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[en] The work deals with space-times with fixed background metric. The topics were arranged in a straight course, the first chapter collects basic facts on Lorentzian manifolds as time-orientability, causal structure, ... Further free neutral scalar fields and spinor fields described by the Klein-Gordon equation resp. the Dirac equation are dealt with. Having in mind the construction of the Weyl algebra and the Fermi algebra in the second chapter, it was put emphasis on the structure of the spaces of solutions of these equations: In the first case the space of solutions is a symplectic vector space in a canonical manner, in the second case a Hilbert space. It was made some effort to stay as general as possible. Most of the material in the second chapter already exists for several years, but it is largely scattered over various journal articles. In the third chapter the construction of a vacuum on the special example of deSitter universe is described. A close investigation of a recent work by J. Bros and U. Moschella made it possible to refine a result concerning temperature felt by an accelerated observer in deSitter space. The last part of this thesis is concerned with vacua for spinor fields on the two-dimensional deSitter universe. A procedure introduced by R. Haag, H. Narnhofer and U. Stein for four dimensional space-times does not seem to work in two dimensions. (author)
Primary Subject
Jun 1995; 81 p; Available from Univ. Wien Bibliothek, Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien (AT); Reference number: D29430; Thesis (Dr. rer. nat.)
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[en] The performance of MOS transistors as gamma detectors has been tested. The dosimeter sensitivity has proved to be independent on the doses ranging from 103 to 106R, and gamma energy of 137Cs, 60Co - sources and 5 - 18 MeV electrons. Fading of the space charge trapped by the SiO2 layer of the transistor has appeared to be neglegible at room temperature after 400 hrs. The isochronous annealing in the temperature range of 40-260 deg C had a more substantial effect on the space charge of the transistor irradiated with 18 MeV electrons than on the 137Cs gamma-irradiated transistors. This proved a repeated use of γ-dosemeters. MOS transistors are concluded to be promising for gamma dosimetry
Original Title
Dozimetricheskie svojstva MOP-tranzistorov; MOS transistors
Sovet Ehkonomicheskoj Vzaimopomoshchi, Moscow (USSR). Postoyanniya Komissiya po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii v Mirnykh Tselyakh; p. 320-326; 1977; p. 320-326; Czechoslovakian Atomic Energy Commission; Prague; New methods in personnel dosimetry; Hradec Kralove, Czechoslovakia; 17 - 20 May 1977; 12 refs.; 6 figs.
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Lee C. Cadwallader; Peter I. Petersen
Idaho National Lab. (United States). Funding organisation: DOE - SC (United States)2005
Idaho National Lab. (United States). Funding organisation: DOE - SC (United States)2005
[en] Failure rates for large power supplies at a fusion facility are critical knowledge needed to estimate availability of the facility or to set priorities for repairs and spare components. A study of the ''failure to operate on demand'' and ''failure to continue to operate'' failure rates has been performed for the large power supplies at DIII-D, which provide power to the magnet coils, the neutral beam injectors, the electron cyclotron heating systems, and the fast wave systems. When one of the power supplies fails to operate, the research program has to be either temporarily changed or halted. If one of the power supplies for the toroidal or ohmic heating coils fails, the operations have to be suspended or the research is continued at de-rated parameters until a repair is completed. If one of the power supplies used in the auxiliary plasma heating systems fails the research is often temporarily changed until a repair is completed. The power supplies are operated remotely and repairs are only performed when the power supplies are off line, so that failure of a power supply does not cause any risk to personnel. The DIII-D Trouble Report database was used to determine the number of power supply faults (over 1,700 reports), and tokamak annual operations data supplied the number of shots, operating times, and power supply usage for the DIII-D operating campaigns between mid-1987 and 2004. Where possible, these power supply failure rates from DIII-D will be compared to similar work that has been performed for the Joint European Torus equipment. These independent data sets support validation of the fusion-specific failure rate values
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1 Sep 2005; vp; 21. Symposium on Fusion Engineering; Knoxville, TN (United States); 26-29 Sep 2005; AC07-99ID-13727; Available from; PURL:
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Porshnev, Peter I, E-mail: pporshnev@gmail.com2021
[en] The measurement of electric dipole moment (EDM) in storage rings can potentially exceed the sensitivity of tests with neutral systems. The spin dynamics under such conditions is described by the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation. It can be derived in the semiclassical approximation under several assumptions one of which is the zero pseudoscalar bilinear. However, many promising extensions to the standard model consider scalar-pseudoscalar couplings which assume nonzero electron pseudoscalar. We re-derive the spin precession equation under conditions that do not assume that pseudoscalar is zero. It leads to a correction term that might be required for matching the storage ring measurements with quantum field evaluations. Since the goal of storage ring experiments is to achieve unprecedently high accuracy in measuring EDM, it is important to accurately describe the spin dynamics under conditions of CP-violating extensions. (paper)
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Physica Scripta (Online); ISSN 1402-4896; ; v. 96(3); [7 p.]
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Gregory, Philip A.; Lewinsky, Rikke H.; Gardner-Stephen, Dione A.; Mackenzie, Peter I., E-mail:
[en] The UDP glucuronosyltransferases (UGT) of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract have a crucial role in protection against the toxic effects of lipophilic chemicals in the environment. UGTs such as UGT1A7, UGT1A8, and UGT1A10 are exclusively expressed in gastrointestinal tissues, each with a unique tissue distribution pattern that is subject to interindividual variation. The factors regulating this tissue-specific expression and that contribute to variability are beginning to be elucidated. Studies on the UGT1A7, 1A8, 1A9, and 1A10 gene promoters in Caco-2 cells, an in vitro model of enterocytes of the gastrointestinal tract, have identified the caudal homeodomain transcription factor, Cdx2, as an important regulator of the UGT1A8 and 1A10 gene proximal promoters. This transcription factor is found exclusively in the small intestine and colon: it is absent in the gastric epithelium and the esophagus. Cdx2 regulates the UGT1A8 and 1A10 promoters in cooperation with hepatocyte nuclear factor 1α (HNF1α). It is noteworthy that UGT1A7 is not expressed in gastrointestinal tissue distal to the gastric mucosa and does not contain a Cdx2 binding site in its proximal promoter. Transcription factors, including Sp1, which differentially bind to the initiator regions of the UGT1A8, 1A9, and 1A10 promoters, also contribute to the differences in expression of these UGTs in Caco-2 cells. The identification of important regulatory regions of UGT genes expressed in the gastrointestinal tract, and the transcription factors that bind to these regions, will aid in the elucidation of factors that contribute to interindividual differences in gastrointestinal UGT expression. In turn, this will lead to further understanding of interindividual variation in the capacity of the GI tract to metabolize lipophilic chemicals and to act as a barrier to dietary toxins and orally administered drugs
Primary Subject
S0041008X04000559; Copyright (c) 2004 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is an open interoperability standard that allows external software to quickly search for and access clinical information from the electronic medical record (EMR) in a method that is developer-friendly, using current internet technology standards. In this article, we highlight the new FHIR standard and illustrate how FHIR can be used to offer the field of radiology a more clinically integrated and patient-centered system, opening the EMR to external radiology software in ways unfeasible with traditional standards. We explain how to construct FHIR queries relevant to medical imaging using the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) Hackathon application programming interface (API), provide sample queries for use, and suggest solutions to offer a patient-centered, rather than an image-centered, workflow that remains clinically relevant.
Primary Subject
Copyright (c) 2018 Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine; Article Copyright (c) 2018 The Author(s); Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Digital Imaging (Online); ISSN 1618-727X; ; v. 31(3); p. 327-333
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Gelbutovskiy, Alexander B.; Cheremisin, Peter I.; Troshev, Alexander V.
ASME, 22 Law Drive, P.O. Box 2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300 (United States)2009
ASME, 22 Law Drive, P.O. Box 2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300 (United States)2009
[en] The given work describes the problem and the offered solutions for the NORM contaminated metal waste generated in the oil and gas and other non-atomic industries. The Russian Federation regulatory base, the fundamental metal LLW treatment scheme in accordance with Sanitary Rules and standards are given. It is shown, that one of the treatment ways is the processing at a specialized enterprise. Such an only enterprise in Russian Federation is the Joint-Stock Company (JSC) 'ECOMET-S'. Its main activities are radwaste management, processing and disposal of the metal LLW. The operations' main goal is to reduce the waste volume to its minimum before further burial and to return the clean metal to the unrestricted commercial turnover. The worked out technology and the enterprise industrial capacity are represented. JSC 'ECOMET-S' activities results and processing and disposal schedule are given. (authors)
Primary Subject
2009; 7 p; American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME; Fairfield, NJ (United States); ICEM'09/DECOM'09: 12. International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management; Liverpool (United Kingdom); 11-15 Oct 2009; ISBN 978-0-7918-3865-X; ; Country of input: France; 16 refs.; proceedings may be ordered by contacting: ASME Order Department, 22 Law Drive, P.O. Box 2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300 (US)
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[en] This paper presents an overview of alternative methods of production of enhanced performance Al-based alloys components for critical areas. In particular, a new rheocasting system, suitable for the manufacturing of high performance industrial components has been considered. The aforementioned method allows obtaining component quickly and results a more convenient process, from economical point of view than other innovative processes. Two series of components have been produced with A356 and A357 alloys, then have been heat treated using T5 and T6 treatments. On polished transverse sections of samples the microstructure of the alloy has been observed. Their soundness has been previously certified by non destructive tests. Samples for tensile and three point bending tests have been machined directly from the produced components. On the fractured samples, fracture surface analysis has been performed in order to analyze and evaluate the influence of the process and of the alloy on the fracture behaviour.
Primary Subject
ESAFORM 2011: 14. international ESAFORM conference on material forming; Belfast, Northern Ireland (United Kingdom); 27-29 Apr 2011; (c) 2011 American Institute of Physics; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
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Dorogokupets, Peter I, E-mail: dor@crust.irk.ru2010
[en] The simplest equation within the framework of the Mie-Grueneisen-Einstein approach is considered, which offers the calculation of pressure as a function of temperature and volume, by the use of simple arithmetic and algebraic operations. This equation coincides with the Mie-Grueneisen-Debye model at high temperature. Various versions of the Speziale et al. (2001) equation of state of MgO that were recently used as the pressure standard at high temperatures have been analyzed. In the literature we have found no less than three versions of the Speziale et al. (2001) EoS of MgO: Hirose et al. (2008), Wu et al. (2008), Zha et al. (2008), the discrepancy between them reaching a few GPa. The analysis of various versions of the Speziale et al. (2001) EoS of MgO shows that the volume dependence of the Debye temperature is accepted arbitrarily, which does not agree with the definition of the Grueneisen parameter, γ = -(δlnΘ/δlnV)T.
Primary Subject
International joint AIRAPT-22 and HPCJ-50 conference on high pressure science and technology; Tokyo (Japan); 26-31 Jul 2009; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online); ISSN 1742-6596; ; v. 215(1); [6 p.]
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Gelbutovskiy, Alexander B.; Cheremisin, Peter I.; Epikhin, Yuri A.; Troshev, Alexander V.; Balushkin, Eugeny V.
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on environmental remediation and radioactive waste management. Volume 12011
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on environmental remediation and radioactive waste management. Volume 12011
[en] NPP bulk equipment dismantling problems and experience are summarized. 'ECOMET-S' JSC is shown as one of the companies which are able to make NPPs industrial sites free from stored bulk equipment with its further utilization. 'ECOMET-S' JSC is the Russian Federation sole specialized metallic LLW (MLLW) treatment and utilization facility. Company's main objectives are waste predisposal volume reduction and treatment for the unrestricted release as a scrap. Leningrad NPP decommissioned main pumps and moisture separators/steam super heaters dismantling results are presented. Prospective fragmentation technologies (diamond and electro-erosive cutting) testing results are described. The electro-erosive cutting machine designed by 'ECOMET-S' JSC is presented. The fragmentation technologies implementation plans for nuclear industry are presented too. (author)
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American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York (United States); 543 p; ISBN 978-0-7918-5452-5; ; 2011; p. 193-198; ICEM2010: 13. international conference on environmental remediation and radioactive waste management; Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); 3-7 Oct 2010; 1 ref., 9 figs.
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