Kalmykova, L.P.; Kotov, V.M.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation1987
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation1987
[en] The filtering program designed for initial scanning of the data obtained through digitizing by means of JINR spiral reader of the events of the experiment on the study of hadronic stream production of particles with a large transverse momentum (P) is described. This experiment has been fulfilled by means of RISK spectrometer based on a 5 meter streamer chamber. Specific features of filtering algorithms and their implementation on the program are discussed. The track following procedure is suggested for large deviations of sweep origin from event vetrtex. The program main characteristics and results of its work exploitation are presented
Original Title
Programma fil'tratsii dannykh skanirovaniya snimkov spektrometra RISK na spiral'nom izmeritele
1987; 10 p; 9 refs.; 3 figs.; 3 tabs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kalmykova, L.P.; Kotov, V.M.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation1978
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation1978
[en] Described is a program which is intended for the measurement of the speed of movement of the measuring table carriages both for the transient and steady modes, as well as for graphic representation of data obtained on the display screen. The input of data required for the table operation and choice of operation mode takes place during the ''operator-computer'' dialog using the VT-340 display
Original Title
Testovaya programma ''XY-TEST'' izmeritel'nogo stola skaniruyushchej sistemy ''Spiral'nyj izmeritel'''
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1978; 8 p; 5 refs.; 2 tables.
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No abstract available
Original Title
Izuchenie kinetiki rastvoreniya litievykh borosilikatnykh stekol v kislykh rastvorakh
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
For English translation see the journal J. Appl. Chem. USSR.
Record Type
Journal Article
Zhurnal Prikladnoj Khimii; v. 47 p. 997-1001
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kalmykova, L.P.; Ososkov, G.A.; Pogodina, G.A.; Skryl', I.I.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR)1975
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR)1975
[en] A description of a programme variant for complex calibration of the system of boards BPS-2, is given in which the stage of measurements and accumulation of calibration data is separated from that of data processing on CDC-1604A computers. Stage-by-stage calibration allows for simultaneous and parallel measurements on all the 6 boards. Such a possibility of the boards' operation on a computer-controlled line has been used as checking of the operators' actions with current control of the data obtained. Mathematical formulae are followed by programmes' descriptions. Reception and accumulation of coordinates of the units of the calibrating plate, with a highly precise net of straight lines, are accomplished with the help of the DATREC programme working on a guiding TPA-1001 computer with simultaneous calibration of all the six BPS-2 boards. The DATREC programme is written in the SLANG-1 language. The CALBPS programme works on CDC-1604A computer, is written in FORTRAN, and calculates transformation coefficients and corresponding precision characteristics. The work has resulted in reducing the calibration time from 10-15 min. per board to 10-15 min. per all the 6 boards. The time of accumulation in the memory TPA-1001 and of recording on the CDC-608 tape recorder of calibration data is from 3 to 5 min.; the remaining time is spent on processing on a bigger CDC-1604A computer. Examples of typical output and certain results of calibration measurements are given
Original Title
Programma kalibrovki bol'shikh prosmotrovo-izmeritel'nykh stolov BPS-2 na linii s EhVM TRA-1001
Primary Subject
1975; 20 p; 5 refs.; 9 figs.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kazakov, A.A.; Kalmykova, L.P.; Kotov, V.M.; Nekhaevskaya, G.N.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation1980
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation1980
[en] A system of preparing the scanning data for measurements and a control unit for the VT-340 display are described. The use of the display to automatize the introduction into a computer of auxiliary information at event scanning on track chamber films and forming of control magnetic tape of the spiral reader allows one to eliminate from the data preparation process intermediate data carriers (cards, punched tape), and to provide for an operative control for input data
Original Title
Podgotovka dannykh prosmotra dlya spiral'nogo izmeritelya s ispol'zovaniem displeya VT-340
1980; 10 p; 7 refs.; 5 tables.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kalmykova, L.P.; Kotov, V.M.; Moroz, V.I.; Selivanov, A.E.; Shelkov, G.A.; Yamburenko, V.S.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation1986
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation1986
[en] Check measurement series was performed in order to determine spiral reader (SR) precision and efficiency for selecting tracks from the RISK spectrometer stereofilms. The comparative analysis of SR and semi-automatic image processing device (SAIPI) data has shown that the SR characteristics satisfy the requirements for the measurement systems of streamer chamber film processing. The efficiency of SR data processing is similar to that of SAIPD but the accuracy and productivity of SR are by a factor of 1.5 greater
Original Title
Rezul'taty sravnitel'nogo analiza izmerenij sobytij s ustanovki RISK na spiral'nom izmeritele
1986; 8 p; 11 refs.; 3 figs.; 1 tab.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ermolaev, V.V.; Kalmykova, L.P.; Pontekorvo, D.B.; Skryl', I.I.; Falomkin, I.V.; Shcherbakov, Yu.A.; Balestra, F.; Garfan'ini, R.; Piradzhino, G.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation1976
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation1976
[en] A system is described for processing pictures from a high pressure streamer chamber. The system contains a TPA-1001 computer, 6 scanning measuring devices and software. A number of programs has been prepared for calculating and controlling the optical parameters of the streamer chamber, and also for the analysis of the pion beam parameters and the geometric reconstruction of the events taken
Original Title
Sistema obrabotki fotosnimkov so strimernoj kamery vysokogo davleniya
1976; 16 p; 6 refs.; 8 figs.; 2 tables.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue