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Levonyan, L.V.
Izvestia Natsional'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii, Yerevan (Armenia)2001
Izvestia Natsional'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii, Yerevan (Armenia)2001
[en] The intensity distribution of the monochromatized synchrotron radiation transmitting through the phase object and crystal-analyzer in Laue geometry is considered. It is shown that the local angular deviation of the incident radiation caused by the refraction on structural inhomogeneities of the object under investigation is directly transferred to the X-ray topographic image. In the absence of the phase object the latter consists of parallel straight fringes with a slowly decreasing period. The presence of the phase object changes the shape and period of fringes. The influence of the spatial and temporal coherence on the image is discussed. 5 refs
Original Title
Rentgenotopograficheskij sposob issledovaniya fazovykh ob'ektov
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya National'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii. Fizika; ISSN 1025-5613; ; v. 36(6); p. 332-337
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Balyan, M.K.; Levonyan, L.V.
Izvestia Natsional'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii, Yerevan (Armenia)2000
Izvestia Natsional'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii, Yerevan (Armenia)2000
[en] In two-wave approximation the equations describing the dynamical diffraction of X-ray spatially modulated waves in ideal and deformed crystals in grazing noncomplanar incidence geometry are obtained. The solutions of obtained equations for diffraction of arbitrary spatially modulated incidence wave in ideal half-infinite crystal are found. As a special case of the obtained solutions, the diffraction of incidence spherical wave under small grazing angle is briefly considered
Original Title
Usovershenstvovannaya teoriya nekomplanarnoj difraktsii rentgenovskikh voln v usloviyakh zerkal'nogo otrazheniya
18 refs
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Izvestiya National'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii. Fizika; ISSN 1025-5613; ; v. 35(6); p. 309-319
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Mkrtchyan, A.R.; Levonyan, L.V.; Petrosyan, A.V.
Izvestia Natsional'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii, Yerevan (Armenia)2000
Izvestia Natsional'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii, Yerevan (Armenia)2000
[en] The scattering of X-rays on a crystal is considered in grazing geometry when a surface acoustic wave is excited normal to the diffraction vector. The intensity of wave field at finite distance from crystal to detector is obtained. It is shown that in the presence of surface acoustic wave the magnitude of the main peak of specular reflected diffracted wave intensity decreases and intensity of satellites increases. The main peak of specular reflected diffracted wave intensity is split up as the grazing observation angle increases
Original Title
Rasseyanie rentgenovskikh luchej pri ckol'zyashchej geometrii na poverkhnostnoj akusticheskoj volne
7 refs
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Izvestiya National'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii. Fizika; ISSN 1025-5613; ; v. 35(6); p. 320-327
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] It is shown that in the case of dynamical diffraction of a spherical X-ray wave on a shortperiod superlattice, depending on structural factors of the superlattice the satellites are focused both at different depths inside the crystal and at different distances from the crystal in vacuum. On the basis of obtained results, a method of study of superlattice structure by dynamical diffraction focusing of a spherical X-ray wave is proposed. The method is based on the measurement of focal lengths of different satellites
Original Title
Dinamicheskaya difrakciya sfericheskoj rentgenovskoj volni na sverkhreshyotke
Available from National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, also available online from:
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya National'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii. Fizika; ISSN 1025-5613; ; CODEN IAAFF8; v. 51(1); p. 95-101
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
[en] The possibility of reconstructing the internal structure of the one-dimensional phase objects at the diffraction focusing of the X-ray spherical wave is investigated. As a crystal analyzer, a strongly absorbing wedge-shaped superlattice with short period and rib parallel to the diffraction vector is used for symmetric Laue geometry. It is shown that without additional moving the phase object along the direction of the diffraction vector, it is possible to bring into the focusing condition different satellites. By registering the entire map of the obtained data, it is possible to restore the additional wave phase acquired in the phase object
Original Title
Rentgenovskij fazovij kontrast pri difrakcionnoj fokusirovke sfericheskoj volni v sverkhreshyotke s malim periodom
Available from National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, also available online from:
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya National'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii. Fizika; ISSN 1025-5613; ; v. 53(1); p. 120-124
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
