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Lee, Y. O.; Gil, C. S.; Cho, Y. S.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2007
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2007
[en] MCNP4C, WIMSD-5, HELIOS libraries are constantly being updated and upgraded by responding users' demands, such as adding new nuclides and burnup chains. Libraries for SFR and VHTR are also being upgraded, and the structure of the group constant is being revised according to the users' needs. Neutron data of 32 fission products were fully evaluated and registered in the ENDF/B-VII.0 which was officially released December 2006 by the Cross Section Evaluation Working Group(CSEWG), USA. Neutron-induced gamma spectra, which are essential in the fields of nuclear industry and space engineering, are newly evaluated for 9Y, 93Nb, 127I, 133Cs, 141Pr, 197Au, natTl and 209Bi by introducing improved gamma strength function to describe irregular bumps. Various libraries such as for MCNP4C code, WIMSD-5 code, fast reactor, shielding, fission product burnup, and reactor benchmark were generated based on the ENDF/B-VII.0 and JEFF-3.1. Various sensitivity calculations for U-235 and U-238 based on the ENDF/B-VII.0 were carried out and their impacts on the criticalities of a number of international benchmark problems. Neutron capture cross sections of four isotopes, 155,156,157,158Gd were measured using Pelletron accelerator in the TIT of Japan. Upgrade was made on PAL facilities, and measurements were performed for neutron total cross sections for energies from thermal to hundreds eV for Pr
Primary Subject
Jun 2007; 297 p; Also available from KAERI; 239 refs, 244 figs, 51 tabs
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Lee, Y. O.; Gil, C. S.; Cho, Y. S.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2009
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2009
[en] Establishment of Nuclear Data Validation System Research collaboration was carried out with IAEA, OECD/NEA, ORNL and BNL for the update of FENDL, the production of group constant libraries, the uncertainty analysis and the development of the resonance module, respectively. The covariance evaluation system was established based on JENDL-3.3 library for the one-dimensional criticality analysis, which uses the codes NJOY, ERRORJ, ANISN and SUSD3D. The benchmark calculations on a fast power reactor core were carried out to validate the new evaluation system. The newly evaluated nuclear data for W-182, -183, -184, -186 were processed and tested in the various benchmark studies. Establishment of Precise Nuclear Data Evaluation System The resonance module has been developed and improved for the evaluation of the nuclear data in the resolved and unresolved resonance region under collaboration with BNL. The module will produce the resonance parameters, their uncertainties and covariances in the final version. The nuclear data for W-182, -183, -184, -186 were newly evaluated up to the neutron energy of 20 MeV by introducing and applying the evaluation system called 'Global Evaluation of Nuclear Data'. The proton-induced nuclear cross sections were measured and evaluated for natW, natSn, natCd, 27Al, natZr, natAg, natPd and natTi using the 40 MeV proton beam of MC50 cyclotron at KIRAMS. Nuclear Data Measurements BGO detector module was constructed by coupling the BGO crystal and PMT, and tested by using the radiation sources. The photo-nuclear reaction was studied for In, Zr, Mo, W, Ta, Bi, Pb, Nb by using the Bremsstrahlung radiation induced by the electron beam with energies of 50, 60, 70 MeV. A feasibility study for the construction of neutron generator for nuclear fusion applications was performed. The use of the domestic accelerator for the neutron generation was also studied
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Jan 2009; 183 p; Also available from KAERI; 50 refs, 112 figs, 34 tabs
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Chang, J. H.; Lee, Y. O.; Gil, C. S. and others
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2005
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2005
