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Tassinari, C.C.G.
Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Inst. de Geociencias1988
Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Inst. de Geociencias1988
[en] Pb-Pb and Rb-Sr whole rock isotope systematics and U-Pb on zircons method analyses are reported for rocks from the southeastern part of Sao Paulo state Brazil. The isotopic studies on granitic intrusions, orthogneissic rocks and migmatitic terranes, in this area, provides an important indication of the age and nature of the continental crust. (author)
Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de se posicionar no tempo geologico as rochas e os eventos metamorficos das principais unidades pre-cambrianas da porcao leste-sudeste do Estado de Sao Paulo, bem como, com base em estudos isotopicos de Sr e Pb caracterizar a evolucao pre-cambriana da crosta continental nessa regiao. Para tanto, foram utilizadas analises radiometricas pelos metodos Rb-Sr e Pb-Pb em rocha total, U-Pb em Zircoes e K-Ar em concentrados separados de minerais. (autor)Original Title
As idades das rochas e dos eventos metamorficos da porcao Sudeste do Estado de Sao Paulo e sua evolucao crustal
Primary Subject
1988; 263 p; Tese (Ph.D.).
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Tassinari, C.C.G.
Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Inst. de Geociencias1988
Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Inst. de Geociencias1988
[en] The isotopic studies on granitic intrusions, orthogneissic rocks and migmatitic terranes in the Southeastern Sao Paulo are presented, indicating the age and the geochemical nature of the continental crust of this area. Approximately 300 Ar, Sr and Pb isotopic age determinations are included in this paper, categorized as to their reliability and significance. Looking for the continental crust growth related to the geological time, at the end of the lower Proterozoic, at least 85% of the continental crust has already accreted and differentiated. (C.G.C.)
Primary Subject
1988; 7 p; International Conference on Geochemical Evolution of the Continental Crust; Pocos de Caldas, MG (Brazil); 1988; Available from the Nuclear Information Center of Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear, RJ (BR)
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[en] In this paper, we report Rb-Sr and Ph isotopic data bearing on the age and origins of the granitic intrusions in the Sao Paulo area. The Morro Azul, Itu, and Nazare Paulista granites define Rb-Sr whole rock isochron dates of 525+-30,590 +-10, and 790 +-32 Ma, together with initial 87Sr86Sr ratios of 0.711+- 0.0006, 0.7066+- 0.0004, and 0.7132 +- 0.005, respectively. The Braganca Paulista and Cantareira granitoids yield preliminary whole rock Rb-Sr isochronic ages around 800 and 650 Ma respectively. In addition we report Pb isotopic analyses of feldspar separates separates from those massifs and the Moinho granitoid. The feldspar Pb analyses plot close to the evolution curve for the orogene in the plumbotectonics models, between 1.200 and 650 Ma. Most of the feldspar Pb data below the orogene curve in the 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pd diagram, and above it in the 208Pb/204Pb diagram, implying significant contributions from older lower continental crust. The Nazare Paulista data plot towards the upper crust curve. The combined evidence of Rb-Sr and Pb isotopic data suggests that the Moinho Intrusion is probably the oldest of the granites studied (Ca 1.200 Ma) and Morro Azul, the youngest (Ca 550 Ma). The main granitic activity in the Sao Paulo area is of Late Proterozoic age. Significant contributions to the parent magmas of the granites were derived by melting in the lower crust. (author)
Neste trabalho foram realizadas analises isotopicas Rb-Sr e de Pb em granitoides da regiao de Sao Paulo com o objetivo de se determinar tanto suas idades como suas fontes magmaticas. Os granitoides de Morro Azul, Itu, e Nazare Paulista indicam, pelos diagramas isocronicos Rb-Sr em rocha total as idades de 525+-30, 590+-10 e 790+-32 Ma, com razoes iniciais de 0,7113 +- 0,0006, 0,7066 +- 0,0004 e 0,7132 +- 0,0005, respectivamente. Ja os corpos de Braganca Paulista e Cantareira sugeriram idades isocronicas Rb-Sr preliminares da ordem de 800 e 650 Ma. Adicionalmente, foram tambem realizadas analises isotopicas de Pb em feldspatos separados dos granitos acima citados e tambem do granitoide de moinho. Os pontos relativos a essas analises, quando plotados nos diagramas de plumbotectonica, situaram-se proximos a curva de evolucao do Pb para ambientes orogenicos, entre 1.200 e 650 Ma. Muitos dos feldspatos cairam abaixo da curva orogenica no diagrama Pb207/Pb204 versus Pb204/Pb204 e acima dela no diagrama Pb208/Pb204 versus Pb206/Pb204, o que surgere uma importante contribuicao de material proveniente da crosta continental inferior na composicao dos magmas parentais desses granitoides, cuja unica excecao seria o corpo de Nazare Paulista, que se supoe formado a partir de fusao parcial da costa continental superior. O uso combinado dos isotopos de Sr e Pb sugere que o granitoide do Moinho seria o mais velho dos corpos estudados com idade da ordem de 1.200 Ma, e Morro Azul o mais novo, como cerca de 550 Ma. A principal atividade granitica re regiao de Sao Paulo seria no Proterozoico Superior sendo os magmas parentais desses granitoides formados predominantemente por fusao parcial da crosta continental inferior. (autor)Primary Subject
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Tassinari, C.C.G.; Kawashita, K.; Kikuchi, R.K.P. de
Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, Sao Paulo1985
Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, Sao Paulo1985
[en] This work deals with the geochronological study of the metaconglomerates of the Sao Roque Group by Rb-Sr whole rock measurements and K-Ar method in minerals concentrate. The granite-gneissic pebbles from the metaconglomerates have been analysed by Rb-Sr isochronic method and yelded an age of 1200+100 Ma. with a 87Sr/86Sr intercept of 0.737+- 0.003. In our view this age might be associated to the metamorphic episode affecting the pre-existent granitic rocks before the epoch of the Sao Roque group sedimentation, or to the original age of the pebbles. The analytical points from the conglomerate matrix seem to define a linear array with 800Ma. This age, probably, represents the epoch of the main metamorphic event on the Sao Roque Group. The K-Ar micas determinations on rocks of the unit in study are concordant in ages, with values around 620.. These ages represent the tectonic estabilization epoch of the Pico de Jaragua region. (Author)
Apresenta-se o estudo geocronologico dos metaconglomerados do grupo Sao Roque pelas medidas radiometricas de rocha usando o metodo Rb-Sr e K-Ar nos concentrados de minerais. Os seixos granito-gnaisse desse metaconglomerado foram analisados pelo metodo isocrono Rb-Sr e datados de 1200-+ Ma. com razao isotopica de 87Sr/86Sr e inicial de 0,737-+ 0.003. Os pontos analiticos da matriz conglomerado parecem definir um arranjo linear com 800Ma. Esta idade, provavelmente, representa a epoca do evento metamorfico principal no Grupo Sao Roque. As determinacoes K-Ar de mica nas rochas da unidade em estudo sao concordantes nas idades, com valores em torno de 620ma.. (E.G.)Original Title
Estudo geocronologico nos metaconglomerados do grupo Sao Roque, no Estado de Sao Paulo
Primary Subject
1985; 17 p; 5. Regional Symposium on Geology; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 1985
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[en] The focussed area comprises five major different tectonic terranes separated by faults, which are named Alto Rio Grande Belt, Socorro-Guaxupe Nappe, Sao Roque, Embu and Costeiro Domains. The geological and geochronological history of these terranes show that the metamorphic episodes of crust-forming occurred involving both mantle-derived magmas and reworking of continental material since 3.4 Ga until 600 Ma. The post-tectonic granitic activities occurred within 1000-500 Ma range and in general, the rocks are progressively younger from the Socorro-Guaxupe Nappe (1000-850 Ma) in the NW towards the Costeiro Domain (550 Ma) in the SE. The Sr and Pb isotopic evidences, together with geological and geophysical informations, suggest that the proportions of the rock-forming processes through the geological time are: Archean, 10%; Lower Proterozoic, 10%; Middle Proterozoic, 38%; Late Proterozaic, 42%. Although the Mid and Late Proterozoic time were a period of a large amount of rocks were formed, they were not a major crustforming period, because these rocks are mainly constituted by recycled continental crust material. In our view, at end of the Early Proterozoic time, at least 85% of continetal crust, in this area, has accreted and differentiate. During the Middle and Late Proterozoic the continental crust grew at small rate. (author)
A area de estudo compreende cinco diferentes terrenos, separados por falhas e denominados de Faixa Alto Rio Grande, Nappe Socorro-Guaxupe, e dominios Sao Roque, Embu e Costeiro. A historia geologica e geocronologica destes terrenos (de 3,4 Ga ate 600 Ma) mostra que os episodios metamorficos de formacao de crosta envolveram nao so um retrabalhamento de material crustal, como tambem magmas de origem mantelica. Atividades graniticas pos-tectonicas ocorreram entre 1000 e 500 Ma e representam rochas progressivamente mais jovens a partir da Nappe Socorro-Guaxupe (1000-800 Ma) a NW, ate o Dominio Costeiro (550 Ma) a SE. Os dados isotopicos de Sr e Pb, junto com as informacoes geologicas e geofisicas, sugerem que as proporcoes de formacao de rocha atraves do tempo geologico foi: Arqueano, 10%; Proterozoico Inferior, 10%; Proterozoico Medio, 38%; Proterozoico Superior, 42%. A grande quantidade de rocha gerada quando do Proterozoico Medio-Superior representa uma reciclagem da crosta continental. O principal periodo de acrecao e diferenciacao da crosta continental se deu no Arqueano-Proterozoico Inferior (85%) e seu crescimento, durante o Proterozoico Medio-Superior, se deu em pequenas proporcoes. (autor)Primary Subject
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Kawashita, K.; Sato, K.; Diaz, M.; Tassinari, C.C.G.
Proceedings of the 3. Brazilian Congress on Geochemistry; 1. Congress on Geochemistry from Portuguese Language Countries - Abstracts1991
Proceedings of the 3. Brazilian Congress on Geochemistry; 1. Congress on Geochemistry from Portuguese Language Countries - Abstracts1991
[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Metodologia Sm/Nd on IG-USP: testes e resultados preliminares
Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Geoquimica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Sociedade Geologica de Portugal, Lisbon (Portugal). Grupo de Geoquimica; 828 p; 1991; p. 442-446; 3. Brazilian Congress on Geochemistry; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 29 Sep - 5 Oct 1991; 1. Congress on Geochemistry from Portuguese Language Countries; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 29 Sep - 5 Oct 1991; Available from the Library of Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear, RJ, Brazil
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Conference; Numerical Data
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[en] On the shield areas of the South America continent (about 5,000,000 km2 large) there are about 17,000 geochronological determinations available. More than 75% of this amount has been carried out in the Centro de Pesquisas Geocronologicas da Universidade de Sao Paulo, CPGeo-USP, in the last 25 years. The majority of these data were accomplished through Rb-Sr (ca.60%) and K-Ar (ca.40%) methods. The author tried to work this amount of data on a coherent way according to the progress observed in the geologic and geotectonic knowledge during the last two decades. One of the fundamental goals was to outline an up-to-date subdivision for the Precambrian of this continent, having in mind a contribution to the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), Subcommission of Precambrian Stratigraphy (SPS) of the IUGS. (author)
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Cordani, U.G.; Teixeira, W.; Tassinari, C.C.G.
Seventh international conference on geochronology, cosmochronology and isotope geology1990
Seventh international conference on geochronology, cosmochronology and isotope geology1990
[en] Short communication
Primary Subject
Geological Society of Australia Inc., Sydney (Australia); 125 p; 1990; p. 21; Geological Society of Australia Incorporated; Canberra (Australia); 7. International conference on geochronology, cosmochronology and isotope geology; Canberra (Australia); 24-29 Sep 1990
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Schmus, W.R. van
Kansas Univ., Lawrence (USA). Dept. of Geology1986
Kansas Univ., Lawrence (USA). Dept. of Geology1986
[en] U-Pb results on zircons, as well as Rb-Sr whole rock analyses, were carried out on metarhyodacites of the Sao Roque Group, located on the Morro do Povilho, near Santana do Parnaiba (SP). These rocks are interbedded with E-W trending metapelites which underlie meta-arkoses and metaconglomerates of the lower sequence of the Sao Roque Group. In a Concordia plot, the U-Pb zircon analytical points were aligned in a chord with an upper intercept of 1790 +- 14 Ma., which shall be interpreted as the zircon crystallization age. The lower intercept, of about 500 Ma., is referred to an important lead loss episode in late Proterozoic times, which is confirmed by the Rb-Sr whole rock analyses. The age values on the Sao Roque Group can be correlated with similar values obtained on acid volcanics of the Espinhaco Supergroup in Minas Gerais and Bahia, and they strongly suggest that the lower metassedimentary units of the group could be much older than the upper sequences. (author)
Este trabalho faz parte de uma pesquisa que objetiva posicionar geocronologicamente a epoca da sedimentacao e de alguns eventos importantes na evolucao metamorfica e estrutural das rochas do Grupo Sao Roque, Localizado no Morro do Polvilho, proximo a Santana do Parnaiba, SP, Analises radiometricas foram efetuadas pelo metodo U-Pb em zircoes e pelo metodo Rb/Sr na rocha total. As rochas formadoras sao do tipo metariodaciticitica dos pontos, para datacao pelo metodo U/Pb, estabelece uma intersecao superior a 1790+-14 milhoes de anos, estabelecida pela idade de cristalizacao do zircao. A evolucao geocronologica dos metariodacitos do Grupo Sao Roque mostra similaridade com datacoes do mesmo tipo obtidos em rochas litologicamente comparaveis, do Supergrupo Espinhaco, em Minas Gerais e Bahia, o que sugere fortemente que as unidades metassedimentares do grupo podem ser mais antigas que as sequencias superiores. (C.D.G.)Original Title
Estudo geocronologico da parte inferior do Grupo Sao Roque
Primary Subject
1986; 8 p; 34. Brazilian Congress of Geology; Goiania, GO (Brazil); 12-19 Oct 1986
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] Uranium distribution in granitoids, including gneisses and migmatites were investigated for the rocks of entire Brazilian territory. Uranium concentrations were determined in 1800 Rb-Sr whole rock isotopic analysed samples with known geological setting. The samples were plotted in Brazil's geotectonic outline, and those with high U contents (above 12 ppm) provide the characterization of probable uraniferous provinces. In addition the results were interpreted in relation to age, tectonic environment, lithologies, Rb contents and 97Sr/94Sr initial ratios. With respect to the lithology, the granites with alkaline compositions showed higher U contents than their host rocks which consist of gneissic-migmatic terranes, and other granitoids. In general the Uranium-enriched rocks are mainly related to the Mid-Proterozoic time. In terms of isotopic geochemistry, the higher 97Sr/94Sr ratio rocks (high Rb contents) showed a uranium enrichment trend when compared with those less differentiated material. On the other hand, rocks with low Sr initial ratio may present Uranium concentrations similar to those with high initial ratios, which suggest the primary Uranium enrichment process during the mantle-derived rock-forming process. (author). 30 refs, 9 figs
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); 258 p; ISSN 1011-4289; ; Jun 1992; p. 13-22; Technical committee meeting on new developments in uranium exploration, resources, production and demand; Vienna (Austria); 26-29 Aug 1991
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