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Original Title
Issledovanie chastits, vyletayushchikh pod uglami >900 v L-sisteme vo vzaimodejstviyakh yadro-yadro
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Sov. J. Nucl. Phys.
Record Type
Journal Article
Yadern. Fiz; v. 15(6); p. 1181-1183
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Marutyan, N.A.; Avetyan, F.A.; Sarkisova, L.G.
Erevanskij Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR)1977
Erevanskij Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR)1977
[en] The search of a short-lived neutral particle (V0-shaped event) has been accomplished. The experiments are carried out using a nuclear emulsion irradiated by 200 GeV/c protons. The event detected is similar to a V0 event by its characteristics. Invariant masses and neutral particle time-of-flight are calculated under various assumptions on the secondary particle nature
Original Title
O vozmozhnom sluchae raspada korotkozhivushchej nejtral'noj chastitsy
Primary Subject
1977; 9 p; 7 refs.; 2 tables.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Original Title
Nekotorye kharakteristiki chastits, generirovannykh pod uglami THETAsub(L)>900 vo vzaimodejstviyakh yadro-yadro
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Sov. J. Nucl. Phys.
Record Type
Journal Article
Yadernaya Fizika; v. 20(5); p. 972-975
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Marutyan, N.A.; Matevosyan, K.A.; Krishchyan, V.M.; Avetyan, F.A.; Sarkisova, L.G.
Erevanskij Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR)1979
Erevanskij Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR)1979
[en] The results of the search for short-lived particles in approximately 1800 events of interaction of 400 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei are given. The data on characteristics of events which can be interpreted as the decay of charged charmed particles into three charged ones are obtained. Both angular and momentum characteristics of the decay products are presented. The invariant masses of decay particles are calculated under different assumptions on the nature of the decay products. In all cases the errors of the mass definition are less than 20%
Primary Subject
1979; 11 p; 9 refs.; 2 tabs.; 1 fig.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Marutyan, N.A.; Matevosyan, K.A.; Krishchyan, V.M.; Avetyan, F.A.; Sarkisova, L.G.
Erevanskij Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR)1977
Erevanskij Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR)1977
[en] The (2+0+21) p type interaction with evidently expressed two-jet production of relativistic particles is observed in nuclear photoemulsion exposed to 200 GeV proton beam. Various interpretations of this event are considered. The event microphotography image shows clearly the consequences of a hard hadron-hadron collisions when the interaction between the quarks of colliding hadrons resulted in a jet (6-particle) production under large angle with respect to the primary particle direction with a total transverse momentum of approximately 3 GeV/c
Primary Subject
1977; 12 p; 13 refs.; 2 figs.
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A technique to separate jets among secondary particles in multiple production processes at high energies is proposed. The basic criterion is the value of relative particle density ν representing a ratio of the particle density in a solid angle containing particles of a jet to the mean density in a spherical ring with the same angular boundaries. Possibilities of the technique are discussed on the example of 800 events in the interaction of 200 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei at secondary particle multiplicity >= 7. The results have demonstrated that the intoduced value ν is rather convenient in separating narrow particle jets, classifying the jets and comparing data obtained by different techniques
Original Title
Vydelenie struj metodom otnositel'noj plotnosti
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Yadernaya Fizika; ISSN 0044-0027; ; v. 29(6); p. 1566-1570
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Results of search for production and decay of short-lived charged charmed particles in interactions of 400 GeV/c protons and emulsion nuclei are given. 32 secondary stars related to the primary interaction of one-charged relativistic particle have been discovered. Also 11 stars were recorded at a distance from 1000 to 3000 μm from primary. Condition and momentum characteristics of decay products of secondary events of the (0+0+3)p type are given. Invariant masses of decayed particles have been calculated on different assumptions of the decay product nature for these cases. The values obtained are close to the mass of charmed baryon for some decay schemes. Time-of-flight before decay is in the intervai of 9.3x10-14-1.6x10-12 s
Original Title
Nablyudenie novykh korotkozhivushchikh chastits v ehmul'siyakh, obluchennykh protonami s impul'som 400 GeV/c
Primary Subject
All-union conference on cosmic rays; Erevan (USSR); 5 - 7 Jun 1979; For English translation see the journal Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Physical Series (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya; ISSN 0367-6765; ; v. 44(3) %. 472-474
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Garpman, S.; Adamovich, M.I.; Aggarwal, M.M.; Alexandrov, Y.A.; Andreeva, N.P.; Anzon, Z.V.; Arora, R.; Avetyan, F.A.; Badyal, S.K.; Basova, E.; Bhalla, K.B.; Bhasin, A.; Bhatia, V.S.; Bogdanov, V.G.; Bobnov, V.I.; Burnett, T.H.; Cai, X.; Chasnikov, I.Y.; Chernova, L.P.; Chernyavsky, M.M.; Eligbaeva, G.Z.; Eremenko, L.E.; Gaitinov, A.S.; Ganssauge, E.R.; Gerassimov, S.G.; Grote, J.; Gulamov, K.G.; Gupta, S.K.; Heckman, H.H.; Huang, H.; Jakobsson, B.; Judek, B.; Kachroo, S.; Kadyrov, F.G.; Kalyachkina, G.S.; Kanygina, E.K.; Karabova, M.; Kaul, G.L.; Kharlamov, S.P.; Koss, T.; Krasnov, S.A.; Kumar, V.; Lal, P.; Larinova, V.G.; Lepetan, V.N.; Liu, L.S.; Lokanatan, S.; Lord, J.; Lukicheva, N.S.; Luo, S.B.; Mangotra, L.K.; Marutyan, N.A.; Maslennikova, N.V.; Mittra, I.S.; Mookerjee, S.; Nasrulaeva, H.; Nasyrov, S.H.; Navotny, V.S.; Nystrand, J.; Orlova, G.I.; Otterlund, I.; Palsania, H.S.; Peresadko, N.G.; Petrov, N.V.; Plyushchev, V.A.; Qian, W.Y.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Rao, N.K.; Rappoport, V.M.; Ravina, J.; Rhee, J.T.; Saidkhanov, N.; Salmanova, N.A.; Sarkisova, L.G.; Sarkisyan, V.R.; Shabratova, G.S.; Shakhova, T.I.; Skelding, D.; Stenlund, E.; Soederstroem, K.; Solovieva, Z.I.; Strausz, S.C.; Sun, J.F.; Svechnikova, L.N.; Tolstov, K.D.; Tretyakova, M.I.; Trofimova, T.P.; Tuleeva, U.; Vokal, S.; Wang, H.Q.; Weng, Z.Q.; Wilkes, R.J.; Xu, G.F.; Zhang, D.H.; Zheng, P.Y.; Zhokhova, S.I.; Zhou, D.C.
[en] The recent status of the EMU01 experiment where nuclear emulsions are used as both target/detector material for horizontally exposed stacks and as detector for vertically exposed chamber plates is discussed. An investigation of the behaviour in the number of produced particles per participating nucleon reveal weak nonlinear effects for the most central collisions. Intermittency index can be obtained from the density distributions for S+Au and S+Ag interactions which corresponds to fractal dimensions somewhat smaller than unity
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
7. international symposium on very high energy cosmic ray interactions; Ann Arbor, MI (United States); 21-27 Jun 1992; CONF-9206284--
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Nystrand, J.I.; Adamovich, M.I.; Aggarwal, M.M.; Alexandrov, Y.A.; Andreeva, N.P.; Anzon, Z.V.; Arora, R.; Avetyan, F.A.; Badyal, S.K.; Basova, E.; Bazarov, I.K.; Bhalla, K.B.; Bhasin, A.; Bhatia, V.S.; Bogdanov, V.G.; Bubnov, V.I.; Burnett, T.H.; Cai, X.; Carshiev, D.A.; Ceitimbetov, A.M.; Chasnikov, I.Y.; Chernova, L.P.; Chernyavsky, M.M.; Eligbaeva, G.Z.; Eremenko, L.E.; Gaitinov, A.S.; Ganssauge, E.R.; Garpman, S.; Gerassimov, S.G.; Graf, C.; Grote, J.; Gulamov, K.G.; Gupta, S.K.; Gupta, V.K.; Jakobsson, B.; Just, L.; Kachroo, S.; Kalyachkina, G.S.; Kanygina, E.K.; Karabova, M.; Kharlamov, S.P.; Kitroo, S.; Krasnov, S.A.; Kumar, V.; Larionova, V.G.; Li, Y.D.; Liu, L.S.; Lokanatan, S.; Lord, J.J.; Lukicheva, N.S.; Luo, S.B.; Maksimkina, T.N.; Mangotra, L.K.; Marutyan, N.A.; Maslennikova, N.V.; Mittra, I.S.; Mookerjee, S.; Musulmanbekov, J.J.; Nasyrov, S.Z.; Navotny, V.S.; Ochs, M.; Orlova, G.I.; Otterlund, I.; Peresadko, N.G.; Petrov, N.V.; Plyushchev, V.A.; Qian, W.Y.; Qin, Y.M.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Rao, N.K.; Roeper, M.; Saidkhanov, N.; Salmanova, N.A.; Sarkisova, L.G.; Sarkisyan, V.R.; Shabratova, G.S.; Shakhova, T.I.; Shpilev, S.N.; Skelding, D.; Soederstrom, K.; Solovjeva, Z.I.; Stenlund, E.; Surin, E.L.; Svechnikova, L.N.; Tolstov, K.D.; Tothova, M.; Tretyakova, M.I.; Trofimova, T.P.; Tuleeva, U.; Tursunov, B.P.; Vokal, S.; Vrlakova, J.; Wang, H.Q.; Weng, Z.Q.; Wilkes, R.J.; Xia, Y.L.; Yang, C.B.; Zhang, D.H.; Zheng, P.Y.; Zhokhova, S.I.; Zhou, D.C.
