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[en] Informing, raising awareness, taking action: a scientist confronted with climate change. From the Greenland ice cap to the Antarctic water cycle: an exemplary journey. Quantifying past variations in climate and the atmospheric water cycle from natural archives, using this information to evaluate climate models, better anticipate future changes and measure human influence: these are the main lines of the author's research. Recounting her involvement in major projects, notably in Greenland, she also describes her experience with the IPCC, as co-chair of one of its working groups from 2015 to 2023. Throughout her career, she has become aware of the need to commit to the democratization and appropriation of scientific knowledge about climate change, and the levers of action that can be used to limit the risks. She is a frequent public speaker, works to educate decision-makers, and takes action on a daily basis. With this book, she shows us the importance of climate science in bringing about these changes
Original Title
Face au changement climatique
Primary Subject
11 Apr 2024; 96 p; CNRS Editions; Paris (France); ISBN 978-2-271-15046-2;
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Masson-Delmotte, Valerie
Universite Paris 6 (France); Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement - LSCE, L'Orme des Merisiers, CEA Saclay, Bat. 709, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex (France)2004
Universite Paris 6 (France); Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement - LSCE, L'Orme des Merisiers, CEA Saclay, Bat. 709, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex (France)2004
[en] My research activity from 1996 to 2003 is focused on the climate and water cycle variability, using a specific tool which is the isotopic composition of the precipitation. Past temperatures are commonly reconstructed using the stable isotopic composition of water from deep ice cores. My studies have been dedicated to the relationship between isotopic composition, local temperature, and also origin of the air masses. The use of the deuterium excess parameter enables quantitative reconstructions of the evaporation conditions of the polar precipitation. The published reconstructions are mainly focused on Antarctica, at time scales varying from the last century at an intra annual resolution for the coastal Law Dome site, to time scales of several climatic cycles for the current EPICA Dome C project. Several studies dedicated to Greenland deep ice cores (GRIP and NorthGRIP) will be further developed and will bring constraints on the variability of climate and water cycle during the last climatic cycle. A correct understanding of the ice isotopic composition signal relies on the monitoring of modern spatial and temporal variability, isotopic distillation modelling, comparison to meteorological observations, atmospheric reanalyses, climate model simulations including or not specific diagnosis (explicit stable isotope modelling, atmospheric moisture tagging). The Antarctic traverse projects being currently set up for the next decade should provide rare insight on the recent (last centuries) spatial and temporal variability of Antarctic snow isotopic composition. The extension of this activity will be done using back-trajectory calculations, and using remote sensing information on the storm tracks. In addition to these works on polar ice, I will also develop another research topic also focused on a quantitative reconstruction of climate variability, using this time the isotopic composition of tree ring cellulose. This second research direction is based on a first PhD thesis and is currently supported by a European project. The first results are very encouraging because summer temperature and water stress annual reconstructions seem less influences by tree growth effects, unlike classical dendrochronological parameters. The future developments will lie on obtaining long records (several centuries) using different tree species on different sites, where alternative paleo-climatic information can be extracted (such as alpine or Andean glaciers using mass balance / climate calibrations). For this project, the coupling between the isotopic measurement interpretation and the climate modelling will be also further developed. (author)
Mes travaux de recherche entre 1996 et 2003 ont porte sur la variabilite du climat et du cycle de l'eau avec un outil privilegie, la composition isotopique des precipitations. Dans les glaces polaires, la composition isotopique de l'eau est couramment utilisee pour reconstruire les changements passes de temperatures. Mes travaux ont porte sur la relation entre composition isotopique, temperature locale, mais egalement origine des masses d'air. L'utilisation de l'outil 'exces en deuterium' permet ainsi d'obtenir des reconstructions quantitatives des conditions d'evaporation des masses d'air. Les reconstructions climatiques publiees ont porte principalement sur l'Antarctique, a des echelles de temps tres differentes selon la resolution temporelle permise par chaque forage: depuis une reconstruction a l'echelle interannuelle pour le dernier siecle sur le site cotier de Law Dome, jusqu'a une reconstruction des derniers cycles climatiques en cours pour EPICA Dome C. De nombreuses etudes, engagees sur les glaces du Groenland (projets GRIP et NorthGRIP) vont se poursuivre, et apporter des contraintes sur la variabilite du climat et du cycle de l'eau au cours du dernier cycle climatique. La comprehension du signal isotopique de la glace passe par l'observation de la variabilite spatiale et temporelle, la modelisation de la distillation isotopique, la comparaison aux donnees meteorologiques, aux reanalyses atmospheriques, aux simulations climatiques incluant ou non des diagnostiques specifiques (modelisation explicite des isotopes de l'eau, modelisation de l'origine des masses de vapeur d'eau). Les grands projets de raids en Antarctiques prevus pour la prochaine decennie devraient fournir des informations precieuses sur la variabilite spatio temporelle recente (derniers siecles) de la composition isotopique de la neige antarctique. La poursuite de cette activite devra se faire en incluant le calcul de retrotrajectoires et egalement le suivi par teledetection des passages depressionnaires. En parallele a ces travaux sur les glaces polaires, je souhaite poursuivre egalement un second axe de reconstruction des variations climatiques, en utilisant cette fois la composition isotopique de la cellulose de cernes d'arbres. Ce second axe s'est appuye sur un premier travail de these et il est soutenu actuellement par la participation a un projet europeen. Les resultats sont tres encourageants dans la mesure ou l'on peut extraire des reconstructions des temperatures d'ete ou du stress hydrique qui semblent beaucoup moins influences par la croissance des arbres que les parametres dendrochronologiques classiques. Les developpements vont porter sur l'obtention de series longues (plusieurs siecles) a partir de plusieurs essences sur differents sites, a proximite d'autres indicateurs paleoclimatiques (tels que les glaciers alpins ou andins dont l'etude du bilan de masse permet d'apporter des contraintes sur les grandes variations d'extension). Pour ce projet, le couplage entre interpretation des mesures isotopiques et modelisation du climat sera egalement poursuivi. (auteur)Original Title
Variabilite du climat et du cycle de l'eau: geochimie isotopique des precipitations
Primary Subject
2004; 71 p; 211 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; Memoire de these d'habilitation a diriger des recherches
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[en] It is now an established fact: the humane activities have warmed the atmosphere, the ocean and the continent surface, resulting in ice sheets melting, ocean level rising and other generalized changes that intensify and accelerate. Simulations have shown that the sum of all the contributions to change in the sea level agrees with the observed sea level rise. Today sea level has already increased by 20 cm and will increase an additional 30 cm to 1 m or more by 2100, depending on future emissions. Simulations show that sea level reacts very slowly to global warming so, once started, the rise continues for thousands of years. Today's impacts on global temperature, droughts, precipitations, snow and tropical cyclones have been assessed relatively to the climate system that was in effect at the end of the nineteenth century. Simulations made for global temperature increases of 1.5, 2 and 4 Celsius degrees show a dramatic worsening, for instance the proportion of intense tropical cyclones is expected to increase by 10, 13 and 30% respectively. (A.C.)
Original Title
L'influence humaine sur le climat: les bases scientifiques physiques
Primary Subject
5 refs.; Full text of the article also available at: May be issued in English at
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Masson-Delmotte, Valerie
GR21 - Groupe de Reflexion sur l'energie et l'environnement au 21eme siecle, Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire - SFEN, 103 rue Reaumur, 75002 Paris (France)2014
GR21 - Groupe de Reflexion sur l'energie et l'environnement au 21eme siecle, Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire - SFEN, 103 rue Reaumur, 75002 Paris (France)2014
[en] This contribution presents the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The author indicates the number of involved researchers, the work groups (climate changes, environmental and socio-economic consequences, adaptation and mitigation options), the number of published reports. The author addresses weather observations, their historical evolution, and the development of modelling studies (more than 40 3D models exist). He discusses information (sea temperature, average temperature, climate anomalies, sea level change, observed change in precipitation over land) which show that climate change is now unambiguous. Consequences are discussed in terms of temperature, of impact of CO2 and greenhouse gases emissions, and the author discusses the issue of assessment of future risks related to temperature increase, sea level rise, evolution of precipitation, CO2 emissions. Challenges concern housing location and construction, and researches on CO2 capture and sequestration
Original Title
Primary Subject
18 Sep 2014; 10 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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[en] This article introduces the natural factors acting on the climate system, on different time scales, and the characteristics of internal climate variability and feedbacks. The methods used to reconstruct and understand past large climate changes from the dating and analysis of natural archives and past climate numerical simulations are briefly described. The relationships between changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and the mean temperature at the Earth's surface are investigated for very contrasted past periods, the warm phases of the Eocene and Pliocene, and the glacial climate. Past climates have also unveiled the repeated occurrence of abrupt events during glacial periods, linked with major reorganizations of the interhemispheric heat transport by the Atlantic Ocean leading to contrasted surface temperature changes in the two hemispheres. We finally depict the large-scale patterns of surface temperature changes during the present and last interglacial periods, in response to gradual changes of the Earth's orbit. All these past climates provide benchmarks to test climate models, and a framework against which recent and projected changes can be compared. (authors)
Original Title
Qu'apprend-on des grands changements climatiques passes?
Primary Subject
Available from doi:; 26 refs.
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[en] The author explores unavoidable climate changes on the medium term, in 2050, while taking what has already been injected into the atmosphere and the inertia of our infrastructures into account, and examines to which extent these future evolutions will depend on what we will choose to do or not to do in terms of interaction with the Earth climate. Even if we stop emissions right now, temperature will keep on increasing of some tenths of degree, sea level will also increase because of the heat stored in oceans. The author sheds a light on solutions and associated transformations, and on the roles citizen and the young generation can have
Original Title
Quel climat pour vous, vos enfant, vos petits enfants?
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
7 Apr 2021; 118 p; Editions Bayard; Montrouge (France); ISBN 978-2-227-49968-3;
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[en] In this book, the authors first present the climate system as it operates under the influence of the atmosphere and oceans: Earth heated by the Sun, temperatures and movements within the atmosphere, surface and deep circulation in the oceans, exchanges between the atmosphere and the oceans. They present the various actors of climate and their interactions: water cycle, carbon cycle, greenhouse effect, clouds, aerosols, ocean, cryosphere-climate interaction, interaction between continental biosphere and climate, interactions between climate, continents and lithosphere, feedbacks and climate sensitivity. They comment the variety of climates and their variability when considered on a large scale (role of the Sun, ocean-atmosphere oscillations in El Nino and La Nina, North Atlantic oscillation, other examples of oscillations). The next part addresses climate modelling: model fundamentals (parameters and other components, coupling between components), model adjustment (simulation types, multi-model sets, and model assessment), models of intermediate complexity, regional models. The authors discuss the warming phenomenon: history of temperature measurements, clues of global warming, how to make climate change. They propose a presentation and discussion of anthropogenic and natural factors which disturb the climate: CO2 and other greenhouse gases, changes in soil uses, other possible causes of climate disturbance (aerosol, aircraft wakes, volcanoes, and sun), combination of these disturbances, and identification of anthropogenic disturbances. They discuss past climate evolutions, and finally discuss how the climate could evolve in the future
Original Title
