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[en] In this paper creep, a potential degradation mechanism of Zircaloy cladding after repository disposal of spent nuclear fuel, is investigated. The deformation and fracture map methodology is used to predict maximum allowable initial storage temperatures to achieve a 1000-yr life without rupture as a function of spent-fuel history. Maximum allowable temperatures are 340 degrees C (613 K) for typically stresses rods (70 to 100 MPa) and 300 degrees C (573 K) for highly stressed rods (140 to 160 MPa)
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[en] Patients treated using a magnetic-resonance image guided radiation therapy (MR-IGRT) system received both CT and MR simulations. During planning, the CT is used to determine relative electron density (RED) using a calibration table. This study aims to investigate the feasibility of MR-only treatments by comparing CT-computed dose distributions to those computed with combinations of water (1.0), lung (0.26), tissue (1.02), and bone (1.12) bulk RED overrides, and to identify the effects of the magnetic field on the RED-overridden doses. Methods: Four patients who received treatment using a commercial MR-IGRT system were analyzed (1 lung, 2 abdomen, and 1 pelvis). The clinical plans were computed using the first fraction MRI as primary, and the simulation CT as secondary for REDs. Plans were reoptimized using default bulk RED overrides (water/lung and tissue/lung for the lung patient, water/bone, tissue/bone, water only, and tissue only for the abdomen and pelvis patients). Additionally, each plan was re-optimized to include the static magnetic field. All plans were normalized to the same PTV coverage as the clinical plan. Dose-difference volumes and DVHs were computed for bulk density override plans, and 3D gamma analyses between each plan and its accompanying magnetic field plan were performed using 3%/3 mm dose difference and distance-to-agreement criteria using the PTV and Skin as masking structures. Results: The average differences in PTV and organs-at-risk mean dose for all RED combinations tested were −0.19 Gy (−0.62 – 0.06 Gy) and −0.34 Gy (−1.76 – 0.33 Gy), respectively. The average PTV and Skin gamma pass rates for all RED combinations tested were 99.88% (99.5% – 100%) and 98. 35% (96.3% – 99.6%). No systematic differences in DVHs or isodoses were observed. Conclusions: It is likely that that a commercial MR-IGRT system may produce high quality treatment plans without the need for CT scans. Authors of this abstract are members of the Washington University Radiation Oncology department, which has a research agreement with ViewRay, Inc
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(c) 2015 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Purpose: Proton treatment planning systems are not able to accurately predict output factors and do not calculate monitor units (MU) for proton fields. Output factors (cGy/MU) for patient-specific fields are usually measured in phantoms or modeled empirically. The purpose of this study is to predict the output factors (OFs) for a given proton (R90) and modulation width (Mod) for the first Mevion S250 proton therapy system. Methods: Using water phantoms and a calibrated ionization chamber-electrometer, over 100 OFs were measured for various R90 and Mod combinations for 24 different options. OFs were measured at the center of the Mod, which coincided with the isocenter. The measured OFs were fitted using an analytic model developed by Kooy (Phys.Med.Biol. 50, 2005) for each option and a derived universal empirical-based polynomial as a function of R90 and Mod for all options. Options are devised for ranges of R90 and Mod. The predicted OFs from both models were compared to measurements. Results: Using the empirical-based model, the values could be predicted to within 3% for at least 90% of measurements and within 5% for 98% of the measurements. Using the analytic model to fit each option with the same effective source position, the prediction is much more accurate. The maximal uncertainty between measured and predicted is within 2% and the averaged root-mean-square is 1.5%. Conclusion: Although the measured data was not exhaustive, both models predicted OFs within acceptable uncertainty. Both models are currently used for a sanity check of our continual patient field OF measurements. As we acquire more patient-field OFs, the model will be refined with an ultimate goal of eliminating the time-consuming patient-specific OF measurements
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(c) 2014 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Purpose: A single-room proton system, the Mevion S250, was introduced into the arena of proton radiotherapy by Mevion Medical Systems. The first unit was installed and operates at the S. Lee Kling Proton Therapy Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. The objective of this abstract is to report the system's beam characteristics and Eclipse commissioning. Methods: Commissioning data were acquired for modelling longitudinal fluence, virtual source position, effective source position, source size and Bragg peaks in Eclipse. Stoichiometric CT calibration was generated via ICRU44 human. Spread-out Bragg peaks (SOBP) were measured with Parallel Plate Chamber and profiles with solid state detector for model validation. Heterogeneity effects were measured with bone and lung inserts in the beam line. RT dose was computed in a virtual water phantom, and exported from Eclipse to compare with measurements at various depths and axis. SOBPs were fine-tuned with partial shining correction and entry correction to match measurements. Output factor was measured for each individual field with an ADCL ion chamber in a water tank and fitted to a polynomial function to cross-check the monitor unit verification. Results: Ranges of all 24 options were measured within ±1mm tolerance. Modulations met a ±1mm or ±2% tolerance. SOBP flatness met a ±3% tolerance. Distal fall off (80%-20%) were measured between 6mm and 7mm for all options. Virtual source positions varied between 177cm and 195cm, decreasing with field size and range. SOBP generated by Eclipse agreed with measurements within ±3% in the entry region, and ±1%/±1mm in other regions. Sanity check for output achieved 5% accuracy in 98% of cases. Conclusion: The commissioning of the first Mevions S250 proton therapy system met specifications. The unit has been put in clinical operation since 12/17/2013
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(c) 2014 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Santanam, L.; Raghavan, S.; Chin, B.A.
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (USA)1990
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (USA)1990
[en] Creep, a potential degradation mechanism of Zircaloy cladding after repository disposal of spent nuclear fuel, has been investigated. The deformation and fracture map methodology has been used to predict maximum allowable initial storage temperatures to achieve a thousand year life without rupture as a function of spent-fuel history. Maximum allowable temperatures are 340 degree C (613 K) for typically stressed rods (70--100 MPa) and 300 degree C (573 K) for highly stressed rods (140--160 MPa). 10 refs., 2 figs
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Dec 1990; 16 p; 4. international symposium on environmental degradation of materials in nuclear power systems: water reactors; Jekyll Island, GA (USA); 6-10 Aug 1989; CONF-890820--6; CONTRACT W-7405-ENG-48; OSTI as DE91006241; NTIS; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Santanam, L.; Raghavan, S.; Chin, B.A.
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (USA)1989
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (USA)1989
[en] Two potential degradation mechanisms, creep and stress corrosion cracking, of Zircaloy cladding during repository storage of spent nuclear fuel have been investigated. The deformation and fracture map methodology has been used to predict maximum allowable initial storage temperatures to achieve a thousand year life without rupture as a function of spent-fuel history. A stress analysis of fuel rods has been performed. Stresses in the outer zirconium oxide layer and the inner Zircaloy tube have been predicted for typical internal pressurization, oxide layer thickness, volume expansion from formation of the oxide layer and thermal expansion coefficients of the cladding and oxide. Stress relaxation occurring in-reactor has also been taken into account. The calculations indicate that for the anticipated storage conditions investigated, the outer zirconium oxide layer is in a state of compression thus making it unlikely that stress corrosion cracking of the exterior surface will occur. 20 refs., 6 figs., 9 tabs
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Jul 1989; 28 p; Nuclear waste isolation in the unsaturated zone: FOCUS '89; Las Vegas, NV (USA); 18-21 Sep 1989; CONF-890928--23; CONTRACT W-7405-ENG-48; NTIS, PC A03/MF A01 as DE90011467; OSTI; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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[en] Purpose: The objective is to develop a rapid and comprehensive daily QA procedure implemented at the S. Lee Kling Proton Therapy Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Methods: A scribed phantom with imbedded fiducials is used for checking lasers accuracy followed by couch isocentricity and for X-ray imaging congruence with isocenter. A Daily QA3 device (Sun Nuclear, FL) was used to check output, range and profiles. Five chambers in the central region possess various build-ups. After converting the thickness of the inherent build-ups into water equivalent thickness (WET) for proton, range of any beam can be checked with additional build-up on the Daily QA3 device. In our procedure, 3 beams from 3 bands (large, small and deep) with nominal range of 20 cm are checked daily. 17cm plastic water with WET of 16.92cm are used as additional build-up so that four chambers sit on the SOBP plateau at various depths and one sit on the distal fall off. Reading from the five chambers are fitted to an error function that has been parameterized to match the SOBP with the same nominal range. Shifting of the error function to maximize the correlation between measurements and the error function is deemed as the range shift from the nominal value. Results: We have found couch isocentricity maintained over 180 degrees. Imaging system exhibits accuracy in regard to imaging and mechanical isocenters. Ranges are within 1mm accuracy from measurements in water tank, and sensitive to change of sub-millimeter. Data acquired since the start of operation show outputs, profiles and range stay within 1% or 1mm from baselines. The whole procedure takes about 40 minutes. Conclusion: Taking advantage of the design of Daily QA3 device turns the device originally designed for photon and electron into a comprehensive and rapid tool for proton daily QA
