 +- νsub(IR) of 2 laser photons with one photon vsub(IR) stimulated emitted in laser-induced Ba transitions. For the second coupling type the various nonlinear processes contributing to the formation of the coupling components are discussed. The power of the UV-component as function of intensity and resonance detuning of the laser as well as on the phase-mismatch was calculated on the basis of the small signal theory and compared to the experimental data. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Applied Physics; ISSN 0340-3793; ; v. 23(3); p. 333-340
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The b bar b cross section at the SSC is predicted to be 1-3 mb, and 1-3% of the p-p interactions will produce a b bar b pair. Based on the experience of the CDF collaboration it has been established that the B → J/ψX modes can be found with acceptable background levels in a hadron collider. This paper reports studies of the efficiency for reconstructing the decay B0d → π+π- and of rejection of background due to b bar b. Identification of this decay mode is expected to be more difficult than the B → J/ψX modes due to severe combinatoric backgrounds. Nonetheless, two aspects of B decays will make it possible to extract the B0d → π+π- signal at a hadron collider. The relatively long lifetime of the B meson allows the vertex for the decay B0d → π+π- to be easily isolated from the primary vertex. In addition, the pions from this decay have the maximum momentum of daughters from any B decay and so are more readily separated from low-PT hadron backgrounds. The results reported here are based on detailed simulation of pattern recognition in vertex fitting using information from a silicon vertex detector. However, the separate issue of track pattern recognition is not addressed, and it is assumed that detector hits are all properly associated with tracks
Primary Subject
McBride, P. (Superconducting Super Collider Lab., Dallas, TX (United States)); Mishra, C.S. (Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States)) (eds.); Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States); 765 p; 1993; p. 229-230; Workshop on B physics at hadron accelerators; Snowmass, CO (United States); 21 Jun - 2 Jul 1993; Also available from OSTI as DE94007961; NTIS
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[en] Despite effective regulations established by professional organizations and business health programs, aluminiumcaused pneumoconiosis still occurs. Therefore, the etiology, clinical appearance, histological confirmation, and X-ray findings are presented from a case which was followed for ten years. The differential diagnosis indicated by the radiologic findings are discussed. (orig.)
Da trotz grosser Effektivitaet von berufsgenossenschaftlichen und gewerbeaerztlichen Vorschriften die sog. Aluminose der Lunge noch auftreten kann, werden anhand eines zehnjaehrigen Krankheitsverlaufes einer Aluminiumstaub-Pneumokoniose Aetiologie, klinisches Erscheinungsbild, histologischer Nachweis und Roentgensymptomatologie dargelegt. Radiologische differentialdiagnostische Abgrenzungsmoeglichkeiten werden diskutiert. (orig.)Original Title
Diagnostik und Roentgensymptomatologie der Aluminiumstaub-Pneumokoniose
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] QED tree diagrams are calculated with the spinor technique using symbolic algebra. A first program SPINORP1 calculates all topologically distinct diagrams. The input are the number and kinds of particles. A second program SPINORP2 generates a REDUCE source program to evaluate the spinor amplitude for all possible polarizations of the external particles. (orig.)
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Goetze, H.J.; Kreienbrock, L.; Wichmann, H.E.; Gerken, M.; Heinrich, J.; Kreuzer, M.
Fifth international symposium on the natural radiation environment (NRE - V). Book of abstracts1991
Fifth international symposium on the natural radiation environment (NRE - V). Book of abstracts1991
[en] Abstract only
Primary Subject
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium); USDOE Office of Energy Research, Washington, DC (United States). Office of Health and Environmental Research; International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Salzburg Univ. (Austria). Inst. fuer Allgemeine Biologie, Biochemie und Biophysik; 222 p; 1991; p. 190; 5. international symposium on the natural radiation environment (NRE - V); Salzburg (Austria); 22-28 Sep 1991
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[en] The influence of the initial grain size of the silicon powder on the microstructure and the resulting mechanical properties are studied. The smaller the grain size of the silicon powders used, the higher will be the degree of reaction at the beginning of the nitridation reaction and the higher the amount of α-modification in the fully nitridated samples. Moreover, the nitrification time can be considerably shortened when fine-grained silicon powders (< 10 μm) are used. Light and scanning electron microscope structural pictures and determination of the pore size distribution with the aid of mercury pressure porosimetry show that the mean pore radius decreases with decreasing initial grain size. While the room-temperature and high-temperature strength increases strongly with decreasing pore radius, the total creep expansion decreases as well as the creep rate. (orig.)
Es wurde der Einfluss der Ausgangskorngroesse des Silizium-Pulvers auf die Gefuegemorphologie und die daraus resultierenden mechanischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Je kleiner die Korngroesse des verwendeten Silizium-Pulvers ist, desto hoeher ist der Reaktionsgrad zu Beginn der Nitridierungsreaktion und desto hoeher ist der Anteil der α-Modifikation der fertig nitridierten Proben. Weiterhin kann die Nitridierungszeit bei Verwendung von feinem Silizium-Pulver (< 10 μm) wesentlich verkuerzt werden. Licht- und rasterelektronenmikroskopische Gefuegeaufnahmen sowie die Bestimmung der Porengroessenverteilung mit Hilfe der Quecksilberdruckporosimetrie zeigen, dass mit kleiner werdender Ausgangskorngroesse der mittlere Porenradius abnimmt. Waehrend die Raum- und Hochtemperaturfestigkeit mit kleiner werdendem Porenradius stark ansteigt, nimmt die Gesamtkriechdehnung sowie die Kriechgeschwindigkeit ab. (orig.)Original Title
Der Einfluss der Ausgangskorngroesse von Silizium auf das Gefuege und die mechanischen Eigenschaften von reaktionsgesintertem Siliziumnitrid
Primary Subject
1977; 29 p; Annual meeting of the Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft e.V. and subsequent discussion meeting on synthetic ceramic raw materials; Timmendorfer Strand, Germany, F.R; 3 - 5 Oct 1977; 11 figs.; 2 tabs.; 17 refs.
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