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Rau, P.; Schatz, M.
Kraftwerk Union A.G., Muelheim an der Ruhr (Germany, F.R.)1980
Kraftwerk Union A.G., Muelheim an der Ruhr (Germany, F.R.)1980
[en] Fuel elements for a nuclear reactor may consist of a bundle of parallel fuel rods with a circular cross-section whose positions will form a grid. In the grid a guide tube for a control rod may have a cross-section covering the cross-sections of several adjacent fuel rods. According to the invention this cross-section comprises circular arcs that agree with the cross-section of covered fuel rods and which are connected by concave arc sections. The invention is intended in particular for high-conversion reactors. (orig./RW)
Brennelemente fuer einen Kernreaktor koennen aus einem Buendel parallel zueinander verlaufender Brennstaebe mit kreisfoermigem Querschnitt bestehen, deren Positionen ein Raster bilden. In dem Raster kann ein Fuehrungsrohr fuer einen Steuerstab einen den Querschnitt mehrerer benachbarter Brennstaebe ueberdeckenden Querschnitt aufweisen. Dieser Querschnitt umfasst erfindungsgemaess Kreisbogen, die mit dem Querschnitt ueberdeckter Brennstaebe uebereinstimmen und durch konkave Bogenstuecke verbunden sind. Die Erfindung kommt insbesondere fuer Hochkonverterreaktionen in Frage. (orig./RW)Original Title
Brennelement fuer einen Kernreaktor
Primary Subject
5 Mar 1980 (APP); 10 Sep 1981 (PUB); 9 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 3008442/A/; Available from Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen (Germany, F.R.); ?: 10 Sep 1981 (PUB)
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Fuel assembly for a nuclear reactor having a bundle of fuel rods of circular cross section extending parallel to one another and disposed at positions forming a raster, including a guide tube for a control rod extending parallel to the fuel rods in the bundle and occupying the positions for and having a cross section covering the cross section of a plurality of mutually adjacent fuel rods in the raster the cross section of the guide tube being defined by circular arcs conforming with those of the circular cross section of the adjacent fuel rods covered thereby and being connected by concave arcuate sections
Primary Subject
4 Dec 1984; v p; US PATENT DOCUMENT 4,486,384/A/; U.S. Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231, USA, $.50; PAT-APPL-240253.
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[en] A combined solvent-extraction-atomic-absorption technique, by which extraction is obtained using Aliquat 336-D.I.B.K. and analyses of the organic extract is done on a Pye Unicam PU 9000 atomic-absorption spectrometer, is presently being employed by the Laboratory for the determination of trace amounts of Mo, As and Sb in stream sediments collected during geochemical sampling. The elements of interest were taken into solution with K2S2O7 fusion of 1,0g of the sample, followed by treatment of the fusion cake with 6M HCl. Extraction of Fe(III) was prevented by reduction to the not extractable Fe(II) state with ascorbic acid. Treatment with KI reduced As and Sb from the V state to the III state. Fusion, HCl, ascorbic acid and KI treatment, solvent extraction and aspiration of the organic extract into the atomic-absorption spectrometer was carried out in the same vessel - a Pyrex 50ml centrifuge tube (for the fusion, treatment with HCl, ascorbic acid and KI and the solvent extraction) fitted with a B29 ground-glass cone into which a B29 ground-glass socket was placed; the latter had attached to it a length of narrow-bore Pyrex tube for containing the organic extract for its aspiration into the atomic-absorption spectrometer. Standards for the analysis of unknown samples were prepared by 'spiking' 1,0 g portions of a soil (containing very low amounts of Mo, As and Sb) after K2S2O7 fusion and during the HCl disintegration of the fusion cake, with known amounts of Mo, As and Sb. The accuracy of the method has been assessed by 'spiking' tests (Mo, As and Sb) using a soil sample containing very low amounts of Mo, As and Sb and by the use of geochemical reference materials - Soil SO-5 (Mo, As and Sb) and Soil NIM 77/69 (Mo only). Precision tests were also performed. Accuracies and precisions found were adequate for geochemical prospecting purposes. The method allowed the determination of Mo, As and Sb down to 1,0, 5,0 and 0,5 ppm respectively and was both rapid and relatively inexpensive
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No abstract available
Original Title
Physikalische Auslegung des Referenzentwurfs fuer einen 1.000 MWe gasgekuehlten Schnellen Brutreaktor
Primary Subject
Kerntechnische Gesellschaft im Deutschen Atomforum e.V., Bonn (F.R. Germany); p. 933-936; 1976; ZAED; Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, F.R. Germany; Reactor meeting; Duesseldorf, F.R. Germany; 30 Mar 1976; AED-CONF--76-013-234; 5 figs.; 5 refs. Short communication only.
