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Melville, D.; Al-Rawl, K.M.
Rare earths and actinides, 1977. Invited and contributed papers from the international conference on rare earths and actinides held in Durham, 4-6 July 19771978
Rare earths and actinides, 1977. Invited and contributed papers from the international conference on rare earths and actinides held in Durham, 4-6 July 19771978
[en] Using pulsed magnetic fields up to 18 T, measurements have been carried out of the magnetostriction and magnetization of polycrystalline DyFe2 and TbFe2 over the temperature range 4.2-300 K. In the case of TbFe2 the magnetostriction isotherms at all temperatures show a tendency to saturate at high field levels. The total magnetostriction decreases monotonically and is roughly proportional to the cube of the reduced magnetization. An extrapolation to infinite field and zero temperature gives a value for the saturation magnetostriction of TbFe2 of lambda sub(s) = 3.34 x 10-3. Assuming the polycrystalline sample to be an aggregate of non-interacting, single-domain particles it is estimated that the single-crystal magnetostriction constants are lambda111 = 4.53 x 10-3 and lambda100 5.2 x 10-3 at 16 K. For DyFe2 the magnetostriction isotherms below 100 k are linear in magnetic field with zero remanence. In contrast to this behaviour, the magnetization in the same temperature range shows the rapid rise at low fields which is characteristic of domain-wall movement. Estimates are made of the magnetostrictive contribution to domain energy in the case when 900 domain walls are present. The possibility that the discrepancy between magnetostriction and magnetization data can be explained in terms of a lack of 900 domain walls is discussed, along with the alternative conclusion that lambda100<= lambda111 at low temperatures. (author)
Corner, W.D.; Tanner, B.K. (eds.); The Institute of Physics Conference Series; no. 37; p. 293-298; ISBN 0 85498 128 4; ; 1978; p. 293-298; Institute of Physics; Bristol; International conference on rare earths and actinides; Durham, UK; 4 - 6 Jul 1977
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Khan, W.I.; Melville, D.
Rare earths and actinides, 1977. Invited and contributed papers from the international conference on rare earths and actinides held in Durham, 4-6 July 19771978
Rare earths and actinides, 1977. Invited and contributed papers from the international conference on rare earths and actinides held in Durham, 4-6 July 19771978
[en] The singular-point detection technique, in which the second derivative of the magnetization with respect to field is examined, has been used to determine the anisotropy field Bsub(A) = (2/Msub(s)) (K1 + 2K2) for Sm2Co17, Er2Co17, and Tm2Co17 over the temperature range 77 - 300 K. Exrapolation of the initial part of the hard-direction magnetization curve for aligned powders enables K1 and K2 to be estimated. For Er2Co17 and Tm2Co17 the rare-earth (R) and cobalt sublattices are oppositely aligned, so that the onset of ordering of the R sublattice leads to a decrease in saturation magnetization as the temperature is lowered. This is in sharp contrast to the rapid increase in K1 at low temperatures. By subtracting the corresponding Msub(s) values from that of Y2Co17 the temperature dependence of the R sublattice can be determined. It is found that K1 is directly proportional to the cube of this quantity, indicating the dominance of the rare-earth sublattice in determining the anisotropic properties of these compounds. For Sm2Co17 the anisotropy constant varies very strongly with the reduced magnetization. (author)
Corner, W.D.; Tanner, B.K. (eds.); The Institute of Physics Conference Series; no. 37; p. 305-309; ISBN 0 85498 128 4; ; 1978; p. 305-309; Institute of Physics; Bristol; International conference on rare earths and actinides; Durham, UK; 4 - 6 Jul 1977
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[en] The basal plane anisotropy constant K66 of dysprosium has been measured over the temperature range 4.2-120 K in fields up to 15 T. The field dependence of K66 is found to be -2.5 x 10-4Jm-3T-1 and the easy-direction value of K66 is 20% larger than its mean value. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
International conference on magnetism; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 6 - 10 Sep 1976
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Physica B + C; v. 86-88(1); p. 38-40
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No abstract available
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Physics. F, Metal Physics; v. 2(3); p. 584-591
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Melville, D.; Rayner, D.L.
International conference on magnetism held at Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6-10 Sep 19761976
International conference on magnetism held at Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6-10 Sep 19761976
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Stichting Chemische Congressen XI, Amsterdam (Netherlands); p. 85; 1976; International conference on magnetism; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 6 Sep 1976; Published in summary form only. Conference proceedings to be published in Physica B (NL).
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[en] Using the singular point detection technique measurements are made of the temperature dependence of the first and second anisotropy constants of the pseudobinary alloy series Y2(Cosub(x)Fesub(1-x))17 where x = 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9. The temperature range used is 4.2 to 300 K. For all temperatures the first anisotropy constant takes a maximum value at x approximately 0.7 and extrapolates to zero at x approximately 0.5 and x approximately 0.95, confirming the change from easy-axis to easy-plane at these compositions. It is shown that these changes of easy direction and the values observed for the anisotropy constants can be accounted for in terms of the preferential substitution of iron atoms on the (6c) sites of the rhombohedral Th2Zn17 structure. Using a point charge model and assuming 100% preferential occupancy of Fe for (6c) sites, it is shown that if the charge on Co is zero, a charge of approximately +0.2|e| is required on Fe atoms to give quantitative agreement with the experimental results. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research; ISSN 0031-8965; ; v. 48(1); p. 209-214
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[en] Alloys of the composition YCo5 and Y5Co19 were prepared by arc melting. A thermomagnetic analysis (TMA) was carried out measuring low field dynamic initial permeability as a function of temperature. Peaks in the TMA spectra occurred at the magnetic ordering temperatures of the phases present in the sample. For Co-rich alloys the Curie temperature is a linear function of composition. This function can be used to identify the composition of unknown phases from their Curie points obtained from TMA spectra. The 5:19 and other Cromer-Larson phases have been shown to form in the Y-Co system. The 1:4 and 11:49 phases, however, appear to be unstable at room temperature
Primary Subject
Short note.
Record Type
Journal Article
Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research; ISSN 0031-8965; ; v. 70(2); p. K175-K179
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[en] Magnetostriction measurements have been carried out in the cubic Laves phase compounds DyCo2, HoCo2 and ErCo2 from 10 K to well above their respective Neel temperatures Tsub(N). Pulsed magnetic fields up to 15 T (150kOe) were applied. The observed magnetostrictions are very large (approximately 10-3) being similar to those found in the RFe2 compounds. The measurements confirm the extremely high anisotropy of these materials. At the highest fields the polycrystalline samples are still undergoing rotational magnetization processes. The expected values of the saturation magnetostriction at O K are similar in sign and magnitude to those found in the corresponding rare earth metals. This fact and the scaling of magnetostriction with rare earth sublattice magnetization indicates that the rare earth ion is the main source of the magnetostriction. The metamagnetic transition above Tsub(N) has been studied, the relation between critical field and temperature being nonlinear for HoCo2 and ErCo2 . The compounds are highly anisotropic above Tsub(N) and all the features indicate that the field-induced phases are likely to be ferrimagnetic. (author)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Physics. F, Metal Physics; v. 5(9); p. 1767-1777
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[en] In a recent publication Groessinger et al. report measurements of anisotropy fields for samples of the pseudobinary alloy series RE2(Fe,Co)17 where RE=Y, Gd and Dy. The measurements were made using the Singular Point Detection (SPD) technique. The present paper comments on the work of Groessinger et al. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Physica B plus C; ISSN 0031-8914; ; v. 95(3); p. 395-396
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[en] Magnetostriction and magnetisation measurements are made on a polycrystalline sample of the cubic Laves phase compound CeFe2 in pulsed magnetic fields up to 18 T and over the temperature range 5 to 300 K. A sharp increase in magnetostriction is observed at fields of about 3 T and at temperatures below 150 K. The magnitude of the first-order change in strain increases with decreasing temperature and at 5 K it amounts to approximately 150x10-6 which is a 200% increase in the parallel magnetostriction. The critical field for the transition decreases slowly with decreasing temperature. The corresponding change in magnetisation is of the order of 8% at 5 K. It is proposed that this transition corresponds to a first-order rotation of the magnetisation vector due to a particular combination of anisotropy constants. In particular, the effect of the eighth-order constant K3 which also leads to a non-symmetry easy direction above 150 K, is likely to be important. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research; ISSN 0031-8965; ; v. 66(1); p. 133-137
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