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Laurent, R.
Universite de Franche-Comte, 1 Rue Claude Goudimel, Besancon Cedex (France)2011
Universite de Franche-Comte, 1 Rue Claude Goudimel, Besancon Cedex (France)2011
[en] The development of new techniques in the field of external radiotherapy opens new ways of gaining accuracy in dose distribution, in particular through the knowledge of individual lung motion. The numeric simulation NEMOSIS (Neural Network Motion Simulation System) we describe is based on artificial neural networks (ANN) and allows, in addition to determining motion in a personalized way, to reduce the necessary initial doses to determine it. In the first part, we will present current treatment options, lung motion as well as existing simulation or estimation methods. The second part describes the artificial neural network used and the steps for defining its parameters. An accurate evaluation of our approach was carried out on original patient data. The obtained results are compared with an existing motion estimated method. The extremely short computing time, in the range of milliseconds for the generation of one respiratory phase, would allow its use in clinical routine. Modifications to NEMOSIS in order to meet the requirements for its use in external radiotherapy are described, and a study of the motion of tumor outlines is carried out. This work lays the basis for lung motion simulation with ANNs and validates our approach. Its real time implementation coupled to its predication accuracy makes NEMOSIS promising tool for the simulation of motion synchronized with breathing. (author)
Original Title
Simulation du mouvement pulmonaire personnalise par reseau de neurones artificiels pour la radiotherapie externe
Primary Subject
21 Sep 2011; 158 p; [110 refs.]; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:; Also available from Service Commun de Documentation, BP 1057, 25001 Besancon cedex (France); These Physique Medicale
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Arnould-Laurent, R.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chatel, 92 - Montrouge (France)
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chatel, 92 - Montrouge (France)
[en] The tests comprised tensile tests under constant load or up to the fracture point using cylindrical or flat, trapezoidal test pieces, tests in which disks were ruptured under gaseous pressure, and tenacity tests. The alloy was found to be sensitive to: (1) intrinsic brittleness (I.B.) due to dissolved residual hydrogen from the preparation stage. This manifested itself mainly by cracking at an elongation threshold of about 3 percent. (2) Cracking due to stress corrosion (S.C.C.) in the true sense, which is made possible under certain conditions by an imperfect passivation of the metal surface. The process is initiated either by the appearance of microcracks which appear at the surface, or by corrosion pits. (3) Generalized corrosion accelerated by the stress (S.A.C.), whose microscopic appearance is similar to that observed with corrosion under gaseous hydrogen. Below pH 2 there is no stress corrosion. Stress rupture tests in moist air at 80 and 1000C measure I.B. + S.C.C. under high stress, giving rise to short lifetimes. I.B. + S.C.C. + S.A.C., with S.A.C. predominant, occurs under lower stresses that give long lifetimes. Stress rupture tests measure at 20 and 600C I.B. + S.C.C. with I.B. predominant. Under high stresses (short lifetimes) the magnitude of the S.C.C. component increases as the temperature increases. The most serious effects are those of S.A.C. at 80 and 1000C, and of I.B. at all temperatures. The way this alloy behaves can only be changed by an effective reduction in the quantity of residual hydrogen present, or by coatings that will in no case allow the ingress of hydrogen. 62 fig, 82 references, 15 tables
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
nd; 169 p; Translation of French thesis submitted to Paris Univ., Orsay, France Thesis.
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St Laurent, R.
Texas Univ., Austin (USA)1972
Texas Univ., Austin (USA)1972
No abstract available
Primary Subject
1972; 64 p; University Microfilms Order No. 73-7636.; Thesis (Ph. D.).
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Arnould-Laurent, R.; Fidelle, J.P.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chatel, 92 - Montrouge (France)1981
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chatel, 92 - Montrouge (France)1981
[en] Characterization of the intrinsic or provoked brittlenesses in a wide range of experimental conditions: temperature, deformation rate, slow fatigue, permeability to hydrogen, specific parameters (welding for ex.) The use is rapid and inexpensive. The breaking or cracking pressure of discs set in at their periphery is measured and the pressures obtained in conditions of embrittlement and in a reference environment are compared. The possibility of using or not using the material in the given conditions is then deduced as is the reproducibility of its response to these conditions
Caracterisation des fragilites intrinseques ou provoquees dans une large gamme de conditions experimentales: - temperature, - vitesse de deformation, - fatigue lente, - permeabilite a l'hydrogene, - parametres specifiques (soudure par ex.). La mise en oeuvre est rapide et peu couteuse. On mesure la pression de rupture ou de fissuration de disques encastres a leur peripherie et on compare les pressions obtenues en conditions fragilisantes et en milieu de reference. On en deduit la possibilite d'utilisation ou non du materiau dans les conditions donnees ainsi que la reproductibilite de sa reponse a ces conditionsOriginal Title
L'essai de rupture de disque. Une methode d'investigation mecanique puissante
Primary Subject
Sep 1981; 25 p; 2. Conference on the environmental degradation of engineering materials; Blacksburg, VA, USA; 21 - 23 Sep 1981
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Arnould-Laurent, R.; Fidelle, J.P.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chatel, 92 - Montrouge (France)1980
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chatel, 92 - Montrouge (France)1980
[en] A mechanical test for characterizing embrittlement of materials under stress and non-homogeneous deformation is described. In this test a disk, fixed at the periphery, is broken by an increasing gas pressure, pressures obtained are compared in standard conditions and in conditions producing brittleness. The ratio between these two pressures is a quantitative measurement of the damage. Fracture morphology gives indications on embrittlement
Description d'un essai mecanique destine a caracteriser la fragilisation de materiaux travaillant en contraintes et deformations inhomogenes. L'essai consiste a rompre sous pression gazeuse generalement croissante des disques encastres a leur peripherie, et a comparer les pressions de rupture obtenues dans des conditions de reference a celles obtenues dans des conditions fragilisantes. Le rapport de ces deux pressions permet de quantifier l'endommagement obtenu. La morphologie des ruptures donne egalement des indications sur la fragilisationOriginal Title
L'essai de disques encastres, methode d'essai sensible de la fragilisation des materiaux
Primary Subject
Dec 1980; 6 p; 3. Colloquium on the development of metal investigation methods; Saint-Etienne, France; 3 - 5 Dec 1980
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Arnould-Laurent, R.; Fidelle, J.P.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chatel, 92 - Montrouge (France)1981
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chatel, 92 - Montrouge (France)1981
[en] This device enables the embrittlement of materials to be studied under a great variety of experimental conditions and hence determine their area of use. It consists in characterizing the breaking of metal discs under gas pressure depending on temperature, the kind of gas, pressure, number of thermal cycles, etc
Ce dispositif permet d'etudier la fragilisation de materiaux dans des conditions experimentales tres variees et de determiner ainsi leur domaine d'utilisation. Il consiste en la caracterisation de la rupture de disques metalliques sous pression de gaz en fonction de la temperature, de la nature du gaz, de la pression, du nombre de cycles thermiques, etc.Original Title
bursting, rupture and cracking pressure of clamped disks under a fluid pressure
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Apr 1981; 16 p; 5. International conference on fracture; Cannes, France; 29 Mar - 9 Apr 1981
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Report Number
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Devaux, J.; Arnould-Laurent, R.; Fidelle, J.P.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chatel, 92 - Montrouge (France)1980
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chatel, 92 - Montrouge (France)1980
[en] We describe a set up essentially aimed at the determination of very small hydrogen amounts in metals and specially uranium alloys. This set up designed and built up in our laboratory is characterized by its very high sensitivity due on one side to experimental precaution and on the other side to an original analytical procedure, which allows to take the samples surface contamination into account. This equipment comes out as a useful addition to the existing commercial devices, which are limited to a sensitivity of 0.1x10-6 under the best circumstances
Nous decrivons une installation destinee essentiellement a la mesure de tres faibles quantites d'hydrogenes contenues dans les metaux et particulierement dans les alliages d'uranium. Cette installation, construite et mise au point dans notre laboratoire, se caracterise par une tres grande sensibilite due d'une part, aux precautions experimentales prises et, d'autre part, a une procedure d'analyse originale permettant de tenir compte de la contamination de surface des echantillons. Cet appareillage complete utilement les installations commerciales existantes qui sont limitees a une sensibilite de 0,1.10-6 dans le meilleur des casOriginal Title
Dosage de tres faibles teneurs en hydrogene dans les metaux (dans les alliages d'uranium); in uranium alloys
Primary Subject
Dec 1980; 19 p; 3. Colloquium on the development of metal investigation methods; Saint-Etienne, France; 3 - 5 Dec 1980
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[en] A quick rough analysis of stellar activity can be accomplished by studying the interrelations of the various observables. Tight correlations between observables suggest general physical relation. The aim of this study is to observe with the IUE satellite a homogeneous sample of stars for which there are extensive coronal data. The X-ray studies of close binaries provided such a sample. Because of intrinsic stellar variability, this type of study is best carried out when all observables are measured simultaneously. So, correlation plots are constructed in which the normalized flux is plotted in a log-log plane against various canonical observables, viz. MgII for the chromosphere, CIV for the transition region, and X-rays for the corona. The author has examined the relations both for the binary sample as a whole, which includes active K and G subgiant RS CVn stars and G main sequence components, and for the K subgiants separately. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Byrne, P.B.; Rodono, M. (eds.); Astrophysics and space science library; v. 102; 669 p; ISBN 90-277-1601-3; ; 1983; p. 439-442; D. Reidel; Dordrecht (Netherlands); 71. Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union; Catania (Italy); 10-13 Aug 1982; 1 table; discussion.
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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No abstract available
Original Title
300 to 10000K; 6-keV Ar ions
Primary Subject
Behrisch, R. (ed.); p. 153-156; 1973; Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Inc; New York; International conference of ion surface interaction, sputtering and related phenomena; Munich, F.R. Germany; 24 Sep 1972
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Laurent, R.; Chessex, R.; Delaloye, M.
Radioactive dating and methods of low-level counting. Proceedings of a symposium1967
Radioactive dating and methods of low-level counting. Proceedings of a symposium1967
[en] The authors describe the method used for quantitative measurement of U, Th and Pb in a zircon concentrate. They go on to mention the various procedures they used to obtain high sensitivity, good reproducibility and high speed in the detection of these elements in trace amounts. The limitations, advantages and difficulties of X-fluorescence as applied to this particular case are discussed on the theoretical level, and then illustrated by practical examples. The Larsen method, applied systematically to all the massifs of the Alpine range, is put into practice on one of them. The following conclusions can be drawn from the results obtained: 1. A first orogenic cycle seems to go back to the Upper Precambrian. In fact, ages of more than 600 m. y. have been obtained; 2. The intrusive granites were laid down during the Hercynian orogenesis (pre-Stephanian phase). The dispersion of the results may be partly attributed to the effects of the Alpine orogenesis and of the late Hercynian phase; 3. The gneiss of sedimentary origin (paragneiss and endomigmatites) give ages of between 450 and 600 m. y. (Lower Palaeozoic). (author)
Les auteurs decrivent la methode utilisee pour doser quantitativement les elements U, Th et Pb dans un concentre de zircons. Ils donnent ensuite les differents modes operatoires qu'ils ont mis en oeuvre pour obtenir une grande sensibilite, une bonne reproductibilite et une grande rapidite sur les dosages de ces elements presents a l'etat de traces. Les limitations, les avantages et les difficultes de la fluorescence X appliquee a ce cas particulier sont discutes sur le plan theorique puis illustres par des cas pratiques. La methode de Larsen, appliquee systematiquement a tous les massifs de l'arc alpin, est mise en pratique sur l'un d'entre eux. On peut tirer les conclusions suivantes des resultats obtenus: 1) Un premier cycle orogenique semble remonter au precambrien superieur. En effet, des ages de plus de 600 MA ont ete obtenus. 2) Les granites intrusifs se sont mis en place durant l'orogenese hercynienne (phase antestephanienne). La dispersion des resultats peut etre partiellement rapportee aux effets de l'orogenese alpine et de la phase hercynienne tardive. 3) Les gneiss d'origine sedimentaire (paragneiss et endomigmatites) donnent des ages compris entre 450 et 600 MA (paleozoique inferieur). (author)Original Title
La methode geochronometrique du plomb total appliquee a l'etude geologique des massifs du Mont-Blanc et des Aiguilles-Rouges (Alpes Franco-Suisses)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Joint Commission on Applied Radioactivity of the International Council of Scientific Unions, Paris (France); 744 p; Aug 1967; p. 371-384; Symposium on radioactive dating and methods of low-level counting; Monaco (Monaco); 2-10 Mar 1967; IAEA-SM--87/35; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 13 refs, 4 figs, 1 tab
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