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MA, Li
Aix-Marseille Universite, Ecole Doctorale des sciences pour l'ingenieur, mecanique, physique, micro et nanoelectronique, UMR 7343, Institut Universitaire des Systemes Thermiques et Industriels - IUSTI, Technopole de Chateau-Gombert, 5 rue Enrico Fermi, 13453 Marseille cedex 13 (France); EDF R et D, departement Mecanique des Fluides, Energies et Environnement - MFEE (France)2020
Aix-Marseille Universite, Ecole Doctorale des sciences pour l'ingenieur, mecanique, physique, micro et nanoelectronique, UMR 7343, Institut Universitaire des Systemes Thermiques et Industriels - IUSTI, Technopole de Chateau-Gombert, 5 rue Enrico Fermi, 13453 Marseille cedex 13 (France); EDF R et D, departement Mecanique des Fluides, Energies et Environnement - MFEE (France)2020
[en] This study reports the development of a LES-based numerical model dedicated to the simulation of well-ventilated and under-ventilated purely buoyant fire plumes. A new second-order low-Mach number variable-density flow solver was developed and verified in order to describe accurately the strong unsteady processes related to the purely buoyant nature of the flow. State-of-the art subgrid-scale turbulence, combustion and radiation models were specifically developed, including the non-adiabatic SLF (steady laminar flamelet) and FPV (flamelet/ progress variable models). The RCFSK was considered as reference radiative property model whereas the performance of simpler models, including non-grey and grey versions of the weighted-sum-of-grey gases was assessed. The numerical model was exhaustively validated by simulating several well-documented non-reactive and reactive buoyant fire plumes. It was found capable to reproduce with high fidelity the dynamic and radiative structures of non-luminous fire plumes in both ventilated and under-ventilated configurations without adjusting any model parameters. In particular, the FPV allows addressing oxygen-diluted oxidizer conditions close to extinction. Several specific modelling issues were also investigated during the course of this work. The importance of resolving the laminar instabilities, which form periodically at the base of purely buoyant fire plumes and grow to generate energy containing structures that govern the mixing process, was demonstrated. The formation and growth of these instabilities are significantly affected by the burner geometry that has to be scrupulously consistent with the experiments to achieve an accurate description of the fire plume dynamics. The grey version of the weighted-sum-of-grey gases models have to be avoided whereas the non-grey versions can be a reasonable alternative for non-sooting pool fires. Finally, neglecting subgrid-scale turbulence-radiation interaction affects significantly the predictions of the fire plume structure and radiative heat flux even for lab-scale pool fires. (author)
Cette etude rapporte le developpement d'un modele numerique base sur les simulations a grandes echelles en vue de simuler des panaches de feu bien-ventiles et sous-ventiles et entierement controles par les forces de flottabilite. Un nouvel algorithme de resolution pour les d'ecoulements a densite variable a faible nombre de Mach, precis au second ordre en temps et espace, a ete developpe et verifie afin de decrire avec precision les processus instationnaires forts lies a la nature purement controlee par les forces de flottabilite des ecoulements. Des modeles de sous-maille a l'etat de l'art pour la turbulence, la combustion et le rayonnement ont ete developpes, incluant les modeles non-adiabatiques SLF (steady laminar flamelet) et FPV (flamelet/progress variable). Le RCFSK a ete considere comme reference pour la modelisation des proprietes radiatives des gaz et la performance de modeles plus simples, tels que des versions non-grises et grises du modele a somme ponderee des gaz gris, a ete evaluee. Le modele numerique a ete intensivement valide en simulant plusieurs panaches de feu non-reactifs et reactifs. Le modele s'est avere capable de reproduire avec une grande fidelite les structures dynamiques et radiatives de ces panaches dans des configurations ventilees et sous-ventilees sans ajuster aucun des parametres du modele. En particulier, le modele FPV permet de traiter des conditions d'oxydant dilue en oxygene proches de l'extinction. Plusieurs problemes de modelisation specifiques ont egalement ete etudies au cours de ce travail. L'importance de capturer directement les instabilites laminaires