Lindbom, G.; Wiebert, A.; Norden, M.; Larsson, Carl-Magnus; Loefgren, T.; Lumpus, J.
Swedish Radiation Protection Inst., Stockholm (Sweden)2000
Swedish Radiation Protection Inst., Stockholm (Sweden)2000
[en] OKG AB has to SSI submitted an application for a license according to the Act on Nuclear Activities (1984:3) concerning a shallow land burial/landfill for low-level nuclear waste in Simpevarp in the Oskarshamn municipality. The application for a license covers permission to build, possess and operate a shallow land burial/landfill for low-level nuclear waste. Attached to the application is an environmental impact statement. An application for a license according to the Environmental Act (1998:808) has been submitted to the Environmental Court in Vaexjoe. SSI has circulated the application for consideration to the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the County Government Board of Kalmar and the Oskarshamn municipality. SSI has informed the European Commission about the application in accordance with the EURATOM Treaty, article 37. This assessment report constitutes the base for the decision by SSI 2000-09-18 for approval and radiation protection conditions. In the report, earlier permissions for shallow land burials/landfills at the Swedish nuclear installations are described. This report shows the development of the legal system during the last years, the premises for the assessment of the application, and SSI's review of OKG's plans, consequence analysis and environmental impact statement
Original Title
Granskningsrapport: Ansoekan fraan OKG Aktiebolag om tillstaand enligt kaerntekniklagen (1984:3) till en markdeponi foer laagaktivt avfall i Simpevarp i Oskarshamns kommun
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Oct 2000; 52 p; ISSN 0282-4434; ; 71 refs
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Efraimsson, Henrik; Ehdwall, H.; Godaas, T.; Hofvander, P.; Lindhe, J.C.; Lumpus, J.; Lund, I.; Malmqvist, L.; Welleman, E.
Swedish Radiation Protection Inst., Stockholm (Sweden)1999
Swedish Radiation Protection Inst., Stockholm (Sweden)1999
[en] SSI will amend and complete regulations and stipulations for nuclear plants in order to take into account issues which arise in connection with decommissioning. The objective of a pilot study, performed during 1998, was to identify the questions at issue, what the authority should control and how SSI should proceed with the work. The recommendations and the result of the pilot study are presented in this report
Original Title
SSI:s projekt avseende avveckling av kaerntekniska anlaeggningar - en foerstudie
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jan 1999; 69 p; ISSN 0282-4434; ; Available from: Swedish Radiation Protection Inst., SE-171 16 Stockholm, Sweden; 29 refs.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue