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[en] A comprehensive study of the exchange interaction between charge carriers in self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots is presented. Single quantum-dot cathodoluminescence spectra of quantum dots of different sizes are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the energetic structure of the charged excited exciton (hot trion). A varying degree of intermixing within the hot trion states leads to varying degrees of polarization of the corresponding emission lines. The emission characteristics change from circularly polarized for small quantum dots to elliptically polarized for large quantum dots. The findings are explained by a change of magnitude of the anisotropic exchange interaction and compared to the related effect of fine-structure splitting in the neutral exciton and biexciton emission. (copyright 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)
Primary Subject
4. International conference on semiconductor quantum dots (QD2006); Chamonix-Mont Blanc (France); 1-5 May 2006; 0370-1972(200612)243:15<3937::AID-PSSB200671519>3.0.TX; Available from:; 2-4
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Winkelnkemper, M; Seguin, R; Rodt, S; Hoffmann, A; Bimberg, D, E-mail: Momme@sol.Physik.TU-Berlin.de2008
[en] We study theoretically the electronic properties of c-plane GaN/AlN quantum dots (QDs) with the focus on their potential as sources of single polarized photons for future quantum communication systems. Within the framework of eight-band k.p theory we calculate the optical interband transitions of the QDs and their polarization properties. We show that an anisotropy of the QD confinement potential in the basal plane (e.g. QD elongation or strain anisotropy) leads to a pronounced linear polarization of the ground-state and excited-state transitions. An externally applied uniaxial stress can be used to either induce a linear polarization of the ground-state transition for emission of single polarized photons or even to compensate the polarization induced by the structural elongation.
Primary Subject
15. international winterschool on new developments in solid state physics; Mauterndorf, Bad Hofgastein (Austria); 18-22 Feb 2008; S0953-8984(08)80805-3; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Schlehahn, A.; Krüger, L.; Gschrey, M.; Schulze, J.-H.; Rodt, S.; Strittmatter, A.; Heindel, T.; Reitzenstein, S., E-mail: tobias.heindel@tu-berlin.de2015
[en] The development of an easy-to-operate light source emitting single photons has become a major driving force in the emerging field of quantum information technology. Here, we report on the application of a compact and user-friendly Stirling cryocooler in the field of nanophotonics. The Stirling cryocooler is used to operate a single quantum emitter constituted of a semiconductor quantum dot (QD) at a base temperature below 30 K. Proper vibration decoupling of the cryocooler and its surrounding enables free-space micro-photoluminescence spectroscopy to identify and analyze different charge-carrier states within a single quantum dot. As an exemplary application in quantum optics, we perform a Hanbury-Brown and Twiss experiment demonstrating a strong suppression of multi-photon emission events with g(2)(0) < 0.04 from this Stirling-cooled single quantum emitter under continuous wave excitation. Comparative experiments performed on the same quantum dot in a liquid helium (LHe)-flow cryostat show almost identical values of g(2)(0) for both configurations at a given temperature. The results of this proof of principle experiment demonstrate that low-vibration Stirling cryocoolers that have so far been considered exotic to the field of nanophotonics are an attractive alternative to expensive closed-cycle cryostats or LHe-flow cryostats, which could pave the way for the development of high-quality table-top non-classical light sources
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(c) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Friedrich, A.; Glante, F.; Schlueter, C.; Golz, C.; Noeh, I.; Reinhard, G.; Hoepfner, U.; Satorius, R.; Benndorf, R.; Bluemel, H.; Schaerer, B.; Rodt, S.
Umweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany); Institut fuer Energie- und Umweltforschung e.V., Heidelberg (Germany)1993
Umweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany); Institut fuer Energie- und Umweltforschung e.V., Heidelberg (Germany)1993
[en] The objective of this study is to answer the following central question: Is the environmental pollution burden resulting from the cultivation of rape and the use of rape seed oil or rape methyl ester to be rated less severe than that of the manufacture and use of diesel fuel, and should, therefore, farmland be used in Germany to grow rape for rape seed oil or rape methyl ester production as a substitute for diesel fuel? Firstly, the extent is investigated to which rape seed oil or rape methyl ester can contribute to cuts in emissions of climate-relevant trace gases as compared to diesel fuel from crude oil. Secondly, the environmental impact and hazards associated with the cultivation, transport and manufacture of rape seed oil or rape methyl ester (again as compared to diesel fuel) are investigated. The data analysed relate to the entire life cycle. (orig./UWA)
Mit der vorgelegten Oekologischen Bewertung von Rapsoel bzw. Rapsoelmethylester als Ersatz von Dieselkraftstoff'' soll folgende zentrale Frage beantwortet werden: Sind die aus dem Anbau von Raps und die aus der Verwendung von Rapsoel bzw. Rapsoelmethylester (RME) resultierenden Umweltbelastungen im Vergleich zu denen bei der Herstellung und Verwendung von Dieselkraftstoff als geringer einzuschaetzen und sollen deshalb landwirtschaftliche Flaechen in Deutschland fuer den Rapsanbau zur Gewinnung von Rapsoel bzw. Rapsoelmethylester als Kraftstoff fuer den Ersatz von Dieselkraftstoff eingesetzt werden? In dem Bericht wird untersucht: 1. Inwieweit Rapsoel bzw. Rapsoelmethylester (RME) zur Reduktion der Emissionen von klimarelevanten Spurengasen im Vergleich zu Dieselkraftstoff aus Rohoel beitragen und 2. welche Umweltauswirkungen und Risiken fuer die Umwelt mit Anbau, Transport und Herstellung von Rapsoel bzw. RME (immer im Vergleich zu Dieselkraftstoff) vorhanden sind. Dabei werden Daten der gesamten Kette (Lebenszyklusanalyse) betrachtet. (orig./UWA)Original Title
Oekologische Bilanz von Rapsoel bzw. Rapsoelmethylester als Ersatz von Dieselkraftstoff (Oekobilanz Rapsoel)
Primary Subject
Umweltbundesamt. Texte; v. 4/93; Jan 1993; 180 p; ISSN 0722-186X; ; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
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[en] An effective method for controlling the position and number of self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) grown by molecular-beam epitaxy has been developed. Epitaxially grown shadow masks are used to realize selective area growth, which exploits different incidence angles of the molecular beams. We applied this method to control the position and number of self-assembled CdSe QDs in a ZnSe matrix. Bright cathodoluminescence shows the presence of regularly distributed ensembles of QDs and that single QDs can be reliably grown
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(c) 2003 American Institute of Physics.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Real-time control of self-organized growth of InAs nanostructures has been achieved by employing epitaxial stationary shadow masks in a molecular-beam-epitaxy process. The method is based on the surface diffusion of group-III adatoms governed by the group-V surface concentration. Lateral control is achieved by the geometry of the mask and the incidence angles of the molecular beams. We apply the method to self-organized growth of nanoscale InAs quantum structures at the edge of the incidence region of the arsenic beam. The high quality of the in situ fabricated nanostructures is confirmed by bright cathodoluminescence of InAs quantum wire embedded in GaAs barriers
Primary Subject
(c) 2004 American Institute of Physics.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] We present a method which increases the versatility of molecular beam epitaxy through multiple application of a stationary shadow mask. The method is based on selected area growth in the overlap of the incidence regions of two molecular beams impinging through different apertures of the mask. The width of the overlap depends on the incidence angles of the beams which can be adjusted in situ. Size-control of CdZnSe quantum-well (QW) islands with a precision of 20 nm by varying the distance between the apertures can be obtained. Without Se beam, a minor quantity of Cd is incorporated in the matrix modulating the band-gap energy by just 5 meV. Cathodoluminescence (CL) of nanoscale QW islands shows dot-like behavior, i.e., sharp emission lines that are attributed to different excited states and a blueshift of the CL on reducing the island dimensions
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(c) 2004 American Institute of Physics.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Derebezov, I. A.; Gaisler, V. A.; Gaisler, A. V.; Dmitriev, D. V.; Toropov, A. I.; Fischbach, S.; Schlehahn, A.; Kaganskiy, A.; Heindel, T.; Bounouar, S.; Rodt, S.; Reitzenstein, S., E-mail: derebezov@isp.nsc.ru2017
[en] The results of numerical modeling and investigation of a hybrid microcavity based on a semiconductor Bragg reflector and a microlens selectively positioned above a single (111) In(Ga)As quantum dot are presented. Emitters based on the hybrid microcavity demonstrate the effective pumping of a single quantum dot and high emission output efficiency. The microcavity design can be used to implement emitters of polarization- entangled photon pairs based on single semiconductor quantum dots.
Primary Subject
Copyright (c) 2017 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Schlehahn, A.; Gschrey, M.; Schnauber, P.; Schulze, J.-H.; Rodt, S.; Strittmatter, A.; Heindel, T.; Reitzenstein, S.; Gaafar, M.; Vaupel, M.; Stolz, W.; Rahimi-Iman, A.; Koch, M., E-mail: tobias.heindel@tu-berlin.de2015
[en] We report on the realization of a quantum dot (QD) based single-photon source with a record-high single-photon emission rate. The quantum light source consists of an InGaAs QD which is deterministically integrated within a monolithic microlens with a distributed Bragg reflector as back-side mirror, which is triggered using the frequency-doubled emission of a mode-locked vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser (ML-VECSEL). The utilized compact and stable laser system allows us to excite the single-QD microlens at a wavelength of 508 nm with a pulse repetition rate close to 500 MHz at a pulse width of 4.2 ps. Probing the photon statistics of the emission from a single QD state at saturation, we demonstrate single-photon emission of the QD-microlens chip with g"("2")(0) < 0.03 at a record-high single-photon flux of (143 ± 16) MHz collected by the first lens of the detection system. Our approach is fully compatible with resonant excitation schemes using wavelength tunable ML-VECSELs, which will optimize the quantum optical properties of the single-photon emission in terms of photon indistinguishability
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(c) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] We report on the optical characterization of site-controlled InP/GaInP quantum dots (QDs). Spatially resolved low temperature cathodoluminescence proves the long-range ordering of the buried emitters, revealing a yield of ∼90% of optically active, positioned QDs and a strong suppression of emitters on interstitial positions. The emission of single QDs shows a pronounced degree of linear polarization along the [0,−1,1] crystal axis with an average degree of polarization of 94%. Photon correlation measurements of the emission from a single QD indicate the single-photon character of the exciton and biexciton emission lines as well as the cascaded nature of the photon pair
Primary Subject
(c) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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