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[en] We develop in a systematic fashion the idea of gauging 1D-space translations with fixed Newtonian time for nonrelativistic matter (particles and fields). By starting with a nonrelativistic free theory we obtain its minimal gauge invariant extension by introducing two gauge fields with a Maxwellian self interaction. We fix the gauge so that the residual symmetry group is the Galilei group and construct a representation of the extended Galilei algebra. The reduced N-particle Lagrangian describes geodesic motion in a (N-1)-dimensional (Pseudo-) Riemannian space. The singularity of the metric for negative gauge coupling leads in classical dynamics to the formation of geometric bags in the case of two or three particles. The ordering problem within the quantization scheme for N-particles is solved by canonical quantization of a pseudoclassical Schroedinger theory obtained by adding to the continuum generalization of the point-particle Lagrangian an appropriate quantum correction. We solve the two-particle bound state problem for both signs of the gauge coupling. At the end we speculate on the possible physical relevance of the new interaction induced by the gauge fields
Primary Subject
S0003491600960779; Copyright (c) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] We consider the gauging of space translations with time-dependent gauge functions. Using a fixed time gauge of relativistic theory, we consider the gauge-invariant model describing the motion of nonrelativistic particles. When we use gauge-invariant nonrelativistic velocities as independent variables the translation gauge fields enter the equations through a dx(d+1) matrix of vielbein fields and their Abelian field strengths, which can be identified with the torsion tensors of teleparallel formulation of relativity theory. We consider the planar case (d=2) in some detail, with the assumption that the action for the dreibein fields is given by the translational Chern-Simons term. We fix the asymptotic transformations in such a way that the space part of the metric becomes asymptotically Euclidean. The residual symmetries are (local in time) translations and rigid rotations. We describe the effective interaction of the d=2 N-particle problem and discuss its classical solution for N=2. The phase space Hamiltonian H describing two-body interactions satisfies a nonlinear equation H=H(x, p;H) which implies, after quantization, a nonstandard form of the Schroedinger equation with energy dependent fractional angular momentum eigenvalues. Quantum solutions of the two-body problem are discussed. The bound states with discrete energy levels correspond to a confined classical motion (for the planar distance between two particles r≤r0) and the scattering states with continuum energy correspond to the classical motion for r>r0. We extend our considerations by introducing an external constant magnetic field and, for N=2, provide the classical and quantum solutions in the confined and unconfined regimes
Primary Subject
S0003491600961207; Copyright (c) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Exact time-dependent solutions of nonrelativistic noncommutative Chern-Simons gauge theory are presented in closed analytic form. They are different from (indeed orthogonal to) those discussed recently by Hadasz, Lindstroem, Rocek and von Unge. Unlike theirs, our solutions can move with an arbitrary constant velocity, and can be obtained from the previously known static solutions by the recently found 'exotic' boost symmetry
Primary Subject
S0370269304000735; Copyright (c) 2004 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] When the interaction potential is suitably reordered, the Moyal field theory admits two types of Galilean symmetries, namely the conventional mass-parameter-centrally-extended one with commuting boosts, but also the two-fold centrally extended 'exotic' Galilean symmetry, where the commutator of the boosts yields the noncommutative parameter. In the free case, one gets an 'exotic' two-parameter central extension of the Schroedinger group. The conformal symmetry is, however, broken by the interaction
Primary Subject
S0370269303007044; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Stichel, P.C.; Zakrzewski, W.J., E-mail:, E-mail:
arXiv e-print [ PDF ]2004
arXiv e-print [ PDF ]2004
[en] We consider the Lagrangian particle model introduced in [Ann. Phys. 260 (1997) 224] for zero mass but nonvanishing second central charge of the planar Galilei group. Extended by a magnetic vortex or a Coulomb potential the model exhibits conformal symmetry. In the former case we observe an additional SO(2,1) hidden symmetry. By either a canonical transformation with constraints or by freezing scale and special conformal transformations at t=0 we reduce the six-dimensional phase-space to the physically required four dimensions. Then we discuss bound states (bounded solutions) in quantum dynamics (classical mechanics). We show that the Schroedinger equation for the pure vortex case may be transformed into the Morse potential problem thus providing us with an explanation of the hidden SO(2,1) symmetry
Primary Subject
S0003491603002598; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] The fluid model for the dark sector of the universe (darkon fluid), introduced previously in Phys. Rev. D 80, 083513, 2009, is reformulated as a modified model involving only variables from the physical phase space. The Lagrangian of the model does not possess a free particle limit and hence the particles it describes, darkons, exist only as a self-gravitating fluid. This darkon fluid presents a dynamical realization of the zero-mass Galilean algebra extended by anisotropic dilational symmetry with dynamical exponent z=(5)/(3). The model possesses cosmologically relevant solutions which are identical to those in the previous paper. We derive also the equations for the cosmological perturbations at early times and determine their solutions. In addition, we discuss also some implications of adding higher spatial-derivative terms. (orig.)
