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Tret'yakova, S.P.; Shirkova, V.V.; Borcha, K.; Khitrova, N.B.; Dzholos, L.V.
Heavy ion physics - 19851986
Heavy ion physics - 19851986
No abstract available
Original Title
Registriruyushchie svojstva polivinilidenftorida (PVF)
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR); p. 65; 1986; p. 65; Short note.
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Shirkova, V.V.; Tretyakova, S.P., E-mail: vera@nrsun.jinr.ru2001
[en] The registration properties of PTFE-E (F-40, Russia; Tefzel, DuPont, USA; Hostaflon ET, Germany) having exceptional chemical and thermal (about 300 deg. C) resistance are considered. The polymer samples were irradiated with ions in a wide region of masses (from O up to Xe) and energies (from 1 to 6 MeV/amu). Alkaline KMnO4 solutions at ∼100 deg. C were used for etching. It is shown that the polymer registration properties depend on the hydrogen content in the polymer. For a copolymer with 2-3 wt% of hydrogen the registration threshold is about 8 MeV cm2/mg. The ion tracks were not found after chemical etching for a copolymer with 1 wt% of hydrogen. Track membranes were produced and examined
Primary Subject
S1350448701001469; Copyright (c) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Syrian Arab Republic
Record Type
Journal Article
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Apel', P.Yu.; Shirkova, V.V.; Soboleva, T.I.; Kuznetsov, V.I.; Shestakov, V.D.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Nuclear Reactions1988
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Nuclear Reactions1988
[en] The brief description of the polypropylene nuclear track membranes is given. The membranes are obtained from biaxially oriented polypropylene films 10μm thick by means of irradiation with accelerated heavy ions and following chemical etching. The data on pore shape, pore size dispersion, the permeability of membranes and on the content of impurities in membrane matrix are given. It is noted that the polypropylene membranes can be used for cleaning and analysis of agressive chemical species. 9 refs.; 2 figs
Original Title
Polipropilenovye yadernye membrany - novyj vid membran dlya ochistki i analiza agressivnykh sred
Primary Subject
1988; 4 p
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[en] The results of the graft polymerization of methacrylic acid into perfluoropolymers (the copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene with hexafluoropropylene, copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene with perfluoroallylether) irradiated with heavy ions (Kr, 430 MeV) are presented. It has been found that the graft polymer quantity depends upon the polymer nature and the ion fluence. The graft polymer amount and its penetration depth were measured by the weighting methods, the dye sorption and electron microscopy methods. The graft polymerization results in significant changes in the polymer volume and structure
Primary Subject
S1350448701001214; Copyright (c) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Syrian Arab Republic
Record Type
Journal Article
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Shirkova, V.V.; Didyk, A.Yu.
Particle track membranes and their applications. Proceedings of the 2. Meeting 2-6 December 1991, Szczyrk, Poland1992
Particle track membranes and their applications. Proceedings of the 2. Meeting 2-6 December 1991, Szczyrk, Poland1992
[en] The possibilities of application of light ions 40Ar, 22Ne, 11B with energies 46, 27 and 136 MeV, respectively, have been examined for nuclear track membranes production. The polyvinylidene fluoride foil has been used as an irradiated material. The track etching rates and diameter dispersions of pore holes have been compared with those obtained by the use of 129Xe ions
Starosta, W.; Buczkowski, M. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw (Poland)) (eds.); Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw (Poland); Glowny Inst. Gornictwa, Katowice (Poland); 90 p; 1992; p. 17-21; Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology; Warsaw (Poland); 2. meeting on particle track membranes and their applications; Szczyrk (Poland); 2-6 Dec 1991
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[en] Parameters of electromigration separation of cesium and sodium ions by means of nuclear membranes are experimentally determined. Separation was carried out in aqueous solutions of acetates of these metals (counter-current was carried out by the acetic acid solution) and it was controlled radiometrically using radioactive tracers 137Cs,22Na. Possibility in principle to realise the effect of counterflow electromigration separation of cesium and sodium ions at the 10μm height of a separation layer is shown. The structure of nuclear mambranes provides the homogeneity of the solution flow along the whole cross section of a separation cell, and, as a result, HETP approximates practically to a theoretically possible value
Original Title
Protivotochnoe ehlektromigratsionnoe razdelenie ionov na yadernykh membranakh; Cesium and sodium ions
Primary Subject
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Journal Article
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Akapiev, G.N.; Dmitriev, S.N.; Erler, B.; Shirkova, V.V.; Schulz, A.; Pietsch, H., E-mail: vera@lnr.jinr.ru2003
[en] The microgalvanic method for metal filling of etched ion tracks in organic foils is of particular interest for the fabrication of microsized structures. Microstructures like copper whiskers with a high aspect ratio produced in ion track membranes are suitable for the generation of high-performance heat transfer surfaces. A surface with good heat transfer characteristics is defined as a surface on which a small temperature difference causes a large heat transfer from the surface material to the liquid. It is well-known that a porous surface layer transfers to an evaporating liquid a given quantity of heat at a smaller temperature difference than does a usual smooth surface. Copper whiskers with high aspect ratio and a density 105 per cm2 form such a porous structure, which produces strong capillary forces and therefore a maximum of heat transfer coefficients
Primary Subject
5. conference on ionizing radiation and polymers; Sainte-Adele, PQ (Canada); 21-26 Sep 2002; S0168583X03011820; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Pakistan
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms; ISSN 0168-583X; ; CODEN NIMBEU; v. 208(3); p. 133-136
Country of publication
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The sensitivity and regularities of the chemical etching of the charge heavy particle detectors made of polyvinylidenfluoride (PVF) exposed to UV light and gamma-radiation have been investigated. (author)
Secondary Subject
13. international conference on solid state nuclear track detectors; Rome (Italy); 23-27 Sep 1985
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Desyatov, A.V.; Grafov, D.Yu.; Prokhorov, I.A.; Kandykov, S.G.; Shirkova, V.V.; Molokanova, L.G.; Orelovich, O.L.; Apel', P.Yu.
International meeting on micro- and nanotechnologies with application of ion beams accelerated up to low and medium energies. Abstracts of reports2007
International meeting on micro- and nanotechnologies with application of ion beams accelerated up to low and medium energies. Abstracts of reports2007
No abstract available
Original Title
Khimicheski stojkie trekovye membrany na osnove polivinildenftorida
Primary Subject
Romanov, V.A. (ed.); Federal'noe Agentstvo po Nauke i Innovatsiyam, Moscow (Russian Federation); Federal'noe Agentstvo po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Rossijskij Fond Fundamental'nykh Issledovanij, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchnyj Sovet po Uskoritelyam RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Tsentr Rossijskoj Federatsii - Fiziko-Ehnergeticheskij Inst. imeni A.I. Lejpunskogo, Obninsk (Russian Federation); 72 p; 2007; p. 22; International meeting on micro- and nanotechnologies with application of ion beams accelerated up to low and medium energies; Mezhdunarodnoe soveshchanie Mikro i nanotekhnologii s ispol'zovaniem puchkov ionov, uskorennykh do malykh i srednikh ehnergij; Obninsk (Russian Federation); 16-18 Oct 2007
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[en] For preparing track membranes on the basis of perfluorinated polymer materials the potentiality of using the method of methacrylic acid graft polymerization to the range of heavy accelerated ions tracks for forming local defect regions fit for etching is studied. Films of polyhexafluropropylene and polyperfluoroallyl ether were irradiated by 430 MeV Kr ions at the ions fluence 108-1012 ion/cm2. Polymerization kinetics was analyzed. Methods permitting an essential increase in the yield of the grafted polymer and realization of graft polymerization in the volume of the whole track were developed
С целью получения трековых мембран на основе перфторированных полимерных материалов изучена возможность использования метода прививочной полимеризации метакриловой кислоты в область латентных треков тяжелых ускоренных ионов для формирования локальных дефектных областей, пригодных к травлению. Пленки полигексафторпропилена и полиперфтораллилового эфира облучали ионами Kr с энергией 430 МэВ при флюенсе ионов 108-1012 ион/см2. Изучена кинетика полимеризации. Разработаны методы, позволяющие существенно повысить выход привитого полимера и осуществить прививочную полимеризацию в объеме всего трекаOriginal Title
Osobennosti lokal'noj privivochnoj polimerizatsii metakrilovoj kisloty v oblast' latentnykh trekov na perftorirovannye polimernye plenki
Primary Subject
18 refs., 3 figs., 3 tabs.
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Journal Article
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