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[en] The authors refer to nonequilibrium thermodynamics where the concept of entropy production in defined. Remember that the formalism of equilibrium thermodynamics describes reversible transformations; in this formalism entropy is a state function, for a infinitesimal transformation they have dS=dQrev/T, entropy grows if heat is received, diminishes if heat is released and remains unchanged if the transformation is adiabatic, dQ=O. The formulation of nonequilibrium thermodynamic is not unique, they are two version, one discrete and one continuous: 1) Onsager formulation (1): ordinary differential equations. 2) Landau formulation (2): irreversible field theory. The two formulations do not differ in physical content, in fact the discrete formalism can be considered as a reduction of the continuous formalism and conversely the discrete formalism can be generalised to the continuous one, The continuous, or field theoretical approach, has the advantage that it leads to a spontaneous extension to the relativistic formalism (2). Regardless of the choice 1. or 2., in nonequilibrium thermodynamics any irreversibility is taken into account explicitly, the irreversible event begin: heat diffusion, viscosity and chemical reactions. The distinction among close and open systems applies to equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermodynamics as well
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Rivista del Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica; ISSN 0393-697X; ; v. 22(5); p. 1-87
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[en] In this paper is studied a model ecosystem represented by two components: prey and predator. The predator feeds only on the prey, the prey, in turn, feeds on the solar radiation. In this scheme the two-species dynamics is no longer independent of the external physical conditions. Such independence was instead postulated in the Lotka-Volterra scheme. In this paper is considered the growth of the prey not unbounded (exponential), but logistic, where the saturation factor is governed by the available solar flux, more precisely by the percent of the solar flux that contains the photon frequencies which can drive the photosynthesis. In this way the solar flux represents the driving term of the dynamics, as it is expected in general for a realistic ecosystem. The system is asymptotically stable. The equilibrium values of the prey and predator numbers depend on several parameters. The system contains two nonlinear coupling terms and two coupling parameters. The dependence of the equilibrium point on the coupling parameters is studied in detail. According to this model, it can be defined a predator efficiency and a global solar efficiency. It is discussed the relationship between these two functions of the coupling parameters and the maximum value that the predator population can reach
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[en] It is studied a two-component model ecosystem driven by a sinusoidal solar radiation. The governing dynamical system is expressed by two nonlinear differential equations, where the driving term appears factorized to one of the two unknown functions. It is showed that the solution is asymptotically periodic, with the period of the driving term. Moreover, it is found that the asymptotic solution, with the variation of the frequency of the input, shows a resonant-like behaviour. It is discussed the interesting similarity between the response of the ecosystem to the external driving term and the response of a genuine resonant system
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[en] In this paper it is adopted the viewpoint that the living ecosystem can be described by a dynamical system, where the variables are the populations of the various species. It is discussed the assumptions which justify the reduction of the number of variables to only three, according to the hierarchy herbs, herbivores, carnivores. In this way the dynamics takes into account a basic physical constraints, namely the global energy chain, where the input is the solar flux. This system is dissipative and stable. The next question is whether the global dynamics may contain a niche. It is tried to define the concept of niche as a subsystem having a self-contained cycle. It is chosen a Lotka-Volterra subsystem as the simplest realization of such a cycle. Moreover it is analyzed which assumptions must be made and which conditions must be satisfied for the appearance of a Lotka-Volterra subsystem within the global energy chain. Then it is showed that while the complex global ecosystem is strong, namely is able to adapt itself to variations of the driving term, the niche is fragile
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Morello, G.; Waldmann, I. P.; Tinetti, G., E-mail:
[en] The research of effective and reliable detrending methods for Spitzer data is of paramount importance for the characterization of exoplanetary atmospheres. To date, the totality of exoplanetary observations in the mid- and far-infrared, at wavelengths >3 μm, have been taken with Spitzer. In some cases, in past years, repeated observations and multiple reanalyses of the same data sets led to discrepant results, raising questions about the accuracy and reproducibility of such measurements. Morello et al. (2014, 2015) proposed a blind-source separation method based on the Independent Component Analysis of pixel time series (pixel-ICA) to analyze InfraRed Array Camera (IRAC) data, obtaining coherent results when applied to repeated transit observations previously debated in the literature. Here we introduce a variant to the pixel-ICA through the use of wavelet transform, wavelet pixel-ICA, which extends its applicability to low-signal-to-noise-ratio cases. We describe the method and discuss the results obtained over 12 eclipses of the exoplanet XO3b observed during the “Warm Spitzer” era in the 4.5 μm band. The final results are reported, in part, also in Ingalls et al. (2016), together with results obtained with other detrending methods, and over 10 synthetic eclipses that were analyzed for the “IRAC Data Challenge 2015.” Our results are consistent within 1σ with the ones reported in Wong et al. (2014) and with most of the results reported in Ingalls et al. (2016), which appeared on arXiv while this paper was under review. Based on many statistical tests discussed in Ingalls et al. (2016), the wavelet pixel-ICA method performs as well as or better than other state-of-art methods recently developed by other teams to analyze Spitzer/IRAC data, and, in particular, it appears to be the most repeatable and the most reliable, while reaching the photon noise limit, at least for the particular data set analyzed. Another strength of the ICA approach is its highest objectivity, as it does not use prior information about the instrument systematics, making it a promising method to analyze data from other observatories. The self-consistency of individual measurements of eclipse depth and phase curve slope over a span of more than three years proves the stability of Warm Spitzer/IRAC photometry within the error bars, at the level of 1 part in 10"4 in stellar flux
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Changeat, Q.; Keyte, L.; Waldmann, I. P.; Tinetti, G., E-mail:
[en] In current models used to interpret exoplanet atmospheric observations, the planetary mass is treated as a prior and is measured/estimated independently with external methods, such as radial velocity or transit timing variation techniques. This approach is necessary as available spectroscopic data do not have sufficient wavelength coverage and/or signal-to-noise to infer the planetary mass. We examine here whether the planetary mass can be directly retrieved from transit spectra as observed by future space observatories, which will provide higher quality spectra. More in general, we quantify the impact of mass uncertainties on spectral retrieval analyses for a host of atmospheric scenarios. Our approach is both analytical and numerical: we first use simple approximations to extract analytically the influence of each atmospheric/planetary parameter to the wavelength-dependent transit depth. We then adopt a fully Bayesian retrieval model to quantify the propagation of the mass uncertainty onto other atmospheric parameters. We found that for clear-sky, gaseous atmospheres the posterior distributions are the same when the mass is known or retrieved. The retrieved mass is very accurate, with a precision of more than 10%, provided the wavelength coverage and signal-to-noise ratio are adequate. When opaque clouds are included in the simulations, the uncertainties in the retrieved mass increase, especially for high altitude clouds. However, atmospheric parameters such as the temperature and trace-gas abundances are unaffected by the knowledge of the mass. Secondary atmospheres, expected to be present in many super-Earths, are more challenging due to the higher degree of freedom for the atmospheric main component, which is unknown. For broad wavelength range and adequate signal-to-noise observations, the mass can still be retrieved accurately and precisely if clouds are not present, and so are all the other atmospheric/planetary parameters. When clouds are added, we find that the mass uncertainties may impact substantially the retrieval of the mean molecular weight: an independent characterization of the mass would therefore be helpful to capture/confirm the main atmospheric constituent.
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Damiano, M.; Morello, G.; Tsiaras, A.; Zingales, T.; Tinetti, G., E-mail:
[en] We report here the analysis of the near-infrared transit spectrum of the hot Jupiter HAT-P-32b, which was recorded with the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on board the Hubble Space Telescope. HAT-P-32b is one of the most inflated exoplanets discovered, making it an excellent candidate for transit spectroscopic measurements. To obtain the transit spectrum, we have adopted different analysis methods, both parametric and non-parametric (Independent Component Analysis, ICA), and compared the results. The final spectra are all consistent within 0.5σ. The uncertainties obtained with ICA are larger than those obtained with the parametric method by a factor of ∼1.6–1.8. This difference is the trade-off for higher objectivity due to the lack of any assumption about the instrument systematics compared to the parametric approach. The ICA error bars are therefore worst-case estimates. To interpret the spectrum of HAT-P-32b we used -REx, our fully Bayesian spectral retrieval code. As for other hot Jupiters, the results are consistent with the presence of water vapor (), clouds (top pressure between 5.16 and 1.73 bar). Spectroscopic data over a broader wavelength range are needed to de-correlate the mixing ratio of water vapor from clouds and identify other possible molecular species in the atmosphere of HAT-P-32b.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
Astronomical Journal (New York, N.Y. Online); ISSN 1538-3881; ; v. 154(1); [7 p.]