[en] The diffraction behavior of a low-angle twist boundary was studied when the crystal was irradiated with an X-ray point source. It is shown that when radiation focused inside a crystal, thanks to the dislocation structure of the defect wall, the vertical divergence can be reduced so much that the size of the focus in this direction is significantly smaller than in the horizontal direction. This circumstance can be used to create X-ray optical elements
Original Title
Osobennosti difrakcii sfericheskoj rentgenovskoj volni na malouglovoj granice krucheniya, perpendikulyarnoj poverkhnosti kristalla
Primary Subject
Available from National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, also available online from:
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya National'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii. Fizika; ISSN 1025-5613; ; v. 59(2); p. 230-235
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A new version of realization of diffraction of a widely divergent beam of X-ray radiation in a crystal is developed. It is shown that the X-ray diffraction image is a set of hyperbolas which are formed by the diffracted beam from the certain points on the crystal surface (active points). The active points are also arranged at hyperbolas: each point on the diffraction image corresponds to a point on the crystal surface. The diffraction image is the magnified reflection of the active points allocation. It is obtained that the experimental and theoretical values of magnification of the diffraction image agree with a high accuracy. A new method of detection of local distortions of the crystalline structure and determination of their sizes is proposed
Available from National Academy of Sciences of Armenia; 17 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya National'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii. Fizika; ISSN 1025-5613; ; CODEN IAAFF8; v. 45(2); p. 122-132
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Avetyan, K.T.; Levonyan, L.V.; Semerjyan, H.S.; Badalyan, O.M., E-mail: onikbadalyan@ysu.am2014
[en] It is established experimentally that, in the majority of cases, X-ray radiation scattered on different constituent parts of a weakly absorbing object provides a sufficient information on the inner structure, different types of structural inhomogeneities, and location of invisible defects in the object. A new method for investigation of the inner structure of noncrystalline materials is developed. The method is based on recording of the scattered X-ray radiation. It is demonstrated that the image contrast, formed by the X-ray radiation scattered on weakly absorbing objects, can be considerably higher than the absorption contrast
Original Title
Kontrast rasseyaniya rentgenovskogo izlucheniyaa
Primary Subject
Available from National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, also available online from:; 8 refs., 4 figs.,
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya National'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii. Fizika; ISSN 1025-5613; ; CODEN IAAFF8; v. 49(3); p. 202-208
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
[en] The problem of X-ray diffraction on the concave surface of a crystal at the presence of surface acoustic wave when the incident and diffracted beams form small grazing angles with the crystal surface as compared with critical angle is considered. The profiles of intensities of the main peak as well as the diffracted satellites are found. The influence of surface curvature on the image is discussed
Рассматривается задача дифракции рентгеновского излучения на вогнутой поверхности кристалла при наличии поверхностной акустической волны, когда падающий и дифрагированный пучки образуют малые скользящие углы с поверхностью кристалла, сравнимые с критическим углом. Найдены профили интенсивностей как основного пика, так и дифракционных сателлитов. Обсуждается влияние кривизны поверхности кристалла на изображениеOriginal Title
K voprosu o difraktsii rentgenovskikh luchej pri skol'zyashchej geometrii na vognutoj poverkhnosti kristalla pri nalichii poverkhnostnoj akusticheskoj volny
9 refs., 5 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Poverkhnost'. Rentgenovskie, Sinkhrotronnye i Nejtronnye Issledovaniya; ISSN 1028-0960; ; (no.2); p. 53-58
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Avetyan, K.T.; Levonyan, L.V.; Semerjyan, O.S.; Arakelyan, M.M.; Badalyan, O.M.; Zeynalyan, D.A., E-mail: marakelyan@ysu.am2015
[en] The peculiarities of two schemes of diffraction of a widely divergent beam of X-ray radiation are considered: d-c (diaphragm-crystal) and c-d (crystal-diaphragm). It is determined and experimentally confirmed that in c-d scheme the diffraction image is a topographic map of the studied site of the crystal. It is determined also that in the scheme of d-c and at L = 2l (l and L are respectively, crystal and photographic plate distances from the diaphragm) the branches of the hyperboles, created by the characteristic radiations Kα and Kβ (including reflections of the second and third orders) from the given family of the planes (hkl), merge to one straight line. It is experimentally determined that the behavior of confluence is very sensitive to the structural imperfections of the studied crystal
Original Title
Dve skhemi diffrakcii shiroko raskhodyash'egosya puchka rentgenovskogo izlucheniya
Available from National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, also available online from:; 5 refs., 3 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya National'noj Akademii Nauk Armenii. Fizika; ISSN 1025-5613; ; CODEN IAAFF8; v. 50(1); p. 118-125
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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