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[en] In this paper we describe the main topics about the architecture of the best known 32-bit CISC microprocessors; i80386, MC68000 family, NS32000 series and Z80000. We focus on the high level languages support, operating system design facilities, memory management, techniques to speed up the overall performance and program debugging facilities. (Author)
Original Title
Arquitectura de los microprocesadores ICSC de 32 bits
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Journal Article
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Biau, A.; Valero, M.; Dubuquoy, E.; Crescini, D.
6th European ALARA Network Workshop. Occupational Exposure Optimisation in the Medical Field and Radiopharmaceutical Industry. madrid, October 23-25, 20022002
6th European ALARA Network Workshop. Occupational Exposure Optimisation in the Medical Field and Radiopharmaceutical Industry. madrid, October 23-25, 20022002
[en] Among the 260000 workers surveyed by individual monitoring dosimetry in France, about 140000 work in medical field, in Radiodiagnostic. Radiotherapy or Nuclear Medicine. For the twenty last years the global exposure of these workers has decreased continuously like the number of doses over the regular limits of 50 millisieverts per year or even 20 millisieverts which will be included in the new regulations according to the European Directive 96/29 of 13 may 1996. To reinforce this evolution to lower exposures (ALARA) the french regulations have been completed in 1998 and 1999. These new regular prescriptions consist essentially in. - possibility of using another system of passive dosimetry than firm dosimeter (TLD, OSL, RPL...) - obligation of active dosimeter (real time reading) associated with the passive dosimeter for the workers affected in controlled area. - gathering of all the dosimetric results on a data base called SISERI accessible by computer only to the health physicians and the competent person specially authorized. This work is showing from statistical data on the levels of exposure in medical field: - which are the working conditions for which the two system of dosimetry are really necessary - how to delimit the controlled area on realistic basic rather than theoretical assumptions - how the data base SISERI is actually functioning and how it will evaluate from now to 2003. Finally, we propose a schedule to define the different forms of survey for internal and external risks of exposure and to select the best type of monitoring according to the working conditions. (Author)
Primary Subject
244 p; 2002; p. 204; Editorial CIEMAT; Madrid (Spain)
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Benkert, J.; Mika, C.; Stegemann, D.; Valero, M.
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Kerntechnik1978
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Kerntechnik1978
[en] Departing from the conservation theorems for mass and impulse the computer code DRUWE has been developed which allows to calculate loads on the core shell with simplifying assumptions for the first period just after the rupture has opened. It can be supposed that the whole rupture cross section is set free within 15 msec. The calculation progresses in a way that for a core shell the local, timely pressure- and load development, respectively, the total dynamic load as well as the moments acting on the fixing of the core shell, can be calculated. The required input data are merely geometric data on the concept of the pressure vessel and its components as well as the effective subcooling of the fluid. By means of some parameters the programm development can be controlled in a way that the results are available in form of listings or diagrams, respectively, as well as in form of card decks for following investigations, e.g. solidity calculations. (orig./RW)
Ausgehend von den Erhaltungssaetzen fuer Masse und Impuls, wurde das Rechenprogramm DRUWE entwickelt, das es erlaubt, Belastungen auf den Kernmantel unter vereinfachenden Annahmen fuer den ersten Zeitraum kurz nach der Bruchoeffnung zu berechnen. Fuer die Freisetzung des gesamten Bruchquerschnitts kann ein Zeitraum von 15 msec angenommen werden. Der Berechnungsgang ist so aufgebaut, dass fuer einen Kernmantel die lokalen, zeitlichen Druck- bzw. Kraftverlaeufe, die Gesamtbelastung sowie die auf die Einspannung des Kernmantels wirkenden Momente berechnet werden koennen. Als Eingabedaten sind lediglich geometrische Angaben ueber den Aufbau des Druckbehaelters und seiner Einbauten sowie die wirksame Unterkuehlung des Fluids notwendig. Ueber einige Parameter kann der Programmablauf derart gesteuert werden, dass die Ergebnisse in Form von Listen bzw. Diagrammen und auch als Kartendeck fuer nachfolgende Untersuchungen, z.B. Festigkeitsrechnungen, zur Verfuegung stehen. (orig./RW)Original Title
Belastungen auf Einbauten in Reaktordruckbehaeltern durch Unterdruckwellen
Primary Subject
Feb 1978; 42 p; Available from Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik, Karlsruhe, Germany, F.R
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Benkert, J.; Mika, C.; Stegemann, D.; Valero, M.
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Kerntechnik1978
Hannover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Kerntechnik1978
[en] Starting from the conservation theorems for mass and impulses the code DRUWE has been developed enabling the calculation of dynamic loads of the reactor shell on the basis of simplified assumptions for the first period shortly after rupture. According to the RSK-guidelines it can be assumed that the whole weld size is opened within 15 msec. This time-dependent opening of the fractured plane can be taken into account in the computer program. The calculation is composed in a way that for a reactor shell devided into cross and angle sections the local, chronological pressure and strength curves, the total dynamic load as well as the moments acting on the fastenings of the reactor shell can be calculated. As input data only geometrical details concerning the concept of the pressure vessel and its components as well as the effective subcooling of the fluid are needed. By means of several parameters the program can be operated in a way that the results are available in form of listings or diagrams, respectively, but also as card pile for further examinations, e.g. strength analysis. (orig./RW)
Ausgehend von den Erhaltungssaetzen fuer Masse und Impuls, wurde das Rechenprogramm DRUWE entwickelt, das es erlaubt, Belastungen auf den Kernmantel unter vereinfachenden Annahmen fuer den ersten Zeitraum kurz nach der Bruchoeffnung zu berechnen. Gemaess den RSK-Leitlinien kann fuer die Freisetzung des gesamten Bruchquerschnitts ein Zeitraum von 15 msec angenommen werden. Diese zeitabhaengige Oeffnung der Bruchflaeche laesst sich im Programm beruecksichtigen. Der Berechnungsgang ist so aufgebaut, dass fuer einen durch Hoehen- und Winkelschnitte unterteilten Kernmantel die lokalen, zeitlichen Druck- bwz. Kraftverlaeufe, die Gesamtbelastung sowie die auf die Einspannung des Kernmantels wirkenden Momente berechnet werden koennen. Als Eingabedaten sind lediglich geometrische Angaben ueber den Aufbau des Druckbehaelters und seiner Einbauten sowie die wirksame Unterkuehlung des Fluids notwendig. Ueber einige Parameter kann der Programmablauf derart gesteuert werden, dass die Ergebnisse in Form von Listen bzw. Diagrammen und auch als Kartendeck fuer nachfolgende Untersuchungen, z.B. Festigkeitsrechnungen, zur Verfuegung stehen. (orig./RW)Original Title
Belastungen auf Einbauten in Reaktordruckbehaeltern durch Unterdruckwellen
Primary Subject
1978; 42 p; Available from Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik, Karlsruhe, Germany, F.R
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Marchal, C.; Valero, M.
Societe Francaise de Radioprotection - SFRP, B.P. 72, 92263 Fontenay-aux-Roses CEDEX (France)2009
Societe Francaise de Radioprotection - SFRP, B.P. 72, 92263 Fontenay-aux-Roses CEDEX (France)2009
[en] The authors outline that interventional radiology often requires long duration exposures of patients to ionizing radiations and thus stress that interventional radiology must be optimized to improve radioprotection of patients and operators. They notice that investigations performed by the ASN (the French Nuclear Safety Authority) on declared events revealed in some cases a lack of knowledge of devices by users, notably of functionalities allowing the applied doses to be controlled
Original Title
Expositions accidentelles en radiologie interventionnelle les lecons tirees par l'ASN
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
2009; 1 p; Interventional techniques in medicine and radioprotection; Les techniques interventionnelles en medecine et radioprotection; Paris (France); 13 Oct 2009; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS-NKM website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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[en] The objective is to give the means to determine by simple methods, the dose delivered during a radiological examination (conventional or numerical one). If the installation is not equipped with a device indicator of dose, a method of simplified calculation will be used to evaluate the dose at the patient, from parameters of exposure (kV, beam filtration, m As, diaphragm opening, focus-detector distance) and characteristics of the device. If the installation is equipped with a device giving the dose-surface product (P.D.S.) in tube exit, the exact meaning and the properties of this indicator will be explained. From this product will be explained how calculate the dose at the patient entry and the efficient dose. The dosimetry information concerned by the diagnosis reference level will be given. The dose-surface product is a risk indicator. (N.C.)
Original Title
Dosimetrie patient en radiologie classique
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
J.F.R. 2008: French days of radiology; JFR 2008; Paris (France); 24-28 Oct 2008
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] The characteristics of swept electron beams produced by Sagittaire (7-32 MeV) or Saturne (6-25 MeV)type accelerators were investigated by film dosimetry. Beam sections perpendicular to the beam limiting system (BLS) axis are fully described by Gaussian curves close to the centre of the field defined by the BLS, but they become more and more distorted as the elementary beam approaches the BLS. The swept area was also evaluated and was related to the magnitude of the current applied to the two orthogonal magnets of the sweeping system. (author)
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Stegemann, D.; Valero, M.
Annual meeting on nuclear technology 1980. Technical meeting: Shock wave propagation processes1980
Annual meeting on nuclear technology 1980. Technical meeting: Shock wave propagation processes1980
[en] Within the framework of safety analyses to examine the subsequent strengthening of KWL-type power stations, the stresses placed on reactor pressure vessel internals by depressurization waves in the case of a loss of coolant accident were investigated. Initiated by this assignment, advancements were also made in the computer calculation methods generally applicable in this complex of problems. (orig./DG)
Im Rahmen von Sicherheitsanalysen zur Untersuchung der nachtraeglichen Ertuechtigung des Kernkraftwerks Lingen (KWL) wurden die Belastungen von Reaktordruckbehaeltereinbauten durch Druckentlastungswellen bei einem Kuehlmittelverluststoerfall untersucht. Durch diese Aufgabe initiiert, wurden auch allgemein verwendbare Berechnungsmethoden fuer diesen Problemkreis weiterentwickelt. (orig./DG)Original Title
Belastungen von Reaktordruckbehaeltereinbauten durch Druckentlastungswellen bei einem Kuehlmittelverluststoerfall ohne strukturdynamische Kopplung
Primary Subject
Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (Germany, F.R.); 84 p; 1980; p. 1-12; Annual meeting on nuclear technology (Reactor conference '80); Berlin (Germany, F.R.); 25-27 Mar 1980
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Original Title
Schadenserkennung in Turbomaschinen mit Hilfe der Korrelationsanalyse; Description of the measuring method and experimental results from a low power axial condenser
Primary Subject
Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (Germany, F.R.); Kerntechnische Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn (Germany, F.R.); 900 p; 1983; p. 695-698; Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik; Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany, F.R.); Annual meeting on nuclear technology '83 - Reactor conference 1983; Berlin (Germany, F.R.); 14 - 16 Jun 1983; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A theoretical model is described to calculate forces and moments onto core barrels, guide tubes of control rods, grid plates etc. inside the reactor pressure vessel due to decompression waves propagating with sonic velocity from the fracture during loss-of-coolant accidents in light water reactors. Simplicity of the model, short computer times and sufficient accuracy were the boundary conditions for the development. Therefore, no fluid dynamic coupling with the structure is considered. The main equations of the model are given and explained. The results of parametric studies as well as comparison to decompression wave experiments and calculations with coupling are presented. (orig.)
Es wird ein Berechnungsmodell behandelt, um Kraefte und Momente auf Reaktordruckbehaeltereinbauten wie Kernmantel, Steuerstabfuehrungsrohre, Gitterplatten etc. zu berechnen, die aufgrund von Druckentlastungswellen auftreten, welche sich mit Schallgeschwindigkeit von der Bruchstelle beim Kuehlmittelverluststoerfall eines Leichtwasserreaktors ausbreiten. Die wesentlichen Gesichtspunkte bei der Modellentwicklung waren: Moeglichst einfaches Rechenverfahren, kurze Rechenzeiten, um durch Parameterstudien die Hoehe der Belastungen ohne zu grossen Aufwand ermitteln zu koennen, und ausreichende Genauigkeit. Strukturdynamische Kopplung wurde deshalb im Modell nicht beruecksichtigt. Die Hauptgleichungen des Modells werden erlaeutert. Die Ergebnisse von Parameterstudien sowie Vergleiche mit Experimenten und Berechnungen unter Einschluss der Kopplung werden beschrieben. (orig.)Original Title
Belastungen von Reaktordruckbehaeltereinbauten durch Druckentlastungswellen bei einem Kuehlmittelverluststoerfall ohne strukturdynamische Kopplung
Primary Subject
Annual meeting on nuclear technology (Reactor conference '80); Berlin, Germany, F.R; 25 - 27 Mar 1980
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Atomkernenergie Kerntechnik; v. 36(3); p. 227-231
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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