Kim, Eunhye
Universite Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne, Ecole doctorale de Geographie de Paris, Laboratoire Geographies-Cites (France)2013
Universite Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne, Ecole doctorale de Geographie de Paris, Laboratoire Geographies-Cites (France)2013
[en] Increasing urban natural resource consumption and particularly fossil energy consumption is one of the important factors of global environment alteration. To understand the socio-ecological transition process for the city, we characterize it as a natural resource dependent system in material and ecological terms. Cities mobilize a technical system to draw the external natural resource. Therefore, externality is a fundamental character of urban metabolism. We focus in this work on the relationship between the energy demand of the city, the evolution of the urban and extra-urban energy supply system, and the energy resource supply area of Paris. We used energy and material flow analysis (MEFA) to evaluate environmental pressure driven by city's energy consumption, urban metabolism. MEFA aims to evaluate social metabolism, therefore energy demand including both the energy for technical system and bio-energy for food and forage provision for a society. Particularly, total energy requirement (TER) refers to primary energy consumption, an indicator to evaluate the environmental pressure. Furthermore, we try to view the energy demand for the technical energy increase of the city in parallel with its energy supply area for three dates chosen during the 19. and 21. centuries. In Paris, energy transition from biomass to fossil fuels and increase in TER cause remoteness between the city and its natural resources. During the 19. to the 21., energy resources requirement of the city rises from 40 PJ/yr to 300 PJ/yr in terms of TER and the share of biomass diminishes from 100 % to less than 10% of total. Two periods are distinguished according to the determinants of energy consumption increase. Between 1801 and 1920, although TER/capita/year is stable, the population increase by 5 folds is determinant in increased energy demand of the city in TER/year. Between 1921 and 2006, when the population is relatively stable, increased per capita energy demand (TER/capita/year) by 2 folds is the determinant factor of energy demand increase. At urban metropolitan scale, due to the rise of technical energy consumptions in per capita and the tremendous population increase, between 1801 and 2006, total technical energy demand of Paris metropolitan area grows from 18 to 1650 PJ/yr, in which fossil and fissile energies represent 88 % of TER/year for 2006. The increase of energy consumption, driven by the industrial revolution in the 19. century, the development of technical energy systems, by the rise of secondary energy consumption and the improvement of standard of living were the main drivers of fossil energy consumption increase. In fact, between 1801 and 2006 in Paris, the consumption increase, the main resource changes from biomass to fossil and fissile fuels by the extension of technical system and the remoteness of the resources from the city were reciprocal processes. Therefore, the average distance for energy supply which was 190 km in 1800 for wood supply, extended to 290 km in 1870 when coal became the main energy source. The average distance reaches 3850 km in 2006, when the city is depending on fossil and fissile fuels. (author)
La croissance de la consommation par les villes de ressources naturelles, et en particulier d'energie d'origine fossile, est un facteur determinant dans l'alteration de la biosphere. Pour comprendre le processus du changement du rapport entre la ville et la biosphere, transition socio-ecologique dans le cas particulier de la ville, nous avons caracterise la ville comme etant tributaire de la ressource externe en termes materiel et ecologique. On s'interesse dans ce travail a la relation entre la demande en energie de la ville, l'evolution du systeme d'approvisionnement urbain et extra-urbain en energie, et le bassin d'approvisionnement en ressource energetique avec le cas de l'agglomeration parisienne. Pour ce faire, nous avons d'une part tente d'evaluer la pression environnementale effectuee pour la consommation energetique urbaine, metabolisme urbain, en utilisant la methode d'analyse de flux d'energie et de matiere (AFME). L'AFME s'interesse a mesurer le metabolisme d'une societe et inclut par consequent la consommation energetique technique (pour le chauffage, l'eclairage, le transport, l'industrie) ainsi que l'alimentation humaine et animale consommee dans la ville. La consommation energetique urbaine est evaluee par la demande energetique totale (DET), indicateur de pression environnementale, dans le but de mesurer la consommation d'energie primaire en amont pour l'approvisionnement en energie finale du territoire. On essaie ensuite de mettre en