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Yip, K. H.; Tsiaras, A.; Waldmann, I. P.; Tinetti, G., E-mail:
[en] Spectral retrieval techniques are currently our best tool to interpret the observed exoplanet atmospheric data. Said techniques retrieve the optimal atmospheric components and parameters by identifying the best fit to an observed transmission/emission spectrum. Over the past decade, our understanding of remote worlds in our galaxy has flourished thanks to the use of increasingly sophisticated spectral retrieval techniques and the collective effort of the community working on exoplanet atmospheric models. A new generation of instruments in space and from the ground is expected to deliver higher quality data in the next decade; it is therefore paramount to upgrade current models and improve their reliability, their completeness, and the numerical speed with which they can be run. In this paper, we address the issue of reliability of the results provided by retrieval models in the presence of systematics of unknown origin. More specifically, we demonstrate that if we fit directly individual light curves at different wavelengths (L-retrieval), instead of fitting transit or eclipse depths, as it is currently done (S-retrieval), the said methodology is more sensitive against astrophysical and instrumental noise. This new approach is tested, in particular, when discrepant simulated observations from Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Camera 3 and Spitzer/IRAC are combined. We find that while S-retrievals converge to an incorrect solution without any warning, L-retrievals are able to flag potential discrepancies between the data sets.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
Astronomical Journal (New York, N.Y. Online); ISSN 1538-3881; ; v. 160(4); [13 p.]
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Waldmann, I. P.; Tinetti, G.; Rocchetto, M.; Barton, E. J.; Yurchenko, S. N.; Tennyson, J., E-mail:
[en] Spectroscopy of exoplanetary atmospheres has become a well established method for the characterization of extrasolar planets. We here present a novel inverse retrieval code for exoplanetary atmospheres. -REx(Tau Retrieval for Exoplanets) is a line-by-line radiative transfer fully Bayesian retrieval framework. -REx includes the following features:(1) the optimized use of molecular line lists from the ExoMol project; (2) an unbiased atmospheric composition prior selection, through custom built pattern recognition software; (3) the use of two independent algorithms to fully sample the Bayesian likelihood space: nested sampling as well as a more classical Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach; (4) iterative Bayesian parameter and model selection using the full Bayesian Evidence as well as the Savage–Dickey Ratio for nested models; and (5) the ability to fully map very large parameter spaces through optimal code parallelization and scalability to cluster computing. In this publication we outline the -REx framework and demonstrate, using a theoretical hot-Jupiter transmission spectrum, the parameter retrieval and model selection. We investigate the impact of signal-to-noise ratio and spectral resolution on the retrievability of individual model parameters, both in terms of error bars on the temperature and molecular mixing ratios as well as its effect on the model’s global Bayesian evidence.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); Since 2009, the country of publication for this journal is the UK.
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Waldmann, I. P.; Rocchetto, M.; Tinetti, G.; Barton, E. J.; Yurchenko, S. N.; Tennyson, J., E-mail:
[en] -REx (Tau Retrieval of Exoplanets) is a novel, fully Bayesian atmospheric retrieval code custom built for extrasolar atmospheres. In Waldmann et al., the transmission spectroscopic case was introduced, and here we present the emission spectroscopy spectral retrieval for the -REx framework. Compared to transmission spectroscopy, the emission case is often significantly more degenerate due to the need to retrieve the full atmospheric temperature–pressure (TP) profile. This is particularly true in the case of current measurements of exoplanetary atmospheres, which are either of low signal-to-noise, low spectral resolution, or both. We present a new way of combining two existing approaches to the modeling of the said TP profile: (1) the parametric profile, where the atmospheric TP structure is analytically approximated by a few model parameters, (2) the layer-by-layer approach, where individual atmospheric layers are modeled. Both of these approaches have distinct advantages and disadvantages in terms of convergence properties and potential model biases. The -REx hybrid model presented here is a new two-stage TP profile retrieval, which combines the robustness of the analytic solution with the accuracy of the layer-by-layer approach. The retrieval process is demonstrated using simulations of the hot-Jupiter WASP-76b and the hot-super-Earth 55 Cnc e as well as the secondary eclipse measurements of HD 189733b.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); Since 2009, the country of publication for this journal is the UK.
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