Le climat: la Terre et les hommes
Primary Subject
8 Jan 2015; 223 p; EDP Sciences; Les Ulis (France); ISBN 978-2-7598-0881-6;
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[en] In 20 chapters, this book deals with 20 issues surrounding climate change in comic strip format. For example, the weight of human influence, confidence in the results of climate models, the notion of scientific consensus, the risk of abrupt changes, or the links between extreme one-off events and climate change. This work is based on the state of the art knowledge of scientists, some thirty of whom were consulted. At a time when the reality of climate change is becoming ever more tangible, when climatologists no longer doubt that humans are responsible for it, climate skeptics pounce on the slightest imprecise formulation or apparent contradiction and continue to circulate erroneous information, relayed to no end on social networks. As a major player in climate research in France, the CNRS considers that combating this misinformation is one of its missions. Beneath the apparent lightness of the graphics, this book covers fundamental issues, and gives an account of what we really know about climate change, as well as how this knowledge is constructed. This is the strength of the book
Original Title
Tout comprendre (ou presque) sur le climat
Primary Subject
3 Mar 2022; 135 p; CNRS Editions; Paris (France); ISBN 978-2-271-13977-1;
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Strengthening mitigation, engaging adaptation - Annual report 2021 of the High Committee for Climate
Le Quere, Corinne; Colombier, Michel; Dubuisson-Quellier, Sophie; Grandjean, Alain; Guillou, Marion; Guivarch, Celine; Jancovici, Jean-Marc; LEGUET, Benoit; Masson-Delmotte, Valerie; Reghezza-Zitt, Magali; Schubert, Katheline; Soussana, Jean-Francois; Tubiana, Laurence
Haut conseil pour le climat - HCC, 20 avenue de Segur, 75007 Paris (France)2021
Haut conseil pour le climat - HCC, 20 avenue de Segur, 75007 Paris (France)2021
[en] This report first gives an overview of the evolutions of greenhouse gas emissions in France, in Europe and in the world, and of carbon budgets and climate transition in France. Then it presents and comments public policies in France (evolutions, plans and actions at the national and regional levels) and in Europe (introduction of new tools). The third part critically addresses sector evolutions in France: transports (emissions are not controlled, insufficient public action, weaknesses of public policies), buildings (challenge of building decarbonization, a public policy which is not in line with the national low-carbon strategy), industry (emission reductions still to be strengthened), agriculture, soils and forests (a too slow reduction of emissions, carbon sinks in difficulty, impact of climate change on agriculture, weaknesses of public policy), and energy transformation (European and French trends, weaknesses of public policies). The last part outlines the need to anticipate and to face impacts of climate change: discussion of impacts of climate change in France, reduction of the vulnerability of present and future impacts of climate change, tools and governance of adaptation (instruments and actions)
Original Title
Renforcer l'attenuation, engager l'adaptation - Rapport Annuel 2021 du Haut Conseil pour le Climat
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jun 2021; 184 p; 346 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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Literature Type
Numerical Data
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Andre, Jean-Claude; Boucher, Olivier; Bousquet, Philippe; Chanin, Marie-Lise; Chappellaz, Jerome; Tardieu, Bernard; Denegre, Jean; Beauvais, Muriel; Lefaudeux, Francois; Appert, Olivier; Desmarest, Patrice; Feillet, Pierre; Jarry, Bruno; Minster, Jean-Francois; Masson-Delmotte, Valerie; Dessus, Benjamin; Le Treut, Herve
Academie des technologies, Grand Palais des Champs Elysees, Porte C, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 Paris (France); EDP Sciences, 17 Avenue du Hoggar, 91940 Les Ulis (France)2013
Academie des technologies, Grand Palais des Champs Elysees, Porte C, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 Paris (France); EDP Sciences, 17 Avenue du Hoggar, 91940 Les Ulis (France)2013
[en] This report proposes a detailed presentation of knowledge on methane and on its role in the atmosphere. The first part addresses methane and the greenhouse effect: general considerations on methane in the atmosphere, radiative properties and importance with respect to the greenhouse effect, methane and future climate change. The second part proposes a presentation of methane sources and sinks. The third part addresses the study of methane fluxes: possible approaches to assess methane fluxes, measurement of atmospheric methane, the issue of atmospheric inversion (an approach to convert atmospheric observations into methane fluxes, lessons learned from atmospheric inversions, perspectives to improve knowledge on methane fluxes). The next chapters discuss the past, present and future evolution of methane in the atmosphere, discuss the carbon equivalence of methane (Kyoto protocol, policies of climate change, global warming power, role of methane, metrics, emission reduction), and comment the current perceivable evolutions, propose some methodological recommendations and actions to be implemented on the short term with no regret
Original Title
Le methane, d'ou vient-il et quel est son impact sur le climat?
Primary Subject
9 Jan 2013; 176 p; ISBN 978-2-7598-1014-7; ; 147 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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