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(c) 2014 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Intensity modulated neutron radiotherapy (IMNRT) is currently being investigated as a mechanism to improve dose conformality in neutron radiotherapy, thereby minimizing normal tissue toxicity. This study investigates the applicability of two different dose calculation algorithms for IMNRT, a commercial system which utilizes a finite size pencil beam (FSPB) model, and an in-house planning system which uses a differential scatter air ratio (DSAR) method. Calculated dose distributions were compared with measured profiles for validation purposes. The beam-profiles matched to within ±3% in the central region of the field. The 80-20% penumbra width as measured using an ionization chamber varied as 0.6 cm and 1.0 cm for 3 x 3 and 10 x 10 cm2 profile at a depth of 2.5 cm. The FSPB model fitted the data to a penumbra width of 0.1 cm for both 3 x 3 and 10 x 10 cm2 profiles. These results indicate that the commercial system needs further investigation. However, the in-house planning system has been validated for small irregular fields for IMNRT to an accuracy of ±5%. Absolute dose measurements agreed with the calculated doses to within ±3%
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WC2003: World congress on medical physics and biomedical engineering; Sydney (Australia); 24-29 Aug 2003; S0031-9155(04)74473-5; Available online at or at the Web site for the journal Physics in Medicine and Biology (ISSN 1361-6560); Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Purpose: To investigate the effects of magnetic fields in radiochromic films (RCF). Magnetokinetic changes may affect crystal orientation and polymerization within active layer of RCF, these effects are investigated in Magnetic Resonance Image-guided Radiotherapy (MR-IGRT). Methods: Gafchromic EBT2 RCF were irradiated in a 30×30×30 cm3 solid water phantom using a ViewRay MRIdian Co-60 MRI guided radiotherapy system (B=0.35 T). Fifteen 20.3×25.4 cm2 EBT2 film sheets were placed at three different depths (d=0.5, 5 and 10 cm) and irradiated using 5 different treatment plans. The plans were computed using the MRIdian treatment planning system to deliver 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 Gy at a depth of 10 cm. The films were scanned using an Epson Expression 10000 XL flat-bed document scanner in transmission mode. Films were processed before and after irradiation to obtain a net optical density (netOD) for each color channel separately. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images were obtained to compare the active layer of selected samples. Results: The results show the red channel netOD decreases between 1.3–12.3 % (average of 5.95 %) for doses above 2.8 Gy, with a linear increase in this effect for higher doses. Green channel netOD showed similar results with a decrease between 1.2–10.5 % (average of 4.09 %) for doses above 3.5 Gy. Blue channel showed the weakest effect between 1.3–2.9 % (average of 1.94 %) for doses above 8.0 Gy. SEM images show changes in crystal orientation within active layer in RCF exposed in a magnetic field. Conclusion: The presence of a magnetic field affects crystal orientation and polymerization during irradiation, decreasing netOD by an average of 5.95 % in the red channel. The under response is dependent on dose and differs by up to 12.3 % at 17.6 Gy. The results show that magnetokinetic effects should be carefully considered in MR-IGRT.
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(c) 2016 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Purpose: To implement image-guided proton therapy (IGPT) based on daily proton dose distribution. Methods: Unlike x-ray therapy, simple alignment based on anatomy cannot ensure proper dose coverage in proton therapy. Anatomy changes along the beam path may lead to underdosing the target, or overdosing the organ-at-risk (OAR). With an in-room mobile computed tomography (CT) system, we are developing a dose-based IGPT software tool that allows patient positioning and treatment adaption based on daily dose distributions. During an IGPT treatment, daily CT images are acquired in treatment position. After initial positioning based on rigid image registration, proton dose distribution is calculated on daily CT images. The target and OARs are automatically delineated via deformable image registration. Dose distributions are evaluated to decide if repositioning or plan adaptation is necessary in order to achieve proper coverage of the target and sparing of OARs. Besides online dose-based image guidance, the software tool can also map daily treatment doses to the treatment planning CT images for offline adaptive treatment. Results: An in-room helical CT system is commissioned for IGPT purposes. It produces accurate CT numbers that allow proton dose calculation. GPU-based deformable image registration algorithms are developed and evaluated for automatic ROI-delineation and dose mapping. The online and offline IGPT functionalities are evaluated with daily CT images of the proton patients. Conclusion: The online and offline IGPT software tool may improve the safety and quality of proton treatment by allowing dose-based IGPT and adaptive proton treatments. Research is partially supported by Mevion Medical Systems.
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(c) 2016 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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