parallele l'evolution de la DET pour l'energie technique et l'evolution du rayon d'approvisionnement de cette derniere au fur et a mesure de la croissance urbaine. Pour ce faire, on mesure les distances moyenne et maximale d'approvisionnement en km et les lieux de provenance des produits energetiques en termes de pourcentage dans la demande energetique totale du territoire sur trois dates entre le XIXe et le XXIe siecle. Dans la ville de Paris, la transition energetique de la biomasse aux combustibles fossiles entraine la croissance de la demande energetique totale et l'eloignement accru entre la ville et ses ressources energetiques. Entre 1801 et 2006, la demande energetique totale par an (DET/an) de la ville de Paris croit de 40 PJ/an a 300 PJ/an et la part de la biomasse (energie renouvelable) diminue de 100 % a moins de 10 %. Deux periodes sont distinguees selon les facteurs principaux de la croissance de la consommation energetique. Entre 1801 et 1920, la DET par habitant par an (DET/hab/an) restant relativement stable entre 54 et 63 GJ/hab/an, la croissance de la DET/an est entrainee par la croissance de la population parisienne d'un facteur 5. Entre 1921 et 2006, la population parisienne restant relativement stable, la croissance de la DET/an est entrainee par la croissance de l'intensite energetique d'un facteur 2. a l'echelle de l'agglomeration, du fait de la forte croissance demographique et de la hausse de la consommation energetique technique par habitant par an, la DET/an pour l'energie technique s'eleve de 18 a 1650 PJ/an en termes de DET, dont 88 % de combustibles fossiles et fissiles pour 2006. Pendant le XIXe et le XXe siecle, la croissance de la consommation energetique de la ville et le changement de la source energetique par l'extension du rayon d'approvisionnement etaient des processus reciproques. Enfin, l'extension du systeme d'approvisionnement et la croissance de la demande energetique d'origine fossile et fissile de la ville entrainent l'extension du rayon d'approvisionnement de Paris, qui etait limite a une distance moyenne de 190 km pour l'approvisionnement en bois en 1800, a 290 km en 1870 lorsque le charbon devient le combustible majeur. Il atteint 3 850 km en 2006, la ville s'approvisionnant quasiment exclusivement en energie fossile et fissile. (auteur)Original Title
Les transitions energetiques urbaines du XIXe au XXIe siecle: de la biomasse aux combustibles fossiles et fissiles a Paris (France)
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23 Apr 2013; 393 p; [400 refs.]; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; These Docteur de l'Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, Champ disciplinaire: Geographie, Amenagement
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Thesis/Dissertation; Numerical Data
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Ryu, Du Yeol; Lee, Yonghoon; Lee, Hoyeon; Kim, Eunhye; Han, Young Soo
2nd Asia Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering(AOCNS) 20152015
2nd Asia Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering(AOCNS) 20152015
[en] The phase behavior of the multi-component polymer systems such as blends and block copolymers (BCPs) has been studied extensively, as it determines the chemical and physical properties of the polymeric materials in practical applications. Above all, polymer baroplasticity is a desirable property for the recycling and regenerating industries, since it allows the polymers to flow at relatively mild pressure. Particularly, the compressibility issue on the enhanced miscibility with pressure has been an attractive topic, because an ordered state of the baroplastic BCPs becomes a phase-mixed state (or disordered phase) between the two dissimilar blocks upon pressurizing. This is in contrast to the incompressibility that was dictated by the enthalpic effect arising from the increased unfavorable contacts between the two blocks by increasing pressure. The phase behaviors of BCP blends composed of the weakly interacting (with no specific interaction) polystyrene-b-poly(n-butyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PnBMA) and deuterated polystyreneb- poly-(n-hexyl methacrylate) (dPS-b-PnHMA) were investigated by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering(SANS) and Depolarized Light Scattering (DPLS) measurements. Interestingly, pressure dependence of various phase transitions for the miscible BCP blends was significantly changed, in which the blends consist of a PS-b-PnBMA and a deuterated dPS-b-PnHMA. To elucidate the origin and difference in baroplasticity of weakly interacting BCP blends, the pressure dependence of transition temperatures was evaluated using enthalpic and volumetric changes at phase transitions. We also demonstrate that the entropic compressibility for the miscible BCP blends is a baroplastic indicator, which was characterized by the negative volume change on mixing (ΔVmix) at transitions.
Secondary Subject
ICMS Australasia Pty Ltd (Australia); 276 p; Jul 2015; p. 56; AOCNS 2015: 2. Asia Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering; Sydney, NSW (Australia); 19-23 Jul 2015; Available from
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Takeuchi, Masaru; Hasegawa, Yasuhisa; Iriguchi, Masaki; Hattori, Mamoru; Kim, Eunhye; Ichikawa, Akihiko; Fukuda, Toshio; Huang, Qiang, E-mail:
[en] In this study, we developed a procedure for assembling hepatic microstructures into tube shapes using magnetic self-assembly for in vitro 3D micro-tissue fabrication. To this end, biocompatible hydrogels, which have a toroidal shape, were made using the micro-patterned electrodeposition method. Ferrite particles were used to coat the fabricated toroidal hydrogel microcapsules using a poly-L-lysine membrane. The microcapsules were then magnetized with a 3 T magnetic field, and assembled using a magnetic self-assembly process. During electrodeposition, hepatic cells were trapped inside the microcapsules, and they were cultured to construct tissue-like structures. The magnetized toroidal microstructures then automatically assembled to form tube structures. Shaking was used to enhance the assembly process, and the shaking speed was experimentally optimized to achieve the high-speed assembly of longer tube structures. The flow velocity inside the dish during shaking was measured by particle image velocimetry. Hepatic functions were evaluated to check for side-effects of the magnetized ferrite particles on the microstructures. Collectively, our findings indicated that the developed method can achieve the high-speed assembly of a large number of microstructures to form tissue-like hepatic structures. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Biomedical Materials (Bristol. Online); ISSN 1748-605X; ; v. 15(5); [10 p.]
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[en] Highlights: • Upwind NOx condition changed the ratio of NO3− and HNO3 being transported. • NOx reduction in high NOx upwind area increased direct long-range transport of NO3−. • Downwind NH3 availability affected additional conversion of transported HNO3 to NO3−. • The cross impact outweighs the direct impact in NH3-rich downwind areas. • Direct NO3− transport increased the overall impact over NH3-poor downwind areas. Emissions reductions in upwind areas can influence the PM2.5 concentrations in downwind areas via long-range transport. However, few studies have assessed the impact of upwind PM2.5 precursor controls on changes in downwind PM2.5 concentrations. In this study, we analyzed the overall impact of PM2.5 precursor emission controls in upwind areas on PM2.5 in downwind areas with two types of impacts: “direct impact” and “cross impact.” The former refers to PM2.5 changes in downwind areas due to the transported PM2.5 itself, whereas the latter represents PM2.5 changes due to reactions between the transported gaseous precursors and intermediates (i.e., HNO3) originating from upwind areas and locally emitted precursors (i.e. NH3) in the downwind areas. As a case study, we performed air quality modeling for Northeast Asia for January 15–17, 2016 by setting China and South Korea as the upwind and downwind areas, respectively. To account for potential spatiotemporal variations in NH3 emissions in downwind areas, we considered two NH3 conditions. When NOx emissions in China were reduced by 35%, in downwind areas the PM2.5 concentrations decreased by 2.2 μg/m3 under NH3-rich conditions, while PM2.5 concentrations increased by 2.3 μg/m3 under NH3-poor conditions. The direct impact increased by 4.0 μg/m3 in both cases due to upwind NOx disbenefit effects. However, the cross impacts led to a PM2.5 decrease of 6.2 μg/m3 under NH3-rich conditions versus a PM2.5 increase of 1.7 μg/m3 under NH3-poor conditions. We noted that PM2.5 concentrations in the downwind areas may not improve unless a cross impact outweighs a direct impact. This may be one of the reasons why South Korea PM2.5 concentrations have not declined despite efforts by China to reduce their PM2.5 precursor emissions.
