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Heinrich, W.
Kiel Univ. (F.R. Germany). Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultaet1973
Kiel Univ. (F.R. Germany). Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultaet1973
[en] In a series of balloon flights, the intensity of stopping heavy nuclei of cosmic radiation at a height of 22 km was measured with plastic detectors. The measured charge spectra, compared to the charge spectrum at the boundary of the atmosphere are changed by fragmentation. Nuclei with odd charge numbers, which are rare in the primary spectrum, are about as frequent in the atmosphere as the nuclei with even charge numbers. Intensities could be calculated from the primary spectra considering the energy loss and the fragmentation which agree with our own measured results and the measurements of other authors in an energy range of up to a few GeV/nucl. The parameters for fragmentation in air with which this agrees are similar to those for the fragmentation with collision on light nuclei in emulsion. The solar modulation and the radiation load due to heavy nuclei are discussed. (orig./LH)
In einer Reihe von Ballonfluegen wurde mit Plastikdetektoren die Intensitaet stoppender schwerer Kerne der kosmischen Strahlung in 22 km Hoehe gemessen. Die gemessenen Ladungsspektren sind gegenueber dem Ladungsspektrum am Rande der Atmosphaere durch Fragmentation veraendert. Kerne mit ungeraden Ladungszahlen, die im Primaerspektrum selten sind, treten in der Atmosphaere etwa mit gleicher Haeufigkeit auf wie Kerne mit geraden Ladungszahlen. Aus den Primaerspektren konnten unter Beruecksichtigung des Energieverlustes und der Fragmentation Intensitaeten berechnet werden, die mit den eigenen Messergebnissen und den Messungen anderer Autoren in einem Energiebereich bis hinauf zu einigen GeV/Nukl. uebereinstimmen. Die Parameter fuer die Fragmentation in Luft, mit denen diese Uebereinstimmung erzielt werden konnte, sind aehnlich denjenigen fuer die Fragmentation beim Stoss auf leichte Kerne in Emulsion. Die solare Modulation und die Strahlenbelastung durch schwere Kerne werden diskutiert. (orig./BJ)Original Title
Schwere Kerne der kosmischen Strahlung in der oberen Atmosphaere
Primary Subject
20 Jan 1973; 56 p; 32 figs.; 21 tabs.; 78 refs. Available from the library of the Kiel Univ.; Diss. (D.Sc.).
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] The Reactor Safety Committee (RSK) has issued recommendations for the retrofitting of filtered pressure relief systems (venting systems) for BWR and PWR power plants. These systems should prevent excess pressure failure of the safety containment after postulated core melt-out accidents. The special requirements for the filtered pressure relief for BWR plants (smaller volume of the safety containment and therefore earlier failure in hypothetical accident cases) led to a new development for BWR plants at Kraftwerk Union. (orig.)
Die Reaktorsicherheitskommission (RSK) hat Empfehlungen fuer die Nachruestung von gefilterten Druckentlastungssystemen (Venting-Systemen) fuer DWR- und SWR-Anlagen ausgesprochen. Diese Systeme sollen nach postulierten Kernschmelzunfaellen ein Ueberdruckversagen des Sicherheitsbehaelters verhindern. Die besonderen Anforderungen an die gefilterte Druckentlastung fuer SWR-Anlagen (kleineres Volumen des Sicherheitsbehaelters und somit frueheres Versagen bei hypothetischen Stoerfaellen) fuehrten bei der Kraftwerk Union fuer die SWR-Anlagen zu einer Neuentwicklung. (orig.)Original Title
Nachruestung von Venting-Systemen fuer SWR- und DWR-Anlagen
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Siemens Service-Report; ISSN 0176-6910; ; (no.8); p. 8-12
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Denver Univ., Colo. (USA); p. 2197-2202; 1973
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The calculation is based on a factorization of fragmentation cross-sections into a projectile-depending and a target-depending part, which was found at Bavalac for high energy C and O ions. With this the known cross-sections for the fragmentation of heavy ions in collision with protons can be extrapolated to heavier targets. Considering the fragmentation and the energy loss of heavy nuclei the energy spectra of individual elements are calculated for different depths of absorber. This energy spectra can easily be converted to LET (linear energy transfer) spectra. The changes of the isotopic composition with absorber depth and its influence on the shape of the LET-spectra are discussed. The calculated results are compared with experimental data. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
9. International conference on solid state nuclear track detectors; Neuherberg/Muenchen, Germany, F.R; Oct 1976