EMU01 Collaboration1994
EMU01 Collaboration1994
[en] Pseudorapidity density distributions of charged particles in heavy-ion collisions have been studied. The results from EMU01 have been compared to the results from the experiments WA80 and E802. The recently obtained pseudorapidity distributions from Au+Au and Au+Ag interactions have been compared to a linear extrapolation from lighter systems. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
10. international conference on ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions (Quark Matter '93); Borlaenge (Sweden); 20-24 Jun 1993
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Wilkes, R.J.; Adamovich, M.I.; Aggarwal, M.M.; Alexandrov, Y.A.; Andreeva, N.P.; Anzon, Z.V.; Arora, R.; Avetyan, F.A.; Badyal, S.K.; Basova, E.; Bhalla, K.B.; Bhasin, A.; Bhatia, V.S.; Bogdanov, V.G.; Bubnov, V.I.; Burnett, T.H.; Cai, X.; Chasnicov, I.Y.; Chernova, L.P.; Chernyavski, M.M.; Eligbaeva, G.Z.; Eremenko, L.E.; Gaitinov, A.S.; Ganssauge, E.R.; Garpman, S.; Gerassimov, S.G.; Grote, J.; Gulamov, K.G.; Gupta, S.K.; Heckman, H.H.; Huang, H.; Jacobsson, B.; Judek, B.; Kachroo, S.; Kadyrov, F.G.; Kalyachkina, G.S.; Kanygina, E.K.; Karabova, M.; Kaul, G.L.; Kharlamov, S.P.; Koss, T.; Krasnov, S.A.; Kumar, V.; Lal, P.; Larionova, V.G.; Lepetan, V.N.; Liu, L.S.; Lokanathan, S.; Lord, J.J.; Lukicheva, N.S.; Luo, S.B.; Mangotra, L.K.; Marutyan, N.A.; Maslennikova, N.V.; Mittra, I.S.; Mookerjee, S.; Nasrulaeva, H.; Nasyrov, S.H.; Navotny, V.S.; Orlova, G.I.; Otterlund, I.; Palsania, H.; Peresadko, N.G.; Petrov, N.V.; Plyuschev, V.A.; Qian, W.Y.; Raniwala, S.; Raniwala, R.; Rao, N.K.; Rappoport, V.M.; Rhee, J.T.; Saidkhanov, N.; Salmanova, N.A.; Sarkisova, L.G.; Sarkisyan, V.R.; Shabratova, G.S.; Shakhova, T.I.; Skelding, D.; Soderstrom, K.; Stenlund, E.; Solovieva, Z.I.; Strausz, S.; Sun, J.F.; Svechnikova, L.N.; Tolstov, K.D.; Tretyakova, M.I.; Trofimova, T.P.; Tuleeva, U.; Vokal, S.; Wang, H.Q.; Weng, Z.O.; Xu, G.F.; Zhang, D.H.; Zheng, P.Y.; Zhokova, S.I.; Zhou, J.C.; Zhou, D.C.
EMU01 Collaboration1992
EMU01 Collaboration1992
[en] The EMU01 Collaboration has employed emulsion chamber and pellicle detectors to accumulate a large database of heavy nucleus interactions. Samples include both minimum bias and central collisions, analyzed in a uniform manner to extract multiplicities and angular distributions of charged particles and nuclear fragments. We find that the main features of these distributions are well represented by geometrical superposition models. A unique feature of EMU01 is the use of emulsion chambers with thin foil targets to observe produced particle angular distributions with exceptionally high precision, permitting extension of fluctuations and correlations analyses beyond the resolution limits imposed by other experimental techniques. The data are generally well reproduced by interaction simulations such as FRITIOF (the Lund monte carlo for nuclear collisions) which include only conventional physics effects. However, the analysis of fluctuations and correlations via factorial moment and cumulant techniques yields some suggestive results which require further investigation, both by continued analysis of existing data and from Au and Pb beam exposures scheduled for the next few years. (orig.)
Primary Subject
9. international conference on ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions: Quark matter '91 (QM); Gatlinburg, TN (United States); 11-15 Nov 1991
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Conference; Progress Report
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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