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Wuerz, H.; Eyrich, W.; Klotz, W.D.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Hauptabteilung Ingenieurtechnik; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Projekt Wiederaufarbeitung und Abfallbehandlung1989
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Hauptabteilung Ingenieurtechnik; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Projekt Wiederaufarbeitung und Abfallbehandlung1989
[en] The report describes the methods, the measurement systems, the correction procedures and the results. Generally the results of the coincidence method are in better agreement with the actual values. However the Pu values are systematically overestimated. This demonstrates that the correction procedures have to be improved and that methods for matrix identification are of great importance. For the pulsed neutron method the influence of sample self-shielding was demonstrated. It turned out that the correction procedure for the influence of matrix composition as used for the data evaluation is inadequate for neutron absorbers. This becomes important if just instead of hydrogeneous matrix materials such as PE foam real waste materials with a high PVC content are used. The measurements were done in the frame of a Round Robin Test Exercise on α-contaminated waste sponsored by the European Community (EC). The aim of the Exercise was a comparison of methods and equipment available in different laboratories in the EC for the nondestructive assay of α-waste drums. (orig./HP)
Der Bericht beschreibt die Messmethoden, die Messsysteme, die Datenauswertung und die erhaltenen Resultate. Generell sind die Resultate der Koinzidenzmessung in besserer Uebereinstimmung mit den wahren Werten. Jedoch werden die Pu-Gehalte systematisch ueberschaetzt. Dies demonstriert die Bedeutung von Matrixeinfluessen und die Notwendigkeit einer Matrixidentifikation. Fuer die gepulste Methode wird der Einfluss der Probenselbstabschirmung demonstriert. Ausserdem wird gezeigt, dass das Matrixkorrekturverfahren in Gegenwart von auch schwachen Neutronenabsorbern unzureichend ist. Die Messungen wurden im Rahmen eines von der Europaeischen Gemeinschaft (EG) gefoerderten Round Robin Tests an α-haltigen Abfaellen durchgefuehrt. Der Round Robin Test hatte das Ziel zerstoerungsfreie Methoden und Geraete zur Spaltstoffbestimmung in Abfallgebinden EG-weit zu vergleichen. (orig./HP)Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Mar 1989; 99 p; PWA--15/89
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Pflueger, J.; Klotz, W.D.; Gudat, W.
International Conference on Insertion Devices for Synchrotron Sources, Stanford, CA, October 27-30, 1985, Proceedings1986
International Conference on Insertion Devices for Synchrotron Sources, Stanford, CA, October 27-30, 1985, Proceedings1986
[en] For the 0.8-GeV storage ring BESSY in Berlin an insertion device to be used as undulator and wiggler (k = 0-6) is currently under construction. The pure permanent-magnet structure consists of 35 periods with 7-cm period length. The influence of operating this structure with the small emittance optic METRO was studied quantitatively in linear-synchrotron theory by modeling the multipole structure by hard-edge dipole magnets. Working point, betatron functions, etc. were studied as function of the K parameter. It turns out that vertical focusing can be compensated sufficiently well for fields 12 kG or less by detuning the two adjacent quadrupoles. The model calculations were checked by calculating trajectories through the full three-dimensional magnetic field by solving the equations of motion. As expected, vertical focusing is overestimated in the hard-edge model by about 20 percent. 12 references
Primary Subject
Tatchyn, R.; Lindau, I; p. 223-226; 1986; p. 223-226; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers; Bellingham, WA (USA); International conference on insertion devices; Stanford, CA (USA); 28-30 Oct 1985
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Eyrich, W.; Klotz, W.D.; Wuerz, H.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Projekt Wiederaufarbeitung und Abfallbehandlung1982
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Projekt Wiederaufarbeitung und Abfallbehandlung1982
[en] The Neutron Well Counter was used for the Pu assay of Eurochemic waste items. Due to rather large changes of the (αn) contribution to the neutron emission the Pu assay only can be done by the neutron coinidence method. Measurements and experimental results for the Eurochemic waste items are described. Moreover estimations for the important parameters neutron multiplication and chemical composition of the waste are given. It is demonstrated how to eliminate the influence of both these quantities. With the presently available neutron well counter minimum Pu content of 20 mg are detectable in 200 l drums. (orig.)
