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[en] The Penning and associative ionization cross sections were measured as functions of the relative velocity of the particles for the systems He(23S)+Ar and He(21S)+Ar, in the 0.03-0.04eV range (1200-4500m/s)
Les sections efficaces d'ionisation Penning et associative ont ete mesurees en fonction de la vitesse relative des particules, pour les systemes He(23S)+Ar et He(21S)+Ar dans le domaine 0,03-0,40eV (1200-4500m/s)Original Title
Ionisations Penning et associative d'atomes Ar par des atomes metastables He(21S) et He(23S)
Primary Subject
1975; 5 p; 7. National colloquium on the physics of atomic and electronic collisions; Bordeaux, France; 05 May 1975
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[en] The velocity dependence of both the Penning and associative ionization cross section of Ar atoms by He(23S) and He(21S) metastable atoms, and of their sum is measured in the velocity range 1200-4500m/sec (30-400MeV) in a crossed-beam experiment by a time-of-flight technique. Characteristic cross-section ratios associative/total and singlet/triplet are reported along with the relative magnitude of the associative, Penning and total cross-sections. The measurements clearly show a difference in the reaction mechanisms involving He(23S) and He(21S). This difference appears not only in the ratio associative/total, whose magnitude reaches 19% and 38% for He(23S) and He(21S) respectively at the velocity v=1200m/sec (30MeV), and in the ratio singlet/triplet, which increases from 0.5 to 3.8 for velocity decreasing from 4500m/sec to 1200m/sec, but also in the different shapes of the associative and Penning cross sections for He(23S) and He(21S)
L'influence de la vitesse sur les sections efficaces d'ionisation Penning et d'ionisation associative pour les atomes d'Ar par les atomes metastables He(23S) et He(21S) et sur leur somme, est mesuree par une technique de temps de vol entre 1200 et 4500m/sec (30-400MeV) dans une experience de faisceaux croises. On rend compte des rapports caracteristiques de sections efficaces associative/totale et singlet/triplet pour les grandeurs relatives des sections efficaces associative, Penning et totale. Les mesures montrent clairement une difference dans les mecanismes de reaction pour He(23S) et He(21S). Cette difference apparait non seulement dans le rapport associative/totale qui atteint 13% et 38% pour He(23S) et He(21S) a la vitesse de 1200m/sec (30MeV) et dans le rapport singulet/triplet qui augmente de 0,5 a 3,8 pour des vitesses decroissantes de 4500m/sec a 1200m/sec, mais aussi dans les formes differentes des sections efficaces associatives et Penning pour He(23S) et He(21S)Primary Subject
1975; 2 p; 9. International conference on the physics of electronic and atomic collisions; Seattle, USA; 24 Jul 1975
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[en] The velocity dependence of both Penning and associative ionization cross sections sigma(Pe) and sigma(As) or Ar atoms by the He(23S) and He(21S) metastable atoms, and their sum sigma(Pe)+sigma(Ar) was measured in the velocity range 1200-4500m/sec (30-400MeV) in a crossed-beam experiment using time-of-flight techniques
L'influence de la vitesse sur les sections efficaces d'ionisation de Penning et d'ionisation associative sigma(Pe) et sigma(As) des atomes d'Ar par des atomes metastables He(23S) et He(21S) et sur leur somme sigma(Pe)+sigma(As) a ete mesuree dans le domaine de vitesse 1200-4500m/sec (30-400MeV) dans une experience a faisceaux croises par la methode du temps de volPrimary Subject
1975; 1 p; 7. National atomic and molecular physics conference; Edinburgh, UK; 08 Apr 1975
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Fort, J.; Laucagne, J.J.; Pesnelle, A.; Watel, G.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Services de Physique Generale1975
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Services de Physique Generale1975
[en] A time-of-flight technique has been developed for the study of the velocity dependence of the cross section for Penning ionization of D atoms by metastable He atoms: He(21S)+D→He(11S)+D++e-, He(23S)+D→He(11S)+D+e-
On a employe une methode de temps de vol pour etudier la section efficace en fonction de la vitesse pour l'ionisation Penning des atomes D par les atomes metastables HePrimary Subject
1975; 2 p; 9. International conference on the physics of electronic and atomic collisions; Seattle, USA; 24 Jul 1975
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Pesnelle, A.; Ronge, C.; Perdrix, M.; Watel, G.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Inst. de Recherche Fondamentale (IRF)1988
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Inst. de Recherche Fondamentale (IRF)1988
[en] The application limits of the free electron model are tested. Experiments on polar molecules and on molecules of high electronical affinity are effectuated. The experiments are carried out in a three crossed beam geometry: a He(21S, 23S) metastable atom beam, a continuous and monomode laser UV beam (316 nm), and a gas target beam. The main results are: high cross sections are observed on NH3, SO2 and C3H6O; the σ''exp'' behavior, as a function of vr, is vr-2; a monotone σ''exp'' (vr) behavior is observed for SF6 and NO2. The experimental data can not be justified by means of the free electron model
