Semenov, S.V.; Balysh, A.Ya.; Labozin, V.P.; Tsvetkov, G.O.
The 3-rd International Conference 'Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy'. Book of Abstracts. June 7-12, 20102010
The 3-rd International Conference 'Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy'. Book of Abstracts. June 7-12, 20102010
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Vyshnevskij, I. M. (ed.); Kyiv Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine); Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine); National Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine); 180 p; 2010; p. 101; 3. International Conference on Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy; Kiev (Ukraine); 7-12 Jun 2010; Available from Ukrainian INIS Centre
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D'yachkov, A.B.; Labozin, V.P.
6. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules. Program of conference and summary of reports2001
6. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules. Program of conference and summary of reports2001
No abstract available
Original Title
Ehffektivnost' usilitelya lazera na krasitele s nakachkoj izlucheniem lazerov na parakh medi (prodol'nyj variant geometrii nakachki)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Rossijskij Nauchnyj Tsentr Kurchatovskij Inst., Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii Troitskij Inst. Innovatsionnykh i Termoyadernykh Issledovanij, Troitsk (Russian Federation); 72 p; 2001; p. 37; 6. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules; 6. Vserossijskaya (mezhdunarodnaya) nauchnaya konferentsiya. Fiziko-khimicheskie protsessy pri selektsii atomov i molekul; Zvenigorod (Russian Federation); 1-5 Oct 2001
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D'yachkov, A.B.; Labozin, V.P.
6. All-Russian (International) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes in selection of atoms and molecules. Collection of reports2002
6. All-Russian (International) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes in selection of atoms and molecules. Collection of reports2002
[en] Expression for determination of energy efficiency of transformation of pumping radiation into generation radiation is obtained on the basis of decision of rate equations of processes taking part in amplifier of dye laser (longitudinal variant of pumping geometry). The process of generation radiation absorption from excited state whereof effects essentially on amplification efficiency is included into the consideration. Two variants of pumping geometry are considered: rays of generation and pumping are codirected and are oppositely. It is shown that in the case of big amplification coefficients the second variant of pumping geometry is efficiently
На основе решения скоростных уравнений процессов, происходящих в усилителе лазера на красителе (продольный вариант геометрии накачки), получено выражение для определения энергетического КПД преобразования излучения накачки в излучение генерации. В рассмотрение включен процесс поглощения излучения генерации из возбужденного состояния, который существенно влияет на эффективность усиления. Рассмотрены два варианта геометрии накачки: лучи генерации и накачки сонаправлены и противоположно направлены. Показано, что при больших коэффициентах усиления второй вариант геометрии накачки эффективнееOriginal Title
Ehffektivnost' usilitelya lazera na krasitele s nakachkoj izlucheniem lazerom na parakh medi (prodol'nyj variant geometrii nakachki)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Baranov, V.Yu.; Kolesnikov, Yu.A. (eds.); Rossijskij Nauchnyj Tsentr Kurchatovskij Inst., Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii Troitskij Inst. Innovatsionnykh i Termoyadernykh Issledovanij, Troitsk (Russian Federation); 231 p; 2002; p. 132-136; 6. All-Russian (International) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes in selection of atoms and molecules; 6. Vserossijskaya (Mezhdunarodnaya) nauchnaya konferentsiya. Fiziko-khimicheskie protsessy pri selektsii atomov i molekul; Zvenigorod (Russian Federation); 1-5 Oct 2001; 9 refs., 6 figs.
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Grigor'ev, I.S.; Dyachkov, A.B.; Kovalevich, S.K.; Labozin, V.P.; Mironov, S.M.; Firsov, V.A.; Tsvetkov, G.O.; Shatalova, G.G.
60 Years of nuclear branch. X International scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules. Program of conference and summary of reports2005
60 Years of nuclear branch. X International scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules. Program of conference and summary of reports2005
No abstract available
Original Title
Izmerenie ehffektivnosti trekhstupenchatoj fotoionizatsii atomov neodima
Primary Subject
Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii Troitskij Inst. Innovatsionnykh i Termoyadernykh Issledovanij, Troitsk (Russian Federation); Rossijskij Nauchnyj Tsentr Kurchatovskij Inst., Moscow (Russian Federation); 67 p; ISBN 5-85389-108-1; ; 2005; p. 24; 10. International scientific conference on Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules; X Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya. Fiziko-khimicheskie protsessy pri selektsii atomov i molekul; Zvenigorod (Russian Federation); 3-7 Oct 2005
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Grigor'ev, I.S.; D'yachkov, A.B.; Labozin, V.P.; Mironov, S.M.; Nikulin, S.A.; Tsvetkov, G.O.
4. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules. Collection of reports1999
4. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules. Collection of reports1999
[en] The package, where beam of light from the assigning generator and preamplifier was enhanced sequentially in the cascade involving four amplifier, was devised. The parameters and optical scheme of the last amplifier are given. The flow-passage diameter of the cuvette is equal to 3x7=21 mm2, the velocity of dye in the cuvette - Vk=21 - 22 m/s. The efficiency of the amplifier comprises ∼ 45 %. The use of the elaborated dye pumping system makes possible output power ≥ 50 W. The common efficiency of the transformation of the copper vapor laser radiation in retune radiation was increased to 30 %
Создан комплекс, в котором пучок света из задающего генератора и предусилителя последовательно усиливается в каскаде из четырех усилителей. Представлены параметры и оптическая схема последнего усилителя. Проходное сечение кюветы 3х7=21 мм2, скорость раствора красителя в кювете Vk=21 - 22 м/с. КПД усилителя ∼ 45 %. Использование разработанной системы прокачки красителя позволило достигнуть выходной мощности ≥ 50 Вт. Общая эффективность преобразования излучения лазеров на парах меди в перестраиваемое излучение увеличивалась до 30 %Original Title
Lazery na krasitelyakh dlya issledovaniya AVLIS-protsessa
Primary Subject
Baranov, V.Yu.; Kolesnikov, Yu.A. (eds.); Rossijskij Nauchnyj Tsentr Kurchatovskij Inst., Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii Troitskij Inst. Innovatsionnykh i Termoyadernykh Issledovanij, Troitsk (Russian Federation); 271 p; 1999; p. 93-94; 4. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules; 4. Vserossijskaya (mezhdunarodnaya) nauchnaya konferentsiya. Fiziko-khimicheskie protsessy pri selektsii atomov i molekul; Zvenigorod (Russian Federation); 4-8 Oct 1999; 3 figs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Firsov, V.A.; Grigor'ev, I.S.; Gel'man, Eh.B.; Semerok, A.F.; Latyshev, O.V.; Chankin, A.V.; Labozin, V.P.
5. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules. Program of the conference and summary of reports2000
5. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules. Program of the conference and summary of reports2000
No abstract available
Original Title
Dvukh- i trekhstupenchataya selektivnaya fotoionizatsiya atomov i dimerov litiya
Primary Subject
Rossijskij Nauchnyj Tsentr Kurchatovskij Inst., Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii Troitskij Inst. Innovatsionnykh i Termoyadernykh Issledovanij, Troitsk (Russian Federation); 48 p; 2000; p. 22; 5. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules; 5. Vserossijskaya (mezhdunarodnaya) nauchnaya konferentsiya. Fiziko-khimicheskie protsessy pri selektsii atomov i molekul; Zvenigorod (Russian Federation); 2-6 Oct 2000
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Grigor'ev, I.S.; Gel'man, Eh.B.; Semerok, A.F.; Latyshev, O.V.; Firsov, V.A.; Chankin, A.V.; Labozin, V.P.
5. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules. Collection of reports2000
5. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules. Collection of reports2000
[en] Two- and three-steps selective photoionization of Li6 atoms was performed using continuously operating dye lasers. During ionization through the 3P3/2 and 3D5/2 levels the selectivity S = 2400 was achieved. The selectivity S = 24000 was achieved during ionization through the 2P1/2 and 3D3/2 levels. Selective photoionization of the lithium dimers was conducted using Ar+ laser. For the different discrete wavelengths of the laser the enrichment as 6Li2, so 7Li2 was obtained. Maximum separation coefficient of 6Li2 was S = 14 for the 465,8 nm line
Произведена двух- и трехступенчатая селективная фотоионизация атомов Li6 с помощью лазеров на красителях непрерывного действия. При ионизации через уровни 3P3/2 и 3D5/2 достигнута селективность S = 2400. При ионизации через уровни 2P1/2 и 3D3/2 достигнута селективность S = 24000. С помощью Ar+ лазера проведена селективная фотоионизация димеров лития. Для различных дискретных длин волн лазера получено обогащение как 6Li2, так и 7Li2. Максимальный коэффициент разделения для 6Li2 составил S = 14 для линии 465,8 нмOriginal Title
Dvukh- i trekhstupenchataya selektivnaya fotoionizatsiya atomov i dimerov litiya
Primary Subject
Baranov, V.Yu.; Kolesnikov, Yu.A. (eds.); Rossijskij Nauchnyj Tsentr Kurchatovskij Inst., Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii Troitskij Inst. Innovatsionnykh i Termoyadernykh Issledovanij, Troitsk (Russian Federation); 212 p; 2000; p. 92-95; 5. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules; 5. Vserossijskaya (mezhdunarodnaya) nauchnaya konferentsiya. Fiziko-khimicheskie protsessy pri selektsii atomov i molekul; Zvenigorod (Russian Federation); 2-6 Oct 2000; 3 refs., 6 figs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Grigor'ev, A.I.; Grigor'ev, I.S.; D'yachkov, A.B.; Labozin, V.P.; Pesnya, A.V.; Tsvetkov, G.O.; Shatalova, G.G.
6. All-Russian (International) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes in selection of atoms and molecules. Collection of reports2002
6. All-Russian (International) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes in selection of atoms and molecules. Collection of reports2002
[en] Problem of multistage photoionization of optically thick layer of atoms in the operation volume of AVLIS-unit is considered. The method of numerical estimation of photoionization efficiency is used. Calculation method permit to obtain intermediate results on population density of levels in each point of optically thick layer. Optimization of efficiency in comparison with initial one is conducted. Measurement of photoionization cross-section for three-stage scheme is done
Рассмотрена задача о многоступенчатой фотоионизации оптически толстого слоя атомов в рабочем объеме AVLIS-установок. Применен метод численной оценки эффективности фотоионизации. Методика расчета позволяет получить промежуточные результаты по заселенностям уровней в течение лазерного импульса и в любом месте оптически толстого слоя. Проведена оптимизация эффективности фотоионизации в сравнении с исходной. Выполнено измерение сечения фотоионизации для трехступенчатой схемыOriginal Title
Chislennyj raschet ehffektivnosti fotoionizatsii mnogourovnevykh sistem v opticheski tolstykh sloyakh
Primary Subject
Baranov, V.Yu.; Kolesnikov, Yu.A. (eds.); Rossijskij Nauchnyj Tsentr Kurchatovskij Inst., Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii Troitskij Inst. Innovatsionnykh i Termoyadernykh Issledovanij, Troitsk (Russian Federation); 231 p; 2002; p. 100-105; 6. All-Russian (International) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes in selection of atoms and molecules; 6. Vserossijskaya (Mezhdunarodnaya) nauchnaya konferentsiya. Fiziko-khimicheskie protsessy pri selektsii atomov i molekul; Zvenigorod (Russian Federation); 1-5 Oct 2001; 15 refs., 6 figs., 2 tabs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Numerical calculation of efficiency of multi-level systems photoionization in optically thick layers
Grigor'ev, A.I.; Grigor'ev, I.S.; D'yachkov, A.B.; Labozin, V.P.; Pesnya, A.V.; Tsvetkov, G.O.; Shatalova, G.G.
6. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules. Program of conference and summary of reports2001
6. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules. Program of conference and summary of reports2001
No abstract available
Original Title
Chislennyj raschet ehffektivnosti fotoionizatsii mnogourovnevykh sistem v opticheski tolstykh sloyakh
Primary Subject
Rossijskij Nauchnyj Tsentr Kurchatovskij Inst., Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii Troitskij Inst. Innovatsionnykh i Termoyadernykh Issledovanij, Troitsk (Russian Federation); 72 p; 2001; p. 59; 6. All-Russian (international) scientific conference. Physicochemical processes during selection of atoms and molecules; 6. Vserossijskaya (mezhdunarodnaya) nauchnaya konferentsiya. Fiziko-khimicheskie protsessy pri selektsii atomov i molekul; Zvenigorod (Russian Federation); 1-5 Oct 2001
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INIS IssueINIS Issue