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Pashin, V.A.
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev (Ukraine). Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij1989
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev (Ukraine). Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij1989
[en] The matrix calculation method of beam focusing and dispersion is used. It is shown, that monochromatization in experimental halls of U-240 cyclotron may be increased 8-12 times by bending magnets and diaphragming. The achromatic diclination by the first 45 deg magnet decreases 6-8 times the horizontal envelope where the following cross-over take places. The practical recommendations are given and the tables with calculation results of specific variants are presented. 4 refs.; 2 figs.; 3 tabs
Original Title
Dispersiya i monokhromatizatsiya v sisteme transportirovki puchka tsiklotrona U-240
Primary Subject
1989; 22 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Olejnik, E.E.; Pashin, V.A.
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev (Ukraine). Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij1993
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev (Ukraine). Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij1993
[en] There is a survey of operating machines which accelerate and use beams of negative ions and neutral atoms. There are theoretical and experimental data of a charge exchange and a neutralization efficiency by different methods. It is investigated the acceleration of hydrogen negative ions and carbon ions in the Cyclotron U-240 INR of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and declination them out with a help of a charge exchange by thin carbon foil strippers. (author). 12 refs., 5 figs
Original Title
Nejtralizatsiya i perezaryadka uskorennykh otritsatel'nykh ionov
Primary Subject
1993; 8 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Linev, A.F.; Pashin, V.A.; Sakhno, V.I.; Sokolova, N.A.
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev. Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij1986
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev. Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij1986
[en] The test results of control module, developed for cyclotron automatic control system are presented. The conditions of stability of the control system with a computer in feedback circuit under multiwinding cyclotron magnet control are shown. The requirements for improvement of U-240 power supply are studied
Original Title
Issledovanie kharakteristic tsiklotrona U-240 v rezhime avtomaticheskogo upravleniya ot mikro-EhVM
Primary Subject
1986; 19 p; 1 ref.; 1 fig.; 4 tabs.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kolotyj, V.V.; Kisurin, K.K.; Maksimov, Yu.K.; Pashin, V.A.
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev (Ukraine). Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij1992
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev (Ukraine). Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij1992
[en] The beam focusing of accelerated charged particles by the doublet of quadrupole lenses, the image of beam cross-section on phase plane, the difference of geometrical optics from beam optics are described as well as specific examples of focusing calculations are presented. The developed programme for computers operates with a user in the interactive operation. 6 refs.; 6 figs.; 2 tables. (author)
Original Title
Fokusirovka dubletom kvadrupol'nykh linz
Primary Subject
1992; 16 p
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Malofeev, A.I.; Ol'khovskij, K.I.; Pashin, V.A.
Modernization of the U-240 isochronous cyclotron in 19821983
Modernization of the U-240 isochronous cyclotron in 19821983
[en] In 1982 the cyclotron operated on a round-the-clock basis with a working period of 136 hrs per week. The total time of users constituted 3740 hrs per year. Distribution of the time planned for the cyclotron operation and distribution of the time between different regimes of proton-, deuteron- and alpha-particle acceleration are presented in tables. The analysis of the main emergency downtimes of the cyclotron is made. A new radial source of light and heavy ions was installed and accelerated carbon ions were obtained. Work on modernization of the V4-generator equipment, power supply, current stabilization system, desalted waster production and equipment water-cooling systems were conducted. Using the U-240 cyclotron the first batches of radioactive isotopes of iodine and other elements for medical purposes were obtained
Original Title
Rabota tsiklotrona U-240 v 1982 g
Primary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev. Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij; p. 14-19; 1983; p. 14-19; 3 tabs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kolotyj, V.V.; Isaev, A.G.; Kisurin, K.K.; Maksimov, Yu.K.; Pashin, V.A.
Modernization of the U-240 isochronous cyclotron in 19821983
Modernization of the U-240 isochronous cyclotron in 19821983
[en] To realize the time-of-flight experiments the time-dependent and structural peculiarities of accelerated particle beams have been investigated. Different ways to obtain time signals unambiguously connected with the ion clusters, that generate neutrons, are considered and investigated. It is shown experimentally that the entrance of particles from several orbits to the outgoing system is possible, and, due to the difference in energies, they will get to the target with a shift in time. Investigations of the time characteristics of the beams have shown that, even without introduction of the phase correction system, it is possible to obtain the time duration of a ion cluster 1.5 ns, whereas the use of the phase autotuning system can ensure the microcluster duration up to 1 ns and the duration of a neutron pulse, respectively
Original Title
Issledovaniya osobennostej provedeniya vremyaproletnykh ehksperimentov na tsiklotrone U-240
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev. Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij; p. 24-30; 1983; p. 24-30; 6 refs.; 3 figs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Goloborod'ko, V.A.; Kamyshnikov, Yu.I.; Malofeev, A.I.; Ol'khovikov, A.B.; Pashin, V.A.; Pravednikov, G.N.; Sakhno, V.I.