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Jacobs, G.; Schatz, M.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (F.R. Germany). Inst. fuer Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (F.R. Germany). Projekt Schneller Brueter1976
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (F.R. Germany). Inst. fuer Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (F.R. Germany). Projekt Schneller Brueter1976
[en] In the scope of the analysis of hypothetical accidents in gasbreeders the ejection of a shutdown rod in a 1,000 MW(e)-GCFR is investigated. The shutdown rod generates a reactivity ramp of about 60 /s during the ejection leading to a superprompt critical power excursion. The initiation phase is calculated using a point kinetics code, that represents the core by a fuel rod of mean power with cooling channel. The disassembly phase is calculated using the hydrodynamics code KADIS, a descendent of the ANL-Code VENUS. Mass and energy of molten fuel at the end of disassembly phase is 27,600 kg and 24,000 MJ respectively, corresponding to 0.87 MJ/kg. In form of parameter variations the influence of some initial conditions of the disassembly phase is studied: reactivity ramp, reactivity, power level, and mean fuel temperature. The report contains a representation and discussion of the computational results as well as a description of the applicated models and in the appendix a complete listing of the used data. (orig.)
Im Rahmen der Analyse hypothetischer Stoerfaelle in Gasbruetern wird die Ejektion eines Abschaltstabes in einem 1.000 MW(e)-GSB untersucht. Der Abschaltstab erzeugt bei der Ejektion eine Reaktivitaetsrampe von etwa 60 /s, die zu einer ueberpromptkritischen Leistungsexkursion fuehrt. Die Einleitungsphase wird mit Hilfe eines Punktkinetikcodes berechnet, in dem der Kern durch einen Brennstab mittlerer Leistung mit Kuehlkanal repraesentiert wird. Die Kernzerlegungsphase wird mit Hilfe des Hydrodynamikcodes KADIS, eines Abkoemmlings des ANL-Codes VENUS, berechnet. Die Masse und die Energie des geschmolzenen Brennstoffs am Ende der Disassemblyphase ist 27.600 kg bzw. 24.000 MJ, entsprechend 0,87 MJ/kg. Durch Parametervariationen wird der Einfluss einiger Anfangsbedingungen der Disassemblyphase untersucht: Reaktivitaetsrampe, Reaktivitaet, Leistungsniveau und mittlere Brennstofftemperatur. Der Bericht enthaelt neben der Darstellung und Diskussion der Rechenergebnisse eine Beschreibung der verwendeten Modelle und im Anhang eine vollstaendige Aufstellung der verwendeten Daten. (orig.)Original Title
Rechnerische Analyse einer hypothetischen Abschaltstabejektion fuer einen heliumgekuehlten schnellen Brutreaktor von 1.000 MW elektrischer Leistung
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Mar 1976; 96 p; With figs., tabs. and refs.
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bittermann, D.; Goetzmann, C.; Hassmann, K.; Preuss, H.J.; Rau, P.; Schatz, M.
Siemens A.G., Berlin (Germany, F.R.); Siemens A.G., Muenchen (Germany, F.R.); Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen (Germany, F.R.)1978
Siemens A.G., Berlin (Germany, F.R.); Siemens A.G., Muenchen (Germany, F.R.); Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen (Germany, F.R.)1978
[en] In order to increase the safety and to improve the cooling process during core meltdown there may be arranged a catching tub from graphite in the reactor vessel below the core as well as a second tub below the pressure vessel itself. The first tub is connected with an interspace below the ceiling of the containment by means of supply and discharge pipes. The second tub, however, may be directly in contact with the gas space of the containment, the air contained in it sewing as coolant. In the first case a liquid metal like Hg, Zn or Pb is provided as coolant. These coolant loops are completed to from a heat exchanger by cooling the containment, especially the region of the ceiling, from outside by means of a spruikling system. (DG)
Zur Erhoehung der Sicherheit und des Kuehlvorganges beim Kernschmelzen kann sowohl eine Auffangwanne aus Graphit im Druckbehaelter unter dem Core als auch eine zweite Wanne unterhalb des Druckbehaelters selbst angeordnet werden. Die erste Wanne ist ueber Zu- und Abfuehrleitungen mit einem Zwischenraum unter der Decke des Sicherheitsbehaelters verbunden. Die zweite Wanne dahingegen kann direkt mit dem Gasraum innerhalb des Sicherheitsbehaelters in Verbindung stehen, wobei als Kuehlmedium die darin enthaltene Luft dient. Im ersteren Falle ist als Kuehlmittel ein fluessiges Metall wie Hg, Zinn oder Pb vorgesehen. Diese Kuehlkreislaeufe werden zu einem Waermetauscher ergaenzt, in dem die Sicherheitshuelle, insbesondere ihr Deckenbereich, von ausserhalb mittels einer Berieselungsanlage gekuehlt wird. (DG)Original Title
Primary Subject
29 Jun 1978; 5 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2234782/C/
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bittermann, D.; Goetzmann, C.; Hassmann, K.; Preuss, H.J.; Rau, P.; Schatz, M.