Die Fassmessanlage wurde bei der Eurochemic in Mol zur zerstoerungsfreien Bestimmung des Plutoniumgehaltes von Wastegebinden eingesetzt. In realistischen Wasteproben schwankt der (αn) Anteil an der Neutronenemission in einem weiten Bereich. Deshalb kann die Plutoniumbestimmung nur ueber eine Koinzidenzmessung erfolgen. Die aus den Messungen und aus Rechnungen gewonnenen Aussagen und Verfahren zur Elimination von Multiplikations- und Matrixeffekten werden diskutiert. Bei einem auf minimalen Neutronenuntergrund ausgelegten Aufstellungsort kann mit dem derzeitigen Geraet eine Pu Nachweisgrenze von ca. 20 mg/200 l Fass erreicht werden. (orig.).Original Title
Zerstoerungsfreie Plutoniumbestimmung in Abfallgebinden der Eurochemic in Mol
Primary Subject
Jul 1982; 57 p; PWA--15/82
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No abstract available
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Journal Article
Computer Physics Communications; v. 9(2); p. 102-116
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Klotz, W.D.
Proceedings of international conference on accelerators and large experimental physics control systems1992
Proceedings of international conference on accelerators and large experimental physics control systems1992
[en] The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility [1] will operate a 6 GeV e-/e+ storage ring of 850 m circumference to deliver to date unprecedented high brilliance X-rays to the European research community. The ESRF is the first member of a new generation of Synchrotron Radiation Sources, in which the brilliance of the beam and the utilization of insertion devices are pushed to their present limits. Commissioning of the facility's storage ring will start in spring 1992. A full energy injector, consisting of a 200 MeV linear preinjector and a 6 GeV fast cycling synchrotron (10 Hz) of 350 m circumference have been successfully commissioned during the last months. The Machine control system for this facility, which is under construction since 1988, is still under development, but its initial on-site operation this year has clearly made easier the commissioning of the preinjector plant. A description of the current system is given and application software for start-up is briefly described. (J.P.N.)
Primary Subject
Kurokawa, Shin-ichi; Katoh, Tadahiko (eds.); National Lab. for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); 658 p; Dec 1992; p. 121-127; International conference on accelerators and large experimental physics control systems; Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); 11-15 Nov 1991
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Klotz, W.D.
ESRF Control Group
Proceedings of the 3. European particle accelerator conference. V. 11992
ESRF Control Group
Proceedings of the 3. European particle accelerator conference. V. 11992
[en] The controlling system of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility is described in detail. Its present system is overviewed, including its architecture, networks, computers, interfaces, software, and future developments are foreseen. Design phases of the improved control system project are considered. (K.A.) 1 ref.; 1 fig.; 1 tab
Primary Subject
Henke, H. (Technische Univ., Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Theoretische Elektrotechnik); Homeyer, H. (Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin GmbH (Germany)); Petit-Jean-Genaz, Ch. (eds.); [908 p.]; ISBN 2-86332-114-5; ; 1992; p. 321-323; Editions Frontieres; Paris (France); EPAC 92: 3. European particle accelerator conference; Berlin (Germany); 24-28 Mar 1992
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[en] The hyperfine structure (hfs) of the 3d94p3D2 excited atomic level of 61Ni has been measured by the level crossing method. Isotopic enrichment of the normally 1% abundant 61Ni was necessary to achieve adequate resonance fluorescence for LC signal detection. The hfs interaction constants of the the 3d94p3D2 level are: A=(-78.2 +- 3.0) MHz, B=(-24.2 +- 7.0) MHz, B/A=0.31 +- 0.08. The signs of the A and B factors have been determined by an approximate calculation using different theoretical approaches for the interpretation of the experimental results. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Physica B plus C; v. 93(2); p. 271-278
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Eyrich, W.; Klotz, W.D.; Simon, G.G.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (Germany). Hauptabteilung Ingenieurtechnik; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (KfK) (Germany). Koordinationsstelle Internationale Forschung zur Nuklearen Entsorgung (KNE)1992
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (Germany). Hauptabteilung Ingenieurtechnik; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (KfK) (Germany). Koordinationsstelle Internationale Forschung zur Nuklearen Entsorgung (KNE)1992
[en] To detect minute quantities of plutonium in 220 liter drums, a new method and a data analysis system were developed, the LCA (local correlation analysis system). With this, it is possible to determine the exact probe location. It has the ability to distinguish between a homogeneous Pu-distribution and a Pu-probe in the center of the container. Within each neutron signal, the time of pulse and the counter number are registered, therefore analysis methods currently in practice can utilize. For drums having a higher plutonium content the detection efficiency can be determined directly without knowledge of the matrix composition or the probe location. The data analysis system is tailored to be used with an ordinary PC. (orig.)
Um kleinere Mengen Plutonium in einem 220 l-Fass nachzuweisen, wurden eine neue Messmethode und ein spezielles Datenerfassungssystem entwickelt (LCA - local correlation analysis system). Dieses Messsystem ermoeglicht eine genaue Ortsbestimmung der Probenlage und darueberhinaus eine Unterscheidung zwischen einer homogen verteilten Probe und einer Probe, die sich im Fasszentrum befindet. Da zu jedem Neutronensignal sein Zeitpunkt und das betroffene Zaehlrohr registriert werden, bietet das Messsystem die Moeglichkeit, alle ueblichen Auswertemethoden anzuwenden. Fuer Abfallfaesser, die einen hoeheren Plutoniumgehalt besitzen, kann die Ansprechwahrscheinlichkeit unmittelbar und ohne Kenntnis der Matrixzusammensetzung und der Probenanlage bestimmt werden. Das Messsystem ist so konzipiert, dass es in einen marktueblichen PC integriert werden kann. (orig.)Original Title
Neue Auswertemethoden fuer Neutronen-Messungen zur Plutoniumbestimmung in Faessern mit heterogenen und schweren Abfaellen
Secondary Subject
Mar 1992; 50 p; PWA--39/91
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[en] In this paper a model, called the device server model, has been presented for solving the problem of device access and control faced by all control systems. Object Oriented Programming techniques were used to achieve a powerful yet flexible solution. The model provides a solution to the problem which hides device dependancies. It defines a software framework which has to be respected by implementors of device classes - this is very useful for developing groupware. The decision to implement remote access in the root class means that device servers can be easily integrated in a distributed control system. A lot of the advantages and features of the device server model are due to the adoption of OOP techniques. The main conclusion that can be drawn from this paper is that 1. the device access and control problem is adapted to being solved with OOP techniques, 2. OOP techniques offer a distinct advantage over traditional programming techniques for solving the device access problem. (J.P.N.)
Primary Subject
Kurokawa, Shin-ichi; Katoh, Tadahiko (eds.); National Lab. for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); 658 p; Dec 1992; p. 514-519; International conference on accelerators and large experimental physics control systems; Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); 11-15 Nov 1991
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[en] This paper reports on the construction phase of the ESRF facility partitioned into different steps separated by the following milestones: Ground Breaking Jan. 1989; Linac commissioning Jun. 1990; Injector commissioning Sep. 1991; Storage Ring commissioning Sep. 1992; and Routine Operation Jun. 1993. Apart from the Linac, which has been ordered with a small stand-alone control system and which will be smoothly integrated into the general control system, the first important milestone for the control system to be operational - at least in a phase 0 version - is the commissioning of the Injector. Counted from now this allows only a total of 3 years for the construction of the basic parts of the control system
Primary Subject
Tazzari, S; 1545 p; ISBN 9971-50-642-4; ; 1988; p. 1196; World Scientific Pub. Co; Teaneck, NJ (United States); 1. European particle accelerator conference (EPAC-1); Rome (Italy); 7-11 Jun 1988; CONF-880695--; World Scientific Pub. Co., 687 Hartwell Street, Teaneck, NJ 07666 (USA)
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