Modernization of the U-240 isochronous cyclotron in 19821983
Modernization of the U-240 isochronous cyclotron in 19821983
[en] Complex operations directed at the improvement of the physical parameters of the U-240 cyclotron and at the enhancement of the equipment reliability in the process of operation, at the reduction of emergency and other downtimes were carried out during 1980-1982. A multichannel electronic system of control and protection of transistor and other elements from thermal overloads in power circuits of the cyclotron supply had been introduced. Up-dating of the V4-generator equipment permitted to organize a remote and more accurate tuning of the resonance system frequency without entering the cyclotron room. Due to the work on modernization the time of cyclotron operation with the beam increased from 3400 hrs in 1980 to 3740 hrs in 1982
Original Title
Modernizatiya osnovnogo oborudovaniya izokhronnogo tsiklotrona U-240 500p. 4-10
Primary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev. Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij; p. 9-12; 1983; p. 9-12; 3 figs.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Linev, A.F.; Olejnik, E.E.; Pashin, V.A.
Abstracts of reports presented at 4. all-union conference on charged particle accelerators, Moscow, 18-20 November 19741974
Abstracts of reports presented at 4. all-union conference on charged particle accelerators, Moscow, 18-20 November 19741974
No abstract available
Original Title
Tandem-tsiklotronnyj uskoritel' tyazhelykh ionov ''TATsIT''
Primary Subject
AN SSSR, Moscow. Nauchnyj Sovet po Problemam Uskoreniya Zaryazhennykh Chastits; Tsentral'nyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Informatsii i Tekhniko-Ehkonomicheskikh Issledovanij po Atomnoj Nauke i Tekhnike, Moscow (USSR); p. 60; 1974; 4. all-union conference on charged particle accelerators; Moscow, USSR; 18 Nov 1974; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Olejnik, E.E.; Bezruk, A.I.; Bykov, V.I.; Grantsev, V.I.; Magal', M.I.; Pashin, V.A.
Proceedings of the 13. workshop on charged particle accelerators. Volume 11993
Proceedings of the 13. workshop on charged particle accelerators. Volume 11993
[en] Results of calculation of a channel designed for polarized ion injection into the U-120 cyclotron are presented. Calculations based on using the TRANSPORT computer code showed the possibility of polarized beam transport without application of the Win's filter. For the given case the value of beam polarization degree for the central trajectory practically coincides with the initial one. 2 refs., 1 fig
Original Title
Inzhektsiya polyarizovannykh ionov v tsiklotron U-120
Primary Subject
Vasil'ev, A.A. (ed.); Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); 500 p; 1993; p. 150-152; 13. workshop on charged particle accelerators; Dubna (Russian Federation); 13-15 Oct 1992
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Pasechnik, M.V.; Isaev, A.G.; Kisurin, K.K.; Kislovskij, V.B.; Kolotyj, V.V.; Kushnir, I.I.; Maksimov, Yu.K.; Pashin, V.A.; Urin, V.N.; Khaldin, S.F.
Neutron physics. Pt. 41980
Neutron physics. Pt. 41980
[en] A nanosecond time-of-flight spectrometer using natural modulated extracted beam of accelerated particles is described. The spectrometer is placed in an experimental premises of the U-240 accelerator approximately at a distance of 70 m from the accelerator. The spectrometer countains a cooled copper target surrounded with 500 mm thick lead shielding, three scintillation detectors with FEhU-30 photomultipliers and measuring section. The spectrometer was used to investigate shape and duration of proton bunches. Detection of shape and duration of gamma burst in the time-of-flight spectrum provides control of bunch duration. Given are two kinds of burst shape obtained one corresponding to exact tuning of the accelerator and the second, which was obtained, when there was inexact correspondence of HF voltage level of a dee to a main accelerator field. It is underlined that it is necessary to control bunch shape and duration during time- of-flight experiments. Intrinsic time uncertainty of the spectrometer measuring section at a semi-height of coincidence courve constitutes less than 1 ns. Permissible loads are 104 pulse/s
Original Title
Vremyaproletnyj nejtronnyj spektrometr na U-240 s ispol'zovaniem estestvennoj modulyatsii puchka zaryazhennykh chastits
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow; AN SSSR, Moscow; AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev; AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev. Inst. Yadernykh Issledovanij; p. 91-95; 1980; p. 91-95; 5. All-union conference on neutron physics; Kiev, Ukrainian SSR; 15 - 19 Sep 1980; 3 refs.; 3 figs.
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