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[en] A review with the main researches about superconductivity are presented, including some developments on the utilization of superconductors materials and the techniques applied. (author)
Original Title
Record Type
Journal Article
Integracao; v. 2(7); p. 7-8
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ribeiro, P.C.
Associacao Brasileira de Fisicos em Medicina, Rio de Janeiro1985
Associacao Brasileira de Fisicos em Medicina, Rio de Janeiro1985
[en] A brief comment about the biological event of mechanical heart is presented. A comparative evaluation between electrocardiography and magnetocardiography is do done and this last method is described shortly. (M.A.C.)
Apresenta-se breve comentario sobre o fenomeno biologico da contracao muscular cardiaca. Compara-se a eletrocardiografia com a magnetocardiografia, descrevendo-se o segundo metodo de forma resumida. (M.A.C.)Original Title
Deteccao de campos magneticos cardiacos (magnetocardiografia)
Primary Subject
1985; 6 p
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Eghrari, I.R.; Ribeiro, P.C.
Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica1978
Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica1978
[en] A simple technique for detecting the degree of balance of first order gradiometers before connecting them to the SQUID is described. The effect of thermal cycling on this balance is given for different materials used in the construction of the gradiometers
Descreve-se uma tecnica simples para detetar o grau de balanceamento de gradiometros de primeira ordem, antes de conecta-los ao SQUID. O efeito de ciclagens termicas neste balanceamento e dado para diferentes materiais usados na construcao dos gradiometrosPrimary Subject
Nov 1978; 10 p
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Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Silveira Santos, T.; Martins Ribeiro, P.C.
CIT2016: 12. Congress of Transport Engineering, 7-9 June 2016, Valencia (Spain)2016
CIT2016: 12. Congress of Transport Engineering, 7-9 June 2016, Valencia (Spain)2016
[en] This paper proposes the development of a methodology to analyze the performance of highways under concession through the capacity and level of service, with special attention to Brazilian highways. The trajectory of transport infrastructure provision in Brazil and its performance assessment framework are mentioned, as well as an approach of the level of service concept and the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). An inventory of the highway with the necessary data to the model is proposed. This database should incorporate information from multiple data sources and its use will be important for the processing and compilation of raw data in order to structure a full informational basis. Then, it is developed a method for segmentation of homogeneous road sections, as conceptualized by HCM, and proposed a way of level of service measurement. Finally, there are analysis of the use of HCM in some highways concession programs in Brazil. (Author)
Primary Subject
2580 p; 2016; 8 p; CIT2016: 12. Congress of Transport Engineering; Valencia (Spain); 7-9 Jun 2016; Available on-line:
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Louro, S.R.W.; Ribeiro, P.C.; Bemski, G.
Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica1980
Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica1980
[en] EPR spectra of nitrosil-hemes were used to study the quaternary structure of hemoglobin. Human adult hemoglobin has been titrated with nitric oxide at pH 7.0 and 250C. After the equilibration of NO among the α and β subunits the samples were frozen for EPR measurements. The spectra were fitted by linear combinations of three standard signals: the first arising from NO - β hemes and the other two arising from NO - α hemes of molecules in the high and low affinity conformations. The fractional amounts of α subunits exhibiting the high affinity spectrum fitted the two-state model with L = 7 x 106, and csup(α) sub(NO) and csup(β) sub(NO) approximately 0.01. Hemoglobin has been marked with nitric oxide at one chain using low-saturation amounts of nitric oxide. The EPR spectra were studied as a function of oxygen saturation. Linear combinations of the three standard signals above fitted these spectra. The fractions of molecules exhibiting the high affinity spectrum fitted the two-state model with L = 7 x 106, csub(O2) = 0.0033 and csup(α) sub(NO) = 0.08, instead of csup(α) sub(NO) = 0.01.Thus, the two state model is not adequate to describe the conformational transition of these hybrids. The results are evidence of the nonequivalence between oxygen and nitric oxide as ligands. (Author)
Os espectros de RPE de nitrosil-hemes foram utilizados para estudar a estrutura quaternaria da hemoglobina. Hemoglobina humana foi titulada com oxido nitrico em pH 7.0 e 250C. Estabelecido o equilibrio da reacao do NO com as cadeias α e β as amostras foram congeladas para realizar as medidas de RPE. Os espectros foram reproduzidos a partir de combinacoes lineares de tres sinais padrao: o primeiro devido a NO - β hemes e os outros dois devidos a NO - α hemes de moleculas nas conformacoes de alta e baixa afinidade. As fracoes de cadeias α que exibem o espectro de alta afinidade reproduziram os resultados do modelo de dois estados, com parametros L = 7 x 106 e csup(α) sub(NO) e csup(β) sub(NO) aproximadamente 0.01. A hemoglobina foi marcada com oxido nitrico em apenas uma cadeia. Foram estudados os espectros de RPE em funcao da saturacao com oxigenio. Combinacoes lineares dos tres sinais padrao reproduziram esses espectros. As fracoes de moleculas que exibem o espectro de alta afinidade reproduziram os resultados do modelo de dois estados com parametros L = 7 x 106, csub(O2) = 0.0033 e csup(α) sub(NO) = 0.08, em vez de csupα sub(NO) = 0.01. Concluimos portanto que o modelo de dois estados nao e adequado para descrever a transicao conformacional desses hibridos. Os resultados apresentam uma evidencia da inequivalencia entre o oxigenio e o oxido nitrico como ligantes. (Autor)Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Sep 1980; 26 p
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Wajnberg, E.; Ribeiro, P.C.; Nascimento, O.R.; Bemski, G.
Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Instituto de Fisica1978
Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Instituto de Fisica1978
[en] A conformational change of spin labelled myoglobin have been followed by measuring the spin label's (isothiocyanate) correlation time for temperatures between 180C and 440C. The correlation time was calculated from Electrom Paramagnetic Ressonance Spectra using the components of the espectroscopic and hiperfine tensors obtained by fitting the powder spectra using Lefebvre and Maruani's program-
A mudanca conformacional da molecula de mioglobina de cachalote marcada no terminal amina foi acompanhada atraves da medida do tempo de correlacao do marcador isotiocianato para temperaturas entre 180C e 440C. O tempo de correlacao foi determinado a partir dos espectros de Ressonancia Paramgnetica Eletronica, utilizando-se as componentes dos tensores espectroscopico e hiperfino obtidos do ajuste dos espectros de po com o programa de Lefebvre e MaruaniPrimary Subject
Nota Cientifica; no. 5; Mar 1978; 13 p
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Ghivelder, L.; Bastos, C.A.M.; Ribeiro, P.C.; Weid, J.P. von der.
Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Dept. de Fisica1984
Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Dept. de Fisica1984
[en] The specific heat of KCN sub(x)Cl sub(1-x) mixed crystals was measured for four chlorine concentrations between x=0,90 and x=1,00. The entropy change ΔS and critical temperature T sub(c) were obtained and the results are discussed in terms of the orientational motion of the CN- molecular ions. (Author)
O calor especifico de cristais mistos de KCN sub(x)Cl sub(1-x) foi medido para quatro concentracoes de cloro entre x=0,90 e x=1,00. A variacao de entropia ΔS e a temperatura critica T sub(c) foram obtidas e os resultados sao discutidos em termos do movimento orientacional dos ions moleculares CN-. (Autor)Source
1984; 9 p
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Numerical Data
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[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Projeto de arrays de gradimetros planares supercondutores para biomagnetismo
Almeida Fonseca, A.L. de (Brasilia Univ., DF (Brazil)); Koiler, B. (Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)); Brescansin, L.M. (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP (Brazil)) (and others); Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 284 p; 1990; p. 110; 13. National Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics; Caxambu, MG (Brazil); 8-12 May 1990; Available from the Library of the Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear, RJ, Brazil
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No abstract available
Original Title
Calor especifico da hemoglobina a baixas temperaturas
36. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 4-11 Jul 1984; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Ciencia e Cultura. Suplemento; ISSN 0102-2474; ; v. 36(7); p. 356
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[en] A digital filter model used previously to describe axial gradiometers is used here to study arrays of planar first order gradiometers. As an application of this technique a spatial deconvolution algorithm is developed to recover from the output measurements the input field. The influence of parameters like source depth and the gradiometer array density is also discussed by means of computer simulations
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Applied superconductivity conference; San Francisco, CA (USA); 21-25 Aug 1988; CONF-880812--
Record Type
Journal Article
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