Les limites d'application du modele d'electron libre sont testees dans le cadre des experiences realisees sur des molecules polaires et sur des molecules a grande affinite electronique. L'experience est effectuee dans une geometrie a trois faisceaux croises: faisceau d'atomes metastables He(21S, 23S), faisceau laser UV (316 nm) continu et monomode, et faisceau de gaz cible. Les principales observations sont les suivantes: grandes sections efficaces sur les molecules NH3, SO2 et C3H60; la variation de σ''exp'' avec la vitesse vr, est plutot en vr-2; pour les molecules SF6 et NO2 une variation non monotone de σ''exp'' (vr) est observee. Ces resultats ne sont pas explicables par le modele d'electron libreOriginal Title
Ionisation et formation de paires d'ions dans des collisions thermiques He(n1P) dans de bas etats de Rydberg + molecules
Primary Subject
Jun 1988; 2 p; 21. National Colloquium on Physics of Atom and Electron Collisions; Caen (France); 21-24 Jun 1988
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Runge, S.; Pesnelle, A.; Perdrix, M.; Sevin, D.; Watel, G.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1982
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1982
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Aug 1982; 2 p; International conference on atomic physics; Gothenburg (Sweden); 2 - 6 Aug 1982; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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Manil, B.; Lebius, H.; Huber, B.A.; Cormier, D.; Pesnelle, A., E-mail: huber@ganil.fr2003
[en] We have studied the fragmentation of thymidine and deoxyadenosine induced by slow multiply charged ions. The measured mass spectra specify as an important reaction channel the separation of the molecules into their basic and osidic parts, combined with some structural modifications. In particular for higher projectile charges singly and doubly charged small-size fragments (m<100) are produced, but also the formation of large molecules (modified dimers or trimers) occurs in the sputtering process. The sputtering yield increases with the charge state, the grazing angle as well as the kinetic energy of the projectile
11. international conference on the physics of highly charged ions; Caen (France); 1-6 Sep 2002; S0168583X03005470; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms; ISSN 0168-583X; ; CODEN NIMBEU; v. 205(1-4); p. 666-670
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Interaction between radiative excited rare gas atoms of low n ground state atoms or molecules has been studied either in discharges or in crossed beam experiments. Results of recent work on Hesup(*)-rare gas systems and their comparison with the existing theoretical prediction are discussed. (Author)
Primary Subject
Lindinger, W.; Howorka, F.; Maerk, T.D.; Egger, F. (Innsbruck Univ. (Austria). Inst. fuer Atomphysik); 365 p; 1982; p. 338-347; SASP '82: Symposium on atomic and surface physics; Maria Alm (Austria); 7 - 13 Feb 1982
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Pesnelle, A.; Runge, S.; Perdrix, M.; Watel, G.
SASP '84: Symposium on atomic and surface physics1984
SASP '84: Symposium on atomic and surface physics1984
[en] The velocity dependence of the associative ionization (He(53P)+He → He2+ + e) cross section has been investigated at thermal energies. We report the first experimental evidence of structures arising in the cross section, which are well interpreted in the framework of a theoretical model. (Author)
Primary Subject
Howorka, F.; Lindinger, W.; Maerk, T.D. (eds.); Innsbruck Univ. (Austria). Inst. fuer Atomphysik; 407 p; 1984; p. 367-372; SASP '84: Symposium on atomic and surface physics; Maria Alm (Austria); 29 Jan - 4 Feb 1984
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[en] The velocity dependence of both the Penning and associative ionization cross sections sigma/sub PI/ and sigma/sub AI/ of Ar atoms by He(2 3S) and He(2 1S) metastable atoms, and of their sum sigma/subT/ = sigma/sub PI/ + sigma/sub AI/, is measured in the velocity range 1200--4500 m/sec (30--400 meV) in a crossed-beam experiment by a time-of-flight technique. Characteristic cross-section ratios sigma/sub AI//sigma/subT/ and sigma/subT/(singlet)/sigma/subT/(triplet) are reported along with the relative magnitude of the cross sections sigma/sub AI/, sigma/sub PI/, sigma/subT/. The measurements clearly show a difference in the reaction mechanisms involving He(2 3S) and He(2 1S). This difference appears not only in the ratio sigma/sub AI//sigma/subT/, whose magnitude reaches 19% and 38% for He(2 3S) and He(2 1S), respectively, at the velocity v = 1200 m/sec (30 meV), and in the ratio sigma/subT/(singlet)/sigma/subT/ (triplet), which increases from 0.5 to 3.8 for velocity decreasing from 4500 m/sec to 1200 m/sec, but also in the different shapes of the sigma/sub AI/ and sigma/sub PI/ cross sections for He(2 3S) and He(2 1S). The experimental results for He(2 3S) are also compared to theoretical calculations made in the classical impact parameter formulation. The model gives a total ionization cross section sigma/subT/ and partial ionization cross sections sigma/sub AI/ and sigma/sub PI/ in good agreement with the data. Information on both the coupling width and the He + Ar+ interaction potential well are obtained
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Chemical Physics; v. 62(9); p. 3590-3600
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