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[en] Effects of accuracy decrease and of dynamical range restriction of signal amplitudes in analog-to-pulse converters developed using logarithmation-potentiation on semiconducting diodes or bipolar transistors and ways for decreasing of these effects are considered. The block diagram of the device and formulas for calculation of its accuracy as well as its possible limiting values are presented. The obtained measuring results prove the calculation possibility of obtaining the dynamical raige of the device (input-output) 75a:1 at the accuracy not worse than +-0.1% and at <= 3 μs processing time
Original Title
Ob uluchshenii izmeritel'nykh kharakteristik analogo-impul'snykh vychislitel'nykh ustrojstv
For English translation see the journal Instruments and Experimental Techniques (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Pribory i Tekhnika Ehksperimenta; ISSN 0032-8162; ; (no.2); p. 64-69
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Shevchenko, A.P.; Serezhkin, V.N.
3. Russian conference on radiochemistry: Radiochemistry-2000. Abstracts of reports2000
3. Russian conference on radiochemistry: Radiochemistry-2000. Abstracts of reports2000
No abstract available
Original Title
Koordinatsionnye poliehdry AXn v strukture kristallov kompleksov aktinidov
Primary Subject
Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Mezhvedomstvennyj Nauchnyj Sovet po Radiokhimii pri Prezidiume RAN i Minatome RF, Moscow (Russian Federation); GUP NPO Radievyj Inst. im. V.G. Khlopina, Sankt-Petersburg (Russian Federation); 280 p; 2000; p. 38; 3. Russian conference on radiochemistry: Radiochemistry-2000; 3. Rossijskaya konferentsiya po radiokhimii: Radiokhimiya-2000; Sankt-Petersburg (Russian Federation); 28 Nov - 1 Dec 2000
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[en] Specific features of actinide atoms (A=Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu) surrounding in the structure of crystals of fluorine-containing compounds were studied using the Voronoi-Dirichlet polyhedrons. It has been revealed that the volume of the Voronoi-Dirichlet polyhedrons for actinide atoms in fluorine atoms surrounding is determined by their valency state, being actually independent of coordination number. Using coordination polyhedrons AOn and AFn by way of example, it has been shown that in the crystal structure geometrical characteristics of the Voronoi-Dirichlet polyhedrons of actinide atoms and surrounding nonmetal atoms are interrelated. Specifically, growth of electronegativity of the atoms when passing from oxygen to fluorine gives rise to reduction of A atoms size, irrespective of their oxidation state, by 0.05 A on the average
При помощи полиэдров Вороного-Дирихле изучены особенности окружения атомов актиноидов (A=Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu) в структуре кристаллов фторсодержащих соединений. Выяснено, что объем полиэдров Вороного-Дирихле атомов актиноидов, находящихся в окружении атомов фтора, определяется их валентным состоянием и практически не зависит от координационного числа. На примере координационных полиэдров AOn и AFn показано, что в структуре кристаллов геометрические характеристики полиэдров Вороного-Дирихле атомов актиноидов и атомов окружающих их неметаллов взаимосвязаны между собой. В частности, рост электроотрицательности атомов при переходе от кислорода к фтору приводит к убыли размера атомов А независимо от их степени окисления в среднем на 0.05 АOriginal Title
Domeny atomov aktinoidov v kristallakh ftorsoderzhashchikh soedinenij
Primary Subject
9 refs.; 4 tabs.; 4 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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No abstract available
Original Title
Koordinatsionnye poliehdry AXN v strukture kristallov (A - aktinid; X - kislorod ili galogen)
Primary Subject
Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Moscow (Russian Federation); Otdelenie Obshchej i Tekhnicheskoj Khimii RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchnyj Sovet po Khimicheskomu Stroeniyu i Reaktsionnoj Sposobnosti, Sektsiya Kristallokhimii RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Inst. Problem Khimicheskoj Fiziki RAN, Chernogolovka (Russian Federation); Rossijskij Fond Fundamental'nykh Issledovanij, Moscow (Russian Federation); 223 p; ISBN 5-201-10403-7; ; 2000; p. 152; 2. National crystallochemical conference; II Natsional'naya kristallokhimicheskaya konferentsiya; Chernogolovka (Russian Federation); 22-26 May 2000
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[en] As it has recently been shown the domain of influence of an atom surrounded in the first coordination sphere by the atoms of one sort is described, correct to similarity, by its Voronoi-Dirichlet polyhedron (VDP). The calculation of VDPs requires only standard crystallographic data and does not require the knowledge of the electron density function; therefore, the method reported can be employed to analyze atom domains of influence in structures of arbitrary complexity. This work is devoted to studying the sizes of the domains of influence of uranium atoms in various oxidation states that are surrounded by oxygen atoms
Cover-to-Cover Translation of Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR (USSR), Seriya Khimiya; Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Seriya Khimiya; 343: No. 4, 771-774(1995).
Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] Domains of certain anions, including Te2-, I-, etc., have been studied for the first time using the Voronoj-Dirichlet polyhedrons. An attempt to evaluate their absolute dimensions in crystal structures has been made
Original Title
Oblasti dejstviya anionov v strukture kristallov
Primary Subject
13 refs., 2 tabs., 1 fig.
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Akademii Nauk - Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk; ISSN 0869-5652; ; CODEN DAKNEQ; v. 354(3); p. 336-339
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A study was made on geometrical characteristics of Voronoj-Dirichlet polyhedrons of uranium atoms (3, 4, 5 or 6) in crystals, containing coordination polyhedrons of UXn composition at X = F, Cl, Br or I. It was established, that the volume of Voronoj-Dirichlet polyhedrons of uranium atoms (at fixed oxidation degree of metal and type of x atoms) didn't depend on coordination number of uranium atom. Quantitative criterion of the presence of the nearest order, conditioned by interatomic interaction in random multilattice, consisting of several chemical types of atoms was suggested. 12 refs.; 2 figs.; 6 tabs
Original Title
Poliehdry Voronogo-Dirikhle atomov urana v galogensoderzhashchikh soedineniy akh
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Geometric characteristics of the Voronoi-Dirichlet polyhedrons (VDP) of 354 U(6), atoms in the structure of oxygen-containing compounds have been ascertained. It has been revealed that VDP volumes in contrast to the volumes of the relevant coordination polyhedrons practically do not depend on coordination numbers of uranium atoms and amount to 9.18(25) A3 on the average. The results obtained agree with the previously suggested model of deformed spheres describing the packing of structural units in uranium(6) compounds. 12 refs.; 3 figs.; 4 tabs
Original Title
Poliehdry Voronogo-Dirikhle atomov urana(6) v kislorodsoderzhashchikh soedineniyakh
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Analysis of crystallostructural role of 93 types of U(3 -U(6) atoms, incorporated into coordinated UOnClm polyhedron composition is conducted using Voronoi-Dirichlet polyhedra (VDP). It is ascertained, that without using any crystallochemical radii, the VDP allow one to ascertain the value of coordinated numbers of uranium atoms and composition of their coordination area. Taking UOnClm complexes as are example it is shown, that a series of VDP characteristics can be successfully used as quantitative parameters, allowing one to describe and analyse the specific nature of local environment of complexing atoms in the structure of inorganic and coordination compounds
Original Title
Poliehdry Voronogo-Dirikhle atomov urana v kompleksakh UOnClm
15 refs., 5 figs., 4 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A study was made on combinatorial-topological structure of sublattices of complexing atoms (taken as centers of corresponding complex groups) in structures of Ti, Zr, Hf, Mo, Th, U and Np coordination compounds. 8 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs
Original Title
Pravilo chetyrnadtsati sosedej i struktura koordinatsionnykh soedinenij
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Akademii Nauk - Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk; ISSN 0869-5652; ; CODEN DAKNEQ; v. 20(3); p. 742-745
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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