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Bayer, Ch.; Juraszek, D.
CEA Bruyeres-le-Chatel, Dept. de Conception et Realisation des Experimentations, 91 (France)2001
CEA Bruyeres-le-Chatel, Dept. de Conception et Realisation des Experimentations, 91 (France)2001
[en] Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) is an approach to thermonuclear fusion in which the fuel contained in a spherical capsule is strongly compressed and heated to achieve ignition and burn. The released thermonuclear energy can be much higher than the driver energy, making energetic applications attractive. Many complex physical phenomena are involved by the compression process, but it is possible to use simple analytical models to analyze the main critical points. We first determine the conditions to obtain fuel ignition. High thermonuclear gains are achieved if only a small fraction of the fuel called hot spot is used to trigger burn in the main fuel compressed on a low isentrope. A simple hot spot model will be described. The high pressure needed to drive the capsule compression are obtained by the ablation process. A simple Rocket model describe the main features of the implosion phase. Several parameters have to be controlled during the compression: irradiation symmetry, hydrodynamical stability and when the driver is a laser, the problems arising from interaction of the EM wave with the plasma. Two different schemes are examined: Indirect Drive which uses X-ray generated in a cavity to drive the implosion and the Fast Ignitor concept using a ultra intense laser beam to create the hot spot. At the end we present the Laser Megajoule (LMJ) project. LMJ is scaled to a thermonuclear gain of the order of ten. (authors)
Original Title
Physique des plasmas thermonucleaires: la fusion par confinement inertiel
Primary Subject
2001; 75 p; 4 refs.
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[en] This paper discusses the experimental results obtained at the Phebus laser (neutron yield and radiation temperature). Next it covers numerical simulations to design targets adapted to a MJ laser. This includes three stages: (1) 1-D calculation of the capsule alone to optimize the radiation temperature; (2) 2-D calculation of the cavity to optimize symmetry; and (3) 2-D calculation of the capsule with geometric perturbations and/or non-uniformity. Lastly, it summarizes the main features of the MJ laser
Primary Subject
Miley, G.H.; Elliott, C. (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL (United States). Fusion Studies Lab.) (eds.); 886 p; ISBN 0-7803-2970-8; ; 1995; p. 124-129; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc; Piscataway, NJ (United States); 16. IEEE/NPSS symposium on fusion engineering - seeking a new energy ERA (Sofe 95); Champaign, IL (United States); 1-5 Oct 1995; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 (United States) $222.00 for the 2 volume set
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Bayer, C.; Billon, D.; Decroisette, M.; Juraszek, D.; Meynial, D.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1982
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1982
[en] Implosion studies are presented, the aim of which are to explore the transition between exploding and ablative regimes. Enhancement of rho(DT) and (rhoR)(DT) has lead to reduce the preheat factors and optimize the laser →fuel energy transfer by imploding thickened targets with intermediate laser pulse (500 ps). X-ray shadowgraphy has been developped, as a suitable diagnostic for ablative target probing. Numerical simulations have been performed with a 1-D lagrangian code, a particular attention being beared on the description of suprathermal transport. Increasing the thickness of the target shell has been checked to lower the preheat and induce a more ablative behaviour; a maximum in final DT density has been observed
Primary Subject
Oct 1982; 18 p; 6. International workshop on laser interaction and related plasma phenomena; Monterey, CA (USA); 25 - 29 Oct 1982
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Bayer, C.; Billon, D.; Juraszek, D.; Lambert, D.; Launspach, J.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1980
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1980
[en] Implosions of D.T. filled microballoons with laser facility Octal (0,5 - 1 TW) are related. Experimental results with 50, 200 and 600 ps laser pulses are compared and give evidences of an implosion regime modification when increasing the pulse duration
Primary Subject
Sep 1980; 32 p; 14. European conference on laser interaction with matter; Palaiseau, France; 15 - 19 Sep 1980; Available from Service de Documentation, CEN Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France)
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bayer, C.; Bernard, M.; Billon, D.; Juraszek, D.; Lambert, D.; Launspach, J.; Nicolle, J.P.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1980
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1980
[en] Theoretical simulations of D.T. filled plastic coated glass microballoons imploded with 50 ps and 200 ps. laser pulses are presented. Results are compared with experimental data and tentatively interpreted in terms of transition from explosive pusher towards ablation regimes
Primary Subject
Sep 1980; 41 p; 14. European conference on laser interaction with matter; Palaiseau, France; 15 - 19 Sep 1980; Available from Service de Documentation, CEN Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France)
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Mucchielli, F.; Juraszek, D.; Meyer, B.; Richet, J.N.; Thiell, G.; Weill, J.W.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1985
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1985
[en] Double-foil targets have been irradiated with 0.35 μm laser wavelength at irradiance of 2 x 1014 W cm-2. The hydrodynamic behaviour has been investigated by means of time and space-resolved X-ray backlighting. Comparison with a 1D Lagrangian code shows discrepancies between measured and calculated velocities attributed to 2D effects. First results obtained with a 2D code are presented for a single thin target and for a double-foil target when the foil separation is equal to 40 μm
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Nov 1985; 20 p; 17. European conference on laser interaction with matter; Rome (Italy); 18-22 Nov 1985
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Launspach, J.; Bayer, C.; Billon, D.; Decroisette, M.; Juraszek, D.; Meynial, D.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1981
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1981
[en] The OCTAL laser of the Limeil CEA Research Center was used to realize the implosion of small targets containing a mixture of DT and to produce thermonuclear fusion reactions. The experimental device in which the experiments were carried out is called Camelia. Its main component is a vacuum chamber upon which the following elements are fixed: - devices for adjusting the focussing lenses; - a device for positioning targets; - extensive diagnostic means enabling the maximum amount of information to be obtained from each shot. These experiments were performed in order to study laser implosion mechanisms and to measure the density and temperature characteristics that can be reached in this way. The X-ray radiography device is relatively simple. It consists of an X-ray source, the target to be analyzed, one or two stenopies and a detector which is either a simple film (Kodak Kodirex) for diagnostics without temporal resolution or a scanning camera with a slit when temporal resolution is required. The device can be used: - without an x-ray source for emission diagnostics with spatio-temporal resolution, - to study the pre-heating of targets by radiography of the dust at the beginning of the implosion, - for diagnostics of the plasma core by radiography of dust after the implosion
Au Centre d'Etudes de Limeil du C.E.A. on utilise le laser OCTAL pour realiser l'implosion de petites cibles contenant un melange de D.T. et produire des reactions de fusion thermonucleaire. Le dispositif experimental ou sont realisees ces experiences se nomme Camelia. Il se compose essentiellement d'une chambre a vide sur laquelle sont fixes: - les dispositifs de reglage des lentilles de focalisation; - le dispositif de mise en place des cibles; - un grand nombre de moyens de diagnostics qui permettent d'obtenir a chaque tir un maximum d'informations. L'objectif de ces experiences est d'etudier les mecanismes d'implosion par laser et de mesurer les caracteristiques de densite et de temperature qu'ils permettent d'atteindre. Le dispositif de radiographie X est relativement simple: il se compose d'une source X, de la cible a analyser, d'un ou deux stenopes et d'un detecteur qui est soit un simple film (Kodak Kodirex) si le diagnostic est fait sans resolution temporelle, soit une camera X a balayage de fente dans le cas contraire. Ce dispositif peut etre utilise: - sans la source X, comme diagnostic d'emission avec resolution spatio-temporelle; - pour etudier le prechauffage des cibles en radiographiant le pousseur au debut de l'implosion (regime de pousseur explosant); - comme diagnostic du coeur par radiographie du pousseur en fin d'implosionOriginal Title
Radiographie dans le domaine X d'un microballon implose par laser
Primary Subject
May 1981; 22 p; 1. European congress on cineradiography with photons or particles; Paris, France; 19 - 21 May 1981
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bayer, C.; Billon, D.; Decroisette, M.; Juraszek, D.; Lambert, D.; Launspach, J.; Louis-Jacquet, M.; Rocchiccioli, J.L.; Schirmann, D.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1979
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1979
[en] Microballoon implosion experiments in the explosive pusher regime have been performed at CEL with the eight beams glass laser system Octal. Irradiations have been performed at laser irradiances of a few 1015 in 50 ps. Numerous theoretical and experimental works show that in such conditions, laser absorption occurs at critical density in a high density gradient, mainly through resonant absorption, while energy transport processes imply fast electron occurrence and great thermal flux reduction. In a first part of this paper we present an experimental study about the effect of a prepulse in the contrast ratio range 10+4 - 10+6. Evolutions of specific absorbed energy, neutron yield, spatial profiles of silicon resonance lines, ion distribution functions and X-ray pinhole pictures are described and tentatively connected to fast electron occurence
Primary Subject
1979; 22 p; 5. Workshop on laser interaction with matter; New York, USA; 5 - 9 Nov 1979
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bayer, C.; Bernard, M.; Decroisette, M.; Juraszek, D.; Meynial, D.
Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena1984
Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena1984
[en] This chapter discusses implosion studies which explore the transition between exploding and ablative regimes. Several laboratories have been involved in transition implosions, where both lengthening of the laser pulse and thickening of the pusher wall lead to a more ablative regime than the exploding pusher. The experiments examined utilize the eight beams laser facility Octal and plastic coated glass microballoons irradiated in cubic geometry. X-ray shadowgraphy is developed as a suitable diagnostic for ablative target probing. Numerical simulations as performed with a 1-D Lagrangian code, with emphasis on the description of suprathermal transport. The preheat factors are reduced and the laser→fuel energy transfer is optimized by imploding thickened targets with intermediate laser pulse (500 ps). It is demonstrated that the thickness of the target shell increases the pusher, lowers the preheat and induces a more ablative behavior. A maximum in final DT density is observed. Includes 2 tables, 1 drawing, and 5 photos
Primary Subject
Hora, H.; Miley, G.H; p. 797-815; 1984; p. 797-815; Plenum Publishing Corp; New York, NY (USA)
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Juraszek, D.; Bernard, M.; Billon, D.; Bocher, J.L.; Holstein, P.A; Le Breton, J.P.; Louis-Jacquet, M.; Meynial, D.; Schneider, P.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1985
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Limeil, 94 - Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (France)1985
[en] Layered plane targets have been irradiated with O.35 μm laser wavelength at the power level O.1 TW using the Nd-glass system Octal equipped with KDP tripling systems. Four beams were superimposed on a 150 μm in diameter focal spot. Propagation of the thermal front (T >= 106K) was analysed by means of time-resolved recording of the sub-KeV X-ray target emission. A comparison to computer simulations shows that the results can be described by a flux limiter f = 0.03 +- 0.015
Primary Subject
Nov 1985; 18 p; 7. International workshop on laser interaction and related plasma phenomena; Monterey, CA (USA); 28 Oct - 1 Nov 1985
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