[en] Nuclear structure database, neutron data, charged particle data, and high energy service were improved and the libraries of WIMSD-5B, HELIOS, KASHIL-E6 were updated in response to the relevant users' requests. Measured resonance data, 19 nuclides for high burn-up fuel, isotopes for the thorium cycle were evaluated. Gamma production cross sections for underground resource exploration and for the development of in-core detector were also evaluated. The computer code system for theoretical model calculation was improved for the high energy nuclear data and, then applied to the evaluation for the accelerator and space applications. For the production of radioisotope, 'KAERI Charged Particle Cross Section Library' was published. Various libraries such as for MCNP4C, WIMSD-5, fast reactor, shielding, fission product burnup, and reactor benchmark were generated, and a code system for neutron and charged particle transport simulation was installed and their library production system was developed. Neutron capture cross sections were measured using facilities in Kyoto Univ. and TIT of Japan, and in Dubna, Russia. The TOF facility at PAL was upgraded and measurements were performed for 12 samples. Fast neutron measurement system was designed and built in the VDG facility, and its characteristics were also estimated
Primary Subject
Apr 2005; 343 p; Also available from Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); 233 refs, 220 figs, 104 tabs
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Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: DS (US)2007
Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: DS (US)2007
[en] Neutron cross sections for a complete set of Nd isotopes, 142,143,144,145,146,147,148,150Nd, were evaluated in the incident energy range from 10-5 eV to 20 MeV. In the low energy region, including thermal and resolved resonances, our evaluations are based on the latest data published in the Atlas of Neutron Resonances. In the unresolved resonance region we performed additional evaluation by using the averages of the resolved resonances and adjusting them to the experimental data. In the fast neutron region, we used the nuclear reaction model code EMPIRE-2.19 validated against the experimental data. The results are compared to the existing nuclear data libraries, including ENDF/B-VI.8, JENDL-3.3 and JEFF-3.1, and to the available experimental data. The new evaluations are suitable for neutron transport calculations and they were adopted by the new evaluated nuclear data file of the United States, ENDF/B-VII.0, released in December 2006
Primary Subject
29 Oct 2007; 36 p; KB0301041; AC02-98CH10886; Available from; PURL:; doi 10.2172/921937
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Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: DS (US)2007
Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: DS (US)2007
[en] Neutron cross sections for fission products play important role not only in the design of extended burnup core and fast reactors, but also in the study of the backend fuel cycle and the criticality analysis of spent fuel. New evaluations in both the resonance and fast neutron regions were performed by the KAERI-BNL collaboration for 32 fission products. These were 95Mo, 101Ru, 103Rh, 105Pd, 109Ag, 131Xe, 133Cs, 141Pr, and complete isotope chains of 142-148,150Nd, 144,147,148-154Sm, and 156,158,160-164Dy. The evaluations cover a large amount of reaction channels, including all those needed for neutronics calculations. Also, they cover the entire energy range, from 10-5 eV to 20 MeV, including the thermal, resolved, and unresolved resonance regions, and the fast neutron region
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22 Apr 2007; 6 p; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2007; NICE (France); 22-27 Apr 2007; KB0301041; AC02-98CH10886; Available from; PURL:
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[en] The total and 90 deg differential cross sections for the photoproton reactions 16O(γ, P)15N leading to the ground and third excited states of 15N are calculated for photon energies up to 120 MeV within the continuum random phase approximation (CRPA) approach taking into account particle-hole correlations and the spreading (damping) effects as well as the continuum state boundary condition. In solving the continuum response function, a correlated source function which makes the numerical calculation possible is used. The structures of the theoretical cross sections are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental data
Primary Subject
KAERI, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); [CD-ROM]; Oct 1999; [12 p.]; 1999 autumn meeting of the Korean Nuclear Society; Seoul (Korea, Republic of); 29-30 Oct 1999; Available from KNS, Taejon (KR); 32 refs, 7 figs
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Conference; Numerical Data
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Lee, Y. O.; Han, Yin Lu; Lee, J. Y.; Chang, J. H.
Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society autumn meeting1999
Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society autumn meeting1999
[en] Based on available experimental data of photonuclear reaction and theoretical models, an evaluated photonuclear data library is provided for a variety of applications up to 140 MeV. The photoabsorption cross section is evaluated with the giant dipole resonance model and quasideutron model, and production cross section and mission spectra for neutron, proton, deuteron, triton, alpha particles, gamma ays, and all residual nuclides produced (A ≥ 5) in the reaction chains were calculated with the Hauser-Feshbach statistical, preequilibrium and multiple-preequilibrium theories by GNASH. The calculated results of photonuclear reaction data were analysed and compared with existing experimental data. Total 142 isotopes of 39 elements were included in the evaluated photonuclear data library, and the cross sections are stored in ENDF/B-VI format
Primary Subject
KAERI, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); [CD-ROM]; Oct 1999; [12 p.]; 1999 autumn meeting of the Korean Nuclear Society; Seoul (Korea, Republic of); 29-30 Oct 1999; Available from KNS, Taejon (KR); 43 refs, 4 figs, 1 tab
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Conference; Numerical Data
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Chang, Jong Hwa; Kim, J. D.; Oh, S. Y.; Lee, Y. O.; Gil, C. S.; Cho, Y. S.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)1997
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)1997
[en] Fission fragment data have been collected and added to the existing nuclear database system. A computer program was written for generating on-line graphs of energy-dependent neutron reaction cross section. This program deals with about 300 major nuclides and serves on the internet. As a part of nuclear data evaluation works, the covariance data for neutron cross section of structural nuclides were evaluated. Also the elastic and inelastic cross sections were evaluated by using ABAREX and EGNASH2 code. In the field of nuclear data processing, a cross section library for TWODANT code for liquid metal reactor was generated and validated against Russian and French critical reactors. The resonance data for Pu-242 in CASMO-3 library were updated. In addition, continuous-energy libraries for MCNP were generated from ENDF/B-VI.2, JEF-2.2 and JENDL-3.2. These libraries were validated against the results from a series of critical experiments at HANARO. (author). 87 refs., 29 tabs., 23 figs
Primary Subject
Jan 1997; 220 p
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[en] The Proton Engineering Frontier Project is building the Korea Multipurpose Accelerator Complex facilities from 2002 to 2012, which consists of a high-current 100 MeV proton linear accelerator and various beam-lines. This paper provides a preliminary estimate of the shielding required for the 20 mA proton linac and the beam-dump. For an accurate information on secondary neutron production from the guiding magnet and primary heat sink of the beam dump, proton-induced 63Cu and 65Cu cross section data were evaluated and applied to shielding calculations. The required thickness of the concrete was assessed by a simple line-of-sight model for the lateral shielding of the beam-line and the full shielding of the beam dump. Monte Carlo simulations were also performed using the MCNPX code to obtain the source term and attenuation coefficients for the three-dimensional lateral shielding model of the beam-line. (authors)
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10. International Conference on Radiation Shielding, and 13. ANS Topical Meeting on Radiation Protection and Shielding - ICRS-10/RPS 2004; Funchal, Madeira Island (Portugal); 9-14 May 2004; Available from doi:; Country of input: France; 7 refs
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Radiation Protection Dosimetry; ISSN 0144-8420; ; v. 115(1-4); p. 569-572
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[en] The pressure drop of twelve fuel bundle string in the CANDU-6 fuel channel is equal to the sum of the eleven junction pressure losses, the bundle string entrance and exit pressure losses, the skin friction pressure loss, and other appendage pressure losses, where the junction loss is dependent on the bundle and faces and angular alignments of the junctions. The results of the single junction pressure drop tests in a short rig show that the most probable pressure drop of the eleven junction was analytically equal to the eleven times of average pressure drop of all the possible single junction pressure drops, and also that the largest and smallest junction pressure drops across the eleven junctions probably occurred only with BA and BB type junctions, respectively, where A and B denote the bundle end sides with an end-plates on which a company monogram is stamped and unstamped, respectively. 5 refs., 7 figs., 1 tab. (author)
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