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Radiation Effects; ISSN 0033-7579; ; v. 34(1-3); p. 143-148
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Energy spectra of secondary cosmic rays are calculated for aircraft altitudes and a discrete set of solar modulation parameters and rigidity cut-off values covering all possible conditions. The calculations are based on the Monte Carlo code FLUKA and on the most recent information on the interstellar cosmic ray flux including a detailed model of solar modulation. Results are compared to a large variety of experimental data obtained on the ground and aboard aircraft and balloons, such as neutron, proton, and muon spectra and yields of charged particles. Furthermore, particle fluence is converted into ambient dose equivalent and effective dose and the dependence of these quantities on height above sea level, solar modulation, and geographical location is studied. Finally, calculated dose equivalent is compared to results of comprehensive measurements performed aboard aircraft. (author)
Primary Subject
Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The attenuation of the flux of heavy nuclei in the atmosphere is measured and the fragmentation probabilities deduced from these results. Energy spectra of different charge groups of nuclei in absorber depths of 0 to 40 gcm-2 are calculated from the primary spectra. The number of stopping nuclei per cm3 tissue sterad and hour as a function of the thickness x gcm-2 of the penetrated matter is deduced and expressed in the form of an exponential law. A comparison is made between calculated and experimental flux measurements. Absorption curves are calculated. (BJG)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets; v. 12(2); p. 119-121
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This paper glances at the knowledge of composition and energy spectra of galactic cosmic rays and briefly discusses the mechanism of solar modulation and of shielding against these particles by the earth's magnetic field. A short review of the properties of solar particle events is given, in which particles emitted from the sun enter the atmosphere. Particle production in the earth's atmosphere in hadronic and electromagnetic cascades is described and the altitude variations of the different particle components are investigated. Typical energy spectra in the atmosphere are presented for some types of particles. (author)
Primary Subject
International conference on cosmic radiation and aircrew exposure; Dublin (Ireland); 1-3 Jul 1998; Country of input: Mexico
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Simon, M.; Heinrich, W.; Mathis, K.D.
Ninteenth International Cosmic Ray Conference. OG sessions, volume 31985
Ninteenth International Cosmic Ray Conference. OG sessions, volume 31985
[en] The cosmic ray acceleration model in which the particles gain continuously energy from stochastic processes in the interstellar space by encountering shocks leads to a logarithmic increase in the secondary to primary ratios with energy, which is inconsistent with observations. The observed decrease of the secondary to primary ratios may therefore suggest that a considerable part of the acceleration has taken place rapidly at the sources. Astronomical observations on the other hand indicate that shocks from supernovae do exist in the galaxy and observations in the interplanetary space show clear evidence that shock acceleration works
Primary Subject
Jones, F.C.; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center; vp; Aug 1985; vp; Available from NTIS, PC A$200.00/MF $200.00
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Denver Univ., Colo. (USA); p. 897-902; 1973; 13. international cosmic ray conference; Denver, Colorado, USA; 17 Aug 1973
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Heinrich, W.; Drechsel, H.; Brechtmann, C.; Dreute, J.
Nineteenth International Cosmic Ray Conference. HE sessions, volume 81985
Nineteenth International Cosmic Ray Conference. HE sessions, volume 81985
[en] A stack of CR39 track detectors containing Ag foils was exposed to a 1.7 GeV/nucleon Fe-56 beam and the anomalous mean free path effect investigated. Neither the whole set of 7517 nor a subset of 2542 interacting fragments probably produced in the Ag target show an effect. By combining the data of this and an earlier experiment we can also exclude an effect for 3219 interacting fragments produced in delta Z=1 collisions
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jones, F.C.; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center; vp; Aug 1985; vp; Available from NTIS, PC A$200.00/MF $200.00
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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