Niel, Elisabeth Maria
Universite Paris-Saclay, Ecole doctorale no. 576, Particules, Hadrons, energie et Noyau - Instrumentation, Image, Cosmos et Simulation - Pheniics, Espace Technologique, Immeuble Discovery, Route de l'Orme aux Merisiers RD 128, 91190 Saint-Aubin (France); Faculte des sciences d'Orsay, CNRS, Laboratoire de physique des 2 infinis Irene Joliot-Curie - IJCLab, 91405 Orsay (France)2021
Universite Paris-Saclay, Ecole doctorale no. 576, Particules, Hadrons, energie et Noyau - Instrumentation, Image, Cosmos et Simulation - Pheniics, Espace Technologique, Immeuble Discovery, Route de l'Orme aux Merisiers RD 128, 91190 Saint-Aubin (France); Faculte des sciences d'Orsay, CNRS, Laboratoire de physique des 2 infinis Irene Joliot-Curie - IJCLab, 91405 Orsay (France)2021
[en] Charmed baryon polarization is not predicted by theory and it is a necessary input for the measurement of the charmed baryons magnetic dipole moment (MDM) which is foreseen at the LHC. Baryon's polarization has been measured for strange (Λ) and beauty (Λ0b) baryons in different colliding systems, however, no measurement exists for charmed baryons as of today. In this thesis, the Λ+c polarization is measured by means of a five-dimensional amplitude analysis of the three-body weak decay Λ+c → pK-π+ of Λ+c produced in pp collisions at a center of mass energy of 13 TeV. The Λ+c → pK-π+ decay passes through intermediate resonant states which interfere with each other, and which need to be included in the amplitude. First, the equations describing the amplitude of this three-body decay have been derived within the helicity formalism. The polarization is accounted for by means of the spin density matrix and the intermediate resonant states are described using the isobar model factorization. This work allowed a better understanding of the helicity amplitudes and can be easily extended to other three-body baryonic decays featuring particles with spin in the final state. Then, the helicity amplitudes obtained are used to describe the data collected by the LHCb detector at CERN during the 2016 data taking period (Run 2), corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.7 fb-1. Since the polarization depends on the production mechanism involved, it is important to separate the Λ+c produced directly after the pp collisions via strong interactions (prompt production), from the Λ+c produced via a weak decay of other baryons (secondary production). In this analysis, the promptly produced Λ+c are studied. The Λ+c →pK-π+ decay, with a branching ratio of 6.28±0.32%, is the most abundant Λ+c decay mode and the final data sample, after the optimization of the selection chain, contains around ∼500 000 signal events, it has a signal purity of ∼ 97% and the contamination due to secondary Λ+c is less than 2%. The asymmetry parameters of the intermediate decays, which are combinations of the helicity couplings contained in the amplitude, are also measured along with the fit fractions, which describe the contribution of each resonance to the total amplitude. The results of the Λ+c → pK-π+ amplitude analysis will be used to measure the polarization of Λ+c baryons produced in proton gas (pNe) collisions, using a data sample collected by the LHCb detector during 2017 at a center of mass energy of 68 GeV. The next data acquisition phase, foreseen in 2022, will see an increase of the collision rate by a factor of 5 at LHCb. A new detector, called PLUME, has been designed to perform a luminosity measurement in the new running conditions. In this thesis, the front-end electronics of the LHCb calorimeter has been tested to prove that it is adapted for the PLUME detector needs and it is now the baseline electronics for PLUME. Finally, a measurement of the LHCb clock shift using the PLUME detector is proposed. The LHCb clock can be desynchronised from the LHC main clock; a shift up to 1 ns has been measured during Run 1 and Run 2, using the Outer Tracker (OT), with a time resolution of 0.5 ns. During Run 3 the OT will be removed and LHCb will collect data at 40 MHz with a new triggering scheme based on an entire software trigger. Stable running conditions are essential for such a scheme to work, and the clock shift could have a large impact on the LHCb detector performances. PLUME could be used to monitor the LHCb clock shift and in this thesis a preliminary timing measurement is performed probing the feasibility of such a measurement and opening the route to further studies. (author)
La polarisation des baryons charmes n'est pas predite par la theorie et constitue une donnee necessaire pour la mesure du moment dipolaire magnetique (MDM) des baryons charmes qui est prevue au LHC. Elle a ete mesuree pour les baryons etranges (Λ) et beaux (Λ0b) dans differents systemes de collision, mais aucune mesure n'existe a ce jour pour les baryons charmes. Dans cette these, la polarisation du baryon Λ+c est mesuree au moyen d'une analyse d'amplitude a cinq dimensions de la desintegration faible a trois corps Λ+c →pK-π+ pour des Λ+c produits dans des collisions pp a une energie de 13 TeV dans le centre de masse. La desintegration Λ+-c → pK-π+ passe par des etats resonants intermediaires qui interferent entre eux et qui doivent etre inclus dans l'amplitude. Tout d'abord, les equations decrivant l'amplitude de cette desintegration a trois corps ont ete derivees dans le cadre du formalisme d'helicite. La polarisation est prise en compte au moyen de la matrice de densite de spin et les etats resonants intermediaires sont decrits a l'aide du modele isobare. Ce travail a permis de mieux comprendre les amplitudes d'helicite et peut etre facilement etendu a d'autres desintegrations baryoniques a trois corps comportant des particules avec spin dans l'etat final. Ensuite, les