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S0269749120364836; Available from; Copyright (c) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Intra-hospital transport is associated with fatal risks for the occupants of an intensive care unit (ICU). Thus, mobile CT is used in ICUs. In this study, two-dimensional equivalent dose distribution data were expanded using the inverse square law of distance to identify the potential exposure of radiologic technologists and public and the maximum number of possible daily CT procedures. The exposure dose at 1.5 m from the isocentre of the mobile CT was 2.260 μSv. Based on the dose limitation (5 mSv/yr for controlled area and 1 mSv/yr for uncontrolled area) as per National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement report, the number of possible scans per day was 9 for radiologic technologists and 2 for public. When using the radiation shielding partition with a lead equivalent of 0.3 mm Pb, the exposure dose reduced as 0.399 μSv. Therefore, mobile CT can be used in ICUs when appropriate shielding is provided. (authors)
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Available from doi:; Country of input: France; 32 refs.
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Journal Article
Radiation Protection Dosimetry; ISSN 0144-8420; ; v. 196(1-2); p. 60-70
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[en] Highlights: • The impact of the upwind NH3 emission on downwind PM2.5 is highest in spring. • NO3− change leads to an overall PM2.5 change under various NH3 conditions. • Downwind NH3 additionally converts HNO3 originating upwind to NO3−. • Vertical mixing determines the surface and aloft AdjGR even under NH3-rich condition. • The impact of NH3 emission control is similar regardless of the emission uncertainty. Ammonia (NH3) is an important precursor for forming PM2.5. In this study, we estimated the impact of upwind transboundary and local downwind NH3 emissions on PM2.5 and its inorganic components via photochemical grid model simulations. Nine sensitivity scenarios with ±50% perturbations of upwind (China) and/or downwind (South Korea) NH3 emissions were simulated for the year 2016 over Northeast Asia. The annual mean PM2.5 concentrations in the downwind area were predicted to change from −3.3 (−18%) to 2.4 (13%) when the NH3 emissions in the upwind and downwind areas were perturbed by -50% to +50%. The change in PM2.5 concentrations in the downwind area depending on the change in NH3 emissions in the upwind area was the highest in spring, followed by winter. This was mainly attributed to the change in nitrate (NO3-), a secondary inorganic aerosol (SIA) that is a predominant constituent of PM2.5. Since NH3 is mainly emitted near the surface and vertical mixing is limited during the night, it was modeled that the aloft nitric acid (HNO3)-to-NO3- conversion in the morning hours was increased when the NH3 accumulated near the surface during nighttime begins to mix up within the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) as it develops after sunrise. This implies that the control of upwind and/or downwind NH3 emissions is effective at reducing PM2.5 concentrations in the downwind area even under NH3 rich conditions in Northeast Asia.
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S0269749121000063; Available from; Copyright (c) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Lee, Keunsoo; Lee, Jonghee; Lee, Jeong-Ik; Cho, Doo-Hee; Lim, Jong Tae; Joo, Chul Woong; Kim, Joo Yeon; Moon, Jaehyun; Kim, Eunhye; Yoo, Seunghyup; Ju, Byeong-Kwon, E-mail:, E-mail:
[en] An optical functional film applicable to various lighting devices is demonstrated in this study. The phase separation of two immiscible polymers in a common solvent was used to fabricate the film. In this paper, a self-organized lens-like structure is realized in this manner with optical OLED functional film. For an OLED, there are a few optical drawbacks, including light confinement or viewing angle distortion. By applying the optical film to an OLED, the angular spectra distortion resulting from the designed organic stack which produced the highest efficiency was successfully stabilized, simultaneously enhancing the efficiency of the OLED. We prove the effect of the film on the efficiency of OLEDs through an optical simulation. With the capability to overcome the main drawbacks of OLEDs, we contend that the proposed film can be applied to various lighting devices. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
Nanotechnology (Print); ISSN 0957-4484; ; v. 27(7); [9 p.]
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