Wang Liang; Yuan Qiping; Li Kedong
Third IAEA Technical Meeting on Divertor Concepts. Report of Abstracts2019
Third IAEA Technical Meeting on Divertor Concepts. Report of Abstracts2019
[en] Active handling of excessively high heat load and tungsten sputtering on divertor targets is of critical challenge for EAST and future fusion devices like ITER and CFETR. It is acknowledged by the fusion community that divertor detachment is the most promising means for steady state plasma-wall interaction control.
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Physics Section, Vienna (Austria); 68 p; 2019; p. 33-34; DC 2019: 3. IAEA Technical Meeting on Divertor Concepts; Vienna (Austria); 4-7 Nov 2019; CONTRACT 2017YFE0301300; DE-FC02-04ER546981; 1808085J07; Also available on-line:; 3 refs.
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Xu Feng; Ding Fang; Chen Xiahua; Wang Liang; Xu Jichan; Hu Zhenhua; Mao Hongmin; Luo Guangnan; Yang Zhongshi; Chen Jingbo; Li Kedong, E-mail:
[en] The electron density within the volume of the tungsten divertor of the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) is calculated based on Dε line (396.9 nm) Stark broadening (SB) measurements. The quasistatic approximation is employed in the SB calculation of the Dε line. The influences of other broadening mechanisms on the calculation error of electron density have been evaluated. The SB method is applied to the study of spatial distribution and time evolution of the electron density in the W divertor. Two electron density bands are observed in the detached divertor plasma during an L-mode discharge sustained by low hybrid wave (LHW) heating, which could be related to the striated particle flux distribution induced by LHW. After the onset of detachment, the upper electron density band corresponding to outer strike point firstly increases then decreases, while the lower density band corresponding to striated particle flux increases continually although the electron densities from Langmuir Probes at the divertor plate keep a descending trend. This could indicate a downward movement of the radiation region that approximately moves along the magnetic field lines after the onset of detachment. (paper)
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Journal Article
Plasma Science and Technology; ISSN 1009-0630; ; v. 20(10); [7 p.]
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Chen Jingbo; Duan Yanmin; Yang Zhongshi; Wang Liang; Wu Kai; Li Kedong; Ding Fang; Mao Hongmin; Xu Jichan; Gao Wei; Zhang Ling; Wu Jinhua; Luo Guang-Nan, E-mail:
EAST Team2017
EAST Team2017
[en] To investigate the radiative divertor behavior and physics for the scenario of impurity seeded plasma in ITER, the radiative divertor experiments with argon (Ar) seeding under ITER-like tungsten divertor condition were carried out during recent EAST campaigns. The experimental results reveal the high efficiency of reducing heat load and particle flux onto the divertor targets owing to increased radiation by Ar seeding. We achieve detached plasmas in these experiments. The inner–outer divertor asymmetry reduces after Ar seeding. Impurities, such as Ar, C, Li, and W, exist in the entire space of the vacuum chamber during EAST operations, and play important roles in power exhausting and accelerating the plasma detachment process. It is remarkable that the contamination of the core plasma is observed using Ar seeding owing to the sputtering of plasma facing components (PFCs), particularly when Ar impurity is injected from the upper tungsten divertor. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Chinese Physics. B; ISSN 1674-1056; ; v. 26(9); [6 p.]
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Chen Jingbo; Li Kedong; Yang Zhongshi; Wang Liang; Wu Kai; Luo Guang-Nan; Duan Yanming; Ding Fang; Mao Hongmin; Zhang Ling; Wu Jinhua, E-mail:
2nd IAEA Technical Meeting Divertor Concepts. Programme and Book of Abstracts2017
2nd IAEA Technical Meeting Divertor Concepts. Programme and Book of Abstracts2017
[en] A critical issue for ITER and future fusion devices is the handling of excessive heat load. It will require a high radiation level for power exhaust to avoid divertor heat overload and excessive surface erosion rates. Increasing divertor radiation by injecting impurities is a general and effective method to reduce scrape-off layer heat flux and to cool the divertor plasma to detachment. In recent years, argon (Ar) and neon (Ne) have been widely used in radiative divertor experiments on EAST and other devices. To compare effects of these two impurities and understand well the radiative divertor physics, both experiment and simulation work of Ar and Ne seeded plasma are carried out simultaneously in EAST.
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Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Physics Section, Vienna (Austria); 80 p; 2017; p. 60; DC 2017: 2. IAEA Technical Meeting on Divertor Concepts; Suzhou (China); 13-16 Nov 2017; Also available on-line:
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[en] The exhaust of excessively high heat and particle fluxes on the divertor target is crucial for EAST long-pulse operation. In the recent EAST experiments, stable partial energy detachment around the upper outer strike point with H 98,y2 ∼ 1 was achieved with either Ne or Ar seeding from the upper outer divetor target in the upper single null configuration with ITER-like tungsten divertor. With either Ar or Ne seeding, the electron temperature around the upper outer strike point (T et,UOSP) was maintained at around 5 eV, the peak temperature of divertor target surface around the upper outer strike point (T div,UO) decreased significantly, and material sputtering was well suppressed. It was observed that there was less Ar seeding needed for partial energy detachment onset than Ne seeding, which shows that Ar is more efficient in the cooling of T et on the upper outer divertor than Ne. However, there was no detachment on the upper inner divertor with T et around strike point (T et,UISP) remaining >10 eV with either Ar or Ne seeding from the upper outer divertor. Accompanied with the disappearance of double peak phenomenon of ion flux density on the upper inner divertor target (j s,UI), the peak T div,UI around the strike point increased to around 300 °C. Although the heat flux on the upper inner divertor target (q t,UI) is still in the acceptable level, either Ar or Ne seeding only from the upper outer divertor target is not enough to protect the upper inner divertor target from sputtering under current EAST conditions. On the other hand, Ar seeding always causes confinement degradation in the partial energy detachment state. It was observed that there is a slight confinement improvement (∼10%) with Ne seeding, which may be due to density peaking, dilution effects and stabilization of the ion temperature gradient mode. (paper)
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[en] The phenomenon of multifaceted asymmetric radiation from the edge (MARFE) is investigated with impurity gas puff from the upper divertor on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). A typical process in which dense radiation region in the vicinity of the X point (X-point MARFE) further evolves into MARFE on the high field side (wall MARFE) after the plasma makes a transition from H-mode to L-mode confinement is observed in discharges with the impurity gas seeding. The electron density distribution and evolution in the divertor volume are measured by means of spectroscopy. It is observed in the experiments that the final position of MARFE is related to the ion ∇ B drift direction. After the phase difference of n = 1 resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) change from 90° to 270°, MARFE begins to appear on the high field side, which may be caused by the density pump-out induced by RMP. At the same heating power, the density threshold for MARFE formation is somewhat higher in the Ne seeding discharge than in the Ar seeding discharge. This may be attributed to the fact that the divertor radiation fraction, P rad,div/P rad,main, in the Ne seeding discharge is lower than that in the Ar seeding discharge. In addition, MARFE is successfully suppressed by total radiated energy feedback control in radiative divertor experiments. Therefore, radiation feedback control may play a vital role in avoiding major disruption induced by impurity radiation in radiative divertor experiments. (paper)
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[en] Simultaneous control of the transient heat load induced by the large-amplitude edge-localized modes (ELMs) and the time-averaged heat and particle fluxes to the divertor targets is a critical issue for the steady-state operation of a future tokamak fusion reactor. The combination of divertor detachment and grassy-ELM regime provides a candidate solution to this issue. The strong particle exhaust capability of the grassy-ELM regime greatly facilitates the achievement of steady-state operation of a detached plasma with divertor impurity seeding. Stable complete detachment at inner target and partial detachment at outer target in the grassy-ELM regime have been achieved with seeding of 5% neon (Ne) and 95% D2 mixture since 2018 in the EAST superconducting tokamak with ITER-like tungsten monoblock upper divertor. The peak ion fluxes (Γion) on the upper outer and inner divertor targets were reduced by 55% and 92%, respectively. However, it was accompanied by confinement degradation with 18% reduction in the plasma stored energy WMHD. In contrast, partial detachment on the upper outer divertor target with confinement improvement has been achieved with the power across the separatrix (Psep) around the H-mode threshold power. In addition, at relatively lower q95 (∼5.7) with unfavorable Bt direction, Ne seeding leads to a transition from mixed (large/small) ELM regime into grassy-ELM regime with significantly increased ELM frequency, which extends the accessible parameter range of the grassy-ELM regime towards lower q95. (paper)
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[en] Experiments have been carried out at the EAST tokamak to study ITER-relevant scenario integration issues, related to edge localized mode (ELM) control in H-mode plasmas by the application of three-dimensional (3D) resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs), which have a large impact on the execution of the ITER research plan. The EAST experiments have successfully demonstrated ELM suppression at normalized torque inputs similar to ITER. The application of RMP fields with high toroidal mode number (n = 4) reduces the impact of ELM control on energy and particle confinement compared to those use lower n (n = 1, 2) RMPs. Injection of successive pellets is found to be effective in increasing the plasma density in ELM-suppressed H-modes and reducing the divertor power without triggering large ELMs at EAST. Access to high recycling and radiative divertor conditions while maintaining ELM suppression has been demonstrated in EAST by the use of gas fuelling and neon impurity seeding. Both approaches have been found to be effective in reducing power fluxes to the divertor strike points in near-separatrix lobes for both n = 2 and n = 4 RMPs. However, reduction of power fluxes in off-separatrix lobes is only effective for n = 4 RMP application, which is consistent with magnetic topology modelling (including plasma response) results showing a shallow penetration into the confined plasma region of field lines connected to these lobes compared to n = 2. The EAST results support the use of high n 3D fields for ELM suppression in ITER high Q DT scenarios since they provide optimum integration features regarding energy and particle confinement, pellet fuelling, radiative divertor operation while eliminating ELM transient power loads and being compatible with low torque input. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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