thermo-convectives, qui se forment periodiquement a la base des panaches de feux et croissent pour generer les larges tourbillons regissant le processus de melange, a ete demontree. La formation et la croissance de ces instabilites sont significativement affectees par la geometrie du bruleur qui doit etre scrupuleusement coherente avec les experiences pour obtenir une description precise de la dynamique du panache de feu. Les versions grises des modeles a somme ponderee de gaz gris doivent etre evitees tandis que les versions non-grises de ce modele peuvent etre une alternative raisonnable pour la simulation de feux de nappe sans suie. Finalement, les interactions rayonnement-turbulence de sous maille ont un effet non-negligeable sur la structure de flamme et les pertes radiatives et ce, meme pour des feux de nappe a l'echelle du laboratoire. (auteur)Original Title
Simulation des grandes echelles pour les flammes de diffusion purement pilotees par la force de flottabilite
Primary Subject
4 Nov 2020; 202 p; [180 refs.]; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; These Docteur, Discipline: Sciences pour l'Ingenieur, Specialite: energetique
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[en] In this paper, we study the harmonic map heat flow with free boundary from a Riemannian surface with smooth boundary into a compact Riemannian manifold. As a consequence, we get at least one disk-type minimal surface in a compact Riemannian manifold without minimal 2-sphere. (author). 9 refs
Primary Subject
Feb 1990; 21 p
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[en] An example of explosion of the heat flow at infinite time in dimension two and an arbitrary degree is given. (author). 4 refs
Primary Subject
Jan 1990; 3 p
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[en] Dapsone (DDS) forms a 1:1 supramolecular complex with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) both in the absence and presence of linear alcohols. The apparent association constants (Kapp) were measured using a steady-state fluorescence method. Kapp decreases linearly with an increasing number of carbon atoms in the chain of the alcohol. We attribute this to a competition between dapsone and linear alcohol for the β-CD hydrophobic cavity as detailed analysis of Kapp as a function of the concentration of alcohol suggests that the interactions in the β-CD-dapsone-linear alcohol system do not result in the formation of ternary supramolecular complex. Quenching the fluorescence of dapsone with NaI shows that the β-CD cavity acts as a shield against contact between dapsone and this aqueous phase quencher, while addition of alcohols inhibits this protective effect. This again suggests that alcohols occupy the space within the β-CD cavity with the result that dapsone molecules are forced to reside in the aqueous environment. Based on the significant enhancement of the fluorescence intensity of dapsone produced through complex formation, a spectrofluorimetric method for the determination of dapsone in bulk aqueous solution in the presence of β-CD is developed. The linear relationship between the fluorescence intensity and dapsone concentration was obtained in the range of 3.39 to 1.50x103 ng ml-1, with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.9998. The detection limit was 1.02 ng ml-1. There was no interference from the excipients normally used in tablet formulations. The application of the present method to the determination of dapsone in tablets and human plasma gave satisfactory results and was compared with the pharmacopoeia method
Primary Subject
S0003267002007195; Copyright (c) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] This essay discusses how to develop departments of nuclear medicine in mountainous areas in West China. The developments need the leaders' supports, doctors' understanding and patients' trust. And it is also very important to improve doctors' skills of diagnosis and treatment, and the management of medical quality, and overcome inconveniences in transportation and communication. At the same time, more projects such as radionuclide imaging, radioimmunoassay, radionuclide treatment and personnel training should be also key contents in the development of departments of nuclear medicine in these areas
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Asian Journal of Nuclear Medicine; ISSN 1607-680X; ; v. 1(4); p. 269-270
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Nawrocky, R.J.; Ma, Li; Rarback, H.M.; Singh, O.V.; Yu, L.H.
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1987
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA)1987
[en] Initial observations of motion of the undulator radiation in the NSLS X-17T beam line clearly indicated that the beam had to be stabilized in both directions to be usable for the planned soft x-ray imaging experiments. The low frequency spectra of beam motion contained peaks in the range from dc to 60 Hz and at higher frequencies. A beam steering system employing closed orbit feedback has been designed and installed to stabilize the beam in both planes. In each plane of motion, beam position is measured with a beam position detector and a correction signal is fed back to a local four magnet orbit bump to dynamically control the angle of the radiation at the source. This paper describes the design and performance of the beam steering system
Primary Subject
1987; 3 p; Particle accelerator conference; Washington, DC (USA); 16-19 Mar 1987; CONF-870302--183; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE87010054; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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Yan, Wei-Xian; Ma, Li-Na, E-mail: wxyansxu@gmail.com2014
[en] The transport properties of the three scenarios of the strained graphene magnetic barriers, where the first one is composed of the strained stripe in the positive magnetic field and the pristine stripe in the negative magnetic field on the left and right sides respectively, the second one is just the result of exchanging the stripes in the first one, and the last one contains the fully strained stripes on both sides, have been investigated. It is found that the first two configurations own the same evolution behavior both in transmission and conductance versus the strain, the joint contributions from the strains in the first two configurations lead to the enhancement both in transmission and conductance in the third one. The strain tends to devastate the regular shape of the energy bands within the scope of higher momentum/energy, where the more severe damage is observed in the superlattices with the fully strained periodic unit cell. The uniformity of the periodic unit between the left and right stripes in the third scenario makes the energy gaps of the superlattices diminish and even disappear in contrast to its first two counterparts, where the discrepancy between the strained stripe on the left side and pristine stripe on the right side increases the inhomogeneity, and thus the energy gaps.
S0921-4526(14)00263-4; Available from; Copyright (c) 2014 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Γδ,X and Γδ,Ka values of over 800 kinds of nuclides, which could transmit photons, were recalculated in this study based on their decay schemes, the quality-energy absorption coefficients of air to photons and the newest data of W value. The results were obviously different from those calculated before at about 2% deviation. The authors also calculated Γδ,H (peripheral dose equivalent ratio constant) and Γδ,H (directional dose equivalent ratio constant), respectively, by using the conversion coefficients given in ICRU-47 report
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Chinese Journal of Radiological Health; ISSN 1004-714X; ; v. 7(3); p. 129-130
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A brief pulse of red (R) radiation increased activity and protein content of photosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC): this increase was inhibited by cycloheximide. The effect of R was far-red pulse (FR) reversible when R was followed immediately by FR. Thus phytochrome was involved in PEPC regulation in etiolated maize leaves. Both a lag phase and a saturation exists in the process of R induction of PEPC synthesis: the highest PEPC activity was obtained 24 h after R. Etiolated maize leaves of different age showed different sensitivity to R: the highest sensitivity was found in 5 d-old seedlings. 5 min of R was sufficient for inducing PEPC synthesis, and no additional increases were obtained in activity and protein content of PEPC when the R time was prolonged
Primary Subject
FAO/AGRIS record; ARN: CZ9400137; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Photosynthetica; ISSN 0300-3604; ; v. 28(1); p. 83-90
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Highlights: • Chlorination kinetics of three benzophenone-type UV filters (BPs) was studied. • Chlorination of BPs followed second-order reaction. • The transformation products (TPs) of six BPs were identified. • Several transformation pathways were proposed. • Mostly enhanced toxicity of TPs after chlorination was observed. - Abstract: The present study focused on the kinetics, transformation pathways and toxicity of several benzophenone-type ultraviolet filters (BPs) during the water chlorination disinfection process. The transformation kinetics of the studied three BPs was found to be second-order reaction, which was dependent on the concentration of BPs and chlorine. The second-order rate constants increased from 86.7 to 975 M"−"1 s"−"1 for oxybenzone, 49.6–261.7 M"−"1 s"−"1 for 4-hydroxybenzophenone and 51.7–540 M"−"1 s"−"1 for 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone-5-sulfonic acid with the increasing pH value from 6 to 8 of the chlorination disinfection condition. Then the transformation products (TPs) of these BPs were identified by HPLC-QTof analysis. Several transformation pathways, including electrophilic substitution, methoxyl substitution, ketone groups oxidation, hydrolysis, decarboxylation and ring cleavage reaction, were speculated to participate in the chlorination transformation process. Finally, according to the toxicity experiment on luminescent bacteria, Photobacterium phosphoreum, enhanced toxicity was observed for almost all the TPs of the studied BPs except for 2,2′-dihydroxy-4,4′-dimethoxybenzophenone; it suggested the formation of TPs with more toxic than the parent compounds during the chlorination process. The present study provided a foundation to understand the transformation of BPs during chlorination disinfection process, and was of great significance to the drinking water safety.
Primary Subject
S0304-3894(16)30186-8; Available from; Copyright (c) 2016 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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