Kornev, O.P.; Krysanov, V.P.
Volgodonskoe proizvodstvennoe obedinenie atomnogo energet masinostr 'ATOMMAS', Volgodonsk (USSR)1984
Volgodonskoe proizvodstvennoe obedinenie atomnogo energet masinostr 'ATOMMAS', Volgodonsk (USSR)1984
[en] The invention has been aimed at simplifying the design of shielding elements for nuclear reactor cores
Original Title
Abschirmkassette fuer die aktiven Zonen eines Kernreaktors
Primary Subject
1 Feb 1984; 14 Jan 1982; vp; DD PATENT DOCUMENT 206719/B/; SU PRIORITY 2840244/18-25; Available from BUCHEXPORT, DDR-7010 Leipzig; Priority date: 14 Jan 1982
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Krysanov, V.P.; Kornev, O.P.
Vologodonskoe Proizvodstvennoe Obiedinenie Atomonogo Energeticheskogo Mashinostroenia 'Atommash', Volgodonsk (USSR)1985
Vologodonskoe Proizvodstvennoe Obiedinenie Atomonogo Energeticheskogo Mashinostroenia 'Atommash', Volgodonsk (USSR)1985
[en] Cassettes for shielding of the active area are known in different types. Due to the high temperatures during operation distortion of profile may occur. These distortions can be avoided largely by use of the construction described. A bundle of metal rods, touching each other, is combined with borders to units of hexagonal cross section. At least a few of the metal rods are fixed on a equal styled base, which has openings for circulation of the coolant. The avoidance of distortion of profile will increase the safety of nuclear reactors. (J.K.)
Kassetten zur Abschirmung der Spaltzone sind in verschiedenen Ausfuehrungen bekannt. Bedingt durch die im Betrieb auftretenden hohen Temperaturen kommt es dabei allerdings zu Formverzerrungen. Die beschriebene Konstruktion vermeidet diese Verzerrungen weitgehend. Ein Buendel von einander beruehrenden Metallstaeben wird von Ringen zu Einheiten mit sechseckigem Querschnitt zusammengefasst. Zumindest einige der Metallstaebe sind in einem formgleichen Untersatz befestigt, welcher Oeffnungen fuer den Durchfluss eines Waermetraegermediums aufweist. Die Vermeidung der Formverzerrungen erhoeht die Betriebssicherheit von Kernreaktoren. (J.K.)Original Title
Kassette der Abschirmung der Spaltzone eines Kernreaktors; No distorsion of profile during operation
Primary Subject
10 Jan 1985; 1 Feb 1982; 4 p; AT PATENT DOCUMENT 376829/B/; AT PATENT APPLICATION 373/82; Available from the Oesterreichisches Patentamt, Kohlmarkt 8-10, A-1010 Vienna, Austria; Application date: 1 Feb 1982
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[en] The structure of assemblies for the shields of thermal reactor cores is described. The assembly consists of one-piece metal rods tightly packed by bracing rings and fixes in a bottom plate with holes for coolant flow. The central group of rods is stiffly fixed to the bottom plate which provides the rigidity of the design and makes the transportation and installation of assemblies more convenient. During reactor operation a coolant freely flows through the holes in the assembly bottom plates and passes into gaps between rods forming iron-water shield of the reactor vessel
Original Title
Kasseta ehkrana aktivnoj zony yadernogo reaktora
Primary Subject
13 Nov 1979; 2 p; SU PATENT DOCUMENT 818340/A/; 2 figs.
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[en] As worldwide experience shows, one of the most important conditions for safe application of atomic energy is proper safety regulation, which clearly divides liabilities and delimits responsibility between organizations which must guarantee safe use of atomic energy and the government regulating agency for nuclear and radiation safety. The latter, on behalf of the government, gives these organizations a formal license to use atomic energy if they have the proper technical and organizational resources to use with with safety to both man and the environment. Analysis shows that the previous government inspection system for nuclear safety in the USSR differed from world practice and did not satisfy the requirements recommended by the IAEA. The inspection activity consisted of multifaceted monitoring [to assure] that the organizations and responsible persons satisfied conditions established by operating rules and standards and also applied limited preventive measures. The monitoring functions of the Soviet inspection agency grew excessively; the performance of the corresponding operating organization was usurped by the regulating agency; there was an excessive guardianship of the operating organization; and consequently a lowering of its independence and responsibility. In December 1991, the Soviet organization was used as a basis for the federal inspection agency, Gosatomnadzor Rossii (Russian State Atomic Inspection Agency), which was given the responsibility of regulating safety in the use of atomic energy through a mechanism for licensing production and/or use of nuclear materials, atomic energy, radioactive materials, and items based on them. This article further summarizes the various licensing and regulating activities currently underway at this agency. Licensing and safety requirements associated with construction and operation of nuclear power plants are discussed
Primary Subject
Translated from Atomnaya Energiya; 74: No. 4, 313-316(Apr 1993).
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] Short communication
Original Title
Trebovaniya Gosatomtekhnadzora Rossii k obosnovaniyu bezopasnosti pri perekhode na sistemu litsenzirovaniya
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
4. Annual Scientific and Technical Conference of the Nuclear Society; YaEh-93. Yadernaya ehnergiya i bezopasnost' cheloveka; Nizhnij Novgorod (Russian Federation); 28 Jun - 2 Jul 1993
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue