Combet, Emmanuel; Marchal, David; Vincent, Isabelle; Mairet, Nicolas; Briand, Vincent; Cals, Guilain; Sidat, Patricia; Bellini, Robert; Guenard, Vincent; Berthomieu, Nadine; Canal, David; Laplaige, Philippe; Delanoe, Julien; Morlot, Rodolphe; Biscaglia, Stephane; Cardona Maestro, Astrid; Thouin, Simon; Bardinal, Marc; Eglin, Thomas; Gagnepain, Bruno; Martin, Sarah; Proharam, Florence; Streiff, Frederic; El Khamlichi, Aicha; Bodineau, Luc; Bastide, Guillaume; Moch, Yves; Marry, Solene; Lefranc, Anne; Mefflet-Piperel, Mathieu; Chassignet, Mathieu; Boulard, Severine; Carballes, Sandrine; Ducreux, Bertrand- Olivier; Barbusse, Stephane; Plassat, Gabriel; Pasquier, Maxime; Tremeac, Yann; Nauleau, Marie-Laure; Meunier, Laurent; Callonnec, Gael
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - ADEME, 20 avenue du Gresille, BP 90406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2017
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - ADEME, 20 avenue du Gresille, BP 90406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2017
[en] After a discussion of the evolution of the economic and demographic context, this report, illustrated by many data tables and graphs, proposes an analysis of demand evolutions in the building and urban sectors, in the transport and mobility sectors, in the food, agriculture and soil use sectors, and assesses the corresponding evolution of final energy consumptions. The second part analyses, discusses and assesses the various and important potentials of production of renewable energy: proposition of two variations for the de-carbonated energy mix, biomass mobilisation, directly used renewable energy sources, production mix of heat networks, the gas system. It then proposes a synthetic overview and discussion of the evolution of energy offer. The evolution of greenhouse gas emissions is then assessed and discussed. Lessons learned from this update are highlighted, and perspectives are discussed. A synthetic version of this report is also provided
Original Title
Actualisation du scenario energie-climat ADEME 2035-2050
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Aug 2017; 60 p; ISBN 979-10-297-0921-0; ; ISBN 979-10-297-0744-5; ; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS web site for current contact and E-mail addresses:
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Caire, Jose; Tholance, Maeva; Tremeac, Yann; Barbusse, Stephane; Bigo, Aurelien; Ducreux, Bertrand-Olivier; Cottignies, Marc; Dewez, Romain; Aymoz, Gilles; Pugliese, Antoine; Bichot, Aurelie; Dore, Nicolas; Bohan, Armelle de; El Khamlichi, Aicha; Almosni, Jeremie; Mornas, Aurelien; Vachey, Celine; Puygrenier, Samuel; Branger, Frederic; Chatillon, Thibaud; Cabanne, Isabelle; Susbielle, Nora; Van Reysel, Guillaume; Dufresnoy, Marc; Guittet, Kevin; Lepoutre, Julien; Delort, Thierry; Donzel, Carine; Maitre, Clement; Loubens, Aymeric de; Genin, Leo; Courcelles, Adrien de; Sipsos, Gala; Rebiere, Marie; Jacob, Margaux; Chretien, Julie; Cromer, Guillaume; Fiatte, Frederic; Benevent, Robin; Rayssac, Gilles-Laurent; Millet, Alexandre; Bel, Laurene; Juillet, Claire; Boone, Frederic; Andre, Jean-Marc; Brimont, Laura; Saujot, Mathieu; Simatos, Florian; Mugnier, Hugo; Fontane, Jerome; Delbecq, Scott; Planes, Thomas; Crozet, Yves; Carpentier, Gregoire; Del Bucchia, Olivier
Agence de la transition ecologique - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2022
Agence de la transition ecologique - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2022
[en] The objective of this study is to analyse different ecological transition paths of the aviation sector, on a national scale, contributing to France carbon neutrality objective for 2050. French air traffic has been rising sharply, particularly since 1990, due to the significant increase in international flights. According to industry forecasts, this trend is expected to continue. The air transport sector is a growth lever for the French and global economy, as well as a generator of numerous direct and indirect jobs. However, this growth of French air traffic has led to an increase in the sector's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (+85 % between 1990 and 2019), as well as other nuisances (air pollution, noise), despite the progress made in terms of energy efficiency of aircraft. The study considers five categories of levers of decarbonization: increasing load factors, increasing energy efficiency, reducing carbon intensity of energy consumed, modal shift and reducing level of traffic. Three contrasting low-carbon transition scenarios have been developed: - Scenario A ('technological breakthrough'), in which major investments are made in aeronautical research and construction as well as in the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs), to maintain traffic growth. - Scenario B ('traffic moderation') mobilises both sobriety measures to stabilize the level of air traffic and an significant development in the use of SAFs, aiming to minimise cumulative emissions between 2020 and 2050 and to significantly reduce emissions by 2030. - Scenario C ('all levers') mobilises all the levers to a lesser degree than in the first two scenarios, to reduce the risks and costs associated with the use of breakthrough technologies, as well as the socio-economic impacts of traffic reduction measures. The above three scenarios are complemented by a scenario O ('baseline'), in which air traffic and technological progress develop according to current trends, without reducing air traffic or deploying innovative solutions. The development of the above scenarios and the study of their climatic, environmental, and economic impacts allow many lessons to be drawn
L'objectif de cette etude est d'analyser differentes pistes de transition ecologique du secteur aerien, a l'echelle nationale, permettant de contribuer a l'objectif de neutralite carbone que la France s'est fixe a l'horizon 2050. Le trafic aerien francais est en forte hausse, notamment depuis 1990, du fait d'une augmentation importante des vols internationaux. Selon les previsions du secteur, cette tendance devrait se poursuivre. Le secteur aerien est Un levier de croissance pour l'economie francaise et mondiale, ainsi qu'un generateur de nombreux emplois directs et indirects. Cependant, cette croissance du trafic aerien francais a entraine une augmentation des emissions de gaz a effet de serre (GES) du secteur (+85 % de 1990 a 2019), ainsi que d'autres nuisances (pollution de l'air, bruit), malgre les progres realises en termes d'efficacite energetique des avions. L'etude considere cinq categories de leviers de 'decarbonation': l'augmentation du remplissage, l'amelioration de l'efficacite energetique, la baisse de l'intensite carbone de l'energie consommee, le report modal et la reduction du niveau de trafic. Trois scenarios contrastes de transition bas-carbone ont ete elabores: - Le scenario A ('rupture technologique'), dans lequel des investissements importants sont realises dans la recherche et construction aeronautique ainsi que dans la production de Carburants d'Aviation Durables (CAD), et ce, afin de conserver une croissance du trafic aerien; - Le scenario B ('moderation du trafic'), qui mobilise a la fois des mesures de sobriete pour stabiliser le niveau de trafic aerien et Un developpement important de l'usage des CAD, visant a minimiser les emissions cumulees entre 2020 et 2050 et a reduire nettement les emissions d'ici 2030; - Le scenario C ('tous leviers'), qui mobilise l'ensemble des leviers a Un degre moindre que dans les deux premiers scenarios, et ce afin de reduire les risques et les couts lies au recours a des technologies de rupture, ainsi que les impacts socio-economiques des mesures de moderation du trafic. Ces trois scenarios sont completes par le scenario 0 ('reference'), dans lequel le trafic aerien et les progres technologiques se developpent selon les tendances actuelles, sans moderation du trafic ni deploiement de solutions innovantes. L'elaboration des scenarios ainsi que l'etude de leurs impacts climatiques, environnementaux et economiques permet de tirer de nombreux enseignementsOriginal Title
Elaboration de scenarios de transition ecologique du secteur aerien - Sept 2022, Rapport final + Synthese + Annexes au rapport final
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Sep 2022; 300 p; 236 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Leroy, Arnaud; Boissier, Fabrice; Quiniou-Ramus, Valerie; Marchal, David; Vidalenc, Eric; Combet, Emmanuel; Bergey, Jean-Louis; Antoine, Loic; Arnaud, Brice; Barbusse, Stephane; Bellini, Robert; Bigo, Aurelien; Borde, Cyrielle; Briche, Elodie; Buitrago, Miriam; Callonnec, Gael; Cals, Guilain; Chateau, Laurent; Chony, Elsa; Daill, Guillaume; Desplats, Rafaelle; Duval, Agnes; Dueso, Nadine; Eglin, Thomas; El Khamlichi, Aicha; Garnero, Mathieu; Gaspard, Albane; Gouedard, Herve; Gueudet, Alice; Jolivet, Patrick; Louillat, Stefan; Mainsant, Arnaud; Minier, Quentin; Mousset, Jerome; Ougier, Lydie; Parrouffe, Jean-Michel; Phillips, Celine; Pierart, Antoine; Pineau, Anna; Sourisseau, Sylvain; Thiriot, Sarah; Trevisiol, Audrey; Varet, Anne; Vicard, Fanny; Villard, Camille; Vitel, Manon; Weberhaddad, Valerie; Benita, Denis; Berthomieu, Nadine; Bienvenu, Frederique; Bloquel, Marianne; Bodiguel, Aude; Bodineau, Luc; Bouxin, Alix; Caire, Jose; Cardona-Maestro, Astrid; Carpene, Lilian; Castel, Nicolas; Caudron, Jean-Charles; Caumont, Romuald; Cauneau, Philippe; Cheverry, Marc; Colomb, Lucie; Cottignies, Marc; Departe, Alba; Devries, Valentin; Dore, Nicolas; Deswaziere, Antoine; Ducreux, Bertrand-Olivier; Fautrad, Alice; Feix, Isabelle; Filmon, Karine; Gagnepain, Bruno; Gagnepain, Laurent; Genthon, Benedicte; Georges, Julie; Godefroy, Florence; Gourdon, Thomas; Gouardes, Eric; Guastavi, Raphael; Hebe, Isabelle; Kherrouf, Samira; Kreitz, Therese; Lafitte, Bruno; Laruelle, Celine; Latimier, Etienne; Lefranc, Anne; Leonardon, Philippe; Louis, Jonathan; Machefaux, Emilie; Mari, Elliot; Marion, Roland; Marry, Solene; Martin, Sarah; Martin, Solange; Moussard, Stephanie; Padilla, Sylvie; Pappalardo, Sidonie; Pasquier, Maxime; Pasquier, Sylvain; Peraudeau, Nicolas; Pillet, Adeline; Poirson, Maxence; Pouet, Jean-Christophe; Proharam, Florence; Ransquin, Johan; Rocci, Anais; Rosenstein, Frederic; Salvazet, Olivia; Sanna, Daniela; Choeffter, Marc; Taillant, Pierre; Theobald, Olivier; Tholance, Maeva; Thouin, Simon; Thual, Julien; Tonnet, Nicolas; Tremeac, Yann; Visier, Jean- Christophe; Wiart, Jacques; Ben Naceur, Kamel; Caquet, Thierry; Charrue, Herve; Delabroy, Olivier; Dubuisson-Quellier, Sophie; Dutertre, Christian; Giraudon, Gerard; Gohin, Carla; Haverkamp, Kristina; Jany-Catrice, Florence; Jullian, Sophie; Meda, Dominique; Salha, Bernard; Stephan, Ronan; Tubiana, Laurence; Abbadie, Luc; Bonnel, Alexis; Christmann, Patrice; Grandjean, Alain; Gueret, Thomas; Jacod, Anne; Leguet, Benoit; Momas, Isabelle; Montagne, Xavier
Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 9040649004, Angers Cedex 01 (France)2021
Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 9040649004, Angers Cedex 01 (France)2021
[en] This paper is a forecast that paints four coherent and contrasting paths to achieve carbon neutrality in France in 2050. They aim to articulate the technical and economic dimensions with reflections on the transformations of society that they imply or that they arouse. The following sectors are detailed: those relating to consumption (land use and planning, construction, mobility and food); those which constitute the productive system (agriculture, forest exploitation and industry), those which form the energy supply (gas, cold and heat, biomass, liquid fuels and hydrogen); those that constitute resources (biomass and waste) and carbon sinks. These sectors are also analyzed with regard to their impacts on water, soil, materials and air quality. This book is the result of more than two years of work carried out by the French organization ADEME, in interaction with external partners, in order to inform the decisions to be taken in the years to come. Because the goal is not to propose a political project nor 'the' right trajectory, but to bring together elements of technical, economic and environmental knowledge in order to make people aware of the implications of the societal and technical choices that will lead to the chosen paths
'Transition(s) 2050. Choisir maintenant. Agir pour le climat' est une prospective qui peint quatre chemins coherents et contrastes pour atteindre la neutralite carbone en France en 2050. Ils visent a articuler les dimensions technico-economiques avec des reflexions sur les transformations de la societe qu'elles supposent ou qu'elles suscitent. Les secteurs suivants y sont detailles: ceux qui relevent de la consommation (l'amenagement du territoire, le batiment, la mobilite et l'alimentation); ceux qui constituent le systeme productif (l'agriculture, l'exploitation des forets et l'industrie), ceux qui forment l'offre d'energie (le gaz, le froid et la chaleur, la biomasse, les carburants liquides et l'hydrogene); ceux qui constituent des ressources (la biomasse et les dechets) et les puits de carbone. Ces secteurs sont egalement analyses au regard de leurs impacts, lorsque cela a ete possible, sur l'eau, les sols, les materiaux et la qualite de l'air. Cet ouvrage est le resultat d'un travail de plus de deux ans mene par l'ADEME, en interaction avec des partenaires exterieurs, afin d'eclairer les decisions a prendre dans les annees a venir. Car le but n'est pas de proposer un projet politique ni 'la' bonne trajectoire, mais de rassembler des elements de connaissances techniques, economiques et environnementales afin de faire prendre conscience des implications des choix societaux et techniques qu'entraineront les chemins qui seront choisisOriginal Title
