Herman, J.R.
Radio Sciences Co., Melbourne, FL (USA)1977
Radio Sciences Co., Melbourne, FL (USA)1977
[en] To aid investigations of energetic particle effects on the backscattered ultraviolet (BUV) instrumentation aboard Nimbus 4, solar proton events characterized as polar cap absorption events occurring in the period April 1970 to April 1976 were summarized. Energetic particle effects on total ozone above the 4 mb pressure level measured by Nimbus 4 were analyzed. Proceedings of a workshop meeting of operation aurorozone are included as background material for possible effects of bremsstrahlung on atmospheric ozone
Original Title
4/70 to 4/76
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
7 Oct 1977; 43 p; NASA-CR--156744; RSCR--77-5; Available from NTIS. PC A03/MF A01
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Herman, J.R.
Radio Sciences Co., Lowell, Mass. (USA)1976
Radio Sciences Co., Lowell, Mass. (USA)1976
[en] Magnetospheric radio noise spectra (30 kHz to 10 MHz) taken by IMP-6 and RAE-2 exhibit time-varying characteristics which are related to spacecraft position and magnetospheric processes. In the mid-frequency range (100 to 1000 kHz) intense noise peaks rise by a factor of 100 or more above background; 80% of the peak frequencies are within the band 125 kHz to 600 kHz, and the peak occurs most often (18% of the time) at 280 kHz. This intense mid-frequency noise has been detected at radial distances from 1.3 Re to 60 Re on all sides of the Earth during magnetically quiet as well as disturbed periods. Maximum occurrence of the mid-frequency noise is in the evening to midnight hours, where splash-type energetic particle precipitation takes place. ''Magnetospheric lightning'' can be invoked to explain the spectral shape of the observed spectra
Primary Subject
2 Apr 1976; 85 p; NASA-CR--144751; RSCR--76-1; Available from NTIS. $5.00
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Herman, J.R.
Radio Sciences Co., Lowell, Mass. (USA)1976
Radio Sciences Co., Lowell, Mass. (USA)1976
[en] Magnetospheric radio noise spectra (30 kHz to 10 MHz) taken by IMP-6 and RAE-2 exhibit time varying characteristics which are related to spacecraft position and magnetospheric processes. In the midfrequency range (100-1000 kHz) intense noise peaks rise a factor of 100 or more above background; 80% of the peak frequencies are within the band 125 kHz to 600 kHz, and the peak occurs most often (18% of the time) at 280 kHz. Bandwidths of the peaks range from about 100 kHz to more than 500 kHz; most often the lower cutoff is at about 100 kHz and the upper at 380 kHz for a total bandwidth of 280 kHz. This intense mid-frequency noise was detected at radial distances from 1.3 Re to 60 Re on all sides of the earth (i.e., all local times) during magnetically quiet as well as disturbed periods. Maximum occurrence of the mid-frequency noise is in the evening to midnight hours where splash-type energetic particle precipitation takes place
Primary Subject
22 Jan 1976; 83 p; NASA-CR--144843; RSCR--76-1; Available from NTIS., PC A05/MF A01
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Goldberg, R.A.; Herman, J.R.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, Md. (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center1975
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, Md. (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center1975
[en] A sunspot cycle which may have been subject to a predicted phase reversal between 1800 and 1880 A.D. is discussed. Several climatological parameters normally correlated with this cycle are examined and do not exhibit a corresponding phase reversal during this period. It is proposed that this apparent discrepency can be resolved by suitable observations during the upcoming half decade
Primary Subject
Sep 1975; 12 p; NASA-TM-X--70995; X--912-75-245; Subm-Submitted for Publication.. Available from NTIS. $3.50.
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The general field of sun-weather/climate relationships that is, apparent weather and climate responses to solar activity is introduced and theoretical and experimental suggestions for further research to identify and investigate the unknown casual mechanisms are provided. Topics of discussion include: (1) solar-related correlation factors and energy sources; (2) long-term climate trends; (3) short-term meteorological correlations; (4) miscellaneous obscuring influences; (5) physical processes and mechanisms; (6) recapitulation of sun-weather relationships; and (7) guidelines for experiments. 300 references
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1985; 375 p; Dover Publications, Inc; New York, NY (USA); ISBN 0-486-64796-X;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Correlative evidence accumulating since 1926 suggests that there must be some physical coupling mechanism between solar activity and thunderstorm occurrence in middle to high latitudes. Such a link may be provided by alteration of atmospheric electric parameters through the influence of cosmic ray decreases and/or high-energy solar protons associated with active solar events. Galactic cosmic ray decreases tend to enhance the electric field at low heights. The protons produce excess ionization near and above 20 km, greatly increasing the atmospheric conductivity and possibly lowering the height of the electrosphere. Consequent effects near the solar proton cut-off latitude also lead to an enhancement of the atmospheric electric field near the surface. If appropriate meteorological conditions (warm moist air with updrafts) exist or develop during a solar event, the atmospheric electric field enhancement may be sufficient to trigger thunderstorm development. The suggested mechanism appears plausible enough to warrant a co-ordinated experimental effort involving satellite balloon and ground-based measurements of the possible forcing functions (solar protons and cosmic rays) and the responding atmospheric electrical and ionic species' characteristics. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics; ISSN 0021-9169; ; v. 40(2); p. 121-134
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In the Martian ionosphere the dominant solar ionization products are O+ and CO2+. These ions are rapidly converted to O2+ by ion neutral reactions resulting in O2+ as the dominant ion. As O2+ has a lower ionization potential, each reaction results in approximately 1.2 eV of energy to be shared by the reaction products. The kinetic energy given to the O2+ will affect the ion temperatures. Calculations have been made of the ion heating rates and temperatures which result from the degradation of these energetic ions for various energy production distributions for conditions similar to those encountered by Viking 1. It is shown that the thermalization of the energetic O2+ can greatly increase the ion temperatures above 200 km compared to those calculated using only the ambient electron heating source. The effect of small horizontal magnetic fields, as predicted by current solar wind interaction models on the ion thermal balance was also investigated. These fields act to restrict the ion thermal conductivity and thus also increase the upper altitude ion temperatures. The combination of the heating by the energetic O2+ and the effect of the magnetic field provide a partial agreement with the Viking 1 measurements
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Journal of Geophysical Research; ISSN 0022-1406; ; v. 84(A7); p. 3327-3338
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A detailed study of ethane and ethylene photochemistry is presented for the troposphere and stratosphere. It is demonstrated that the loss of ethane is controlled by OH in the troposphere and Cl in the stratosphere. Observation of ethane show a stratospheric behavior indicative of a free chlorine concentration below 30 km that is only 10% of the predicted value given by both our photochemical model calculations and those done by others. The inferred lower amount of chlorine cannot be explained by heterogeneous processes for concentration of aerosols representing average background conditions, nor does current stratospheric photochemistry show agreement. Chemical destruction of ethane and ethylene within the atmosphere leads to the production of carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and other products. Tropospheric concentrations of formaldehyde are enhanced by nearly a factor of 3 for an ethylene mixing ratio of 2 ppb. Simultaneous monitoring of formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, as well as other products, will greatly aid in determining the relative importance of different tropospheric CO sources. Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) acts as a reservoir for odd-nitrogen at the expense of HNO3 HO2NO2, NO, and NO2
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Geophysical Research; ISSN 0022-1406; ; v.87(C4); p. 3105-3118
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue