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[en] Relocation is one of the protective actions that may be introduced to protect the public following an accidental release of radioactive material into the environment. This paper presents the results of a study on the quantitative prediction of the area affected by relocation after nuclear accidents. In this study, the relationship between the areas affected by relocation and the intervention level for implementing relocation as well as source term has been quantitatively described. All the calculations presented in this paper have been done using the European package for accident consequence assessment COSYMA. To estimate the influence of the assumptions made in the calculations on the general applicability of the results, a sensitivity study has been carried out for source term variations and sampling of weather sequences.
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S0029549303000037; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; This record replaces 35001197; Country of input: Syrian Arab Republic
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[en] This paper presents the results of dose and cost calculation for relocation after nuclear accidents. In order to quantify the relationship between radiation dose and relevant parameters defining protective actions, well-designed calculations have been performed and the results analyzed. On the basis of this, some dependencies between the important parameters describing the features of relocation and decontamination have been mathematically formulated. The similar has also been done for some economic costs as a result of implementing the countermeasures considered in this paper
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S002954930100365X; Copyright (c) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Hungary
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[en] GNARD (Guangdong Nuclear Accident Real-time Decision support system) is a decision support system for off-site emergency management in the event of an accidental release from the nuclear power plants located in Guangdong province, China. The system is capable of calculating wind field, concentrations of radionuclide in environmental media and radiation doses. It can also estimate the size of the area where protective actions should be taken and provide other information about population distribution and emergency facilities available in the area. Furthermore, the system can simulate and evaluate the effectiveness of countermeasures assumed and calculate averted doses by protective actions. All of the results can be shown and analysed on the platform of a geographical information system (GIS). (author)
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Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Ehrhardt, J.; Qu, J.
Emergency preparedness and precautionary action in the event of nuclear accidents. Closed meeting of the Radiation Protection Commission, November 7-8, 1991. Proceedings1993
Emergency preparedness and precautionary action in the event of nuclear accidents. Closed meeting of the Radiation Protection Commission, November 7-8, 1991. Proceedings1993
[en] Based on the recommendations valid for the Federal Republic of Germany, release margins are indicated which may require the evacuation or relocation of the population. All influential factors on which the scope, duration, efficiency and monetary consequences of relocation measures depend were quantified. Among the most important factors are the quantity of released radionuclides; dose intervention levels which when exceeded require relocation; avoided dose commitment for the population, and the costs involved in relocation measures. General consequences drawn from the analysis of interrelations between those different influential factors may serve the decision maker in a specific case as a valuable aid for judging strategies of measures. To the effect of emergency plans to protect the population, they may just as well be incorporated in recommendations and guidelines which define the scope of action in the event of relocation. The development of intervention criteria and their numerical definition for concrete cases is of special importance. For this purpose, the possibilities of the cost-benefit analysis as a means for fixing dose intervention levels were studied. Finally, the importance of such multifactoral assessment methods is pointed out as an integral part of computer-aided decision making instruments. (orig./DG)
Basierend auf den fuer die Bundesrepublik Deutschland gueltigen Empfehlungen werden Bandbreiten von Freisetzungen angegeben, die die Evakuierung bzw. Umsiedlung der Bevoelkerung notwendig machen koennen. Alle Einflussgroessen wurden quantifiziert, von denen der Umfang, die Dauer, die Wirksamkeit und die monetaeren Konsequenzen von Umsiedlungsmassnahmen abhaengen. Wichtigste Groessen sind: Die Menge der freigesetzten Radionuklide, die Dosiseingreifwerte, bei deren Ueberschreitung Umsiedlung erfolgt, die vermiedene Dosisbelastung in der Bevoelkerung und die unter Einbeziehung von Umsiedlungsmassnahmen entstandenen Kosten. Allgemeine Schlussfolgerungen, die sich aus der Analyse von Zusammenhaengen zwischen diesen verschiedenen Einflussgroessen ergeben, koennen dem Entscheidungstraeger im konkreten Fall als wertvolles Hilfsmittel bei der Beurteilung von Massnahmenstrategien dienen. Sie koennen aber auch im Sinne der Vorsorge zum Schutz der Bevoelkerung in Empfehlungen und Richtlinien eigehen, die den Handlungsrahmen fuer die Durchfuehrung von Umsiedlungsmassnahmen bilden. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist die Entwicklung von Eingreifkriterien und deren zahlenmaessige Festlegung im konkreten Fall. Zu diesem Zweck wurden die Moeglichkeiten der Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse als Hilfsmittel zur Festlegung von Dosiseingreifwerten untersucht. Abschliessend wird auf die Bedeutung derartiger multifaktorieller Bewertungsmethoden als integraler Bestandteil von rechnergestuetzten Entscheidungshilfeinstrumentarien hingewiesen. (orig./DG)Original Title
Neue Ergebnisse von Studien mit dem Programmsystem COSYMA und ihre Relevanz fuer den Strahlenschutz
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Grunst, M. (comp.) (Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK), Bonn (Germany)); Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany); Veroeffentlichungen der Strahlenschutzkommission; v. 25; 355 p; ISBN 3-437-11520-0; ; 1993; p. 121-144; G. Fischer; Stuttgart (Germany)
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[en] Although design by analysis of pressure vessel has become a requirement in all codes for more than 20 years, sealing design for nuclear components is still too complicated and there are yet no criteria about this aspect, even though in the well-known ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Thus it is of significance to undertake researches of transient sealing tests and analysis for nuclear vessel. Since 1960s great progress has been made in analytic computer program, which takes flange as a rigid ring. Actually, however, there are elastic or elastoplastic contacts on flange mating surface. Chen (1979) gave a mixed finite element method, using a condensing flexible matrix skill, to solve two-body contact problem. On the basis of axisymmetric stress and thermal analysis of finite element method and on accepting Chen's (1979) idea of mixed finite element method, we have developed a computer program for sealing analysis, named SMEC, which considers bolt loading changes and temperature effects. (orig./GL)
Primary Subject
Wittmann, F.H. (ed.); 637 p; ISBN 90-6191-763-8; ; 1987; p. 435-441; Balkema; Rotterdam (Netherlands); 9. biennial international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMIRT-9); Lausanne (Switzerland); 17-21 Aug 1987
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[en] The 10 MWth high-temperature gas-cooled test reactor (termed HTR-10) went into criticality at the Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology (INET) of Tsinghua University in December 2000. As required by China nuclear safety authorities, we had developed nuclear emergency response plan and relevant technical procedures for the implementation of protective actions should an accident occur. This paper presents the technical basis for the development of the HTR-10 nuclear emergency plan. Firstly, it describes briefly the requirements of the China nuclear safety authorities about the nuclear emergency planning and preparedness for research reactors. Then, the paper focuses on the technical development of initiating conditions (ICs) and emergency action levels (EALs) for HTR-10. The ICs and EALs developed are tabulated in this paper. Finally, a brief presentation about the on-site emergency response exercise carried out before the first fuel loading on HTR-10 and other emergency preparedness activities conducted or being planned are given in this paper. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Nuclear Society, Bern (Switzerland); 695 p; 2002; [5 p.]; HTR-2002: Conference on high temperature reactors; Petten (Netherlands); 22-24 Apr 2002; 6 refs, 3 tabs
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[en] This paper discusses the monetary evaluation of radiation detriment cost in the cost/benefit analyses of countermeasures after nuclear accidents. The methods used to determine the so-called α factor in cost/benefit analysis are presented. It is pointed out that the approaches found in current literature to the consideration of individual dose in cost-benefit analyses have some limitations. To overcome those deficiencies, we introduced the concept of individual dose evaluation function in this paper. In addition, we developed a modified approach to cost-benefit analyses of protective actions after nuclear accidents. (author)
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International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 325 p; ISSN 1011-4289; ; Aug 1998; p. 113-117; International conference on topical issues in nuclear, radiation and radioactive waste safety; Vienna (Austria); 30 Aug - 4 Sep 1998; IAEA-CN--73/22; 11 refs, 2 tabs
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[en] Full text: As required by the national regulations on nuclear emergency management, decision support systems (DSS)/accident consequence assessment (ACA) systems have been basically established at national, provincial and licensee levels in China. They build actually an important cornerstone of the so-called three-level framework for nuclear emergency management in the country. They are comprised in general of comprehensive methodologies and models for the assessment and prediction of the consequences as a result of an accidental release to atmosphere. Their major components include wind field modeling, atmospheric dispersion calculation, and radiation dose estimation as well as protective actions simulation. Unlike the practice generally adopted in many other countries, comprehensive DSS/ACA systems have also been established or under development at both local governmental and licensee levels besides at national level. This is a very specific character in China. This paper gives an overview of the current status of the development and operational use of the DSS/ACA systems in China. lt focuses on the emergency management in the early phase of an accident. At the first, the regulation framework and the organizational structure for nuclear emergency management in China are briefly described. Then it outlines the major technical features of the DSS/ACA systems used at national, provincial and licensee levels. The main experience gained and the challenges facing us are also presented. Finally, the perspectives an the development and operational use of DSS/ACA systems in China are given in this paper. tab. 1 (author)
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Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna (Austria); Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Institute of Nuclear and Energy Technologies, Karlsruhe, (Germany); European Commission, Directorates General Research and Environment (Belgium); U.S. Department of Energy, Office of International Emergency Co-operation (United States); 170 p; 2003; [2 p.]; International Symposium on Off-site Nuclear Emergency Management; Salzburg (Austria); 29 Sep - 3 Oct 2003; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record
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[en] Peony seed oils (PSOs) were prepared using supercritical CO2 (SC) and compared with soxhlet extraction (SE) and mechanical screw press extraction (SPE) methods. The fatty acid compositions of the oils were determined, and the physicochemical properties of the oils, including free radical-scavenging activity, α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibition, thermal and rheological properties were evaluated. The unsaturated fatty acids in the SE oils were higher than SC and SPE oils due to the higher percentage of olefinic, allylic methylene and allylic methine protons in the SE oils. The SPE oils also displayed the highest DPPH and ABTS+ radical scavenging activity at the tested concentrations. However, the SE oils showed stronger inhibitory effects on α-amylase and α-glucosidase enzymes under in vitro conditions when compared with the other oil samples. The three oils had similar melting and crystalline point due to similar contents of fatty acids (FAs). The SC oils had a lower Ea than the others.
Se prepararon aceites de semillas de peonia (PSOs) utilizando CO2 supercrítico (SC) y se compararon con los métodos de extracción en soxhlet (SE) y de extracción mecánica de tornillos (SPE). Se determinaron las composiciones en ácidos grasos y se evaluaron las propiedades fisicoquímicas de los aceites incluyendo la actividad de eliminación de radicales libres, la inhibición de α-amilasa y α-glucosidasa, las propiedades térmicas y reológicas. Los ácidos grasos insaturados en los aceites SE fueron más altos que los aceites SC y SPE debido al mayor porcentaje de protones olefínicos, metileno alílico y metino alílico en los aceites SE. Los aceites SPE también mostraron una actividad de eliminación de radicales DPPH y ABTS+ más alta a las concentraciones ensayadas. Sin embargo, los aceites SE mostraron efectos inhibidores más fuertes sobre las enzimas α-amilasa y α-glucosidasa bajo condiciones in vitro cuando se compararon con las otras muestras de aceite. Los aceites tenían puntos de fusión y cristalinos similares debido a un contenido similar de ácidos grasos (FAs). Los aceites SC tenían un Ea más bajo que los demás.Original Title
Efectos de la tecnología de procesos sobre las propiedades fisicoquímicas del aceite de peonía
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Grasas y Aceites; ISSN 0017-3495; ; v. 68(2); 10 p
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[en] In 1995, the Chinese competent authority decided to develop a Chinese decision support system for nuclear emergency management. For this purpose, the European Real-time and On-line Decision Support System (RODOS) was introduced as a general platform in 1997. Several Chinese research institutes in Beijing are now involved in this project. A 3-step strategy has been adopted for the development of the Chinese decision support system. The first priority assigned to the first step has been given to the understanding of the RODOS operating modes and the assurance of the successful running of the system. The activities envisaged thereafter focus on the practical application of the system to the existing nuclear power plant sites in China. Finally, the system will be further adapted and developed so that it can meet the specific needs of decision-markers in support of nuclear emergency in China. Taken into consideration the specific capabilities of institutes involved in this project and the modular construction of the RODOS system, the whole R and D activities are grouped into two categories. The first category of activities concerns the comprehensive management of the system and the integration into the system of the external programs, including the assessment models and related databases from the second category of activities. The tasks assigned to this category also include the definition of I/O interfaces between various analytical subsystems and the operating subsystem as well as technical training. The second category of activities covers all the tasks relating to assessment model development and related databases. In terms of the model development, we have decided to use the well-developed models already integrated in the RODOS system where appropriate. Since the introduction of RODOS in 1997, we have gained first experience in the modification, compiling and integration of external programs into RODOS. This is an important technical breakthrough towards the establishment of the Chinese decision support system for nuclear emergencies. In addition, we have also made progress in the adaptation of this system to the Chinese situation. This paper will present the organization, current status and perspectives of this project. In addition, the hard/software environment for this system will also briefly described. (author)
Primary Subject
Japan Health Physics Society, Tokyo (Japan); 1 v; May 2000; [3 p.]; IRPA-10: 10. international congress of the International Radiation Protection Association; Hiroshima (Japan); 14-19 May 2000; This CD-ROM can be used for WINDOWS 95/98/NT, MACINTOSH; Acrobat Reader is included; Data in PDF format, No. P-11-290; 3 refs.
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