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Primary Subject
Mar 1974; 29 p; 8 figs.; 10 refs. With abstract.
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Gutbrod, F.; Weiss, U.
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (F.R. Germany)1974
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (F.R. Germany)1974
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Jun 1974; 39 p; 15 figs.; 26 refs. With abstract.
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[en] Rice plants were cultivated in a climatic chamber in vessels with 7-8 kg soil which was contaminated with 14C pentachlorophenol. The soil was flooded with water during the growth period. The test was carried out until the rice plants were ripe. All parts of the system (atmosphere, straw and ears, roots and stubble, infiltration water, soil and washing water from the roots) were then investigated for their 14C content. It could be seen that pentachlorophenol does not belong to the so-called 'persistant' environmental chemicals. After a period of vegetation, only about 1% of the initial substance is found in the plant/soil system. Besides the volatility of the initial substance and/or decomposition products into the atmosphere, a stepwise reductive dechlorination takes place in the soil and plants and finally the residues are bonded in a specific form to soil and plants. Residues can occur in the rice grains after soil treatment of rice cultures which also are largely bonded and cannot be chemically characterized. Its toxicological significance has not been thoroughly investigated. The question of the long-term consequences of the bonded residues still needs extensive research despite the favourable conclusion that can be drawn from this study on environmental behaviour of pentachlorophenol. (orig.)
Reispflanzen wurden in einer Klimakammer in Gefaessen mit 7-8 kg Boden, der mit 14C-Pentachlorphenol kontaminiert war, kultiviert. Waehrend der Wachstumszeit wurde der Boden mit Wasser geflutet. Der Versuch wurde bis zur Samenreife der Reispflanzen durchgefuehrt. Dann wurden alle Teile des Systems (Atmosphaere, Stroh und Aehren, Wurzeln und Stoppeln, Sickerwasser, Boden und Waschwasser von den Wurzeln) auf ihren 14C-Gehalt hin untersucht. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass Pentachlorphenol nicht zu den sog. 'persistenten' Umweltchemikalien gehoert. Nach einer Vegetationsperiode wird im System Pflanzen/Boden nur noch etwa 1% der Ausgangssubstanz gefunden. Neben der Verfluechtigung von Ausgangssubstanz und/oder Abbauprodukten in die Atmosphaere findet in Boden und Pflanzen eine schrittweise reduktive Dechlorierung und schliesslich Festlegung in Form boden- und pflanzengebundener Rueckstaende statt. In den Reiskoernern koennen nach Bodenbehandlung von Reiskulturen Rueckstaende auftreten, die ebenfalls zum groessten Teil gebunden und nicht chemisch charakterisierbar sind. Ueber ihre toxikologische Bedeutung kann nichts ausgesagt werden. Trotz der guenstigen Schlussfolgerung, die aus dieser Arbeit fuer das Umweltverhalten des Pentachlorphenols gezogen werden kann, bedarf die Frage nach den langfristigen Konsequenzen der gebundenen Rueckstaende noch weitergehender Forschungsarbeit. (orig.)Original Title
Bilanz der Verteilung und Umwandlung von Pentachlorphenol-14C in Reispflanzen und Boden
Primary Subject
Gesellschaft fuer Strahlen- und Umweltforschung m.b.H. Muenchen, Neuherberg (Germany, F.R.); 199 p; Mar 1981; p. 94-102; Colloquium 1980 of the GSF Institut fuer Oekologische Chemie; Neuherberg, Germany, F.R; 11 Nov 1980
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[en] The dynamics of a quantum particle tunneling through the barrier of an almost symmetric double-well potential is studied. The coherent quantum oscillations characteristic for isolated tunneling systems are shown to be strongly affected by the interaction with a heat bath environment. Attention is focused on the situation where the heat bath causes an Ohmic damping. This case is of potential relevance to the problem of macroscopic quantum coherence in SQUID rings. The range of parameters in which quantum coherence survives is determined and the time evolution of the occupation probabilities in the two wells is calculated
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] The nonlinear conductance for tunnelling through an impurity in a Luttinger liquid and the nonequilibrium Dc current noise are calculated exactly at low temperatures for arbitrary strength of the impurity potential. I present a pedestrian pathway towards the exact solution of the scaling function for the conductance at zero temperature which is based on analytic properties and on an exact duality between weak and strong backscattering. By the duality, the series expansion for the conductance in the perturbative regime of the one case is mapped term by term onto the asymptotic expansion of the other case. It is shown that the exact solution in the quantum regime at zero temperature can be constructed from the well-known classical solution by incorporating duality. Thus, the quantum fluctuations are fully determined by this particular symmetry. Further, It is shown that the prefactor of the leading thermal enhancement, which is T2, is universally given in terms of the conductance at zero temperature. Finally, the scaling function for the nonequilibrium DC current at T=0 and the leading thermal corrections are calculated. (author)
Mugnai, D.; Ranfagni, A. (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Ist. di Ricerca sulle Onde Elettromagnetiche, Firenze (Italy)); Schulman, L.S. (Clarkson Univ., New York, NY (United States)); International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy); 482 p; ISBN 981-02-2905-4; ; 1997; p. 134-148; Adriatico research conference on tunneling and its implications; Trieste (Italy); 30 Jul - 2 Aug 1996; 21 refs, 2 figs
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Physics. B; v. 90(1); p. 52-76
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[en] The influence of a dissipative environment on the thermodynamics and dynamics of the two-level system is studied within the path integral approach. Exact formal expressions are presented, e.g., for the free energy, static susceptibility and for the thermal equilibrium correlation function. The dynamics at short and intermediate times are reviewed and the algebraic long-time tails at zero temperature are investigated. Special attention is given to the region of very low temperatures, in which the system shows characteristic power laws for static and dynamic quantities. It is shown that the system has a universal Wilson ratio and a universal Shiba relation for a wide class of spectral densities, covering both the Ohmic and the super-Ohmic case. The corresponding factors are determined for arbitrary spectral density of the environmental coupling and for arbitrary coupling strength. (author). 20 refs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Cerdeira, H.A. (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP (Brazil)); Guinea Lopez, F. (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid (Spain). Inst. de Fisica del Estado Solido (CSIC)); Weiss, U. (Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik) (eds.); International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy); 297 p; ISBN 98-1-020629-1; ; 1991; p. 121-136; World Scientific; Singapore (Singapore); Adriatico research conference on quantum fluctuations in mesoscopic and macroscopic systems; Trieste (Italy); 3-6 Jul 1990
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
10 figs.; 47 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Zeitschrift fuer Physik; v. 265(1); p. 87-104
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Spring meeting of the committees nuclear physics and high energy physics of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft on particle physics; Wuppertal (Germany, F.R.); 28-30 Mar 1983; Published in summary form only.; CODEN: VDPEA.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft; ISSN 0420-0195; ; v. 18(6); p. 1189
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Weiss, U.; Gutbrod, F.
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (F.R. Germany)1975
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (F.R. Germany)1975
[en] We have calculated the rho-epsilon-γ form factors in the timelike region from simple loop diagrams. The results for the cross section e+e- → 2π+2π- depend crucially on the model for the pion form factor. If rho-epsilon-intermediate states are neglected there, the calculated cross sections fall much below the data. If these states are included and the existence of a rho'-meson is assumed, the data are explained correctly. (orig.)
Wir berechneten die rho-epsilon-γ-Formfaktoren im zeitartigen Bereich aus einfachen Schleifendiagrammen. Fuer die Ergebnisse des Wirkungsquerschnitts e+e- → 2π+2π- ist das Modell fuer den Pionenformfaktor entscheidend. Werden in diesem Modell rho-epsilon-Zwischenzustaende vernachlaessigt, so liegen die berechneten Wirkungsquerschnitte weit unterhalb der Daten. Durch Einbeziehung dieser Zustaende und der Annahme eines rho'-Mesons werden die Daten genau erklaert. (orig./AK)Primary Subject
Oct 1975; 20 p; 6 figs.; 17 refs.
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