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Xu, Zheng-Wei
Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, 2 Avenue de la Foret de Haye, 54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (France)1984
Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, 2 Avenue de la Foret de Haye, 54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (France)1984
[en] This mainly experimental work concerns bubble and pocket flow regimes, the reference being the monophasic flow. The means of measurement at our disposal make it possible to have access to the distribution of vacuum rates, wall shear, as well as the pressure and the evolution of these quantities along the elbow, which makes it possible to deduce completely the effect of singularity on the flow. The first chapter briefly recalls the history of two-phase flow research, which was closely linked to the evolution of the different techniques until the World War II; the main flow configurations in straight pipe, vertical and horizontal, and in a vertical bend, are discussed. Then the author's observations in a horizontal elbow are reported and a qualitative analysis is formulated. Chapter 2 is dedicated to the description of the experimental set up, followed by description of the measuring techniques: polarographic method for determining wall shear, the optical probe for detecting the void ratio, and the membrane sensor system used for pressure measurement. Chapter 3 recalls the existing models in diphasic flow, followed by the results of the local vacuum rates obtained in the 7 sections of the elbow, from which the average vacuum rates are obtained for each section. The migration, dispersion and coalescence of the gaseous fraction at the passage of the elbow are observed. Chapter 4 gives the monophasic flow pressure distribution in a parallel section of the elbow; then, from the equation of motion using the Mori and Nakayama model, the theoretical solution of pressure distribution in that case is obtained. Then, an empirical expression representing the difference of relative pressure between the inside and the outside of the elbow in diphasic flow is proposed; finally, the pressure loss due to the elbow in two-phase flow, is measured, which also gives rise to an empirical formulation. The fifth chapter is devoted to the study of parietal velocity gradients. the experimental results in monophasic flow are compared with the existing formula to calculate the pressure loss by friction. In two-phase flow,the wall shear is characterized at each point. In the pocket regime, it has been possible to distinguish the respective contributions of the film which are formed to the passage of the pockets and the stopper. In the last chapter, using a number of hypotheses related to the need for interpolation of experimental data and the use of flow models, the balance of movement in mono and diphasic flow in an elbow are checked
Notre travail essentiellement experimental, concerne les regimes a bulles et a poches, la reference etant l'ecoulement monophasique. Les moyens de mesure a notre disposition permettent d'avoir acces a la repartition des taux de vide, du cisaillement en paroi, ainsi que de la pression et a l'evolution de ces grandeurs le long du coude, ce qui permet de deduire completement l'effet de la singularite sur l'ecoulement. Dans le premier chapitre, nous rappelons brievement l'historique des recherches en ecoulement diphasique, tres lie jusqu'a la deuxieme guerre a l'evolution des differentes techniques; nous evoquons les principales configurations d'ecoulement en conduite droite, verticale et horizontale, et dans un coude vertical. Ensuite, nous rapportons notre propre observation dans un coude horizontal et nous formulons une analyse qualitative. Enfin, nous presentons sous forme de carte, le domaine de nos investigations. Le deuxieme chapitre est consacre a la description du montage experimental concu par nos soins et dont nous avons suivi la realisation. Nous decrivons ensuite les techniques de mesure, la methode polarographique pour determiner le cisaillement en paroi, le principe de la sonde optique pour detecter le taux de vide, et le systeme du capteur a membrane utilise pour la mesure de pression. Dans le troisieme chapitre, nous rappelons d'abord les modeles existants en ecoulement diphasique. Nous donnons ensuite les resultats relatifs aux taux de vide local obtenu dans les 7 sections du coude, a partir desquels nous obtenons les taux de vide moyens pour chaque section. Nous pouvons observer la migration, la dispersion et la coalescence de la fraction gazeuse au passage du coude. Dans le quatrieme chapitre, nous donnons d'abord la distribution de pression en ecoulement monophasique dans une section du coude parallelement, a partir de l'equation du mouvement utilisant le modele de Mori et Nakayama, nous obtenons la solution theorique de repartition de pression dans ce cas. Dans la deuxieme partie de ce chapitre, nous proposons une expression empirique representant la difference de pression relative entre l'interieur et l'exterieur du coude en ecoulement diphasique. Enfin, nous mesurons la perte de pression due au coude en ecoulement diphasique, qui donne egalement lieu a une formulation empirique. Le cinquieme chapitre est consacre a l'etude des gradients parietaux de vitesse. Nous comparons les resultats experimentaux en ecoulement monophasique avec la formule existante pour calculer la perte de pression par frottement. En ecoulement diphasique. Nous caracterisons le cisaillement en paroi en chaque point: s'agissant des valeurs moyennes et de l'analyse statistique et frequentielle de ses fluctuations. En regime a poches, nous sommes parvenu a distinguer les contributions respectives du film qui se forment au passage des poches et du bouchon. Dans le dernier chapitre, utilisant un certain nombre d'hypotheses liees a la necessite d'interpolation des donnees experimentales et a l'usage de modeles d'ecoulement. Nous verifions le bilan de quantite de mouvement en ecoulement mono et diphasique dans un coude, Les principales contributions de notre etude sont rassemblees dans la conclusion du memoireOriginal Title
Etude de l'ecoulement diphasique gaz-liquide en conduite courbe horizontale: regimes a bulles et a poches
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20 Apr 1984; 259 p; 72 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS-NKM website for current contact and E-mail addresses:; Also available from Bibliotheques Universitaires, Sciences, 2 Avenue de la Foret de Haye, 54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (France); Mecanique
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Qin-Wen, ZHANG; Dao-yi, XU; Zheng, YAN.
Global catastrophes in earth history: An interdisciplinary conference on impacts, volcanism, and mass mortality1988
Global catastrophes in earth history: An interdisciplinary conference on impacts, volcanism, and mass mortality1988
[en] The tektites in China are distributed on the north part of Australia - Southeastern Asia strewfield of tektite: Leizhou Peninsula of Guangdong Province and Hainan Island, and located exactly at the boundary between Zanjiang Formation and Beihai Formation. A new hypothesis is suggested: During the end of Lower Pleistocene, a comet of special components from the outer part of the Solar System approached the Earth, and then it was captured by the Earth, when it came approximately to the Roche's limit. It was crushed into countless fragments, detritus and dusts, which rotated around the Earth, probably far above the Earth's atmosphere, as a cloud ring. Under the action of crushing energy they could be in the situation of liquid-melt drop in the almost vacuum circumstances and the flow and bubble structure were formed. During their rotation the climate became anomalous and the violet Fe-Si concentration were formed on the surface of sediments. After a rather short time of rotation the unstable ring was broken and the fragments impacted on the hard ground instantaneously
Primary Subject
Lunar and Planetary Inst., Houston, TX (USA); 238 p; 1988; p. 225-226; Global catastrophes conference; Snowbird, UT (USA); 20-23 Oct 1988; NASA-CR--183329; NAS--1.26:183329; LPI-CONTRIB--673; CONF-8810341--; Available from NTIS, PC A11/MF A01
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[en] ZnS nanoparticles about 3 nm in size were prepared by a simple, rapid and reliable route under microwave irradiation in a heterogeneous system, using ZnAc2·2H2O (Ac-CH3COO) and Na2S·9H2O as the starting materials, ethylene glycol (EG) as the medium. The product was characterized with X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and ED, respectively. The optical properties of ZnS nanoparticles were studied
Primary Subject
S0025540804001576; Copyright (c) 2004 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] KZnF3:Er3+,Yb3+ was prepared by hydrothermal synthesis. For all samples (ErYb0-ErYb4), Er3+ concentration was fixed at 0.5 mol.%. Yb3+ concentration was changed from 0 to 4 mol.%. We observed upconversion luminescence at 653 and 553 nm (525 nm) when the samples were excited by 980 nm light. All samples were annealed at 400 deg. C under vacuum of 10-5 Torr for 1 h. The upconversion intensity that was measured in the same condition changed when the sample was annealed. The upconversion mechanism of annealed samples is a two-photon process
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S0925838803006789; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] In this paper, YLiF4 codoped with Tm3+ and Yb3+ ions was synthesized by hydrothermal method. Yb3+ concentration is fixed at 1.5%, and Tm3+ concentration is changed from 0.1 to 0.4%. Intense upconversion luminescence is observed when the samples are excited by 980 nm. The dependence of upconversion luminescence on Tm3+ concentrations is presented. The results show that upconversion luminescence increases with the Tm+ concentration and gets its peak at 0.3 mol%. Under the excitation of 980 nm, the blue emission of 479 nm and the red emission of 647 nm are both duo to two photons process, and the UV emission of 361 nm is attributed to the three photons process. We also analyse the upconversion mechanism and process
Primary Subject
S0254058404001361; Copyright (c) 2004 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] We have observed a novel kind of luminescence due to direct bombardment by electrons accelerated in a semiconducting thin film adjacent to the phosphor layer. We call this emission solid-state cathodoluminescence because the physical process is similar to cathodoluminescence except that the electrons are accelerated in a solid instead of in vacuum. This phenomenon is also not ordinary electroluminescence. It can be observed not only in semiconductors but also in insulators. In this paper we introduce two different kinds of proof of this phenomenon
S0921452603011554; Copyright (c) 2004 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Large area aluminium nitride (AlN) films were synthesized by ion-beam-enhanced deposition (IBED) method. Characterizations of the films revealed that the quality of the films strongly depends on the evaporation rate of Al. The best quality was obtained with the evaporation rate of Al at 0.5 Angst/s, and the film has excellent dielectric property and a smoother surface with roughness RMS values of 0.13 nm, and could be bonded directly with a hydrogen-implanted wafer at room temperature. Consequently, a novel silicon-on-insulator structure with AlN as insulating layer has been formed by the Smart-Cut process
S0921452602013182; Copyright (c) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Chen Xiaohong; Xu Zheng; Hou Yanbin; Liu Shuman; Teng Feng; Xu Xurong
Institute of Optoelectronic Technology, Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044 (China); Lab of Information Storage, Displays and Materials, Beijing 100044 (China)2003
Institute of Optoelectronic Technology, Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044 (China); Lab of Information Storage, Displays and Materials, Beijing 100044 (China)2003
[en] The poly(N-vinylcarbozole) (PVK)/tris(8-hydroxy-quinoline) aluminium (Alq3) blend thin films that exhibit asynchronism or simultaneity of transient electroluminescence (EL) onset of PVK and Alq3 under pulsed voltage, depending on the relative composition concentration or the extent of phase separation of blends, have been investigated. The resultant mobility of Alq3 rich regions of blends (doped with Alq3 concentration of several per cent, such as 2 wt% Alq3 and 1.0 wt% Alq3 with heat treatment) is larger than that of PVK rich regions of the same blends due to the percolation path formed by Alq3 when the doping concentration or the phase separation of blends is high enough. When the hopping rate of carriers from PVK to PVK sites is equivalent to or larger than that of Alq3 molecules, such as doping concentration of 0.2 and 1 wt% of Alq3 without heat treatment, the resultant mobility of blends is determined by PVK and their luminescence is synchronous. Transient EL is an effective method for the detection of spatial distribution variation of the product of mobility and electric field of blends in a range of doping concentrations depending on the different orders of luminescence of dopants and host
S0022-3727(03)59985-5; Available online at or at the Web site for the Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (ISSN 1361-6463); Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] International and domestic status of weather sampling technology is introduced. The hourly data of wind velocity, wind direction, atmospheric stability and precipitation at Tianwan (two years), Qinshan (one year and three years) and Huian (one year) nuclear power plant sites are statistically analyzed. In the same time, the suitability of weather sampling criterion of the U.S. MACCS program in China is also analysed. Based on the above factors, 5 candidates of weather sampling criterion suitable for the meteorological feature of China's coastal nuclear power plant are proposed. (authors)
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12 tabs., 4 refs.
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Journal Article
Radiation Protection Bulletin; ISSN 1004-6356; ; v. 24(2); p. 1-7
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[en] This paper introduces a new kind of technology of detection, technology of NQR detection. The paper summarizes the principle, application and history of NQR detection. Then introduces detailedly the principle of NQR detection through nuclear quadrature, nuclear quadrupole energy level and NQR. Considering the wide application of NQR of 14N, the paper gives the system of the technology of 14N, NQR and the function of the parts. And the result of the detection is shown in the end
Original Title
The NQR stands for Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance
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Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology; ISSN 0258-0934; ; v. 23(6); p. 604-608
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