[en] The paper investigates various computational modelling issues associated with VVER-440 fuel depletion, relevant to burnup credit. The SCALE system and the TRITON sequence are used for the calculations. The effects of variations in depletion parameters and used calculation methods on the isotopic vectors are investigated. The burnup behaviour of Gadolinium is quite important in actual core analysis, but its behaviour is somewhat complicated, requiring special treatment in numerical modelling and calculations. Therefore, a special part of the paper is devoted to the treatment of Gadolinium-bearing fuels. Moreover, some discussions on power normalization are also included. To assess the acquired modelling experience used to predict the VVER-440 spent fuel nuclide composition, the measured compositions of Novovoronezh NPP irradiated fuel assembly are compared to data calculated by TRITON sequence. The samples of fuel assembly with 3.6 wt. % U-235 enrichment underwent 4-cycle campaign of totally 1109 effective full power days in the core and cooling period of 1-13 years. Calculated concentrations are compared to measured values burdened with their experimental uncertainties for totally 47 nuclides. The calculated results show overall a good agreement for all nuclides, differences from measured are pointed out and discussed in the paper. (author)
Primary Subject
Available from Information Centre. VINATOM; 10 refs, 14 figs; Published by the Vietnam Atomic Energy Society and Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Science and Technology (Hanoi); ISSN 1810-5408; ; v. 9(2); p. 01-09
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Slovakia as one of the world leading countries in the share of nuclear power in electricity production and currently operates 2 nuclear power plants, each with 2 VVER-440 units. In addition to these reactors there are 2 VVER-440 units under construction and 2 units in decommissioning. The VVER-440 technology features thermal neutron spectrum, low enriched uranium dioxide fuel and light-water coolant, diluted boric acid and 37 emergency reactivity control assemblies with boron steel absorber. Due to the presence of 10B in the coolant/moderator which has high thermal neutron capture cross-section, the absorption of neutron on these atoms may lead to tritium production. Tritium strongly contributes to the level of radioactivity of the primary coolant, therefore the NPP staff must have appropriate knowledge of its production during operation. This paper focuses on the estimation of the tritium production for a specific scenario of the operation of the 3rd unit of Mochovce NPP. For simulations the SCALE6 system is used with the detailed calculation model developed at the B&J NUCLEAR ltd. company. The calculations presented in the paper are performed using self-shielded multi-group cross-section libraries, taking into account the operation conditions of Mochovce unit 3 NPP in the first fuel campaign. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Available from Information Centre. VINATOM; 10 refs, 6 figs, 1 tab; Published by the Vietnam Atomic Energy Society and Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Science and Technology (Hanoi); ISSN 1810-5408; ; v. 9(2); p. 10-16
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Stochastic Monte Carlo (MC) neutron transport codes are widely used in various reactor physics applications, traditionally related to criticality safety analyses, radiation shielding and validation of deterministic transport codes. The main advantage of Monte Carlo codes lies in their ability to model complex and detail geometries without the need of simplifications. Currently, one of the most accurate and developed stochastic MC code for particle transport simulation is MCNP. To achieve the best real world approximations, continuous-energy (CE) cross-section (XS) libraries are often used. These CE libraries consider the rapid changes of XS in the resonance energy range; however, computing-intensive simulations must be performed to utilize this feature. To broaden our computation abilities for industrial application and partially to allow the comparison with deterministic codes, the CE cross section library of the MCNP code is replaced by the multigroup (MG) cross-section data. This paper is devoted to the cross-section processing scheme involving modified versions of TRANSX and CRSRD codes. Following this approach, the same data may be used in deterministic and stochastic codes. Moreover, using formerly developed and upgraded crosssection processing scheme, new MG libraries may be tailored to the user specific applications. For demonstration of the proposed cross-section processing scheme, the VVER-440 benchmark devoted to fuel assembly and pip-by-pin power distribution was selected. The obtained results are compared with continues energy MCNP calculation and multigroup KENO-VI calculation. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Available from Information Centre. VINATOM; 17 refs, 5 figs, 2 tabs; Published by the Vietnam Atomic Energy Society and Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Science and Technology (Hanoi); ISSN 1810-5408; ; v. 9(2); p. 17-24
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue