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McGuire, R.E.; Rosenvinge, T.T. von; McDonald, F.B.
Conference papers. 17. International cosmic ray conference1982
Conference papers. 17. International cosmic ray conference1982
[en] A study of energy dependence in elemental abundances of eight large solar-flare associated particle events reveals a wide range of variation in the Fe(group)/O ratios from event to event. While the energy dependence is consistent in most events with individual element spectra approximately exponentials in rigidity, several events show unusual behavior in the Fe(group)/O ratio due to the existence of several distinct spectral components. These multiple spectral components may imply multiple phases of acceleration or substantial interplanetary shock contamination at low energies at times well before the arrival time of these shocks at 1 AU
Primary Subject
CEA, 75 - Paris (France); International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; 436 p; ISBN 2-7272-0068-4; ; 1982; v. 10 p. 33-36; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Paris, France; 17. International cosmic ray conference; Paris, France; 13 - 25 Jul 1981; Sold by Reidel, Dordrecht, Netherlands
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Rosenvinge, T.T. von; McDonald, F.B.
14th international cosmic ray conference. Conference papers. Vol. 21975
14th international cosmic ray conference. Conference papers. Vol. 21975
[en] It was discovered on Pioneer 10 that the quiet-time intensities of low energy nitrogen and oxygen nuclei are anomalously high compared to the intensity of carbon nuclei. The source of this enhancement is unknown. The sun can be ruled out as the source, however. To elucidate this problem we have studied the charge composition and time variations of quiet-time cosmic rays in the energy range approximately 10-25 MeV/nucleon. The charge composition has been determined by summing data from IMP7 over a period of more than two years and data from IMP8 over a period of one year. A turn-up observed in the Ne spectrum is apparently not solar in origin. Helium and oxygen are observed to have the same percentage solar modulation for a range of x5 in intensity. (orig./BJ)
Mit Pioneer 10 war entdeckt worden, dass die Ruhezeit-Intensitaeten niederenergetischer Stickstoff- und Sauerstoffkerne anomal hoch sind verglichen mit der Intensitaet der Kohlenstoffkerne. Die Quelle dieser Zunahme ist nicht bekannt, jedoch kann die Sonne als Quelle ausgeschieden werden. Um dieses Problem zu erklaeren, wurden Ladungsverteilungen und zeitliche Aenderungen der kosmischen Strahlung stiller Phasen im Energiebereich von ungefaehr 10 bis 25 MeV/Nukleon untersucht. Die Ladungsverteilung wurde durch Aufsummieren von Daten aus IMP7 ueber eine Zeit von mehr als zwei Jahren und von Daten aus IMP8 ueber eine solche von einem Jahr bestimmt. Ein im Ne beobachtetes Ansteigen ist offensichtlich nicht solaren Ursprungs. Es wurde beobachtet, dass Helium und Sauerstoff den gleichen Anteil an solarer Modulation fuer einen Intensitaetsbereich von x5 aufweisen. (orig./BJ)Primary Subject
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, London (UK); Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik und Astrophysik, Garching/Muenchen (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Extraterrestrische Physik; p. 792-797; 1975; 14. international cosmic ray conference; Garching/Muenchen, Germany, F.R; 15 Aug 1975; 6 figs.; with refs. Available from ZAED.
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[en] We have studied amplitude variations of low energy cosmic rays near earth during the last solar minimum. We find that low energy helium displays a larger amplitude of variation than does hydrogen at the same kinetic energy per nucleon. This is despite the fact that the helium has at least twice as high a magnetic rigidity as the hydrogen and possibly four times as high, depending on the helium charge state. We argue that this is evidence for adiabatic energy loss in the solar wind
Primary Subject
CEA, 75 - Paris (France); International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; 436 p; ISBN 2-7272-0068-4; ; 1982; v. 10 p. 69-72; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Paris, France; 17. International cosmic ray conference; Paris, France; 13 - 25 Jul 1981; Sold by Reidel, Dordrecht, Netherlands
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[en] Hysteresis effects in the modulation of the anomalous helium and the anomalous oxygen have been used to argue that neither is fully ionized. We dispute these interpretations
Primary Subject
CEA, 75 - Paris (France); International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; 436 p; ISBN 2-7272-0068-4; ; 1982; v. 10 p. 73-76; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Paris, France; 17. International cosmic ray conference; Paris, France; 13 - 25 Jul 1981; Sold by Reidel, Dordrecht, Netherlands
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Webber, W.R.; McDonald, F.B.; Rosenvinge, T.T. von; Mewaldt, R.A.
Conference papers. 17. International cosmic ray conference1982
Conference papers. 17. International cosmic ray conference1982
[en] The intensity of the low energy anomalous helium and oxygen components has been continuously monitored by telescopes on the Pioneer 10 and IMP 7 and 8 spacecraft since 1972. After a period of relatively small temporal changes at earth between 1972 and 1978, during which it was possible to study the radial gradients of these components out to approximately 15 AU, large temporal changes were observed in 1978-1980 associated with the onset of the new solar modulation cycle. During this time period the anomalous He and O intensities at Pioneer 10 have decreased by a factor > 10, however, both anomalous components were still present in the summer of 1980 at approximately 20 AU. At the earth similar large intensity changes have occurred. At pioneer 10 the relative modulation of He nuclei is approximately 1.4x that of O nuclei at the same energy/nuc during this time period
Primary Subject
CEA, 75 - Paris (France); International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; 436 p; ISBN 2-7272-0068-4; ; 1982; v. 10 p. 92-95; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Paris, France; 17. International cosmic ray conference; Paris, France; 13 - 25 Jul 1981; Sold by Reidel, Dordrecht, Netherlands
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[en] This article presents data from the SAMPEX satellite of trapped heavy ions in the ionosphere, with energies greater than 15 MeV/nucleon. The data shows trapped He, N, O, and Ne. These ions are thought to be of cosmic ray origin, and to have been trapped by the geomagnetic field due to the loss of electrons due to scattering events in the upper atmosphere
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Webber, W.R.; McDonald, F.B.; Trainor, J.H.; Teegarden, B.J.; Rosenvinge, T.T. von
14th international cosmic ray conference. Conference papers. Vol. 121975
14th international cosmic ray conference. Conference papers. Vol. 121975
[en] Recent observations using the GSFC-UNH cosmic ray telescope aboard the Pioneer 10 space probe have revealed an anomalous spectrum of nitrogen and oxygen nuclei relative to other nuclei such as carbon in the quiet time cosmic radiation below about 40 MeV/nuc. We have extended these observations with additional data from Pioneer 10 and considerable new data from an identical telescope aboard Pioneer 11. In addition to the enhancement of nitrogen and oxygen nuclei observed earlier we now observe the intensity of neon to be enhanced as well. The spectra of boron, magnesium and silicon appear to be similar to that of carbon. Within the accuracy of our measurements the enhancement factors for nitrogen, oxygen and neon are all approximately 10 relative to carbon at 10 MeV/nuc and the spectra of the enhanced nuclei can be represented by the form dj/dE approximately Esup(-2 x 6 +- 0.2) in the energy range 10-30 MeV/nuc. We will report details on the isotopic composition, solar modulation, and radial gradient of these nuclei. (orig.)
Neuere Beobachtungen mit dem kosmischen Strahlenteleskop an Bord der Raumsonde Pioneer 10 zeigten ein anormales Spektrum von N- und O-Kernen relativ zu anderen Kernen wie z.B. C in der 'ruhigen' Strahlung unterhalb von etwa 40 MeV/nuc. Diese Beobachtungen wurden durch zusaetzliche Daten von Pioneer 10 und durch eine erhebliche Menge neuer Daten eines identischen Teleskops an Bord von Pioneer 11 erweitert. Zusaetzlich zu der frueher beobachteten staerkeren Intensitaet von N und O zeigt sich nun auch eine verstaerkte Intensitaet von Ne. Die Spektren von B, Mg und Si entsprechen dem C-Spektrum. Bei der Messgenauigkeit unserer Instrumente sind die Verstaerkungsfaktoren fuer N, O und Ne alle etwa 10 relativ zu C bei 10 MeV/nuc, und die Spektren der verstaerkten Kerne lassen sich im Energiebereich 10-30 MeV/nuc in der Form dj/dE etwa Esup(-2 x 6 +- 0,2) darstellen. Einzelheiten ueber Isotopenzusammensetzungen, Sonnenmodulation und radiale Gradienten dieser Kerne werden angegeben. (orig.)Primary Subject
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik und Astrophysik, Garching/Muenchen (F.R. Germany). Inst. fuer Extraterrestrische Physik; p. 4233-4238; 1975; 14. international cosmic ray conference; Garching/Muenchen, F.R. Germany; 15 Aug 1975; 8 figs.; 2 tabs.; with refs. Available from ZAED.
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[en] New observations of >15 MeV/nuc trapped heavy ions with Z ≥ 2 have been made by the S AMPEX spacecraft in low polar orbit. The composition of these ions, which are located primarily around L = 2, is dominated by He, N, O, and Ne. The N, O, and Ne ions are apparently trapped ''anomalous cosmic rays,'' while the origin of the trapped He flux is presently uncertain. These ions can affect the rate of single-event upsets (SEUs) in spacecraft hardware
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NSREC '93: international nuclear and space radiation effects conference; Snowbird, UT (United States); 19-23 Jul 1993; CONF-930704--
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[en] Anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs) provide a sensitive probe of the access of energetic particles to the inner heliosphere, varying in intensity by more than two orders of magnitude during the course of the solar cycle. New data which are becoming available from the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) can provide a detailed record of ACR intensity and spectral changes on short (∼1 day) time scales during the approach to solar maximum, which will help address issues of ACR modulation and transport. The elemental and isotopic composition of ACRs provides important information on the source or sources of these particles, while their ionic charge state composition and its energy dependence serves as a diagnostic of their acceleration time scale. We review measurements of the ACR elemental, isotopic, and charge state composition and spectra as determined at 1 AU by SAMPEX, ACE, Wind, and other spacecraft. These results are important input to models of the acceleration, modulation, and transport of ACRs
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ACE 2000: Symposium on acceleration and transport of energetic particles observed in the heliosphere; Indian Wells, CA (United States); 5-8 Jan 2000; (c) 2000 American Institute of Physics.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] The abundances of elements from helium to iron have been measured in more than a dozen moderate to large solar energetic particle (SEP) events using the Solar Isotope Spectrometer (SIS) on-board the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE). Time variations within some of these events and from event to event have been reported previously. This paper presents an analysis of the event of 6 May 1998, for which relatively time-independent abundance ratios are found. This event has been considered to be an example of an impulsive event, a gradual event, and as a hybrid of the two. Difficulties with classifying this event are discussed
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ACE 2000: Symposium on acceleration and transport of energetic particles observed in the heliosphere; Indian Wells, CA (United States); 5-8 Jan 2000; (c) 2000 American Institute of Physics.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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