amplitudes d'helicite obtenues sont utilisees pour decrire les donnees collectees par le detecteur LHCb au CERN en 2016 (Run 2), correspondant a une luminosite integree de 1.7 fb-1. Comme la polarisation depend du mecanisme de production implique, il est important de separer les Λ+c produits directement apres les collisions pp via des interactions fortes (production dite 'prompt'), des Λ+c produits via une desintegration faible d'autres baryons (production secondaire); dans cette analyse, les Λ+c 'prompt' sont etudies. La desintegration Λ+c → pK-π+, avec un rapport d'embranchement de 6.28±0.32%, est le mode de desintegration de Λ+c le plus abondant et l'echantillon de donnees final, apres l'optimisation de la chaine de selection, contient environ ∼500 000 evenements de signal; la purete du signal est de ∼ 97% et la contamination due aux Λ+c venant de B est inferieure a 2%. Les parametres d'asymetrie, qui sont des combinaisons des couplages d'helicite contenus dans l'amplitude, sont egalement mesures ainsi que les contributions individuelles des resonances a l'amplitude totale. Les resultats de l'analyse en amplitude de la desintegration Λ+c → pK-π+ seront utilises pour mesurer la polarisation des Λ+c produits dans des collisions proton-gaz (pNe), en utilisant un echantillon de donnees collectees par le detecteur LHCb en 2017, a une energie de 68 GeV dans le centre de masse. La prochaine phase d'acquisition de donnees, prevue en 2022, verra une augmentation du taux de collision d'un facteur 5 a LHCb. Un nouveau detecteur, appele PLUME, a ete concu pour effectuer une mesure de luminosite dans les nouvelles conditions de fonctionnement. Dans cette these, l'electronique frontale du calorimetre de LHCb a ete testee pour prouver qu'elle est adaptee aux besoins du detecteur PLUME et elle est maintenant l'electronique de base pour PLUME. Enfin, une mesure du decalage de l'horloge de LHCb a l'aide du detecteur PLUME est proposee. L'horloge de LHCb peut etre desynchronisee de l'horloge principale du LHC; un decalage allant jusqu'a 1 ns a ete mesure pendant les Run 1 et 2, en utilisant le Outer Tracker (OT), avec une resolution temporelle de 0,5 ns. Au cours du Run 3, l'OT sera supprime et LHCb collectera des donnees a 40 MHz avec un nouveau schema de declenchement entierement 'software'. Des conditions de fonctionnement stables sont essentielles pour qu'un tel schema fonctionne, et le decalage de l'horloge pourrait avoir un impact important sur les performances du detecteur LHCb. PLUME pourrait etre utilise pour surveiller le decalage de l'horloge du LHCb. Dans cette these, la faisabilite de la mesure du decalage en temps est etudiee. (auteur)Original Title
Mesures precises des proprietes des baryons charmes avec le detecteur LHCb au LHC
Primary Subject
16 Sep 2021; 309 p; 220 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; These de doctorat de l'universite Paris-Saclay, Specialite: physique des particules
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Ronchetti, Federico; Haefeli, Guido; Niel, Elisabeth Maria
Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Society2023
Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Society2023
No abstract available
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Swiss Physical Society, SPG Büro, Uni Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 82, CH-4056 Basel (Switzerland); Austrian Physical Society (Austria); vp; 2023; p. 333; Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Society; Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von SPG und ÖPG; Basel (Switzerland); 4-8 Sep 2023; Available in abstract form only. Available from:; Available from: SPG Büro, Uni Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 82, CH-4056 Basel (CH)
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Decleves, Xavier.; Niel, Elisabeth; Debray, Marcel; Scherrmann, Jean-Michel, E-mail: xavier.decleves@univ-paris5.fr2006
[en] This study investigates the P-glycoprotein (Pgp)-mediated transport of its substrates in accumulation or efflux modes under steady-state conditions. The kinetics of colchicine uptake and efflux, a substrate of both Pgp and intracellular tubulin, were studied in HL60 and HL60/DNR cells; HL60/DNR cells contain 25 times more Pgp than do HL60 cells. HL60/DNR cells in a medium containing 6.25 nM colchicine, which mimics therapeutic conditions, reached steady-state twice as rapidly as did HL60 cells, and accumulated 24-times less colchicine than did HL60 cells. The Pgp inhibitor GF120918, increased colchicine uptake by HL60 cells 1.2-fold and that of HL60/DNR cells 17-fold, while it had no effect on colchicine efflux from either cell line that had been incubated with colchicine for 24 h. Colchicine kinetics fitted well a two closed-compartment model, showing that the low intracellular accumulation of colchicine in HL60/DNR cells resulted from a 11-fold decrease in colchicine uptake and a 2.3-fold increase in colchicine efflux, that could be attributed to Pgp-mediated efflux activity in HL60/DNR cells. Intracellular colchicine was mainly and similarly distributed in the cytosol in both cell lines. These data demonstrate that the kinetics of the intracellular colchicine accumulation depend on the density of Pgp and that Pgp is more a phase 0 (preventing cellular uptake) than a phase 3 (effluxing intracellular substrate) transporter under steady-state conditions, although the situation is reversed after a short incubation time (30 min), when intracellular free colchicine concentration is probably high enough for it to be removed from the cell by Pgp
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S0041-008X(06)00270-5; Copyright (c) 2006 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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