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Journal Article
European Physical Journal. C; ISSN 1434-6044; ; v. 70(3); p. 713-721
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[en] Quantum deformations of Lie algebra as described by the noncoassociative modification of its coalgebra structure are discussed. The quantum D = 1 Galilei algebra with four generators: energy H, boost B, momentum P, and central generator M (mass generator), was considered for the sake of simplicity. The nonprimitive coproducts are described for H and B and it is shown that their noncocommutative and noncoassociative structure is determined by the two-body interaction terms. Furthermore, the case of physical Galilei symmetry in three dimensions is considered. Finally, the noninteraction theorem for manifestly covariant two-body systems in the framework of quantum deformations of D = 4 Poincare algebra and a possible way out are discussed. (author). 9 refs
Primary Subject
5. international colloquium on quantum groups ''Quantum groups and integrable systems''; Prague (Czech Republic); 20-22 Jun 1996; KBN GRANT 2P 302 08706; HUMBOLDT STIFTUNG GRANT
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Lukierski, J.; Stichel, P.C.; Zakrzewski, W.J., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
[en] We consider two ways of introducing minimal Abelian gauge interactions into the model presented in [Ann. Phys. 260 (1997) 224]. These two approaches are different only if the second central charge of the planar Galilei group is nonzero. One way leads to the standard gauge transformations and the other one to a generalised gauge theory with gauge transformations accompanied by time-dependent area-preserving coordinate transformations. Both approaches, however, are related to each other by a classical Seiberg-Witten map supplemented by a noncanonical transformation of the phase space variables for planar particles. We also formulate the two-body problem in the model with our generalised gauge symmetry and consider the case with both CS and background electromagnetic fields, as it is used in the description of fractional quantum Hall effect
Primary Subject
S0003491603000101; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Horvathy, P.A.; Martina, L.; Stichel, P.C., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
arXiv e-print [ PDF ]2003
arXiv e-print [ PDF ]2003
[en] Noncommutative Chern-Simons gauge theory coupled to nonrelativistic scalars or spinors is shown to admit the 'exotic' two-parameter-centrally extended Galilean symmetry, realized in a unique way consistent with the Seiberg-Witten map. Nontopological spinor vortices and topological external-field vortices are constructed by reducing the problem to previously solved self-dual equations
Primary Subject
S0550321303007764; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Peru
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[en] We present a general relativistic version of the self-gravitating fluid model for the dark sector of the Universe (dark on fluid) introduced in Stichel and Zakrzewski (Phys Rev D 80:083513, 2009) and extended and reviewed in Stichel and Zakrzewski (Entropy 15:559, 2013). This model contains no free parameters in its Lagrangian. The resulting energy-momentum tensor is dustlike with a nontrivial energy flow. In an approximation valid at sub-Hubble scales we find that the present-day cosmic acceleration is not attributed to any kind of negative pressure but it is due to a dynamically determined negative energy density. This property turns out to be equivalent to a time-dependent spatial curvature. The obtained cosmological equations, at sub-Hubble scales, agree with those of the nonrelativistic model but they are given a new physical interpretation. Furthermore, we have derived the self-consistent equation to be satisfied by the nonrelativistic gravitational potential produced by a galactic halo in our model from a weak-field limit of a generalized Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation. (orig.)
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Journal Article
European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (Internet); ISSN 1434-6052; ; v. 75(1); p. 1-12
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