Transition(s) 2050 - Choisir maintenant, agir pour le climat. Rapport + Synthese + Resume executif + Infographies + Feuilleton 'Modes de vie' des scenarios de Transition(s) 2050 + Conference presse, 30 novembre 2021
Primary Subject
Nov 2021; 751 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Saidi, Saghar; Haeusler, Laurence; Talpin, Juliette; Gaudin, Thomas; Marquet, Sarah; Peraudeau, Nicolas; Taillant, Pierre; Arnaud, Brice; Bessonneau, Sylvain; Bichot, Aurelie; Cardona Maestro, Astrid; Dore, Nicolas; Ducreux, Bertrand-Olivier; Fautrad, Alice; Geney, Lilian; Guenard, Vincent; Guitou, Mona; Henry, Laurianne; Kreitz, Therese; Laruelle, Celine; Latimier, Etienne; Macaire, Michael; Mainsant, Arnaud; Marx, Etienne; Mehl, Celine; Poulain, Odile; Poyet, Jerome; Sune, Laure; Thouin, Simon; Thual, Julien; Trauchessec, Elodie; Tremeac, Yann; Vitel, Manon; Volard, Amandine; Bouzenot, Julien; Cerise, Jean-Francois; Chevalier, Regine; Deroche, Francois; Georgelin, Anne; Morville, Jerome; Guilbaud, Jules; Monnier, Mathieu; Hainaut, Hadrien; Ledez, Maxime; Jaluzot, Laurence; Nauroy, Frederic; Pasquier, Jean-Louis; Rault, Valerie; Ricaud, Elodie; Kautzmann, Arnaud; Laplagne, Valerie; Lefeuvre, Sebastien; Lescot, Diane; Tuille, Frederic; Levy, Jean-Marc; Montagne, Thomas; Olive, Ludivine; Payen, Elodie; Perrin, Guillaume; Pol Gili, Gerard; Schmidle, Virginie; Trochu, Florent; Turki, Sonia
In Numeri, 171 Quai de Valmy, 75010 Paris (France); Agence de la Transition ecologique - Ademe, 20 Avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2022
In Numeri, 171 Quai de Valmy, 75010 Paris (France); Agence de la Transition ecologique - Ademe, 20 Avenue du Gresille, BP 90 406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2022
[en] Since 2008, ADEME has been observing more than thirty sectors divided into three main areas: Renewable and Recoverable Energy (RE and R), low-energy and low-emission land transport, and residential buildings in France. For each sector, the study estimates the markets and direct jobs (in FTEs) related to energy transition it in France. Each sector is split into 5 main segments manufacture of equipment (including those intended for export) sale of equipment, construction of production units and installation of equipment, project assembly and preliminary studies, domestic sale of energy and operation-maintenance of equipment and installations. In addition, a market and job growth trajectory aligned with public policy objectives is also indicated for 2023. This is based on the objectives of the Pluriannual Energy Programme (PPE) and the National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC). The markets and jobs corresponding to these environmental policy objectives are compared with the current trends in the various sectors concerned with the help of preliminary 2021 estimate calculated on the basis of the first available data (ADEME, SDES, Observ'ER, AVERE, professional federations). It should be noted that the 2021 trend is not estimated given the exceptional health situation. A first report (both in French and in English) provides a general synthesis for the 3 sectors together. Three separate reports and their respective synthesis (in French) give detailed results for each sector separately
Depuis 2008, l'etude de l'ADEME 'Marches et emplois concourant a la transition energetique' observe plus d'une trentaine de filieres reparties en trois principaux secteurs: energies Renouvelables et de Recuperation (EnR et R), Transports terrestres sobres en energie et peu emetteurs, et Batiment residentiel. Pour chaque filiere, l'etude suit les marches et les emplois directs (en ETP) qui y sont associes en France. Chaque filiere est decomposee en 5 grands segments: - fabrication des equipements (y compris ceux destines a l'exportation), - vente des equipements, - construction des unites de production et installation des equipements, - montage des projets et etudes prealables, - vente domestique d'energie et exploitation-maintenance des equipements et des installations. Par ailleurs, une trajectoire de croissance des marches et des emplois alignee aux objectifs des politiques publiques est egalement indiquee a horizon 2023. Pour cela, on s'appuie sur les objectifs de la Programmation Pluriannuelle de l'energie (PPE) et de la Strategie Nationale Bas-Carbone (SNBC). Les marches et les emplois correspondant a ces objectifs de politiques environnementales sont compares aux tendances actuelles des differentes filieres concernees a partir de l'estimation preliminaire 2021 calculee sur la base des premieres donnees et informations disponibles (ADEME, SDES, Observ'ER, AVERE, federations professionnelles). A noter que la tendance 2021 n'est pas estimee compte tenu de la situation sanitaire exceptionnelle. Un premier rapport (en francais et en anglais) propose une synthese generale pour les 3 secteurs confondus. Trois autres rapports (en francais) et leurs syntheses respectives fournissent les resultats detailles pour chacun des secteurs etudiesOriginal Title
Marches et emplois concourant a la transition energetique dans les secteurs des energies renouvelables et de recuperation, des transports terrestres et du batiment residentiel - Synthese generale, Septembre 2022. Marches et emplois concourant a la transition energetique dans le secteur des energies renouvelables et de recuperation; Marches et emplois concourant a la transition energetique dans le secteur des transports terrestres; Marches et emplois concourant a la transition energetique dans le secteur du batiment residentiel; Situation 2018-2020; Estimation preliminaire 2021; Objectifs 2023 - Rapport final + Synthese sectorielle, Septembre 2022
Primary Subject
Sep 2022; 476 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Appert, Olivier; Perot, Olivier; Rouilleault, Delphine; Marchal, David; Mefflet Piperel, Matthieu; Tremeac, Yann; Lafon, Madeleine; Boudier, Marc; Teter, Jacob); Pierre, Helene; Tiegna, Huguette; Allouche, Jordan; Oliva, Patrick; Castelli, Marie; Aulagne, Bernard; Edwige, Catherine; Jamme, Dominique; Lastelle, Jean-Laurent; Fritzinger, Olivia; Morin, Matthieu; Delaroche, Anne; Paillard, Aurelien; Gonand, Frederic; Maisonneuve, Cecile; Hoffer, Alexandre; Cuisiner, Edmee; Latapy, Jean; Blondel, Matthieu; Germain, Pierre; Bouchard, Julian; Bussieras, Marc; Galland, Jean Baptiste; Sejourne, Jean-Baptiste; Facon, Jean; Daly, Benoit; Auverlot, Dominique; Mora, Arnaud; Singly, Bertrand de; Bel, Veronique; Poutiers, Charles; Madiec, Philippe; Rousseau, Vincent; Kalaydjian, Francois; Mathieu, Carole; Marignac, Yves; Roesner, Sven; Girard, Catherine; Leclere, Nicolas; Von Pechmann, Felix; Jaureguy-Naudin, Maite; Veyrenc, Thomas; Paquin, Nicolas; Lettry, Marion; Schnell, Benoit; Aoun, Marie-claire; Woringer, Mathilde; Vuillet, Celine; Manuelli, Pascal; Carbonel, Antoine; Siess, Damien; Osmont, Robin; Chauvet, Christophe; Imbault, Raphaelle
Commission de regulation de l'energie - CRE, Comite de prospective, 15 rue Pasquier, 75379 Paris Cedex 08 (France)2018
Commission de regulation de l'energie - CRE, Comite de prospective, 15 rue Pasquier, 75379 Paris Cedex 08 (France)2018
[en] Based on a series of meetings of experts belonging to different fields, this report first outlines that the energy mix of the transport sector is to deeply evolve in the present context: it still displays an 'all oil' characteristic, but several aspects are acknowledged as requiring a new deal (environmental issue, an always more constraining regulatory framework, an increased political mobilisation of actors about local pollutions, technological advances which make evolutions possible for the transport sector), and uncertainties still remain (about the behaviour of economic actors, about the future of the autonomous vehicle, about the high inertia of the energy system). The second part addresses the issue of gas and bio-fuels as alternate fuels for cleaner road, maritime and air transports for goods. The third part shows that electric power should have a prevailing but non exclusive role in person transport: electric power for person and good transport on short distances, gas and bio-fuels as complements
Original Title
L'impact du developpement des mobilites propres sur le mix energetique. Groupe de travail 1 'bouquet energetique'
Primary Subject
Jul 2018; 48 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue