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[en] This summer school allowed meeting of researchers and engineers interested by atomic physics, discharge physics and more generally physico-chemical applications of plasmas
Cette ecole d'ete a reuni chercheurs et ingenieurs s'interessant a la physique atomique, a la physique des decharges et plus generalement aux applications physico-chimiques des plasmasOriginal Title
Reactivite dans les plasmas. Applications aux lasers et au traitement de surfaces
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1984; 611 p; Editions Frontieres; Les Ulis (France); Summer school on reactivity in plasmas. Applications to lasers and surface treatment; Aussois (France); 16-27 Aug 1983; ISBN 2-902731-83-3;
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Millard, A.; Prost, J.M.; Ricard, A.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (FRAMATOME), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1983
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (FRAMATOME), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1983
[en] Contact problems are often encountered in civil engineering applications and specially in nuclear piping systems: pipe whip, impact on supports in case of seismic analysis, non linear calculations of thermal expansions, etc... Most of the time, the geometrical non linearity of the contact problems is coupled with a material non linearity due to the contact associated with the state of the surfaces in contact. For the sake of simplicity, the classical Coulomb friction has been assumed, which leads to frictional sliding when the tangential force modulus reaches a fraction of the normal compression force. In order to account for such a model in a beam type finite element program, a special element has been developped. It is formulated in terms of genezalized stresses: axial forces and shear forces in two orthogonal direction. Below the sliding threshold, the element has only axial and shear elastic rigidities in compression. When the sliding threshold is reached, a perfectly plastic behavior is assumed. The element can be used together with unilateral conditions for example in order to calculate the pipe whip impact on a structure. This element has been implemented in the piping analysis TEDEL program of the CEASEMT finite element system. In the second part of this paper, simple tests are presented
Primary Subject
Aug 1983; 13 p; 7. Conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; Chicago, IL (USA); 22-26 Aug 1983
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Accounting for straight parts effects on elbow's flexibilities in a beam type finite element program
Millard, A.; Vaghi, H.; Ricard, A.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (FRAMATOME), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1983
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Societe Franco-Americaine de Constructions Atomiques (FRAMATOME), 92 - Courbevoie (France)1983
[en] An extension of Von Karman's theory is applied to the calculations of the flexibility factor of a pipe bend terminated by a straight part or a flange. This analysis is restricted to the linear elastic deformation behaviour under in plane bending. Analytical solutions are given for the propagation of ovalization in the elbow and in the straight part. Considering the response of the piping structures, we note that the ovalization of the piping systems are reduced significantly when the straight parts or flanges effects are included. The results are presented in terms of global as well local flexibility factors. They have been compared to numerical results obtained by shell type finite element method. A complete piping system is analyzed, for economical reasons, with a beam type approach. Also, we show how it is possible to take into account on elbow's flexibilities the straight parts effects by means of flexibilities factors introduced in a beam type element. We have implemented this method in the computer program TEDEL. In some specific geometrical features, we compare solutions using shell type elements and our formulation
Primary Subject
Aug 1983; 18 p; 7. Conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; Chicago, IL (USA); 22-26 Aug 1983
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[en] A study of metastable states in static or fast flow electric discharges under low pressures (10-1< p<10 torrs) is presented. Metastable atoms of helium and argon, and metastable molecules of N2(A3Σsub(u)sup(+)) and N2(X1Σsub(g)sup(+), v=1) are considered. The most important mechanism involved in the production and destruction of these metastable states in an electric discharge or an afterglow are reviewed: electron collisions, collisions between heavy particles, collisions against walls. The metastable state balance equation in discharges is studied. Metastable states are created either through electron collisions from fondamental states, either through radiative cascades from other levels excited through electron collisions, or by recombination. The balance equation can be simplified if it is possible to define discharge parameter variation ranges where one destruction term is dominant. Diagrams to be used to compare the orders of magnitude of these terms are presented. The production of metastable states in electric arcs inside a hollow cathode is analyzed
On presente une etude des etats metastables presents dans des decharges electriques statiques ou en ecoulement rapide, a faible pression (10-1< p<10 torrs). On a considere en particulier les atomes metastables des gaz rares helium et argon et les molecules metastables d'azote N2(A3Σsub(u)sup(+)) et N2(X1Σsub(g)sup(+), v=1). On passe en revue les principaux mecanismes physiques qui produisent ou detruisent ces metastables dans une decharge ou une post-decharge: collisions electroniques, collisions entre particules lourdes, collisions sur les parois. On a ensuite etudie l'equation de bilan de metastables dans les decharges. Les metastables sont crees soit par collisions electroniques directement a partir du fondamental, soit par cascades radiatives a partir d'autres niveaux eux-memes excites par collisions electroniques, soit enfin par recombinaison. L'equation du bilan peut etre simplifiee si on est capable de definir les gammes de variation des parametres de la decharge ou chaque terme de destruction domine devant les autres. On presente des diagrammes permettant de comparer les ordres de grandeur des differents termes. On a enfin etudie le probleme de la production de metastables a l'interieur d'une cathode creuse fonctionnant en regime d'arcOriginal Title
Atomes et molecules metastables dans les gaz ionises
Primary Subject
1975; 186 p; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Paris, France; ISBN 2222017858;
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[en] The excitation transfer between metastable argon atoms and the nitrogen molecule is studied in a flowing afterglow device. The limits of the branching ratio between the two triplet states of N2 are 0 and 1.3. These values are much lower than the previous value of 6+-1 obtained by Setser (1970). An upper value for the transfer coefficient for each vibrational level of N2 is given
Le transfert d'excitation entre les atomes metastables d'argon et l'azote est etudie dans un dispositif de post-luminescence en ecoulement. On trouve un rapport de banchement entre les deux etats triplets de N2 compris entre 0 et 1.3. Les valeurs trouvees sont nettement plus faibles que celles publiees par Setser (1970): 6+-1. On donne une limite superieure des coefficients de transfert pour chaque niveau vibrationnel de N2Original Title
Excitation des etats triplets de N2 par collisions avec les atomes metastables de l'argon
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
J. Phys. (Paris); v. 38(7); p. 789-794
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[en] The maximum density of argon atoms in excited metastable states, in a plasma produced by surface wave propagation, is studied experimentally. Measurements are performed by the absorption method, perpendicularly to the tube axis. The measurements show that the maximum population densities of the 3p54s metastable levels in argon are larger in the RF plasma than in the positive column of a glow discharge, between 0.02 and 0.4 Torr in a 26 mm i.d. tube. This fact could be used to improve gas laser operation. (author)
Primary Subject
8 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Canadian Journal of Physics; v. 55(11); p. 1010-1012
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[en] The radial variations of radiative and metastable atom densities in an argon plasma column produced by a microwave surface wave are obtained. A large variety of radial profiles is observed as a function of wave frequency (300-1000 MHz), gas pressure (50-200 mTorr), tube diameter (17.5-34 mm) and axial magnetic field. The results differ significantly from those reported for the dc positive column, where the radial distributions keep approximately the same Jsub(o) Bessel-like profile
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Canadian Journal of Physics; ISSN 0008-4204; ; v. 60(3); p. 379-382
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
14. International conference on phenomena in ionized gases (ICPIG-14); Grenoble, France; 9 - 13 Jul 1979; Published in abstract form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Journal de Physique. Colloque; ISSN 0449-1947; ; v. 1(7); p. C7.59-C7.60
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[en] The transfer of energy between excited states is important for gas lasers as well as for plasma chemistry. There are two main processes: chemiionisation and chemiexcitation. One distinguishes two processes, non-reactive process: A* + BC → A + BC+ + e (Penning effect), and reactive process: A* + BC→AB+ + C + e (rearrangement) or AB* + C. For chemiionisation, the relative efficiency of the Penning effect, of rearrangement and dissociation is given according to West et al. (1975). The role of the gas temperature is discussed according to Lindinger et al. (1974). As for non-reactive chemiexcitation reactions recent works on Ar* + N2 transfers is summarised which clarify the role of gas temperature and branching ratio in the excitation of the states N2(C3PIsub(u), B3PIsub(g)). The role of argon resonance states in the reactions Ar(3P1, 1P1) + BC→Ar + BC* (or B* + C) is analysed for BC=H2, N2, O2, CO, NO and C2H4. Experimental values of the collision coefficient k are compared to those calculated from the theory of Watanabe and Katsuura (1967). Reactive transfers are efficient with halogen containing molecules RX, where X=F, Cl and Br. A study of branching ratios for the formation of AX* excimers is presented from results obtained by Gundel et al. (1976) in Ar* + BC mixtures and by Velazco et al. (1976) in (Kr*, Xe*) + RF. An interpretation is given based on the interaction between the inlet potential (A* + RX) and the Coulomb potential (A+ + RX-). The reactive transfers N(2D) + BC studied by Lin-Kaufman (1971) are also given. Finally, some transfers in pure nitrogen that participate in the global relaxation of the excited states of that molecule are given. This concerns the levels N2(B3PIsub(g), A3Σsub(u)sup(+), E3Σsub(g)sup(+), a1PIsub(g))
Les transferts d'energie entre etats excites concernent tout aussi bien la physique des lasers a gaz que la chimie des plasmas. On trouve deux grandes categories: chimie-ionisation et chimie-excitation. Une distinction est faite entre transferts non reactifs: A* + BC→A + BC+ + e (effet Penning) ou A + BC* et transferts reactifs: A*+BC→AB++C+e (re-arrangement) ou AB*+C. Dans le cadre des reactions de chimie-ionisation, on indique l'efficacite relative de l'effet Penning, du re-arrangement et de la dissociation suivant les travaux de West et al. (1975) et le role de la temperature du gaz d'apres Lindinger et al. (1974). En ce qui concerne les reactions de chimie-excitation non reactives, on mentionne les travaux recents sur les transferts Ar* + N2 qui ont permis de preciser le role de la temperature du gaz et le rapport de branchement pour l'excitation des etats N2(C3PIsub(u), B3PIsub(g)). L'action des niveaux resonnants d'argon dans des reactions Ar(3P1, 1P1)+BC→Ar+BC* (ou B* + C) est analysee pour BC=H2, N2, O2, CO, NO et C2H4. Les valeurs experimentales du coefficient de collisions k sont comparees a celles calculees suivant la theorie de Watanabe-Katsuura (1967). Les transferts reactifs sont efficaces avec les molecules halogenees RX ou X=F, Cl et Br. Une etude des rapports de branchement pour la formation des excimers AX* est presentee a partir des resultats obtenus par Gundel et al. (1976) pour les melanges Ar* + RX et par Velazco et al. (1976) pour les melanges (Kr*, Xe*) + RF. Une interpretation est donnee a partir de l'interaction entre le potentiel d'entree (A* + RX) et la courbe de potentiel coulombien (A+ + RX-). Les transferts reactifs N(2D) + BC etudies par Lin-Kaufman (1971) sont egalement indiques. Enfin, certains transferts dans l'azote pur qui participent a la relaxation globale d'etats excites de l'azote sont donnes, a savoir la desexcitation des niveaux N2(B3PIsub(g), A3Σsub(u)sup(+), E3Σsub(g)sup(+), a1PIsub(g))Original Title
Transferts d'energie entre etats excites
Primary Subject
National congress on plasma physics; Paris, France; 6 - 10 Dec 1976
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
J. Phys. (Paris), Colloq; (no.3); p. C.239-C.247
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Delcroix, J.L.; Ferreira, C.M.; Ricard, A.
11. international conference on phenomena in ionized gases 19731973
11. international conference on phenomena in ionized gases 19731973
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Pekarek, L.; Laska, L. (eds.); Ceskoslovenska Akademie Ved, Prague. Fyzikalni Ustav; p. 301-411; 1973; 11. international conference on phenomena in ionized gases; Prague, Czechoslovakia; 10 Sep 1973
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