Xiong Dunshi; He Shuyan; Liu Junjie; Yu Suyuan
Transactions of the 12. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMiRT). Volume F: Pressure components, design technologies and research for regulatory needs1993
Transactions of the 12. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMiRT). Volume F: Pressure components, design technologies and research for regulatory needs1993
[en] LTHR-200 is a low temperature district-heating reactor. It adopts double-shell design pressure vessel and metal containment. Because of the safety and structural features of the reactor, the in-service inspection of the pressure vessel can be simplified greatly. LTHR-200 is an integrated arrangement. Both its core components and the main heat exchangers are contained in the reactor pressure vessel. The coolant of the main loop is run by a full-power natural circulation and there need no main pumps and pipes. Thus, the reactor pressure vessel constitutes the pressure boundary of the reactor's main loop coolant. In regard to these features, a small-sized containment is designed for the reactor. The metal safety container with a small volume is placed closely around the reactor pressure vessel. Outside the metal containment, there is a large reinforced concrete construction for the reactor. Their main operation and design parameters are as follows: The pressure vessel: operation pressure = 2.4 MPa; design pressure = 3.0 MPa; design temperature = 250 deg C; 40 year fast neutron (E>1MeV) fluence in the belt-line region = < 10E16n/cm; internal diameter = 5000 mm; material SA516-70; shell thickness 65 mm; The metal containment: maximum operation pressure = 1.8 MPa; design pressure = 1.8 MPa; design temperature = 250 deg. C; upper internal diameter 7000 mm; lower internal diameter = 5600 mm; material = SA516-70; shell thickness, upper part = 80 mm; lower part = 50 mm. All penetrating pipes through the pressure vessel are located at the top penetration section of the shell. All the internal diameters of penetrating pipes are less than 50 mm. Inside and outside the metal containment wall respectively, isolating valves are connected to the reactor coolant pipe which passes through the containment. These two isolating valves use different driving methods. Every penetrating part of the reactor construction uses a proper form of structure according to safety requirements. (author)
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Kussmaul, K.F. (ed.); 312 p; ISBN 0-444-81515-5; ; 1993; p. 141-146; SMiRT 12: 12. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; Stuttgart (Germany); 15-20 Aug 1993; 8 refs, 1 fig., 3 tabs
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[en] The Design and analysis of the pressure vessel and containment were done according to correspending Chinese codes, standards and ASME code. The overall arangement and the structural features of both the pressure vessel and the containment are described. Their design, calculations, stress analysis and strength assessment are briefly explained as well
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Yu Suyuan; He Shuyan; Liu Junjie; Xiong Dunshi
Transactions of the 12. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMiRT). Volume F: Pressure components, design technologies and research for regulatory needs1993
Transactions of the 12. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMiRT). Volume F: Pressure components, design technologies and research for regulatory needs1993
[en] In this paper, the following two aspects are analyzed with thermal-elastic finite element method: - The stress intensity and deformation of some significant parts of LTHR-200 pressure vessel are calculated. - The influence of LTHR-200 pressure vessel structure on sealing behavior of main flanges is analyzed in the condition of start, shutdown and operation. (author)
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Kussmaul, K.F. (ed.); 312 p; ISBN 0-444-81515-5; ; 1993; p. 227-232; SMiRT 12: 12. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; Stuttgart (Germany); 15-20 Aug 1993; 5 refs, 6 figs
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[en] The results of tests on a 1/10 scale model PCRV in the elastic range, in the cracked condition and in the ultimate loading condition is presented. The linear and non-linear stress analyses and ultimate load assessment of the model are also presented. In the linear analysis, three-dimensional finite element methods with arbitrary arranging nodes were used, and in the non-linear analysis, three-dimensional (axisymmetric) finite element methods were used. The interaction of liner, prestressing cable, rebar and concrete solid were considered in both analyses. The ultimate load of the PCRV was calculated by using the yield line method. There was generally good agreement between the test results and theoretical predictions. (author)
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Journal Article
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping; ISSN 0308-0161; ; CODEN PRVPA; v. 23(1); p. 21-45
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