Siemens A.G., Berlin (Germany, F.R.); Siemens A.G., Muenchen (Germany, F.R.)1977
Siemens A.G., Berlin (Germany, F.R.); Siemens A.G., Muenchen (Germany, F.R.)1977
[en] The object of the invention is to ensure a sufficient removal of heat in the case of an accident involving a core melt of a nuclear reactor - in particular a breeder reactor. A cooled tank to catch the melted core is inside the containment under the reactor core. According to the invention, there is a coolant pipeline from this tank to the containment serving as heat exchanger. The cooling of the containment (of metal) used as heat exchanger is further imporved upon by a series of measures. 12 subclaims. (UWI)
Die Erfindung soll bewirken, dass fuer den durch einen Unfall geschmolzenen Kern eines Kernreaktors - insbesondere eines Brutreaktors - eine ausreichende Waermeabfuhr gesichert ist. Innerhalb der Sicherheitshuelle befindet sich unter dem Reaktorkern eine gekuehlte Wanne zum Auffangen des geschmolzenen Kerns. Von dieser Wanne aus wird erfindungsgemaess eine Kuehlmittelleitung zur Sicherheitshuelle gefuehrt, die als Waermetauscher dient. Die Kuehlung der als Waermetauscher dienenden Sicherheitshuelle (aus Metall) wird durch eine Reihe von Massnahmen noch verbessert. 12 Unteransprueche. (UWI)Original Title
Primary Subject
3 Nov 1977; 5 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2234782/B/; Also available from Dt. Patentamt, Muenchen (FRG); 5 figs.
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[en] A gas-coolant nuclear breeder reactor is described which includes a core enclosed by a pressure vessel having a bottom beneath the core potentially capable of burning through if the core melts due to excessive operating temperatures. A basin is positioned beneath the core, either outside or inside of the pressure vessel, to intercept the melted core. The heat of the melted core must be dissipated rapidly because the reactor is enclosed by a steel containment vessel which might be unable to resist the internal pressure that would otherwise result from the heat. Therefore, means are provided for conducting a fluid coolant cooling the metal core, in the basin, from the latter to an extended area of the inside of the steel containment vessel which, being of relatively high heat conductivity, conducts the heat from the coolant to the atmosphere outside of the containment vessel. Cooling water may be sprayed on the outside of this containment vessel to assist in the dissipation of the heat. Arrangements are provided for increasing the efficiency of the heat transfer from the melted core to the fluid coolant
Original Title
Patent; GCFR
Primary Subject
6 Jan 1976; 6 p; US PATENT DOCUMENT 3,930,939
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Schlosser, G.J.; Berger, H.D.; Schatz, M.; Thieme, K.
Technical aspects of high converter reactors1992
Technical aspects of high converter reactors1992
[en] One measure to improve fuel utilization in light water reactors is to increase the conversion ratio in a tight, hexagonal PuO2/UO2 mixed oxide fuel pin lattice. The PWHCR (pressurized water high converter reactor) is the Siemens/KWU approach towards this kind of tight lattice reactor, with the main characteristics of the actual concept being zirconium-clad fuel rods and an average moderator-to-fuel volume ratio of 1.2. In a recent study, concerning the nuclear core design for the PWHCR, mainly the questions related to the fuel assembly design, the reactivity control system and fuel management strategies have been addressed. Results of the investigations essentially confirmed the concept of the tight lattice PWR to be technically feasible. (author). 5 refs, 8 figs, 4 tabs
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 332 p; ISSN 1011-4289; ; Feb 1992; p. 117-122; Technical committee meeting on technical and economic aspects of high converters; Nuremberg (Germany); 26-29 Mar 1990
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Boehme, R.; Axmann, J.; Broeders, C.H.M.; Pelloni, S.; Schatz, M.
Contributions to technical and economic aspects of high converters1990
Contributions to technical and economic aspects of high converters1990
[en] The current series of experiments for the investigation of the physics of a light water high conversion reactor (LWHCR) has been in progress at the PROTEUS reactor facility in Switzerland since 1985. Reaction rate ratio and k∞ measured in these thermally driven LWHCR lattice experiments were predicted by several institutes participating in this program. The development of suitable calculational methods and the introduction of new cross-section sets based on the nuclear data files JEF-1 and KEDAK-4 have reduced the differences between calculated and measured k∞ values, but discrepancies between some of the measured reaction rate ratios and calculations are still considerable. It has been shown that deficiencies in nuclear data as well as inaccuracies in the treatment of resonance absorption could be responsible for these discrepancies. (author) 4 figs., 23 refs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Chawla, R.; Boehme, R.; Dreier, J. (and others); Paul Scherrer Inst. (PSI), Villigen (Switzerland); 62 p; Jun 1990; p. 23-39
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Numerical Data
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