Poitou, M.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1983
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1983
[en] The rather small size of the Diogene pictorial drift chamber has several unfavourable consequences: not more than 16-18 points to define even the best isolated tracks; high track density and hence missed points due to double hit resolution; strongly bent trajectories and thus many track crossings. In spite of these difficulties, the events can be analyzed. The program takes advantage of the fact that the vertex position is known. Two different methods are used: the first one selects out rather quickly most of the tracks by a simple strategy; the remaining tracks are then searched by a more global but much more time consuming method
Feb 1983; 12 p; Wire chamber conference; Vienna (Austria); 15-18 Feb 1983
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Bevilacqua, A.; Bournay, P.; Lloret, R.; Poitou, M.; Servajean, J.B.
Radiation metrology techniques, data bases, and standardization. Volume I1982
Radiation metrology techniques, data bases, and standardization. Volume I1982
[en] The surveillance dosimetry program of Electricite de France's reactors pressure vessel built by Framatome consists of neutronic computation by means of ANISN-DOT procedure on the one hand and of two experimental parts on the other hand. For the first one, a light instrumentation with activation wires was put outside the pressure vessel (PV) of one power plant, during the first 18 months cycle at nominal power. This instrumentation is described: it gave the possibility to do measurements along two vertical lines and an horizontal diameter under the vessel. Experimental and computed results are compared respectively for thermal, epithermal and fast neutrons. For the second experimental part, the first surveillance capsules have been extracted from six power plants and the dosimeters have been measured. The difficulties encountered during some steps of the process are described. The reproducibility of the different results is excellent. Their consistency and agreement with the calculations are discussed
Primary Subject
Kam, F.B.K. (ed.); Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA); p. 101-109; Jul 1982; p. 101-109; 4. ASTM-EURATOM symposium on reactor dosimetry; Gaithersburg, MD (USA); 22-26 Mar 1982; Available from NTIS, PC A25/MF A01; 1 - GPO as DE82019741
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Jegu, J.; Maire, D.; Poitou, M.; Prouillac, C.
Proceedings of the 4. International conference on reactor shielding
Proceedings of the 4. International conference on reactor shielding
No abstract available
Original Title
Protection contre les rayonnements et inginierie nucleaire
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris (France); CEA, 75 - Paris (France); v. 1 p. 149-165; nd; Eyrolles; Paris, France; 4. International conference on reactor shielding; Paris, France; 09 Oct 1972
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bevilacqua, A.; Lloret, R.; Campani, M.; Dupont, C.; Nimal, J.C.; Poitou, M.; Riehl, R.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France). Inst. de Recherche Technologique et de Developpement Industriel (IRDI)1984
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France). Inst. de Recherche Technologique et de Developpement Industriel (IRDI)1984
[en] This paper describes a new dosimetry, installed inside and outside the Pressure Vessel of CHOOZ Nuclear Power Plant, during its 1982-83 operation cycle. The inner dosimetry deals with a simulated capsule located like those of the previous program, under the reactor plate, and includes copper, nickel, iron, niobium, copper-cobalt, neptunium and uranium dosimeters. Its aim is to qualify the information given by the existing copper dosimetry. The outer dosimetry is the fluence determination along the outer wall of the vessel. On the median plane, the results are compared to a 2 D DOT transport calculation. Preliminary results are given which improve the vessel and specimens neutronic caracterisation
Cet article presente une nouvelle dosimetrie, installe a l'interieur et a l'exterieur de la cuve du reacteur de la centrale de Chooz, pendant le cycle de fonctionnement 1982-1983. Le but de la dosimetrie interne est de qualifier l'information donnee par les dosimetres a activation (cuivre). La dosimetrie externe concerne la determination de la fluence le long de la paroi exterieure de la cuve. Pour le plan median, on compare les resultats aux calculs de transport 2D DOT. Les premiers resultats qui permettent d'ameliorer la cuve et sa caracterisation sont presentesOriginal Title
Amelioration de la surveillance de la cuve d'un reacteur a eau pressurisee de la S.E.N.A
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Sep 1984; 8 p; 5. ASTM-EURATOM symposium on reactor dosimetry; Geesthacht (Germany, F.R.); 24-28 Sep 1984
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This paper describes a new dosimetry, installed inside and outside the Pressure Vessel of CHOOZ Nuclear Power Plant of the Societe d'Energie Nucleaire Franco-Belge des Ardennes (S.E.N.A.), during its 1982-83 operation cycle. The inner dosimetry deals with a simulated capsule located under the reactor plate, and includes copper, nickel, iron, niobium, copper-cobalt, neptunium and uranium dosimeters. Its aim is to qualify the information given by the existing copper dosimetry. The spectrum used with these measurements is obtained by the 1 D ANISN Code and BIP-N 2 library. The outer dosimety is the fluence determination along the outer wall of the vessel. Two tubes, equiped by neutron dosimeters, seven meters long, were fixed along the vessel. On the median plane, the results are compared to a 2 D DOT transport calculation. Preliminary results are given which improve the vessel and specimens neutronic characterisation. (Auth.)
Original Title
Amelioration de la surveillance de la cuve d'un reacteur a eau pressurisee de la S.E.N.A
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Genthon, J.P. (CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Cadarache, 13 - Saint-Paul-les-Durance (France)); Roettger, H. (Commission of the European Communities, Petten (Netherlands). Joint Nuclear Research Center) (eds.); Commission of the European Communities, Petten (Netherlands). Joint Nuclear Research Center; 2 v. 1082 p; ISBN 90-277-2013-4; ; 1984; p. 3-9; D. Reidel; Dordrecht (Netherlands); 5. ASTM-Euratom symposium on reactor dosimetry; Geesthacht (Germany, F.R.); 24-28 Sep 1984; 5 refs.; 4 figs.
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue